1、内部培训师评估报告内部培训师评估报告培训培训师课程已经TRACC许可的工厂:评估者姓名:Priscilla Spli nter学习者姓名: Wu Xia ngli n日期:4 April 2006学习班列表:TRACC基础班:介绍世界一流制造企业、团队建设、VPM5S、集中改进、团队交流已培训单兀:沟通技巧已认可尚未认可第15页整体评价:Dear WU,Con gratulati ons and well done on a very good delivery of the Communi cati on Skills Workshop. You were well prepared, yo
2、u un derstood the content and you prese nted it in an en ergetic and con fide nt manner.You met the sta ndard set by the previous prese nters. Thank you for the time spent on your preparation. It resulted into a good and well organsied workshop.All the best with the training of the teams. I know you
3、 will make a great success of it.RegardsPriscilla Spli nter祝贺你在演示中之精彩表演。你之充分准备及了解内容.而你之演示是有能量及信心.你能达到前面演示者已概定之标准.感谢你之准备工作.令演示成果是好 及有条理.祝愿将来主持培训时成功及顺利。RegardsPriscilla Spli nter评估表1. 准备与介绍设备(OHP、活动挂图和纸张)安排、摆放妥当,所有学 习者均可看到。培训师准备了提示、OHT、讲义及相关学习练习。培训师准备充分,并熟悉学习班的流程和内容。学习者解释学习成果,并通晓课程规划图。已开发、认同(或参考)行为守则。
4、 You in troduced your workshop by telli ng a story to illustrate how the in correct in terpretati on of a message could have detrime ntal results. This was very appropriate and it highlighted the n eed for effective com muni cati on.你用故事来介绍此课程来说明不正确之沟通是可带来毁灭性之结果.非常欣赏能突出有效沟通之重要性 You discussed the cou
5、rse map and lear ning outcomes upfront. Well don e! Thisgave the delegates and overview of what they will lear n duri ng the workshop.你讨论了课程规划图及学习成果.非常好!这令学员了解在此课堂将可学习之内容 Thank you for facilitati ng the Code of Con duct. It set a guideli ne for how people should behave duri ng the workshop.感谢你准备课堂守则
6、.此订了课堂中各人行为上应守之规则* You were well prepared. You had everythi ng you n eeded to con duct the trai ning readily available. You prepared extra slides. Well don e!你准备充分.你演时必须之物料也准备好.你亦准备了额外之投影片.非常好!+ You gave delegates an opport un ity to in troduce themselves. This also helped to break the ice. Well don
7、 e!你给予学员介绍自己.这有助破冰.非常好!You were well orga ni sed duri ng your prese ntati on. You had a place for everythi ng and everything was in its place. You had pre-prepared the model for the learning exercise ahead of time. Well don e!你之演示有条理.你准备好一切所需及一切已安排好.你亦已准备好练习用之模型. 非常好.2. 主持会议培训师控制并指导讨论,以达到学习目标。培训师了解学
8、习班内容,并可清晰地表达观点。说明清楚,代表知晓所应从事的事情。培训师在适当的时间间隔,进行概括和扼要重述。培训师保持适合学习者要求的速度和进度。培训师时间管理妥当。培训师可说出学习者的姓名。培训师尊重学习者学习过程中的知识和经验。培训师即时调整和客户化学习内容,最大限度地符合学习者的 学习过程。培训师引用代表工作场所相关的实例。如果他/她不知道所有答案,培训师很咼兴接受这样的事实。培训师采用轻松、自然的方法。 You un derstood the content well and you expla ined it clearly.你了解内容及解释清楚 You used many work
9、 related and life examples to expla in the content. This made the workshop in teresti ng and work related.你举了实例来解释内容.令课程有趣味及与工作相连 You followed the facilitator guide in a meticulous manner. Well done! This helped you to prese nt the workshop in a logical manner and the content flowed smoothly form on
10、e topic to the n ext.你有精确地按培训师指引进行.非常好!这令你之演示更顺畅及有高逻辑性. You prese nted the workshop in an en ergetic manner. It made your workshop lively and kept delegates awake and in terested. Well don e!你之演示有力量.令更生动而可吸引学员. You referred to the content that was covered before the smoke break . Whe n you recap the
11、 key lear ning points of the workshop, you have to ask specific questi ons to check delegates un dersta nding and what they can remember of the c ontent. Do not just refer to the n ames of the topics.在小休前后也有回顾内容.紧记回顾时可用提问之方式但要问一些针对性之问题来验 证学员对内容之了解度及记忆力.不要只回顾主题名称* You were frie ndly and you prese nte
12、d the workshop in an in formal. Well don e! Thiscreated a relaxed en vir onment where delegates felt free to con tribute their ideas.你很友善及令课堂气氛非正式.非常好!这营造了轻松之气氛让学员更感自在而更愿 意分享.3. 提问与参与培训师采用恰当的提问技巧(开放式、闭合式、探讨式及 引导式),鼓励代表参与和讨论。培训师给予学习者适当的鼓励和赞扬。培训师从不会告知学习者?的回答“错误”,而是帮助个 人或小组找到正确的答案。培训师倾听代表们的反应,并与授课相结合。采
13、用集思广益的技巧鼓励参与。组成两人或多人小组,探寻观点、实例或解决方案。引导不擅参与的代表进行参与。* You prese nted your workshop in a participative manner. You asked many questi ons and you created more opport un ities for group work. Well don e! This en couraged delegates to share their opinion, thinking and work experienee willingly.你之演示的参与性强.你
14、有很多提问而营造更多小组工作之机会.非常好!你鼓励学员自愿地分享意见,想法及工作经验.* You prese nted the workshop in a frie ndly and in formal mann er. This created a relaxed tra ining en vir onment which further en couraged participati on and in volveme nt from the delegates.你演示是友善及非止式.令气氛轻松而更鼓励到学员之参与* You tha nked the delegates for their
15、 in put and participati on. This further en couraged participati on你有赞赏学员之参与.此更鼓励他们参与4. 设备使用4.1高架投影仪培训师在更换幻灯片时关闭投影仪。必要时,培训师在OHP上使用钢笔作为指示器。培训师在屏幕上使用已书与的内谷,作为提示。(他/她不是照本宣科)。培训师使用投影仪时,并未减少对小组成员的关注。使用投影仪时,培训师未遮挡屏幕。 You operated the projector well.你能有效地操作投影机。* You made additional slides which was good. I
16、t helped you as a facilitator and it reduced the pressure of hav ing to remember a lot of lear ning poin ts. Well don e! This was more evidenee of how much time you spent on your preparation.你额外加入投影是非常好.有助你主持培训及减少要强记内容之压力.非常好!这证 明你之准备是非常充分及已用了很多时间作准备.4.2 活动挂图活动挂图上的信息在10米处仍可清晰可见,每页内容保 持最少,必要时应富于创造和充满
17、色彩。培训师未站在活动挂图前方。适当时,在墙上展示完整的活动挂图。培训师在培训前于活动挂图上准备相关信息,以节省授课 期间的时间。培训师在活动挂图上书写时,并未减少对小组成员的关 注。* Your flipcharts were very neat, colourful. Your handwriting on it was big and bold. Well don e! It looked professi on al.你之大白纸很整洁及很多色彩你字体够大及有粗体.非常好及专业.* You ve preprepared your flipcharts with headi ngs of
18、questi ons. This saved a lot of time duri ng the workshop.你已预先准备好大白纸及写上有关之主题.这可节省课堂之时间.* Your han dwriti ng was very n eat and this added to the professi on al look of your flipcharts. Well don e!你字体齐整令你之大白纸更专业.非常好!5. 言语及非言语技能5.1言语技能培训师表达清晰,速度适当。培训师授课时面对小组学习者。培训师授课时语音抑扬顿挫。培训师避免使用令人不快的口头习惯,如“好吧”、“哦”等
19、。培训师避免使用晦涩的行话。培训师应使用学习者欣赏并与学习内容相关的幽默。* Your voice projecti on was loud, clear and en ergetic.你之声调够大,清晰及有力量* You prese nted the content in an en thusiastic way. This stimulated the in terest and in volveme nt of the delegates throughout your prese ntati on. Well don e!你之演示是有热忱.这激发学员之参与和兴趣.非常好!5.2非言语技
20、能培训师适时地走动、就座或站立。培训师应与小组成员们保持眼神交流。培训师不应使学习者不安或分神。培训师表达性地使用身体语言,强调要点。* You seemed n ervous in the begi nning but became more relaxed and con fide nt as your prese ntati on progressed and delegates became more resp on sive and in volved.你开始时好似紧张但在过程中已能轻松过来令学员变得更多反应及参与6. 学习与实用练习给予练习方法的清晰说明。仔细讲述练习,并结合学习成
21、果。练习应与工作场所相结合。培训师强调某些要点时重新引用练习。练习应达到主持人指导所概括的目的。* You gave clear in struct ions to in troduce the ice breaker but could have give n clearer and more detailed in struct ions for the 2 nd lear ning exercises. Delegates did not fully un dersta nd what they had to do in itially.你介绍破冰时有清楚指示但在第2个练习时可更清晰及详
22、细.起初时学员未能完全了解.* Follow the facilitator guide when you have to debrief the learning exercises. It will help you to debrief in detail. Also en sure that you link what was lear nt duri ng the lear ning exercise to the work place. This will highlight the releva nee of the exercise.解述练习时要按培训师之指引进行.追可助你详细
23、地解述.而且可确保你可将练习中 所学的内容与工作相连.这可突出练习之相关性* You made no tes of the resp on ses and the acti ons of the delegates duri ng the executi on of the lear ning exercises. Well don e! Use this duri ng your debrief as further lear ning opport un ities.练习时你有记下发生之事情及学员反.非常好!在解述时可用回所记之内容而加强学 习之机会.7. 活动广告牌练习与知识巩固使用关键
24、学习点检查学习者对学习班若干阶段内容的理解 程度。培训师重新引用学习成果,提问问题,确保达到学习的目 的。清晰解释活动广告牌练习,并讨论后续步骤。* As mentioned previously, when you recap the key learning points, you have to recap the important content points, not only referring the delegates to the names of the topics that were covered.如之前所述,当回顾学习重点时要讲得更详细不要只讲及主题名称* Remember to facilitate the activity board exercise whe n you facilitate the workshops to the
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