



1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑在商场的英语对话阅读|商场购物英语情景对话 学校英语对话教学要紧紧根据新课改的要求,结合同学的基础状况和教学目标,进一步强化和优化对话训练环节。我整理了在商场的英语对话,欢迎! 在商场的英语对话一 店员: can i help you? 需要帮忙吗? 客人: id like to buy some chinese cakes. 我想买些中式点心. 店员: we have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. do you like it? 我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗? 客人: fine. give me a c

2、ream birthday cake and two boxes of famous chinese cakes.and help me to pick a variety of them.please. 好的.给我一个奶油生日蛋糕和两盒出名的中式糕点.请帮我多选点品种. 店员: all right. for chinese style cakes.we have the cantonese style and the suzhou style. the skin of the cantonese style cakes is sweet.soft.puffy palatable and fi

3、lled with heavy stuffing. the famous cantonese cakes are moon cakes from guangdong. sha-pi-ma. 好的.中式糕点我们有糕点和苏州糕点.广式糕点的特点是甜.软.蓬松可口又许多馅儿.最出名的广式糕点是萨其玛.苏州糕点的皮酥馅儿全是坚果.我们不仅有甜的月饼.还有肉的月饼. 客人: well.will you wrap them up separately? 好的.你能给我分开装吗? 店员: certainly. any thing else? 当然.还需要点什么吗? 客人: nothing more. how

4、 much altogether? 没有了.一共多少钱? 店员: nineteen yuan and forty-five fen. 块4毛5. 客人: here are two ten-yuan notes. keep the change. 给你两张10块的.不用找了. 店员: for me?oh.no. we dont accept tips. but thank you all the same. 给我?哦.不.我们不收小费.不过还是感谢您. 客人: o. k. . good-bye. 好的.再见! 店员: good-bye. 再见. 在商场的英语对话二 clerk: may i he

5、lp you, maam? anna: yes, thank you. id like to buy a blouse. clerk: what colour are you looking for? anna: i need something to go with a brown skirt. clerk: heres a pretty green one. anna: but it has long sleeves. id like a short-sleeved blouse with a high neck, if you have one. clerk: we have this

6、one in yellow. what size do you take? anna: thirty-four. do you have that one in my size? clerk: yes, here it is. anna: how much is it? clerk: it costs 8 pounds. anna: oh, my. thats too expensive for me. do you have anything like it for less? clerk: im afraid not. anna: well, i think ill look around

7、 some more. but i may come back for this one. thank you. clerk: you are welcome. 在商场的英语对话三 a: that dress is too expensive. b: but its so pretty. a: yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. what about this one? its almost the same, but it costs half as much. b: its not the same. its completely different. a: its just a little shorter. b: i really like this one. a: well, its your money. you can spend it however you want. do you really think its pretty? b: yeah. its pretty. a: 这衣服真贵。 b: 但是很美丽呀。 a: 是很美丽,但要200美元噢。这个怎么样?款式几乎一样,但只要一半的价钱。 b: 这个不同,完全不同。 a: 只是短一些。 b: 我真的很喜爱这个。 a: 好吧,反正是你自己的钱。想怎么花就怎么花。你真的觉得


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