



1、Meeti ng your an cestors李仕才晨背话题写作Unit 5Meeti ng your an cestors【高考试一试】假设你是李华,请你以自己网上购书所遇到的不愉快经历,向中国某家英文报纸生活栏目写封抱怨信。要点如下:1.所购书中有破损、缺页现象; 2. 一些书籍价格比实体书店还要贵。 注意:1.词数 100 左右;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。Dear_Sir_or_Madam ,l_am_a_middle_school_stude nt._l_am_writi ng_to_express_my_dissatisfactio n

2、_an d_disappointment_about_the_unpleasant_experienee_when I bought some books from the Internet theother day.The reason for my dissatisfaction and disappointmentis that the books I bought onlinefell short of myexpectation.In the first place, they were poorly printed. In addition.some books are sligh

3、tly damaged and eve n some pages are miss ing. Whats worse, theprice of some books is even higher tha n that i n our local Xin hua Bookstores.To solve these problems, I am writing this letter to you, hoping that my letter willarouse the atte nti on of the public through this media. I amfully con fid

4、e nt that they will improve theirservice with the supervisi on of the public opinion.I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into considera _Yours sincerely,Li Hua话题单词1 primitiveadj.原始的2 civilizati onn.文明3 ancientadj.古代的4 dyn astyn.朝代5 historia nn.历史学家6 rui nsn.废墟7 racialadj.种族的28hardshipn.

5、苦难9ancestorn.祖先10 replacev.取代 话题短语 1cultural relics 文化遗产2in history 历史上3ignore the tradition忽视传统4historic relics历史遗产5cultural differences/gap文化差异6live on 继续存在7date back to/date from追溯到8have/possess a history of有 的历史9treasure every moment you have珍惜你拥有的每一刻10 cherish today 珍视今天【高考试一试】假如你是荣光中学的学生李华,你偶然

6、看到在你市求学的美国学生Tom 在网上发帖,要大家给他推荐一本学习汉语的书。 你手头正好有一本合适的书可以借给他。 请你给他发一封电子 邮件,要点如下:1. 说明写信原因; 2. 描述书的情况; 3. 约定见面时间和地点。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已 给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,I m Li Hua, a student of Rongguan g Middle School.【参考范文】Dear Tom,I m Li Hua, a student of Rongguang Middle School. I learne

7、d quite by chance that you needed abook to improve your Chinese. I happen to have one, which I think might help you.The book, entitled NewPractical Chinese, is intended for beginners at your level. Not only does itinclude the basic conversations in our daily life, it is also a window through which y

8、ou can get to knowChinese culture and customs. Edited by three language experts, it is widely used by many foreignlearners.3s meet at the entrance to Jiangnan Park at3 p.m. this Sunday. If not, try to find another time that is suitable for both ofus.Yours,Li Hua 话题佳句 1 We human beings have a common

9、ancestor.我们人类拥有一个共同的祖先。2Some records of ancient civilization were discovered recently. 最近发现了一些古代文明的纪录。3From ancient times our forefathers have laboured ,lived and multiplied on this land.自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。 佳作背诵 假如你是 Joe ,你的美国朋友 Chris 目前在北京学习汉语, 他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣。 本周五下午你校将要举办一个文化讲座, 请你根据以下提示给他写一封

10、电子邮件, 邀请他来参 加。1农业大学张教授讲解中国茶文化的历史和传播;2讲座后有交流和品茶活动;3你将陪同 Chris 并帮其翻译讲解。 佳作欣赏 Hi Chris ,Good news! There will be a lecture in our school this Friday afternoon.Professor Zhang fromUniversity of Agriculture will tell us about the history and spread of Chinese tea.This will be followedby a tea party and y

11、ou can taste different kindsof tea while chatting with teachers and students of our school.I wonder if you wantto participate in it.Dont worry about the language.I ll be with you and explainwhat you don t understand .If you do not have any prior appointment then , I amlooking forward to your coming.

12、Yours ,Joe【高考试一试】 假如你是红星中学高三一班李华,上周末你们班去了市儿童福利院进行献爱心活动。请If it isconven4根据以下内容要点,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。1. 活动过程:捐赠礼物、打扫卫生、互动交流( 做游戏、讲故事、表演节目等 ) ;2. 活动体会。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:儿童福利院 Welfare House for Children范文赏读:In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people,

13、especially amongyoungsters. Actually, an increasing number of people become volunteers in China every year.Last weekend, our class from Guang Hua Middle School went to the ChildrensWelfare Institute to offer love activities, such as giving children gifts, cleaning their rooms, playing gameswith them and so on. We were all tired but happy. What a meaningful morning we had today!As far as


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