



1、Sectionn Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空now that break out more tha n watch out block outget the hang of die out make up begi n.with cheer up1._ The speaker _ his speechhis self-introduction yesterday.答案 began;with2._Bill has a long holiday,he

2、can go abroad to have a trip.答案 Now that3._ You look sad.!Everythi ng will be all right soon.答案 Cheer up4._ That guy was adangerous person.You should _for him.答案 watch out5.Something unexpected always _in this area.答案 breaks out6._The heavysmoke from the big fire is rising into the sky, _ thesun lig

3、ht.答案 blocking out7.Scie ntists predict about two thousa nd species will probably _ in acen tury.答案 die out8._Press the butt on whe n the light goes on you will soon _ it. 答案 get the hang of9._ The farmers from villages about 15percent of the city s total populatio n.答案 make up10._ He isa good teach

4、er,but a close friend to us all.答案 more than二、同义句改写1.1have expla ined it three times,but he is too stupid to un dersta nd such a truth.I have explained it three times,but he is _he can t understandsuch a truth.答案 so stupid that2.S ince you have got such a good cha nce,you should make full use of it.

5、_you have got such a good cha nce,you should make full use of it.答案 Now that3.This week it is your tur n to do the housework.This week you do the housework_答案 in your turn4._ As we all kno w,smok ing doesharm to our health. As we all kno w,smoki ng _ our health.答案 is harmful to三、单句填空1. _ (float) lik

6、e a ball in the salty water of the Dead Sea is an un forgettableexperie nee.2. _(amaze) at his final seore,he decided to treat himself to a big dinner.3.1_ was lucky eno ugh (in vite) to such an importa nt party.4._ When we get closer to themoon,we shall feel its gravity _(pull) us,but it will not b

7、e asstro ng a pull as the earth s.5._ The only thi ng(physics) feel certa in is that this mystery mattermakes up 95% of the uni verse.6.1_ pulled (gen tle) at his arm,but it seemed as if he had forgotte n my existe nee.7._ With theweather beco ming hotter and hotter,we n eed curta ins to block _ the

8、sunshine.8.See ing we were all in low spirits,the teacher told a funny but movi ng story to cheer every one _at the begi nning of the class.答案 I.Floating2.Amazed 3.to be invited4.pulling5.physicists 6.ge ntly 7.out8.up四、阅读理解September 21,2050 At a press conference today it was announced that the firs

9、t tourist headingfor Mars will be the 38-year-old US bus in essma n Patrick Clifford.He will leave the earth in the launchingwindow of June 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in November,together with the other 6 astron auts assig ned for the missi on to further explore the pla net.Patrick

10、 has now two years of training ahead of him to get ready for the trip.Not only will he spe ndfive mon ths in gett ing to Mars,but ano ther 600 days there before he can go back home.Patrick was ofcourse very excited, This has been my dream since I was four,and seeing the first man on Mars 20 yearsago

11、 made me realize that it was possible. ”To be able to pay the $ 1.3 billion for his ticket for the trip Patrick sold his majority stake( 股 份)in thecompany his father had built . Iknow that my father would have been proud of me if he had still been alivetoday,he knew what this means to me ,says Patri

12、ck.There is no risk though that you will find Patrickbegging in your street corner when he comes back.but it is said that he was paid twice as much for hispart of the compa ny.So,how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet? Well,since I don t have a job whe nI get back after sell ing the

13、 compa ny,l have ple nty of time to come up with a new bus in ess idea,he saysand laughs .If he brings a shovel(铁锹)he can start build ing the first hotel there,but maybe he should n texpect too many guests un til some one can offer a cheaper ticket.I.How long will Patrick Clifford be away before he

14、comes back?A. About five mon ths.B. About two years.C. About 600 days.D. About 750 days.答案 D解析细节理解题。从第二段的句子Not only will he spe nd five mon ths in gett ing to Mars,butanother 600 days there before he can go back home.可知是 5 30+600=750。故选 D 项。2. The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means that _ .A. the

15、trip will turn Patrick into a beggarB. Patrick will get much money from the tripC. we needn t worry about Patrick s economic conditionD. it s likely that Patrick will be very poor after he comes back 答案 C解析推理判断题。这句话的意思是:回来后,你不会看见他乞讨的,说明不要担心他的经济状况。3. What can be in ferred from the passage?A. Patrick

16、is an optimistic man.B. A total of six people will go to Mars.C. Patrick s father felt excited at the news.D. Patrick will spend all his money on the trip.答案 A解析 推理判断题。从最后一段的句子“ .l.have ple nty of time to come up with a new bus in essidea ,he says and laughs 可知他是乐观的。五、七选五阅读理解If you are already makin

17、g the time to exercise,it is good indeed!With such busy lives,it can be hardto try and find the time to work out. 1Work ing out in the morning provides additi onalben efits bey ond being physically fit.Your productivity is improved.Exercis ing makes you more awake and ready to han dle whatever isahe

18、ad of you for the day. 2Your metabolism(新陈代谢 )gets a head start. 3 If you work out in the mornings,then you will begett ing the calorie( 卡路里)burning ben efits for the whole day ,not in your sleep.4 Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better tha n those whoexercised in the

19、eve nin g.Exercise en ergizes you,so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleepwhe n you are very excited.5 If you work out bright and early in the morning,you will be more likely to stick to healthy foodchoices throughout the day.Who would want to ruin their good workout by eat ing jun

20、k food?You will wantto continue to focus on positive choices.There are a lot of ben efits to work ing out,especially in the mornin gs.Set your alarm clock an hourearly and push yourself to work out!You will feel energized all day long.A. You will stick to your diet.B. Your quality of sleep improves.C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.D. There is no reas on you should


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