1、INCIDENT RATES事件比率Incident rates are an indication of how many incidents have occurred, or how severe they were. They are measurements only of past performance or lagging indicators. Incident rates are also only one of many items that can be used for measuring performance. There are many items that
2、should be used to measure performance, most of which are positivein nature; incident rates tend to be viewed as an indication of something that is wrongwith a safety system, rather than what is positive or right about the system. In spite of this, for many companies, incident rates remain the primar
3、y indicator of safety performance measurement. This is primarily because incident rates are fairly easy to figure out, and can be easily compared between one company and another, and are used throughout industry.事件比率表示事件发生的次数或事件的严重程度。事件比率只通过过往表现和滞后指标进行衡量。事件比率也是各个项目中唯一的一个可以用于衡量性能的比率。衡量性能应该使用各类项目,大多数都
4、是正面性质的,而事件比率趋向于被看作表示安全系统有错误的地方,而不是这个系统的积极或正确方面。除此之外,在大多公司,事件比率还是安全性能衡量的首要指标。这主要是因为事件比率容易断定,也可简单地用于公司之间的对比,并用于整个行业。The most difficult part about incident rates is that the five major types of rates are easily confused with one another. The most common rate used is the Recordable Incident Rate. This i
5、s commonly called either the “total case incident rate” or just the “incident rate”. The “Lost Time Case Rate” (LTC) is the second most commonly used. The “Lost Workday Rate” and “Severity Rate” are primarily used only in larger companies thathave a larger number of Lost Time Cases. The newest incid
6、ent rate type is called theDART or “Days Away/Restricted or Transfer Rate”.事件比率最难的部分是5个主要的比率类型之间容易相互混淆。最常用的比率是可记录的事件率,这个比率通常被称为“总体案件事件率”或简单称为“事件率”。其次常用的是“损失时间案件率”(LTC)。“损失工作日比率”和“严重率”主要用于有大量损失时间情况的较大型公司。最新的事件比率类型叫做DART “损失天数/限制日或工作转移率”。DEFINITIONS: 定义DART (Days Away/Restricted or Transfer Rate) A ma
7、thematical calculation thatdescribes the number of recordable injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees that resulted in days away from work, restricted work activity and/or job transfer that a company has experienced in any given time frame.DART “损失天数/限制日或工作转移比率”是一种数学计算方法,描述在给定的时间框架内,公司每10
8、0名全职员工可记录数量的受伤和疾病造成损失工作、受限制的工作活动和/或工作转移的比率。LOST TIME CASE Any occupational injury or illness which results in an employee being unable to work a full assigned work shift. (A fatality is not considered a LTC.) Lost time cases result when there are no reasonable circumstances under which the injured e
9、mployee could return to meaningful work. It is assumed that if an employee could work, even if it is not their normally assigned duties, alternate tasks that accommodate the restrictive nature of an injury would be assigned to the employee. In this situation, the days are recorded as RESTRICTED WORK
10、 DAYS, rather than Lost Work Days. (Note that working from home, on a computer or at other assigned tasks, is not considered restricted work activity unless the employee would normally perform this function from home as part of their assigned work. Situations like this would be considered lost work
11、days. The incident, if employees can report to their normal workplace, and they can be assigned and complete productive tasks to benefit the company, can be considered restricted work days, rather than lost work days.)损失时间案件率任何工伤或职业疾病造成员工不能工作一个完整的班次。(死亡不做LTC考虑。)损失事件案例导致受伤的员工没有合理的情况返回进行有意义的工作。人们认为,如果
12、员工可以工作,即使这个工作不是他日常指定的职责,带有伤害限制性质的替代任务将会分配给这名员工。在这种情况下,记录的天数为限制的工作日,而不是损失的工作日。(注意:在家里电脑上工作或担任其它指定的任务将不被视为限制的工作活动,除非这名员工在家工作通常就是其指定任务的一部分。像这样的情况将被视为损失的工作日。如果员工可以报道到他们正常的工作场所,也可以被指定并完成生产性任务让公司受益,这种事件可以被认为是限制的工作日,而不是损失的工作日。)LOST WORKDAY RATE a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost w
13、ork days per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.损失工作日比率一种数学计算方法,描述在给定的时间框架内每100名全职员工的损失工作日数量。LOST TIME CASE RATE a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost time cases per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.损失时间案件率一种数学计算方法,描述在给定的时间框架内每100名全职员工的损失时间案件数量。OCCU
14、PATIONAL INJURY Any injury (including a fatality) which results from a work-related incident or exposure involving a single incident. Examples are:工伤:与工作相关的事件或涉及到单个事件的风险造成的任何伤害(包括死亡)。例如:Thermal and chemical burns 热灼伤或化学烧伤Cuts, abrasions and punctures 割伤、擦伤和刺伤Fractures or crushing injuries 骨伤或挤压伤Resp
15、iratory irritations 呼吸系统刺激Instantaneous hearing loss 瞬间的听觉损失Amputations 截肢Sprains or strains 扭伤或拉伤Broken bones 断骨(骨折)OCCUPATION ILLNESS Any abnormal condition or disorder (other than an injury) that resulted from a work-related exposure to a biological, chemical or physical agent. These include both
16、 acute and chronic illnesses or diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion or direct contact. Some examples are:职业病因工作关系接触生物、化学或物理制剂造成的任何异常情况或混乱失调(不同于伤害)。这里包含可能因吸入、吸收、摄取或直接接触造成的急性和慢性疾病。一些示例如下:CATEGORY 类别EXAMPLES 示例Skin diseases皮肤病Dermatitis, eczema or rash that is caused by pla
17、nts, oil, acne, chromic ulcers, chemical contact,or inflammation.因植物、油、痤疮、含铬性溃疡、化学接触或炎症引起的皮炎、湿疹或疹子。Lung diseases肺疾病Silicosis, asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, or other similarDisorder矽肺、石棉肺、尘肺病或其它类似的症状。Respiratory Conditions呼吸道Pneumonitis, rhinitis or acutecongestion caused by work related exposures to c
18、hemicals, dusts, gases or fumes因工作接触化学品、粉剂、汽油或烟气引起的肺炎、鼻炎或急性充血。Poisoning中毒Exposure to lead, mercury,cadmium, arsenic or other heavy metals; inhalation of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide or other gases; exposure to benzene compounds, carbon tetrachloride,or other organic solvents; exposureto toxic l
19、evels of insecticide sprays; and exposure to other chemicals such as formaldehyde, plastics or other resins.接触铅、汞、镉、砷或其它的重金属,吸入一氧化碳、硫化氢或其它气体,接触苯混合物、四氯化碳或其它有机溶剂,接触毒性杀虫剂喷雾,接触其它的化学品例如甲醛、塑料或其它树脂类。Physical disorders身体障碍Heatstroke, sunstroke, heat exhaustion, freezing, frostbite andother environmental eff
20、ects;radiation exposure; and effectsform non-ionizing radiation sources such as welding flashes, UV rays, microwaves and sunburn受热、中暑、中暑虚脱、受冻、冻伤和其它环境影响,辐射照射、非电离辐射如弧光灼伤、UV射线、微波和晒伤。Repetitive Trauma重复性创伤Carpal Tunnel syndrome, synovitis, tendonitis and otherconditions related to repeated motion, vibra
21、tion or pressure; andnoise induced hearing loss.腕管综合征、滑膜炎、肌腱炎和其它与重复性运动、震动或压力相关的症状,以及噪音引起的听觉损失。Other其它Anthrax, infectious hepatitis, tumors, food poisoning, andgradual hearing loss炭疽、传染性肝炎、肿瘤、食物中毒、渐进性听觉损失。RECORDABLE INCIDENTS Recordable incidents include all work related deaths, illnesses, and injuri
22、es which result in a loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, permanent transfer to another job within the company, or that require some type of medical treatment or first-aid. Companies with 10 or more employees need to report their incident rates, types of incidents and lost/restricte
23、d work days to OSHA every year. Recordable incidents are incidents that resulted from an exposure or event in the workplace and that required some type of medical treatment or first-aid.可记录的事件可记录的事件包含所有与工作相关的死亡,疾病,伤害造成的意识丧失、工作或活动受限、公司内永久性的工作转岗、或者需要医疗或急救。拥有10名或以上数量的员工时,公司需要每年向OSHA报告事件率、事件类型和损失的/限制的工作
24、天数。可记录的事件表示因工作场所发生的事故需要一些类型的医疗和急救的事件。Incidents are not recordable if the employee has symptoms that merely surfaced while at work but were the result of a non-work related event or exposure. For example, a cold or an infection from a cut that was received at home is not recordable. Additionally, “ac
25、tivities of daily living” are not normally recordable. For example, a heart attack is generally not considered a recordable injury, unless it was caused by a singular event or exposure at work that caused the attack. For more information on what is and is not recordable, the OSHA website (http:/www.
26、/recordkeeping/index.html) has numerous resources that will guide a company through the recordability determination. The OSHA website also has forms and guidelines to assist a company in the proper reporting format.如果员工的症状只是在工作时出现,但原因是与工作无关的事件或风险,则这样的事件无需记录。例如:在家里引发的感冒或伤口引起的感染是不用记录的。此外,“日常生活
27、中的活动”通常也无需记录。例如:心脏病突发不被视为可记录的事件,除非是因为工作期间的异常事故或风险造成的心脏病突发。什么是可记录的什么是无需记录的风险请访问OSHA网站查看更多信息,指导公司做可记录性决定。OSHA网站还有表格和指南,为公司提供正确的报告格式。SEVERITY RATE a mathematical calculation that describes the number of lost days experienced as compared to the number of incidents experienced.事故严重率一种数学计算方法,说明:对比事故发生的数量,
28、造成的损失天数。TOTAL INCIDENT RATE a mathematical calculation that describes the number of recordable incident that a company experiences per 100 full-time employees in any given time frame.总事件率-一种数学计算方法,说明:一家公司在任何给定的时间框架内每100名全职员工的可记录的事故数量。WORK RELATED Work relationship is established with the injury or i
29、llness results from an event or exposure in the work environment. The work environment is normally considered the company premises, or another location where the employee is present as a condition of employment (i.e. a construction site, or customer location). Driving to or from work is not normally
30、 considered work-related, unless the company requires the employee to drive or be transported to a specific location for a specific business purpose. The following flowchart is a simplified version to assist companies in determining work- relationship.工作相关工作相关性通过工作环境中事件或风险造成的伤害或疾病建立。工作环境通常是公司场所或其它的员
31、工以雇佣关系出现的地点(即建筑工地或客户地点)。行驶到工作地点或从工作地点行驶回来通常不视为与工作相关,除非公司要求员工行驶或通过交通方式到达特定的地点,为了一个特定的业务目的。下面的简化版流程图帮助公司确定工作相关性。DETERMINING LOST WORK DAYS:确定损失的工作天数Once a decision has been made that an injury or illness should be considered as a Lost Time Case (LTC), the number of days charged to that case is the num
32、ber of days an employee lost work because of the incident. Days do NOT have to be consecutive. For example, if an employee breaks their leg on a Monday, and loses the rest of that day plus three additional days of work, then the employee comes back to work the following Friday and is given restricte
33、d or limited work tasks, and then loses another two days when their cast is removed, the total number of lost days would be five. The day the injury or illness occurred is not counted as a lost work day. For incidents that have lost time occurring over a longer period of time, weekends are counted a
34、s working days, and the number of lost days is capped at 180 days.当确定需要把伤害或疾病决定为损失事件案例(LTC)时,记入到这个案例的天数就是因为这个事件产生的员工损失工作天数。这个天数不需要是连续不断的。比如:一名员工在周一断了腿,这天剩下的损失时间加上另外三天内的工作天数,然后这名员工在周五过来上班,被分配了限制的或有限的工作任务,然后又损失了2天拆石膏的时间,则总损失天数为5天。受到伤害或生病的那天不计为损失工作天数。如果事故的损失时间超过很长一段期限,则周末也被计为工作天数。损失工作日的数量上限为180天。CALCUL
35、ATING RATES: 计算比率OSHA has established specific mathematic calculations that enable any company toreport their recordable incident rates, lost time rates and severity rates, so that they are comparable across any industry or group. The standard base rate of calculation is based on a rate of 200,000 l
36、abor hours. This number equates to 100 employees, who work 40 hours per week, and who work 50 weeks per year. Using this standardized base rate, any company can calculate their rate(s) and get a percentage per 100 employees.OSHA建立了具体的运算方法,可以让公司报告可记录的事件率、损失时间比率和严重率,这样在任何行业或群组内都可比较。计算的标准基础比率是以20万劳动小时数
37、为基础。这个数字等于100名员工每周工作40小时,每年工作50周的时间。使用这个标准化的基础比率,任何公司都可以计算自己的比率,并获得每100名员工的百分比。OSHA Recordable Incident Rate OSHA可记录的事件比率The OSHA Recordable Incident Rate (or Incident Rate) is calculated by multiplying thenumber of recordable cases by 200,000, and then dividing that number by the number of labor ho
38、urs at the company.OSHA可记录的事件比率(或事件率)的计算方法是可记录案件的数量乘以200,000,得出的数除以公司的劳动小时数。Number of OSHA Recordable Cases X 200,000IR = -Number of Employee labor hours worked OSHA可记录案件的数量x200,000事件率IR=- 员工工作的劳动小时数For example, a company has 17 full-time employees and 3 part-time employees that each work 20 hours p
39、er week. This equates to 28,400 labor hours each year. If the company experienced 2 recordable injuries, then the formula works like this:例如,公司拥有17名全职的员工和3名每周工作20小时的兼职员工。等于每年工作28400小时。如果公司发生了2起可记录的事件,则公式计算如下:2 x 200,000400,000IR = -28,400IR = -28,400IR = 14.08What is now known is that for every 100
40、employees, 14.08 employees have been involved in a recordable injury or illness.现在得知的就是每100名员工中,14.08人涉及到一起可记录的伤害或疾病中。Please note that smaller companies that experience recordable incidents will most likely have high incident rates, or the incident rates will fluctuate significantly from year to yea
41、r. This is because of the small number of employees (and hence the lower number of labor hours worked) at the company. Calculations are more meaningful at larger companies that have a higher labor hour count.请注意,公司人员越少,经历的可记录事件就很有可能有越高的事件率。或者每年的事件率会有显著的波动,这是因为公司的员工数量较少(工作的劳动小时数就越低)。这个公式运算对规模较大、劳动小时数
42、较高的公司更有意义。Lost Time Case Rate 损失事件案件率The Lost Time Case Rate (LTC) is a similar calculation, only it uses the number of cases that contained lost work days. The calculation is made by multiplying the number of incidents that were lost time cases by 200,000 and then dividing that by the employee labo
43、r hours at the company.损失事件案件率(LTC)的计算公式类似,只是这个比率运用的是包含损失工作天数的案件数量。运算为损失时间事件的数量乘以200000,然后除以公司的员工劳动小时数。Number of Lost Time Cases x 200,000LTC Rate = - Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked损失事件案例的数量x 200,000LTC Rate = - 员工工作的小时数Using the previous company example, assume that one of the two recordable
44、 cases had lost work days associated with the incident. The calculations would look like this:使用之前的公司案例,假设2个可记录的案件的其中一个因事件的关系损失了工作天数,计算方法如下:1 x 200,000200,000LTC Rate = -28,400LTC Rate = -28,400LTC Rate = 7.04What is now known is that for every 100 employees, 7.04 employees have suffered lost time b
45、ecause of a work related injury or illness.现在得知每100名员工中,7.04名员工因为工作相关的伤害或疾病损失了时间。Lost Work Day Rate (LWD)损失工作日比率The Lost Work Day rate is primarily used only at larger companies. This does not preclude a small business from using this calculation in their performance system,however. The LWD rate is
46、calculated by multiplying the total number of lost work days for the year by 200,000, then dividing that number by the number of employee labor hours at the company.损失的工作日比率主要用于较大规模公司。这也不排除小业务公司在他们的性能系统中使用这种运算方法,但是,LWD比率的运算方法是一年内总损失工作日数量乘以200000,然后除以公司的员工劳动小时数。Total Number of Lost Days x 200,000LWD
47、Rate = - Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked损失工作日总数 x 200,000LWD Rate = - 员工的劳动小时数Using the previous company example and the broken-leg example used earlier, there were 5 lost days due to the injury. The calculations would look like this:使用之前的公司和断腿的案例,这次伤害造成了5个损失工作日,运算方法如下:5 x 200,0001,000,000LWD
48、Rate = -28,400LWD Rate = -28,400LTC Rate = 35.21What is now known is that for every 100 employees, 35.21 days were lost from work due to work related injuries or illnesses.现在得知,每100名员工中,由于与工作相关的伤害或疾病,工作损失了35.21天。DART Rate (Days Away/Restricted or Job Transfer Rate)DART比率(损失天数/限制日或工作转移比率)The DART rat
49、e is relatively new to industry. This rate is calculated by adding up thenumber of incidents that had one or more Lost Days, one or more Restricted Days or that resulted in an employee transferring to a different job within the company, and multiplying that number by 200,000, then dividing that numb
50、er by the number of employee labor hours at the company.DART比率对工业行业来说相对较新。这个比率的运算方法为:拥有1天或多天损失天数的事故数量加上一天或多天限制日造成员工在公司内转到不同工作的事故数量,再乘以200000,然后除以公司的员工劳动小时数:Total Number of DART incidents x 200,000DART Rate = - Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked总DART事故数量 x 200,000DART Rate = - 员工的工作小时数Using the pr
51、evious company examples, assume that the second recordable incident resulted in limited or restricted work activity that necessitated a job transfer to a different position in the company. The first was a broken leg that had only lost time associated with it (no restriction or transfer). The calcula
52、tions would look like this:使用之前的公司为例,假设第二个可记录的事件造成有限的或限制的工作活动,使员工必须在公司内转移到不同的职位工作。第一个断腿的员工只损失了时间(没有限制或转移),则计算方法如下:2 x 200,000400,000DART Rate = -28,400DART Rate = -28,400DART Rate = 14.08What is now known is that for every 100 employees, 14.08 incidents resulted in lost or restricted days or job tra
53、nsfer due to work related injuries or illnesses.现在得知对每100名员工来说,因工作相关的伤害和疾病,14.08起事故造成损失天数或限制工作日或工作转移。Severity Rate 事故严重率The severity rate is a calculation that gives a company an average of the number of lost days per recordable incident. Please note, that very few companies use the severity rate as
54、 a calculation, as it only provides an average. The calculation is made by dividing the total number of lost work days by the total number of recordable incidents.严重率的运算方法可以让公司获得每个可记录事件损失天数的平均结果。请注意,极少数公司使用严重率来做计算,因为只能提供平均数据。运算公式为总损失工作天数除以总可记录事故数量。Total number lost work daysSR = - Total number of re
55、cordable incidents总损失工作天数SR = - 总可记录事故数量Again, using our previous company as an example, there were 5 lost work days and two recordable incidents. So, the severity rate calculation would look like this:再次使用上面的公司作为案例,有5天损失工作日和2个可记录的事件,所以严重率计算如下:5SR = -SR = 2.52What is now known is that for every reco
56、rdable incident at the company, an average of 2.5 days will be lost due to those work related injuries and illnesses.现在得知在这家公司发生的单个可记录事件,因工作相关的伤害和疾病平均损失2.5天工作日。Additional Assistance in calculating incident rates can be found on the OSHA website, in their Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Policies and Procedu
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