已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2019福建省高考英语口语考试备考材料 (附往年试题) 福建省普通高校招生英语统一 口试评分标准 口试成绩分“优、良、合格、不合格”四种。优:语音、语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停顿、连读、节奏等 方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。良:语音、语调比较准确,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停顿、连读、节奏等方面把 握较好,基本上能回答主考的问题。合格:语音、语调基本准确,虽有某些错音,但能模仿出正确读音,朗读较为流利,能 回答主考所提出的部分问题。不合格:口吃或有其他先天性发音障碍(即可评定为不合格),语音、语调差,且无法模 仿出正确的读音,朗读文段不流利,几乎回答不了主考所提

2、出的问题。英语口试有关事项一.口试时间、流程:口试成绩不计入总分,作为相关专业录取时做参考。外语口语考试时,每个口试考场配三名考官,口试试卷共六套(每半天一套),各套含三份题型相同、难度相近但内容不同的考题,由考生随机抽取一份作为口试题目。每个考生口 试总时间一般控制在3 5分钟。提早30分钟在口试预备室集中,随机抽签确定口试顺序。轮到你时,工作人员会带你到 口试考场。进入考场后主考会用英语要你出示证件( Show me your entrance examination card and ID card, please .这时你交出证件。然后主考会用英语要你在三份试卷中抽取一份(Please

3、 choose one of the three papers或简单的 choose one , please并在口试考场内预习 (控制在 分钟以内)后,按主考的提示开始第一部分的短文朗读。一般情况下,主考官不一定让你读 完整篇文章,大概读三分之一或三分之二就会用英语 Ok. Stop here, please!示意你停下。然后 进行第二部分的问题回答。二.口试题型及考查内容:第一部分:朗读短文(长名2 3段)这一部分要求考生朗读所给的文章,难度相当于高中阶段所学的相关英语课文。主要测 试考生的语音基础、意群停顿、自然流畅的连读、失去爆破等朗读技巧。重点考查考生的语 音和语调。(1)语音基础。

4、如果对英语国际音标中下列 4个元音的发音掌握得较好,则其他元音音素 的掌握也不会有大问题。这 4个元音是/i:/i/e/?/。如eat, big, egg, apple(2)意群和停顿。句子可按照意思和结构分为若干段,每段称为一个意群,英语中称为sense group。在朗读每篇短文前,你应找准意群。这样你可以在说话和朗读时,意群和意群之间可 稍作一定的停顿,也可以在此处换气,使意思表达更为清楚。(3)语调,主要有升调与降调两种。升调一般用于句首状语和一般疑问句,在一个完整句 子中各并列成分在最后一个并列成分前应用升调。如:I have three English bo0ksz two Chi

5、nesedictionaries/and five pens'.降调用在陈述句句尾和特殊疑问句中,尤其应注意的是一般疑 问句的回答。如:Do you have a map in your hand/?该疑问句的肯定回答: YesI do.这里 的Yes必须是降调,I do也必须是降调。(4)连读与失去爆破。连读较易掌握。在一个意群中,将前一个单词最后的辅音与后一个 单词FF头的元音连在一起读。hold a meeting, a lot of ,one of us而失爆是朗读中较难掌握的一 种技巧。当相邻两个爆破音(p b t d k g)如doctor, breakfast, admi

6、t在一起时,往往给前面一个爆 破音留一个位置,但不爆破,稍停随即发后面的爆破音。注意:朗读时只要按照正常的语速朗读,注意力主要集中在语音语调等方面即可,不必 为了追求速度而将文章朗读的模糊不清,舍本逐末。在准备期间,要注意每个句子的停顿, 不可读破句。即使有不认识的单词,也不要中途停下,而是按照自己的理解,凭语感将它读 出来(其实这也是考查意图之一)。只要朗读连贯,基本上不会影响整体印象。12019福建省高考英语口语考试备考材料(附往年试题)朗读应试策略:1 .在准备时间里快速通览全文,对文章的长度,单词的难易有一个大致的了解。2 .考查的词汇通常为高考词汇表范围,个别人名和地名除外。不认识的

7、单词朗读时不要 停顿或重复,可根据字母组合读出,以正常的语速朗读。3 .语速不要太快,或太慢。以80单词/分钟为宜。注意朗读的30秒钟不要求也不可能 读完所给文章,只需按正常语速保持朗读的流利程度。4 .保持良好的心态,应试时无需过多考虑技巧,否则影响正常状态,反而可能失分。*本题中,考生失分最多的地方是语音、语调,相当一部分考生读破句和读错字。他们 急于完成朗读而忽视了语音语调。其实,在评分时,教师并不是将重点放在考生朗读的量上, 而是在朗读的质上。考生可以不慌不忙地读,注意文章的停顿,读出调子,注意失爆、连读、 语音的同化、弱读和重读等。尽管不能完成整篇的朗读,考生也不会失分。当然,这并不

8、意 味着考生可以以“惊人的”慢速度朗读。*以上提到的失爆、连读、语音的同化、弱读和重读等必须是在一个意群(意思群体)中体现,否则会出现读破句的现象。试看下面例句: He told me/that/an American doctor/ went to visit him/last night.本句按意群分割成五小块。 第一块He told me中就有失爆,即 told中的d犹如唱歌中出现的“休止符”,不发音但有简短的停顿,第四、第五块都存在类似 的读法。第四块中的visit him则既有弱读又有连读。him弱读成/im/,于前面visit中的t连读 成/tim/。 同样,an American

9、 doctor 和 went to 中的 an 和 to 者B相对弱读, American 和 doctor 之间存在鼻音/n/的同化。当然,类似的朗读技巧需要通过正确的指导和不断的操练方能练就, 功夫不负有心人,只要考生不断操练,一定会有不菲的收获。第二部分:回答问题这一部分的问题不是针对第一部分朗读材料而提的问题(备考时,可以参考20112012年福建省高考英语口试试题)。这些问题往往涉及以下几个方面:谈人物(老师、朋友、家人 等)、事物(学校、家乡等)、科目(英语、数学等)和爱好(音乐、阅读、运动等)。或其他 当前一些贴近学生实际的、关心的一些话题。如何准备英语口试1、考前准备考生在参加

10、口试前的这一段时间,还应保持一定的应考状态,别彻底放松。考生应有意 识地创造说英语的条件,如在路上或家里尝试着说一些简单的英语,和同学用英语交谈。可 选高一高二课本中的文章练习朗读。可以听磁带进行跟读、模仿磁带的读法,同时还可以把 自己的朗读录下来,与磁带的范读进行比较,找出自己的差距。可以自己在家或与同学一起 模拟考试的情形,自问自答或互相提问,练习回答问题的技巧。可以提前准备一些关于你的 家庭、校园生活、学习、业余爱好、旅游、假期活动、对社会问题的认识等等的话题。另外, 如果不想刻意地准备考试,也可以选择大声朗读一些英语文章,纠正一下自己的发音,培养 英语语感,最重要的是培养一种用英语思维

11、的习惯。考前和考时尽量保持平和心态。考试时着装要大方自然,不能穿的太够成熟。考生要带齐证件,特别是身份证,如有遗漏也不要慌张,应向相关老师咨询。家长应该注意的问题是帮 助考生检查考试用的证件等是否带齐,考场禁止的物品一定提醒自己不要带入考场(比如手 机,可以放在考场外)。为防止考试迟到,一定要事先做好准备。2、考中准备考生应在备考时先放松好自己,进入考室别紧张。朗读文章声音要洪亮,有个别考生在 朗读时,声音很小,以至考官听不清楚,影响最后得分。朗读时千万不要为了一点小错误就 不住地停顿,弄得愈加破绽百出。回答问题时首先不要着急,先想想哪些先讲,哪些后讲, 要条理清晰,不要颠三倒四。可使用下面一

12、些词,如 firstly, secondly, thirdly , etc或者是 on one hand on the other hand或者是 in the first place, in the second place etc.其次,要避免 频繁使用同一个词或词组,要注意变换表达方式。再次,要控制语速,不要追求快。适当、 自然的语速,不仅可以给老师留下好的印象,而且还可以为自己争取更多思考的时间。最后, 避免使用长句或复杂句子。口试问题一般来说都比较小,回答时简单点就行了。一个问题一 般回答2-3句就可以了。3 .注意礼节英语口试,也是一种面试,第一印象非常重要。所以,仪容仪表要整洁,

13、要特别注意礼节。进入考场后,要礼貌地用英语问候老师,可以说声“ Good morning!(早上好),Good afternoon (下午好)或至少给考官点个头,笑一笑。当口试结束后,考生应说表示感谢或再 见的话,可以说声“Thank you (谢谢)”或“See you (下次见)或Bye-bye(再见)”等。如果有问题答不上来时,千万不要保持沉默,可以说些如“Well”,“Okay”,“How to say”,“Let me think.” “As far as I remember/know”之类的句子,给考官一个有应变能力的印象, 当然这种情况不宜出现过多。另外,当听不明白老师的问题时

14、,切忌不懂装懂,答非所问。这 时,要用英语请老师重复时可说:“Sorry, I cannot catch you? ” 或 “ I beg your pardon? ”“pardon? ” 或 “Would you please say it again ” 或 “Would you please say it again ”。要注意眼睛和手势的使用。在老师提问的时候,考生要注视着对方,用眼睛与老师交流,表示你在认真听老师的提问。在回答问题时,考生在用英语说的同时借助手势表达出你想表 达的思想。还要用眼睛不时地注视每一位主考老师。千万不要低头自语或者只顾回答自己的问题, 无视考官的存在。口试最

15、忌讳的是沉默不语,紧张、胆怯、怕错,考试中要保持良好的心态,尽量克服紧 张情绪。对自己要有信心,入考场前,叮嘱自己一定能行,调整自己的紧张情绪,保持自信, 相信自己一定能考出好成绩。4 .考试结束时记得拿你抽中的阅读材料去换回你的身份证,然后在考点等候一会,以防有事找你 5模拟回答1. Do you like music? Why/Why not?Yes, I enjoy it very much. I like the music which has beautiful lyrics and rhyme.2. What is your favorite sport?I like badmin

16、ton best. Not only can it build up my body, but also can make me full of energy.3. Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not?Yes, I think so .Friendship is an important part of our life, without friendship we may feel lonely .4. Do you often go picnicking on Sundays? Why?Yes, because

17、Ilike to get close to nature. And I think it' s a gcrotaxwayaoeretweek of study. At the same time, I can get together with my friends or parents with this opportunity.No, because I think it ' s a waste of time. I obteskptaall or go shopping on Sundays. 6哪些专业需要英语口语成绩? ? ?总的来说就是涉外的专业,例如:英语专业及所

18、有外语专业,外交,对外经贸,对外专业方面,商业方面的,电视广播类的很多专业也需要。还有一小部分学校要求学生有口试成 绩。2011高考英语口试样题 第一套7第一份1. . Do you often go picnicking on Sundays? Why ?2. Which subject do you like best in senior highschool?3. How do you find your English teacher?第二份1 .Who is your favorite film star? Why?2 .Can you tell us something about

19、 either of your parents?3 .Are you active in social service? What do you usually do?第三份1. What are you going to be in the future?2. Do you like surfing the net? Why or Why not?3. How do you improve your English writing?第二套第一份1. Who is your favorite singer? Why?2. How do you improve your English read

20、ing?3. Would you please say something about one of your best friends?第二份1. Do you like traveling ? Where have you been? Which place impressed you most? Why?2. How do you improve your English Listening?3. How do you like your school?第三份1. Who is your favorite sports star? Why?2. How do you improve yo

21、ur oral English?3. Do you like your head teacher? Why or why not?第三套第一份1. What are you going to learn in the university?2. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not?3. What 'ysur favorite food?第二份1. Do you like Chinese food or Western food? Why?2. How do you celebrate your parents birthday?3. Wo

22、uld you please say something about your hobby?第三份1. What TV programme do you like besB Why?2. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?3. What' s your favorite university?第四套第一份1. Can you tell us something about one of your friends?2. How often do you usually have sports?3. What prese

23、nt will you give to your father for his birthday? Why?第二份1. What ' s your faverstport? Why?2. Can you tell us something about your eating habits?3. What do you usually do after school?第三份1. Please say something about your family?2. Where would you like to go for your holiday ?3. Do you want to b

24、e an English teacher? Why or Why not?第五套第一份1. Can you introduce yourself briefly?2. What do you think of studying abroad?3. What present will you give to your mother for her birthday? Why?第二份1. How do you spend your weekends?2. How do you like your English teacher?3. What great changes have taken pl

25、ace in your hometown in the past ten years?第三份1. What subject interests you most? Why?2. How do you like your head teacher?3. Which university in our country do you like best? Why?第六套第一份1. Do you like sports? What sport do you like best? Why or why not?2. How do you like your family?3. What do you t

26、hink of your hometown?第二份1. What ' s the weather like today?2. Do you have any difficulties in learning English?3. How do you like your school?第三份1. How do you improve your English?2. Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like?3. Who is your favorite teacher? Why?备注:除回答以上问题外,考生还要朗 读考官所提

27、供的一段短文2012福建高考英语口试话题1. Who has so far impressed you most? Why?2. What' s your favorite subject? Why?3. What ' sour plan for this summer vacation? Why?4. What' s your most unforgettable experience in your life? Why?5. What are you going to be? Why?6. What' s your favorite sport? Why?7

28、. Do you often surf the Internet? Why or why not?8. Who s your favorite eacher? Why?9. Do you like English songs? Why or why not?10. How do you spend your spare time?11. Do you like travelling? Why or why not?12. Who is your best friend? Say something about your best friend?13. Do you often read new

29、spaper? Why or why not?14. What' s your favorite university? Why?15. Do you like English? How do you learn English well?16. Do you often read English aloud? Why or why not?17. Say something about one of your impressive teachers2013年福建高考口试题第一套:How many people are there in your family?Do you like

30、English class ? Why or why not ?Can you say something about your school?第二套:What does your father/mother do ?Do you like ti be a volunteer? Why or why not ?Do you like your English teacher? Why or why not?第三套:1. Which school do you study in ?2. Who does most of the housework in your home ?3. when we

31、re you born?第四套:Who do you like better ,your mother or father ?Can you say something about your family members?Do you like your English teacher? Why or why not?第五套:How much time do you spend in reading every day ?How do you celebrate your birthday?Can you say something about your table manners?第六套:1

32、. Do you want to be a volunteer? Why or why not?2. How will you spend your summer vacation?3. What kind of weather do you like best ?第七套:1 .How do you feel about your middle school life ?2 .Can you cook ?3 .Do you like your school ? Why or why not ?第八套:1 .Do you like Chinese food or western food ?2

33、.What kind of music do you like best ?3 .What do your parents do in your birthday ?第九套:1 .Do you like sports ?2 .What's your most unforgettable experience in your life? Why ?3 .Can you say something about the season you like ?第十套:1 .What's the weather like in summer in your home town?2 .How

34、do you spend your pocket money ?3 .Can you say something about one of the sports you like ?4 11套:1 .Do you like music ?2 .Do you often eat out ?3 .What do you usually do in your spare time ?4 12套:1 .Which pop star do you like best ?2 .What is your favorite food ?3 .Can you say something about one fa

35、mous places of interest ?4 13套:1 .Do you have any good friends ?2 .Can you say something about one your family members?ofof3 .Do you help your parents do the housework ? Why or why not ?4 14套:1 . Do your like English songs ? Why or why not ?2 .Do you like travelling ?3 .Can you say something about o

36、ne of your favorite stars ?4 15套:1 .Which sport do you like best ?2 .What do you think of the Internet ? Can you say something about its advantages and disadvantages?3 .What do you think of your high school life ?4 16套:1 .How do your spend your spare time ?2 .Do you like to go shopping alone or with

37、 others ?3 .Can you say something about one of your best friends ?第17套:1 .What job do you want to do in the future?2 .What subject do you like best in senior high school ? Why or why not ?3 .What do you usually do when you feel happy or sad ?4 18套:1 .what sport do you like best ?2 .Who is your favor

38、ite teacher ? Why ?3 .What do you think of cooperation and competition ? Which is more important ? Why福建省历年高考英语口语考试题第一套1、Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not?4 、 Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?5 、 How are you getting along with your classmates?1、What kind of music do

39、you like best?2、What do you think of your English teacher?3、Who is your best friend? Say something about himher.(三)1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?2、what date is your birthday?3、How do you like your mother?第二套1、 Do you often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why? Why not?

40、2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies?3、Please say something about your family.(2)1、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not?2、What's your favourite subject?3、What do you often do on Sundays?(3)1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays?2、What sport do you like best?

41、3、What are you going to do during summer holidays?第三套1、 Do you often listen to English programs? Why? Why not?2、What do you do in your spare time?3、Do you like your school? Why? Why not?1、Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not?2、What are you going to be in the future?3、Who is your favourite teacher? Pl

42、ease say something about him/her.1、How do you usually spend your weekends?2、Do you have any penfriends? Please say something about him/her?3、What do you usually do in your spare time?第四套1、Do you like sports? Why? Why not?2、What did you do after the collage entrance examinations?3、Please say somethin

43、g about one of your good friends.(二)1、 Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not?2、What subjects did you study?3、What do you do to improve your English?(三)1、What's your favourite food?2、How long did you spend on your homework every day?3、Could you please say something about your s

44、chool?第五套1、Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not?2、How many classed did you have in Senior Three every day?3、What do you do to keep fit?1、Do you like English? Why? Why not?2、 How are you getting along with your school life?3、Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.

45、(三)1、What subject do you like best? Why?2、How often do you watch TV?3、What's your interest? Please say something about it?第一套第一份1、Why do you study English?2、Which season do you like best? Why?3、What are your parents?第二份1、How do you learn English?2、Which subject do you like best? Why?3、How will y

46、ou spend your summer holidays?第三份1、Do you like English? Why?2、How do your parents celebrate your birthday?3、Is your hometown beautiful? Say something about your hometown.第二套第一份1、When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing?2019福建省高考英语口语考试备考材料(附往年试题)2、Do you celebrate your birthday? How ?3、Wha

47、t' s your favourite food? Why?第二份1、What do you usually do for your holiday?2、What do you think you can do for the disabled people?3、How do you spend your spare time?第三份1、Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not?2、Is the computer useful in our daily life? Please give some examples.3、Say s

48、omething about your hobby, please.第三套第一份1、 Do you think spoken English is important? Why? Why not?2、What' s your favorite subject?3、How do you usually celebrate your parents birthday?第二份1、How do you like your Chinese teacher?2、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?3、Do you often do somethin

49、g good for your class? How?第三份1、How much time do you spend on English reading everyday?2、What does your father do?3、Is the city/village where you are living beautiful?第四套第一份1、What' s your favorite sport? Why/Why not?2、How many classes are there in your school?3、Are you good at English?第二份1、 Whic

50、h is your favorite university?2、What subject are you good at?3、Could you tell me something about your family?第三份1、How often do you go to see a film/2、How far is it from your home to your school?3、Do you often help do housework?第五套第一份1、What is your favorite subject? Why?2、How do you usually spend you

51、r weekends?3、What do you think of your school? Please describe it.第二份1、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?2、Do you want to take English as your major? Why? Why not?3、Can you tell us something about your English teacher?第三份1、Do you often ask your English teacher questions? Why/ Why not?2、How

52、can you improve your spoken English?3、 Would you please give a brief introduction of your family?第六套(6月26日下午)第一份1、How do you find your English teacher?2、Do you love music? Why/Why not?4、 Which university do you like best? Why?第二份1、Do you often watch TV at home? Which channel?/Why not?2、How do you us

53、ually spend your weekends?3、What are you going to be in the future?第三份1、Do you love your hometown? Why?/ Why not?5、 What is your favorite sport?3、What do you often do in your spare time?第一套1、Do you like music? Why/Why not?2、What subject do you like best? Why?3、Why do you learn spoken English?11、1、Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not?2、Do you listen to music while you are studying? Why/Why not?3、What will you do if you have a lo


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