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1、小学英语歌曲校本教材前言:我校英语歌曲校本课程是以英语知识为载体,以激发学生学习兴趣、学生 特长为目的,以学生为活动主体,使学生热爱英语学科,并形成良好的英语素 质的一门课程。英语歌曲课程必须根据学生身心发展和英语学习的特点,关注 学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,爱护学生的好奇心,求知欲,充分激发学 生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作的学习方式。校本课程的开展无疑 给英语教学注入新鲜的血液,并在英语教学改革中,为学生创建一个五彩缤纷 的英语学习平台。开设目的:开设了英语歌曲校本课程,目的是为了提高学生的英语水平,扩充英语词 汇量,充分挖掘学生的潜能,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。同时通过经典英文

2、歌 的学习,令学生全方位地了解英语国家的文化背景,提高他们的学习知识面。 培养学生欣赏英语国家文化的能力和创新能力;培养学生良好的道德品质和人文 素养;培养学生的国际参与意识和跨文化交际能力;发展学生的个性,提高他们的 素质。以提高学生英语语言综合能力运用为基本宗旨 ,以提高学生学习英语兴趣 为目的,培养学生的合作意思与创新精神。学习要求:由于小学生在年龄上较小,在英语方面的知识较少,又有好动、爱表现、 胆子大的心理特点,所以就小学阶段的学生,可以开展难度小有朗朗上口的英 文歌唱跳学习,学有余力的同时也可组织课本剧表演、。首先根据学生的兴趣 爱好选择一些简单、生动活泼的英文歌,如: big b

3、ig world。首先在课堂上介绍 教材中出现的生词并帮助学生借助图片等理解单词,读写单词。然后向学生展 示教材内容,指导学生理解歌曲的创作背景,演唱者的生平事迹,把握演唱情 绪、掌握轻重快慢,反复实践。多媒体播放以及教师逐句示范演唱歌曲,进一 步体会和理解演唱技巧。最后由学生通过各种单人或集体的方法唱跳歌曲并背 诵。要求口齿清楚,声音洪亮,情绪饱满,有感染力。定期开展比赛检查课程 开展的效果。英文歌曲社团活动计划第一周活动记录:Happy New Year教学目的:1 . 了解学生英语水平2 .通过经典英文儿歌的学习,培养学生学习英文歌的兴趣教学难点:读准英文单词教学过程:一、导入1 .让学

4、生先用2至3句英文作自我介绍2 .师播放bells体会圣诞节的喜悦欢乐,让学生感受节日的快乐。3 .老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习happy new year新年好”二、新授1.课件出示,CD播放:Happy New Yearto you allwe are singing we are dancinghappy new year to you allhappy new year happy new yearhappy new year to you allwe are singing we are dancinghappy new year to you all新年好呀新年好呀祝贺大家新年好我

5、们唱歌我们跳舞祝贺大家新年好新年好呀新年好呀祝贺大家新年好我们唱歌我们跳舞祝贺大家新年好2、师指导学生认读句子3、生跟唱练唱4、生组织舞蹈动作唱跳三、小结学习英文歌是为了提高学生的英语水平,挖掘学生的艺术潜能,对于高年 级学生,在第一节课学习一首比较简单,耳熟能详的英文歌,让学生能做到读 准单词,理解单词。反思小结:第一节课学习happy new year,单词都是学生已经学习过掌 握了的,因此学生能熟练读,通过音乐带播放,让学生跟唱,并组织学生唱跳 的活动,让学生进一步掌握唱法,增加学习的兴趣以及学习的信心。为学习较 难的英文歌做铺垫。第二周活动记录:Yesterday once more教

6、学目的:让学生聆听七十年代经典歌曲,感受音乐的旋律,体会朋友之间的情谊。教学难点:扩充英语词汇量,读准单词。教学过程:一、导入1 .合唱 happy new year2 .老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习Yesterday once more ”二、新授1 .介绍歌手资料及当时背景。2 .课件展示:(时代背景及歌手照片)3 .课件出示:Yesterday once more昔日重现When I was young当我年轻时I'd listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting' for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌When they pl

7、ayed I'd sing along 我常随着一起清唱It made me smile.笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago 并不遥远How I wondered where they'd gone我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿But they're back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long lost friend像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友All the songs I loved so well.刃B些歌我依旧喜欢Every Sha-la-la-la§一

8、声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're starting' to sing's So fine.当他们开始唱时如此欢畅When they get to the part 当他们唱至UWhere he's breakin' her heart他让她伤心的那一段时It can really make me cry 我真的哭了Just like before 一如

9、往昔It's yesterday once more.这是昨 日 的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Lookin' back on how it was 回首过去的In years gone by 那些时光And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐Makes today seem rather sad今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed.一切者 B 变了It was songs of love that这就是那些跟着唱过的I would sing to then 旧情歌

10、And I'd memorize each word 我会记住每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away.可以把岁月 融化Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Wo-o-wo-oStill shines依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing&#

11、39;s So fine.当他们开始唱时如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry.有些甚至让我泪流满面Just like before 一如往昔It's yesterday once more.这是昨 日 的重现Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Wo-o-wo-oStill shines依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个 shing-a-ling

12、-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's So fine.当他们开始唱时如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声 Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o 每一声 Wo-o-wo-oStill shines依然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're startin' to sing's So fine.当他们开始唱时如此欢畅4 .认识单词(师逐个认读,同桌认读)5 .视频播放,体会情感(指名回答)6

13、 、师小结第三周活动记录:Big big world教学目的:1 .提高学生的英语水平,扩充英语词汇量,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣2 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:体会英文歌的情感。教学过程:一、导入1 .聆听 « Yesterday once more2 .老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习Big big world ”二、新授1 .介绍歌手资料及当时背景。2 .课件展示:(时代背景及歌手照片)3 .课件出示歌曲,认识单词Big Big World EmiliaI'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big t

14、hing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.I can see the first leaf fallingIt's all yellow and niceIt's so very cold outsideLike the way I'm feeling insideI'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do

15、 feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.Outside it's now rainingAnd tears are falling from my eyesWhy did it have to happenWhy did it all have to endI'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss y

16、ou much.I have your arms around me ooooh like fireBut when I open my eyesYou're gone.I'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.I'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thi

17、ng if you leave meBut I do feel I will miss you muchMiss you much.三、练习1 .师随机抽单词,让学生抢答读法和意思2 .生依次开火车读英文歌3 .生单独读通篇英文歌四、活动:视频播放Big Big World第四周活动记录:Big big world教学目的:1 .通过唱第一小节英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Big Big World2 .揭示:今天我们来学习第一段二、新授1.出示第一段,生齐读句子Big

18、 big world-Emilia大世界(艾蜜丽娅)I'm a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world !在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。But I do do feel.但我确实感到。That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!Miss you much !太过想念你了 !I can see the first leaf falling 我能看见第一片落叶。It's all yellow a

19、nd nice.是那样黄也那么的美。10 / 31It's so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷。Like the way I'm feeling inside 就象我内心的感受。2 .师逐句教唱3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生生互动,自由练习5 .生依次开火车唱6 .男女竞唱四、活动:(音乐带Big Big World伴唱第一段)。五、评议生单独唱,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬。第五周活动记录:Big big world教学目的:1 .通过唱第二段英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学

20、难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入4 .揭示:今天我们来学习第二段二、新授1.出示第二段,生齐读句子I'm a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world !在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。But I do do feel.但我确实感到。That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!Miss you much !太过想念你了 !Outside it's now raining.现在外面正在下雨。An

21、d tears are falling from my eyes 而我的眼睛也在流泪。Why did it have to happen ?这一切为什么要发生?Why did it all have to end ?这一切又为什么要结束?2 .师逐句教唱3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生生互动,自由练习5 .生依次开火车唱6 .男女竞唱四、活动:音乐带Big Big World伴唱第二段。12 / 31五、评议生单独唱第二段,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬第六周活动记录:Big big world教学目的:1 .通过唱第三段英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音

22、调正确3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Big Big World2 .揭示:今天我们来学习第三段二、新授1.出示第三段,生齐读句子I'm a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world !在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。But I do do feel.但我确实感到。That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!Miss you much !太过想念你了 !I

23、 have your arms around me warm like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀 抱里的。But when I open my eyes但当我醒来张开眼睛。You're gone !你却已经走了 !2 .师逐句教唱3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生生互动,自由练习5 .男女生开火车唱6 .小组比赛演唱四、活动:音乐带Big Big World伴唱第三段。五、评议生单独唱第三段,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬第七周活动记录:Big big world教学目的:1 .通过唱第四段英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确3

24、.体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Big Big World2 .揭示:今天我们来学习第四段二、新授1.出示第四段,生齐读句子I'm a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world !在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。But I do do feel.但我确实感到。That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!Miss you much !太过想念你了 !I'

25、m a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!In a big big world !在一个大世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。But I do feel that will miss you much !但我确实觉得我将会非常想念你!Miss you much !太过想念你了2 .师逐句教唱3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生生互动,自由练习5 .生依次开火车唱6 .男女竞唱四、活动:音乐带Big Big World伴唱第四段。五、评议生单独唱第四段,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬第八周活动记录

26、:Big big world教学目的:1 .通过唱英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确,尝试脱稿演唱3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:脱稿演唱教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Big Big World2 .揭示:今天我们来复习这首英文歌二、新授1 .出示通篇歌曲,生齐读句子2 .师抽学生读单词、句子,生互抽读单词、句子3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生齐唱歌曲5 .生生练习,自由唱歌6 .男女开火车合唱7 .班级为单位,比赛唱歌四、活动:音乐带Big Big World伴唱全篇歌曲。五、评议生单独唱全篇歌曲,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬第九周活动记

27、录:Nobody/ s home教学目的:让学生聆听七十年代经典歌曲,感受音乐的旋律,体会朋友之间的情谊教学难点:扩充英语词汇量,读准单词。教学过程:一、导入1 .合唱 Nobody' s home2 .老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习Nobody' s home”二、新授1 .介绍歌手资料及当时背景。2 .课件展示:(时代背景及歌手照片)3 .课件出示:Nobody' s home歌手:Avril LavigneI couldn't tell you why she felt that way,She felt it everyday.And I couldn&#

28、39;t help her,I just watched her make the same mistakes again.What's wrong, what's wrong now?Too many, too many problems.Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.She wants to go home, but nobody's home.It's where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go

29、to dry her eyes.Broken inside.Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.Be strong, be strong now.Too many, too many problems.Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.She wants to go home, but nobody'

30、s home.It's where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.Broken inside.Her feelings she hides.Her dreams she can't find.She's losing her mind.She's fallen behind.She can't find her place.She's losing her faith.She's fallen from grace.S

31、he's all over the place.Yeah,ohShe wants to go home, but nobody's home.It's where she lies, broken inside.With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.Broken inside.She's lost inside, lost inside.oh oh yeahShe's lost inside, lost inside.oh oh yeah4 .认识单词(师逐个认读,同桌认读)5 .视频播放

32、,体会情感(指名回答)6、师小结第十周活动记录:Hollywood S Not教学目的:让学生聆听七十年代经典歌曲,感受音乐的旋律,体会朋友之间的情谊教学难点:扩充英语词汇量,读准单词。教学过程:一、导入1 .合唱 Hollywood S Not America2 .老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习Hollywood S Not America二、新授1 .介绍歌手资料及当时背景。2 .课件展示:(时代背景及歌手照片)3 .课件出示:Hollywood S Not歌手:FerrasBorn Helena JaneWith a restless soulShe moved west to Calif

33、orniaBecame a Center-FoldBut once you change your nameWell the pieces fallNow she hardly recognizes herself at allAnd there's never any rain, when you want itA hollow little game, and you've won itLooking for a thrill but you've done it allSo long, put your blue jeans back on girlGo home

34、Remember Hollywood's not AmericaSo long put your blue jeans back on girlGo homeRemember Hollywood's not AmericaO yeaAnd everybody heres, from somewhere elseYou could make a million dollars, but you might lose yourselfAnd you can take the heat will your heart go coldThey say acting's just

35、 pretending, even that gets oldAnd there's never any rain, when you want itA hollow little game, and you've won itLooking for a thrill but you've done it allSo long, put your blue jeans back on girlGo homeRemember Hollywood's not AmericaSo long put your blue jeans back on girlGo home

36、Remember Hollywood's not AmericaAnd I know what to do whenI know that youYou can be anything you want to beSo long, put your blue jeans back on girlGo homeRemember Hollywood's not AmericaSo long put your blue jeans back on girlGo homeRemember Hollywood's not AmericaHollywood's not Am

37、ericaIt's not America4 .认识单词(师逐个认读,同桌认读)5 .视频播放,体会情感(指名回答)6、师小结第十一周活动记录:Far Away From Home教学目的:1 .提高学生的英语水平,扩充英语词汇量,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣2 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:体会英文歌的情感。教学过程:一、导入1.老师揭示课题:今天我们来学习Far Away From Home ”二、新授1 .介绍歌手资料及当时背景2 .课件展示:(时代背景及歌手照片)3 .课件出示歌曲,认识单词Far Away From Home Groove CoverageI am loving

38、 living every single daybut sometimes I feel so.I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world

39、 so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day.The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay.(makes me want to stay) And who can heal those tiny br

40、oken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter wh

41、at they say, cause love can find it time.I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from

42、home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home三、练习1 .师随机抽单词,让学生抢答读法和意思2 .

43、生依次开火车读英文歌3 .生单独读通篇英文歌四、活动:视频播放 « Far Away From Home>第十二周活动记录:Far Away From Home教学目的:1 .通过唱第一小节英文歌,培养学生学英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Far Away From Home>2 .揭示:今天我们来学习第一段二、新授1.出示第一段,生齐读句子i'm loving living every single day,我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活)but sometim

44、es i feel so.(但只是不时自我感觉如此而已)i hope to find a little peace of mind.(渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静)and i just want to know.(仅仅只是想知道)and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(®能医治那破碎的心 )and what are we to be.(我们将)where is home on the milkyway of stars,(灿烂,何处是家园)i dry my eyes again.战只得再一次地擦干泪眼)in my dreams i'm

45、 not so,啰中我从未曾远离家园)what am i in a world so,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so,(有生以来我都远离家园)without you i'll be from home.(无你相伴我仍将远离家园)2 .师逐句教唱3 .音乐带播放,生轻声跟唱三、练习4 .生生互动,自由练习5 .生依次开火车唱6 .男女竞唱四、活动:(音乐带Far Away From Home伴唱第一段)。五、评议生单独唱,老师随堂进行鼓励表扬第十三周活动记录:Far Away From Home教学目的:1 .通过唱第二段英文歌,培养学生学

46、英文歌的兴趣。2 .训练学生在唱的过程中发音准确,音调正确3 .体会经典英文歌的情感。教学难点:正确发音。教学过程:一、导入1 .视频播放Far Away From Home>2 .揭示:今天我们来学习第二段二、新授1.出示第二段,生齐读句子if we could make it through the darkest night,(如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的we have a brighter day.我们将能拥有更光明的明天)the world i see beyond your pretty eyes,(透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界)makes me want to stay.(它

47、是如止匕让我留恋)and who can heal those tiny broken hearts,(®能医治那破碎的心 )and what are we to be.(我们将)where is home on the milkyway of stars,(灿烂,何处是家园)i dry my eyes again.战只得再一次地擦干泪眼)in my dreams i'm not from home,(梦中我从未曾远离家园)what am i in a world from home,(现实中却如此远离家园)all my life all the time so far away from home,(有生以来我者8远离家园 ) without you i'll be so


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