



1、机密2020年7月14日11:00前重庆市2020年初中学业水平暨高中招生考试英语试题(A卷)(仝卷其九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分仲)注意事项:1 .试题的答案书写在答卷卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2 .作答前认真阅读卷题卡上的注意事项。3 .考试练耒,由监考人员将试题和笨题卡一并收囱第I卷(共95分)L听力测试。(共30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍根据你所听到的句子.从A、R、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对 应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. See you.2. A. Here youarc.3. A. Yes. I'd love to.4

2、. A. That's right.5. A. Good idea.6. A. V'ell done.第二节(每小题L5分g共9分)B. Not at all.D. Thank you. B. Take it easy.B. You're welcome.B. Quite beautifuL B. With pleasure.C Nice to meet you, too.C. Never mind.C. Don't worry.C Surry to hear that.C. Come on.C. I agree with you.听-遍。根据你所听到的对话和问

3、题.从A、B、C对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. To the airport.8. A. Spring.9. A. For one day.)0. A. Her friend.11. A. A doctor.12. A. Once a week.第三节(每小题L5分.共6分)B. To the bus station.B. Summer.B. For fwo <lays.B. Her broiher.B. A writer.B. Twice a werk.三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上C To the railway station.C. Autumn.C For three

4、days.C Her sister.C, A scientist. Three tirnes a week.听两遍)根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答:富题目的答案标号涂黑。并把答题卡上对应英谱试跑(A荏)第I页(共10页)听第一段时料.回答第13和14小题。13. How is die weather in Beijing today?Ca if3 cold.C. Next Thursday.C. Depending on oneself.A. It's hot,B. Ifs warm.14e When is Jack going back home?&

5、Next Tuesday.B. Next Wednesday.听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题,15. What is the new movie about?A. The Chinese women's vollevball learo.B-The Chinese womens football team.C.The Chines。men's volleyball team.16. What spirit of the team enecurag" all Chinese?A. Luving peace.B. Never giving up.第四节(号小题L 5分

6、,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案.并把答胭卡tXT 应眄目的答案标号涂黑17. Sandy is the of the trip today.C- ActorC fourA. guideB- teacher18. There are groups on the trip.A. CmoB- tlwe19. If yon gel loM. you can find SandyA. on Bus No. 2B. by the riverC. at the tickei office20. Before taking photos with the peop

7、le who work at die palacet you should.A. pay them firmB. wear traditional clothes C. ask them if it's OKIt单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B.C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的鼓佳答案,并把答题柠上对应题目的挣案 标号涂黑。2】.Ie)k! There are so many slarb insky.A. &B. anC. dieD./22. Morevillagem willmove to newhouses 2021.A. inB. onC. atD,for2

8、3. Would vou send me some“ yours? I miss you very much!D. adviceD- cleverD, is tingingn. winningD. was builtA. zimgazinesB photonC,money24. Whal a boy! He worked oul «urh a dilficuh ninth problem.A. strongB kindC. iazy25. LiMen! Our leacher in the music classroom.A. sin朋B 如*C. will sing26. They

9、 hope_ die basketball match.A. winB. wotiC. to win27. Auulhrr Jiridge over the JiHing Riverlast year.A. buildsB. builtC. is built英游讯m,A卷)第2页(共to人)28 . Bo、* and girb. you should (xJk af(eA. hinu*clf29 , Nolxxly can hearA. unlessB. herselfvou -R.if30 .一“ow! The school unifonns一Cool! So (he childrenA.

10、where are their childwhen your parents are not at home.C. yourselvesy°u speak in a louder voic.C. whencan tell parentswon t get lost easily. r<*nC. what do their children studyD. afterB where their children areD. whal their children study皿完形填空。(每小题15分.共15分)根据短文内容.从A、R、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的微佳

11、答案,并把毋超 卡上对应题目的答案标号涂潴:Our junior high school life is coming to an end. So my classmates and 1 decided to make a special 31 _ for our own favorite teacher in the cvramics(陶艺)class.After wing dried for a long time in the fire, our 6Hte for teachers were 32 . Chen Hui look them out of the kiln(窑).CKASH

12、(碎裂声)! His cup. Xiao Yao's 33 . and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.“My elephant lost her trunk (象鼻)!" Xiav Yao shouted. " My heart u broken!” I 34 almost at the aame time."I'm so sorry!” Chen Huj said."Bring 35 to the repair station7 said X)«o YaoLet&#

13、39;s see shut we can do with some magic g|ue. n Wc tried many36 the magic glue worked only on Chen Hufs cup. The trunk andthe heart v<ere in too many broken bits to put back together.“Now my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk:* said Xiao Yao/1 ItIk a Utiledog with big ears. And ifs 38lo

14、vely! Let、。川 it doglephaniV'A cute duglcpfwnl! Cool! You juMlumd the accidenl into a happy one!0 I said. And rightthen, knew 39 to do. Maybe I could make heart.a mosaic (镶嵌四)by using the pieces of my brokenWhen it was all done. eve0one thought it was pretty d my present didn l turn out the wayId

15、 planned, but it3L A. gift32. A. safe33. A. dog丸 A, smiled6 A.sompihingB A. a337. A. looks 取A. st那 护I whenturnedout even 刈一!B. hatB. brokenB. elephantB. readB. nothingB.butB. sou",B. evenB. howB. belter英语试题(A卷)C. bagC. readyC. calC. wroteC everythingC. soC swellsC. almo&tC. which& heavi

16、erD. coatD. wetD pandaD. criedD, anythingD. thoughD. tastesD. hardlyD. whatD. cheaper第3页(共I。更)M阅读理解。用小电5小题I分59小题.每小跑2分.共35分),.晒闫的答案卬号 阅读F列材风从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出般佳答案.并把答跄卡L题徐黑。the sea with tu! &Volunteers from all over the world are welcome!/Ybu he,p recYde Pasties."'(will J 产""chil

17、dren how to protect the sea in local schools.) JoM in weekly beach clean-ups with local students and teachers.to be at least 18 years old; t0 " able to speak Chinese. t。" inteftsted in protecting the sea. to I able to start work on Monday.Youhave colorful activities, have three meals a day

18、- stay in ' btach room.41. Volunteers will teach childrenA. hou to protec-1 the eaC. how to speak ChineseJoin us naw!B. how to write a letter D how to play th<? pianoA. Sunday <43. Volunteers canA. leave at anv timeC. do some businessB. MondayC FridayD. SatunlayB. have a good payD. stav in

19、 a bench room42. Volunteers need to start work onBexperience the yryday 丘 “ |(*,aJiqing Street in Wuhan i§ a good place to tn local food andmany lining up at snack shopspeople. Since Wuhan was unlocked on April 8. then- liavc been there.In the evetiir. hundreds uf Mreet-side stalls(掩位)come out

20、on.and pn>vj(t« lK)i)iilRr miacks and load food a( low pneez. Traveler* can enjoy hat dry iuxmIIch Umi l-Chin0c dumplings. Don! miss Jiujiu duck necks. Chi U, a 段叫扇 wrilor t , Hbeautiful laty hIiq m*!K durk necks in lh» street in her n<nr| lAf( ow 1s "3 H“arch fur tlr scenes(场景)

21、in ihe novel.0' ' " l®plp come toLocal f»ople like to order several besl-knou*» dishes and smn. u .i*evening time with friends there, bor travelers, another exciting thing 加% Wk :"Prnd their folk iiiuMM-iuns al vour lable. You can eniw delicious food when II. . -1nU*

22、C lrfornuxl by11 »*it-iiihg to niusir ith the sirret Ixrcommg bus), the city began to breathe again英谙试题( A於)与4贞(共io贞)44. Jiqing Street is a good place to.A. study English B. tr) local f(xxl 45. According to the passage, Chi Li mentions,D wkntingC. tell love stones名in her novel Ufe "皿.a e .

23、一 .I) durk nerksA Chinese dumplings B. hot dry noodl" C. chid noup3-n* m the kit paragraph?46. How do you undeiund the underlined part “the city began to breathe againA H】匕 air becomes fresh again.C The city becomes lively again.47. Ttie material is probably fromA. a travel websiteC. a science

24、magazineB Thp water gels rlrarcr.D. The fM gets nicer.B. a lii6ton 1须D. a di(iionur)People suy laughter 15 the best medicine, but sonirtimcs too much of n good thing ma not In so good. What happened to me last night made me deeply undeistanci the rrwiuiing of thal.Last night I was alone at home. Wli

25、en I was watching a funny movie, 1 suddenly started laughing and couldn Mop myself.At first. I was feeling 800d.But after about 5 minutes. 1 came to know 1 wasn't going t) stop at all. 1 began lo feel a lilll" worried.Time for bed. But I couldift sleep because kept laughing. So I got up and

26、 started doing some housework. I cleaned my apartmentt laughing hard. I washed all ihc dishes left over from dinner, still laugiiing crazily. I tried lo hold rny cat in my amis, but it ran awsy from me in fear, i sj)ent the rest of the night in front of my eemputer, of course, still laughing.When ti

27、me finally came to get ready for work, I realized that I simply couldn't go to the office like that. I decided to call my boss for leave, but laughing was the only thing I could do on th phone.After listening to my 41 lovelyw laughter for a few minutes my boss couldn't help shouting angrily.

28、 “Are you mad? You,re fired(解雇)!"Suddenly I woke up. Thank Cod! I just had a dream.48. What happened last night made ihe writerA. understand somethingB. his painC. keep doing huuwwkI) get a 600d jobA. cryingB. coughing50. rat ran away heraus A. it was going to sleepC. it wanted Io have dinner51

29、. flow did the writer's feelings changeA. relaxedangry-g(MwlC. gcxxl-worriedrelaxedn the story?jumpingIL laughingB, i» was afraid of the writer D i( saw a mww LingB. Mi0. worried .g(HMi_angry49. When the writer was watching a movie, he suddenly started英语试出A第L幻“hM 面,Nejat >egan developing

30、 通“ in 2OO5. sheof .叱 knocking on惭 U>let people know how her robots worked but 1 4M 屁小 » 心神行” N*Pe。* around the world 毗 when my robots - lo be N中"robots are 心抑词 lo fill an increasing d: caregiving for the old. The population of 依 people over age 80 引“426 million in 2050. three times lar

31、ger than that now.Such robots c()uH be especially useful for patients with Akheimer's disease(老年痴呆症).The can help *小 everyday activities from preparing food k> 即加山叫(提醍)the patients of taking their medicine. They can also play games with patients lo keep them active.Some have worried that care

32、-giving robots might reduce(减少)human interaction(互动)and cause more bumans to lose their jobs. " But the aim is to support human care, not to take the place of il," 邺s Briin Scassellati. He has tested robots with different patients, and found that daily interaction with robots can help chil

33、dren with aiuism spectrum disorder(自闭症障碍)improve social skills.As a field grows, scientists aim lo understand human-robot relationships better. Do robots offer advantages because they don't have feelings and don't give opinions? Will patients lose interest?“One thing is clear;' Scassella

34、ti says. M Robots can provide care for the customers and the need for that will increase in the future.”52. Nejafs nbots are designed to.A. work in the factoryB. make phone callsC take care of the oldD knock on doors53. The writer starts the passage by A. teUi璃 two storiesB. comparing Iwo factsc. ra

35、ising a questionD. giving an example人 The mam idea of Paragraph 3 is A, what the robots can doB. what serious problems the robots causeC. what the old people can doD. what the old people think of the robots55. Accordi8g lo Scassellati, we can infer that Nejats robots.A.同I have feelings soon<n 匕始

36、the place of humansC should be produced more口 won't give their own opinionsE.Humm can develop certain abilities we arent bom with by practicing animals' movements,” 收 t*oml Chines Wushu lovers believed in the past - and still do today.Ok Five.Animal Exercises, also known as H,are the IW comp

37、lete 砥 of qigong 8小 following the movements of animals: monkeys, deer(鹿)小,bears and tigers. Tey were 5,* by one of ihe greatest docE in Cbmese history. Hua Tuo. more than 1,800 years ago.% FiLl Exercises are edesigned to help blood circulationf 循环),and let the energy 网 Moihly 加 the body so as to imp

38、rove the health.英语试魅(A卷)第6页(共10页)英倡试题(A花)第8页(共10贝)“The bear movements are good for the stomach. The tiger niovemerUs can reduce the pain in the liack. The deer movements help reduce the fat around ihe waist(腰),The bird rMoxrment* can help keep our knees healthy and die monkey movements can l>r go

39、od for the heart, said Hua ' i.山厂 59tn inherilor(继承人)of W叩沁i.For those new learners, the first few exercises might not go well. You may find it hard to 集 中注意力). Wear comfortable clothes, keep peaceful in your mind, tn to move slowly. . . Little In little, you*ll feel more and more harmonious wit

40、h nature. You may even fee! you become a tiger or a deer, walking in the forest freely.Rose exercises need no tools and thev are easy to learn. You can srairh online 伉r the vidre、and JJpractice them at any time when you feel like rrlaxing your body and mind. Because ifs fun to pnirlire and good for

41、health, Five-Animal Eerri are tiecoming more and more popular in recent yeais. nol only in China, but also in many other places of the world.56. People practice Five-Animal Exercises in order to.A. fight against enemiesB. protect wild animxkC improve the healthD. play as a group game57. If your gran

42、dfather has a pain in the hack,may help him a lot.A. the bear niuveincntsB. the monkrv movementsC. the bird movementsI), the tiger movements58. The underlined word "harmonious0 in Paragraph 5 probably mean<t.A.兴奋的B.和谐的C.敬畏的D,肤浅的59. The structure of the passage? mav be( HPdragmph 1 二 Paragrap

43、h 2 二 Paragraph 3 =Paragraph 4 ®= Paragraph 5=Paragraph 6)(Htstor/XT)AdvantagesHve-AnknalExercises345:口语应用。(每小题分共5阅读下面对氏从方框内7个选厮中选择5入翘目的答案标号涂黑,地奥中送择5个恰当的旬r完成此时汽并把答即口山应A. Vlliat is jp.B- How oki are vuu。 Cam always asking mwlf th; n n t-this question,” whu are you?E. Uhere are you from9F.Can you

44、 deribe your hometown?上上5 Mck向&I即匕wann.jCDo you feelIL J know youamy own.cold at ill. Lookbi mWckomc loourshow! jMHow caa you live inNo, I don't fecisuch cold wcaMr. Pcniin arcyou a bird?)canfly 】i匕 birdsftYouR rijM Bs I 3cvery special ability of Sure. My hometown is ;4 very cold. But the ai

45、r is 入 clean and there is almost tw pollution.i Good question. 八 But I don't know.: either. 7jump imo icy water to catch fi&h.第II卷(共55分)VL任务型的读。(65-67 JB.每小超2分,68题3分,共9分)阅读下文并回答问题cIt s said that there is a kind of bird bom without feet They fly for their whole life and try to sing the most b

46、eautiful songs. They can only land once the time when they die.Liu Yanzhi is just like the bird.When Liu Yanzhi was a baby, she bad an accident and lost the ability to walk. Every tin】纥 she saw other children play happily outside, Liu Yanzhi really wanted to join them. But she knev% she was differen

47、t. That made her upset9Once. Liu Yanzhi went out onto the street in her wheelchair. Some people miw her and br|;an to shout. Look! That disabled girl wore make-up (化妆品)!” "Yes. how strange!"“Why can't a disabled girl wear make-up? Every flower has the right to show its beauty!v liu dec

48、ided to cheer up and have a wonderful life.In 2009, Liu got a job in a local beauty shop. She was paid a little but learned a lot.In 2012, Liu opened a beauty shop but failed. Her mother begged (乞求)her to give up. but she kept on. She traveled around to learn at different training meetings.After a f

49、ew years* hard work. Liu succeeded. She thought she could do more. hi 20J7, io help other disabled people. Liu started the Taihe Sunshine Disabled Association. Now. the 31 -year-old woman owns a factory that produces make-up products of her own brand( 品牌).65. Did Uu Yanzhi have an accident when she

50、was a baby?66. When did Liu Yanzhi start the Taihe Sunshine Disabled Association?67. Why dors the uTiter think IJu Yanzhi is just like the kind of bird?6X. Imagine there is a job for you. You <un only get a little pay but learn a lot. Will you accept it like Liu Yanzhi? Why or why not?VH.完成句子o (每

51、空1分,共10分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词.含缩略词U1.1 1 was playing with my phone when my mother came in.(改为否定句)Iwith my phone when my mother came in.70 .The dictionary cost him 120 vwon.(对划线部分提问)did the dictionary cost him?71 . Kate takes a bus to school every day.(改为同义句)Kate goes to school every Hay.72 .不娈只是等待暴风雨过去.

52、要学会在附中起舞(完成译句)Don't justthe stonn to pass Learn to dance in the rain.英尚试跑(A卷)第9页(共10贝)£型大都长得和老师T羊高啦!(完成译句) lXM>k . Mg of IB; 11ZQ rnour UmcIxts!g luive gn)wn _ _|U)|VH1.短文填空0_ (每空2分,共16分):据:面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个怡当的词使短文光炫通顺wanl l(> 'ie the life we dream of. HoutTver. atiiKgativr(消 t及的)idru、niay£op us. lope the following 凶即疝51s can help to 适降“ ihm. 74抑H.One thing we can comro| 卜 d<»ing whal we ranDo What We Can Cont


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