



1、离度的英文单词导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于 高度的英文单词 的内容,具体 内容: 高度首先是个物理空间的概念,作为物理空间概念的高度含意比较 简单,是 指从地面或基准面向上到某处的距离 ; 从物体的底部到顶端的距离。 那么,你知 道高度的英语怎么说吗 ?.高度首先是个物理空间的概念,作为物理空间概念的高度含意比较简单 , 是指从地面或基准面向上到某处的距离 ; 从物体的底部到顶端的距离。那么, 你 知道高度的英语怎么说吗?高度的英文释义:heighthighnessvery-high degreehighlyaltitude高度的英文例句:如今必须有高度的竞争意识才能在体育运动中取胜。

2、You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport nowadays? 她的教学工作受到高度赞扬。Her teaching was highly commended ?这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的The room is wide in proportion to its height.这位医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。This doctor received high praise from everyone?在这样的高度,雪永不融化。In these altitudes snow never melts?客机在两万英尺的高度飞行。The

3、 airliner flew at an altitude of 20000ft. 将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的英勇事迹。His heroism in that war was highly praised by the genera1. 这一高度也是商务航线的常用巡航高度。This height is also the frequent cruising altitude of commercial airliners. 符号高度与第三个元素高度一致。The symbol matches the height of the third element.观测发现近地面层内比湿廓线常常出现极小

4、值,该极小值高度为零水汽通 量面 的高度。The level of the minimum value is at the height of zero water vapour flux. 他高度评价了这一成就。He rated the achievement high?这些树木长到异常的高度。These trees attain to remarkable height.她对他们的友谊给了高度的重视。She puts a high value on their friendship.他给诗集以高度评价。再者,它还应该取决于这片云上升到大气层中的高度。Moreover, it should

5、depend upon how high the cloud rose into the atmosphere ?我知道我周围所有的一切都被高度污染了。I realized that what was all around me was highly contaminated.当你求达你的高度的时候,你将想望,但要只为想望而想望 ; 你应为饥饿而 热 望; 你应为更大的干渴而渴望。When you reach your height you shall desire but only for desire; andyou shall hunger, for hunger; and you sh

6、all thirst for greater thirst?我们需要知道的是高度,而他给我们的却是长度。We need to know the height, and he gives us the length! 我并不像我对话者中的许多那样热衷于高度通货膨胀的可能性。I am not as sold as many of my interlocutors on the likelihood of high inflation.这种情况以高度可见和普遍相关的方式使我们又回到我在一开始提到的一 些 问题。This situation brings back, in a highly visib

7、le and universallyrelevant way, someof the problems I mentioned at the start?然而,这些高度严格的学科科学地位分类在科学史上具有任何学科与之相 符的 吗?However, do these highly tight categorizations about the scientific status of adiscipline have any correspondence in the history of science?最后,不论你们是美国公民还是其他国家的公民,你们应该要求我们现岀 我们同样要求于你们地高度

8、力量和牺牲Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us thesame high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.那些真菌和细菌和人类都是高度演化的。Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans?一个用例中所有的功能性成分应当只用于完成参与者的一个目标 ( 高度内 聚) 。All the functionality in one us

9、e case should be about accomplishing one goal of an actor (i ? e. , have high cohesion) ?在这个函数的第一部分中,您建立了创建这个报告需要的对象,比如画布 的宽 度和高度,填充变量等。In the first section of this function, you set up objects needed to create the report, like the width and height of the canvas, and padding variables.在每一次飞行期间,飞行员记录

10、了海浪的的高度。On each trip, the pilots had recorded the height of the surf?如果不能消除这种高度的不平等,你们将需要更多的监狱和警察," 他们 断"If you fail to avoid high inequality, you will need more prisons and more police,"they assert?最后,不论你们是美国公民还是其他国家的公民,你们应要求我们献岀我 们同 样要求于你们的高度力量和牺牲。Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us thesame high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.因为在那个高度你可以看到太空的漆黑和地球的轮廓。Because at that height you can see


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