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1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise?.Analyis of teaching material1.The topic of this unit is about free time actmties。Suchtopicisrelated to studentsdaily life. So it is helpful toraise learning interest of students. If students can learn this unit well,it will be helpful to make students learn the the

2、rest of this book.2 .Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Knowledge Obj ectIn this unit students learn to talk about how often they do things.(2)Ability ObjectsTo improve studentsability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.(3)Moral ObjectsTo help students form a good eating habit.To do exercise every

3、day and keep fit.3 .Teaching Key PointTo master the key vocabularyand the target language presented in this unit.4 .Teaching Difficult PointTo train students how to use the key vocabulary and the target language by reading and writing.5 .Studying WaysTeach students how to use context.Teach students

4、how to do a survey.Language FunctionTalk about how often you do things.Target LanguageWhat do you usually do on weekends?I sometimes go to the beach.How often do you eat vegetables?Every day.Most of the students do homework every day.StructureWh-questionsWhat do?How often?Adverbs of frequencyAll/mos

5、t/some/noneV .Vocabularyalways,usually,often,sometimeshardly,ever,never, exercising,shopping,skateboarding once,twice,three times a week,month, every day, milk,junk,food, drink.Recyclingreading,watching TV,go to the movies, fruit,vegetables.Learning strategiesUsing context.Transforming information.T

6、eaching timesSix periodsPeriod OneTeaching Aims:1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.Teaching Difficulties:1.words: exercise, skateboard, hardly, ever, shop, once, twice, time, surf, internet, program.2.phrases:how often, on weekends, go

7、to the movies, exercise, go skateboarding, always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .3.Sentence patterns: What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week .Teaching Aids: Tape recorder;Multi-Media.Teaching Procedure

8、s:Step 1 :Greeting.1. Teacher: Summer vacation is over. I think you had a wonderful vacation, am I right? Did you enjoy your summer vacation? Could you please tell us what you did in your summer vacation?2. Encourage students to share their holidays with the whole class.Step 2 :Leading inTeacher: Oh

9、, you had a happy and colorful vacation. Today we will talk about more activities on weekends. First, lets think about what we can do on weekends. (Ask some questions and let students think it over).Teacher: I often sing on weekends, what do you usually do on weekends?S1: I often take piano lessons.

10、Teacher: What does she usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)S2: She often takes piano lessons.Teacher: What about you? (Ask S2)S2: I often play basketballTeacher: What does he usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)S3: He often plays basketball.(Ask more students in the same way)Step 3

11、:1a Look at the screen. Make a list of the different weekend activities.First let students list different activities, thenTeacher: Now work in pairs, ask and answer-What does he/she do on weekends?- She goes shopping. / She reads books. / He exercises. / He watches TV. / She goes skateboarding.Step

12、4:1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below.Get students to focus on the six adverbs in activity 1b and help students to understand:Always-100% usually- 90% often-80% sometimes-50% hardly ever-10% never-0%Step 5:Lead-in:Teacher: I always read English books on weekends

13、.I usually exercise on weekends.I often go to visit my grandparents.I sometimes go shopping on weekends.I hardly ever play computer games on weekends.I never play cards on weekends.What does your English teacher do on weekends?(Help students to say)Students: Our English teacher always reads English

14、books on weekends. She usually exercises on weekends.Teacher: I exercise every day. I go shopping once a week. I watch TV twice a week. I go dancing three times a monthHow often does your English teacher exercise/ go shopping / watch TV / go dancing?Students: Our English teacher exercises every day.

15、Step 6: Listening (2a and 2b)Teacher: My friend Cheng is talking about something about his different activities, lets listen and number the activities you hear.Teacher: Listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?(Help students to finish 2a and 2b)Step 7:.Do a survey:Activities How of

16、tenTake a showerWash your hairExerciseClean your roomAsk and answer: How often do you take a shower?How often does he / she take a shower?Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever or never.Step 8:Homework1. Do exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook to pract

17、ice the language presented in this unit.2. Remember what we learn today.3. Write a passage about what you often do on weekends and how often you do different activities.Period TwoTeaching Aims:1. Students can learn to talk about activities and how often to each other2. Students can listen, talk ,rea

18、d and write these words correctlyTeaching Difficulties:1. Words: high school, most, no, result, active, for as, for about2. Phrases: for as, for about3. Sentence patterns:How often do you shop? I shop once a month.How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV.Teaching Aids:Tape recorder; Multi-Media.

19、Teaching Procedures:Step 1 :Greeting.Step 2 :Lead inT: Do you like English ?S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you want to improve your English?S1: Yes, I do.T: What can you do to improve your English?S1: I can read English books to improve my English.T: How often do you read English books?S1. I read English books

20、 every day.Practice more phrases in the same way. (Look at the screen)Step 3 :Groupwork: Whos the best English student?1. T: Just now we talked about what you could do to improve your English? (eg. read English books, practice reading and speaking )and How often do you ?Now please think of more thin

21、gs you can do to improve your English and write them down in the chart on page 3.How often do you? once a week twice a week three times a week once a monthread English bookssing English songswatch English moviesT: Now lets see who is the best English students in the class .Step 4 :Lead-in:Teacher: J

22、ust now we talked about different activities about learning English. From the chart we know you can do many activities to improve your English. You did a good job. Now lets look at another chart of the student activity survey at Green High School.Green High School: Activity SurveyActivity everyday o

23、nce or twice a week three or four timesa weekExercise 15% 10% 75%Do homework 95% 0% 5%Watch TV 85% 2% 13%(Help students to say: 15% of the students exercise every day. 10% of the students exercise once or twice a week. 75% of the students exercise three or four times a week Then present the followin

24、g)All students=100%Most students=51%-99%Some students=1%-50%No students=0%Step 5 :Reading1 Get students to read the magazine article on Page 3 and finish the passage, then check the answer.2 Answer the questions about the survey:1)What do the students of Green High School usually do at school?2)Do t

25、hey all exercise once or twice a week?3)How many students watch TV every day?4)What do fifteen percent of Green High School students do every day?5)Do the students of Green High School do the same activities as you? Yes or no?Can you say something about the activities that the students of your schoo

26、l do?Step 6: Explanation1. Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.这儿是Green高中的学生活动调查结果。(1)the results of的结果。如:the results of the English contest 英语比赛的结果(2)as a result由于, 因此。如:As a result, Tsinghua becomes the first-class university.因此,清华成为一流的大学。(3)at Green High Schoo

27、l在格林高中 在学校用介词at。如:at Junior School在初中at Primary School在小学2. Most students exercise three or four times a week.大多数学生一周锻炼三或四次。(1)exercise v. 锻炼;exercise n. U运动;C练习Lets do our exercises.让我们做练习吧。Walking is a good exercise.散步是很好的运动。(2)time次数time and time again千万次的(3)three or four times a week 一周三四次times

28、a week / month / year一周/月/年多少次,特殊:once 一次twice两次巧辨sometime , sometimes ,some time,some timessometime , sometimes ,some time 和some times形似而含义不同。下面的口诀能够帮助我们辨别它们的含义及用法。分开是“一段”, 相连为某时;分开s是“倍、次”, 相连s是“有时”1). Ill stay here for some time.2). My father will be back sometime in October.3). Our school is some

29、 times larger then theirs.4). I watch TV three times a week.5). My good friend Wu Min often goes to school by bike, but sometimes on for homework谈及到家庭作业 as for sth. /sb. 谈及某事/某人(1)as for the book Harry Potter 谈起哈利波特这本书(2)as for my father 谈到我的父亲Step7: Exercise: 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Li Lei likes g

30、oing _(skateboard) on Sundays.2. Mother often goes _ (shop) after work.3. How often _ he _ (do) his homework?4. He watches TV _ (two) a week.5. Zhang Jian speaks English very well, so he is very _ (activity) in English class. 单项选择1. “_ do you visit your uncle?” “ Three times a month.”A. HowB. How lo

31、ng C. How often D. How soon2.As _ my homework, I do it every day.A. about b. for C. ofD. on3.Meimei listens to music _.A. sometime B. sometimesC. some times D. some time4.My brother _ like singing _ dancing.A. dont , and B. doesnt , andC. doesnt , or D. dont, or5.Jack hardly ever exercises, so he is

32、 kind of _.A. healthy B. unhealthyC. healthD. unhealthy6.How often does she _.A. watching TVB. surfs the InternetC. go to the movies D. exercises7.There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.A. vegetablesB. fruit C. meatD. eggs8.Most students exercise _ a week.A. o

33、nce or twice B. one time or two timesC. one time or twiceD. once or two times9.- _ do you go to Qingdao?- Only once.A. How oftenB. How longC. How many times D. How far10. “60% of students like reading English.” means “_ students likes reading English.”A. All B. MostC. SomeD. No 句型转换:1. There is litt

34、le money left. (改为同义句)There is _ _ money left.2. Maybe Kate knows the answer. (改为同义句)Kate _ _ the answer.3. She plays the violin on weekends. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ on weekends?4The students never surf the Internet. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the students surf the Internet?5. Sam does his homework at home. (改为否定句)S

35、am _ _ his homework at home.Step 8: Homework:1. Revise the new words.2. Preview Section B.3. Write a short passage to describe the best English student in your class, telling what he/she does to improve English and how often he/she does these things.Period ThreeTeaching Aims:Learn to talk about how

36、often they do things to keep healthy.Teaching Difficulties:1.Words:junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, drink, health, how many, interviewer.2.Phrases: how many, be good for, be bad for, every day.3.Sentence patterns:How often do you drink milk, Liu Feng?How many hours do you sleep every

37、 night?She says its good for my health.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-Media.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 :Greeting.Step 2 :Lead-in1. T: I had eggs for breakfast this morning, and I have eggs for breakfast every day. Because theyre good for my health. And theyre nutritious. What about you? What do

38、 you have for breakfast?S1: I have milk for breakfast.T: How often do you drink milk?S1: I drink milk every day.T: Do you like it ?S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.T: Why do you like it? S1: Because its good for my health/ it tastes delicious.T: You dont like it, but you drink it every day, why?S1: Becau

39、se my mum wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.2. T: What about you , what do you have for breakfast?S2: I have instant noodles for breakfast .T: How often do you eat instant noodles?S2: I eat instant noodles three or four times a week.T: Do you like them?S2: Yes, I like them very m

40、uch.T: (Let students compare them and tell who is healthier)Who is healthier, S1 or S2?Yes, S1 is healthier. Because milk is good for our health. And instant noodles are not healthy, they are bad for our health. They are junk food.T: I know most young people like eating junk food. But I think youd b

41、etter not eat too much junk food, because theyre bad for our health. Lets look at the screen and find out which ones are healthy and which ones are unhealthy? -Is/Arehealthy? -Yes, it is. / They are. No, its /theyre unhealthy. -Why? -Because its /theyre good/bad forhealth.Step 3: Pairwork (1a 1b).T:

42、 Now work in pairs, talk about how often you eat the food in the pictures.A: How often do you ?B: I every day/ twice a day/ three times a day/ four times a week.A: Do you like it/ them?B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. But my mom wants me to drink. She says its/theyre good for my health.Step 4. Listening

43、( 2a 2b)1. T: What does healthy mean? If I eat a lot of junk food but never exercise, am I healthy?Ss: No.T: If I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink milk every day, am I healthy?Ss: Yes.T: Now, we will hear a reporter interviewing two people, Bill and Katrina. Listen and decide if Bill and K

44、atrina are healthy. Circle your answer to each question.2. T: What are Bill and Katrinas answers to these questions? Listen again and write down the correct adverbs of frequency.Step 5. Groupwork (2c)Role play. Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Katrina. Student C is Bill. Try to act the con

45、versation out .They can use their own words.Step6: Homework :1. Finish the exercise in this period.2.Using the information in 2a &2b, write a report about Bills and Katrinas eating habits.Period Four:Teaching Aims:1. Learn following expressions:2. Learn to write ones own habits.Teaching Difficul

46、ties:1.Words: habit, try, lifestyle, grade, better, same, as, different, difference, maybe, although, for, keep, must.2.Phrases: eating habits, look after, healthy lifestyle, unhealthy lifestyle, good grades.3. Main task: How to write a composition of ones habits.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-

47、Media.TeachingProcedures:Step1: Revision1. Free talk:2. Ask and answerHow often do you exercise? How often do you eat vegetables/fruit/junk food?How often do you drink milk/coffee/tea? How many hours do you sleep every day?(Use he/she/they ask and answer these questions. )Group worksStep 2. Presenta

48、tion and reading (3a)T: Last period we learned Section B 2a and knew Bill and Katrinas lifestyles ,do you remember? Are they healthy?Ss: Yes,Katrina is healthy while Bill isnt healthy.T: Good. Now Katrina writes a letter about her lifestyle to her pen pal , lets listen to a part of her letter and an

49、swer some questions:1. How often does she exercise?2. How often does she drink milk?3. Does she eat junk food very often?4. Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?5. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences?Step 3. Fill in the blanks (3b)T: We know

50、Bill is kind of unhealthy. And he also writes a letter .Lets fill in the blanks in Bills letter.(After Ss have finished, check it)Step 4. Writing (3b)T: Are you healthy or unhealthy? Now, its your turn to write about your own habits.Step 5. SurveyAdd five questions to the survey on page 81.(1. How o

51、ften do you exercise? 2. What sports do you play? 3. How often do you eat vegetables?)Then ask three classmates the questions and take notes. Discuss and describe: Who is the healthiest student?Step 6. Exercise:.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. We need _ (health) food.2. Who is the _ (interview)?3. He does his homewo

52、rk _ (well) than me.4. What are the _ (different) between Lucy and Lily?5. Im sorry to keep you _ (wait) for me for a long time. 单项选择:1. Healthy food and exercise _ me to study better.A. let B. makeC. helpsD. help2. He _ at school .A. may beB. maybe C. may isD. may3. “How long did you sleep last nig

53、ht?”“_.”A. Twice a nightB. For nine hoursC. Two timesD. Once or twice4. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _ meat and do _ exercise.A. less, more B. fewer, muchC. less, muchD. many, more5. Our teacher wants us _ English hard.A. study B. to studyC. studies D. studying6. She says its good _ my

54、_.A. for, healthB. for, healthyC. at, healthD. at, healthy7. _ he is ill, _ he goes to school.A. Although, butB. /, /C. Although, /D. But, although8. The boy is _ fat because he eats _ junk food.A. much too, too muchB. much too, much tooC. too much, too muchD. too much, much tooStep 7. Homework:How

55、healthy are you? Write a passage about your own eating habit.Period Five: Self check and RevisionStep1 Greetings & free talkStep2 DiscussionWork in groups, discuss which kind of life is healthy.Do a report according to the discussion.Step3Self checkFill in each blank with the correct word given.

56、Then make your own sentence with each word.1. wants2.exercises3.help4.try5.haveStep4 Key phrases:1. how often 多久一次2. as for至于,关于3. junk food垃圾食品4.eating habit 饮食习惯5.of course当然6.look after 照顾, 照看7. start with 以开始8. make a difference使得结果不同,有重要性9. go shopping去购物10.have a party 聚会11. go to the movie去看电影12. once a week每周一次13. hardly ever很少14. twice a week每周两次15. three times a week每周三次16. watch TV看电视17.on weekend在周末18. do homework做作业19. a lot of许多20. try


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