



1、英语四级通用句子.It is + 形容词 + that例句 可想而知 that knowledge plays an important role inour life 。答案 It is conceivable2. It is+ 形容词 +to do/ doing例句 She had said what 一切有必要说的话 。答案 it was necessary to say3. 倍数词 + more + 名词 / 形容词 +than例句 Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills 比死于车祸的人多七倍 each year 。

2、答案 seven times more people than automobile accidents4. notas/ soas 和不一样例句 The environmental problems 没有他们在报告中说得那么严重 。答案 are not as serious as they suggested in their report5. no more than 与一样不例句 She 也同样不宜当经理 a schoolgirl would be 。答案 is no more fit to be a manager than6. Nothing is more than没有比更的;是最

3、的例句没有比更重要 to receive education 。答案 Nothing is more important than7. 感官动词 +of+ 名词例句 They hurriedly escaped into 充满恐怖气氛的山洞 。答案 a cave that smelt of terror例句 Disappointed with her husband, Mary left home 甚至都没有回头看他一眼 。答案 without so much as looking back at him9. only to find/ see 结果却 ; 没想到会例句 He spent al

4、most all his money to buy the hen which was said to be ableto lay gold eggs, 没想到这只鸡根本不会下蛋 。答案 only to find it could not lay eggs at all10.lt is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that毫无疑问,例句毫无疑问 war can be avoided if we get down to peacetalk 。答案 There is no doubt that11. rather tha n而不是例句与其追求金钱的享乐 ,

5、we should focus on theimprovement of ourselves 。答案 Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness12. Thecha nces are that很可能例句 她很可能已经知道了 , and there is no need for us tokeep the secret 。答案 Chances are that she has already known it13. It occurred to sb. that突然想到例句 玛丽从来没有想到 she would become a princesomeday 。答案 It had never occurred to Marry14. notbut不是而是例句 To our disappointment, 这个方案带来的不是进步而是破答案 the plan caused not development but destruction15. When it comes to 提及,当提到的时候例句 谈到物理学 , I know nothing 。答案 When it comes to physics16. be not much of a 是个不太


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