



1、英语学习:拖延症难以克服?试试这些小妙招!Recognizing Procrastination 认识拖延症Procrastination is like a little white lie we tell ourselves. We think we 'll feel better if we do something fun, like watch a TV show, instead of studying or reading.But when we give in to the urge to put off our responsibilities, we always

2、feel worse in the long run, not better.拖延是像一个善意的谎话我们告诉自己。我们认为我们先做一些有趣的事会感 觉更好比方看电视而不是研究或读书。但是当我们推迟我们的责任时,在长远 来看,我们总是感觉更糟而不是更好。Those who procrastinate the most are usually performing below their potential.那些有拖延症的人最通常的表现会低于其潜力。Do you spend too much time on things that don't matter? You may be apro

3、crastinator if you:你是否花太多时间在无关紧要的事情上 ?如果答案是肯定的,你可能是一个拖延 者:Feel the impulse to clean your room before you get started on a project.Rewrite the first sentence or paragraph of a paper several times, repeatedly.如果你在开始一个工程前有清扫房间的冲动。反复重写几次文章的第一个句子 或段落。Crave a snack as soon as you sit down to study.Spend t

4、oo much time(days) to decide on a topic.Carry books around all the time, butnever open them to study.Get angry if a parent asks“ Have youstarted yet? Always seem to find an excuse to avoid going to the library to start on the research.当你坐下来学习时渴望吃一个零食。花太多时间 ( 天数) 来确定一个主题。随身 携带书籍,但从来没有开始学习。如果父母生气地问“你开

5、始学习了吗?“似乎总是找到借口来防止去图书馆开始学习。You probably did relate to at least one of those situations. But don' t be hard on yourself! That means you are perfectly normal. The key to success is this: it is important that you don' t allow thesediversion tactics to affect your grades in a bad way. A little p

6、rocrastination is normal, but too much is self-defeating.你可能与出现过某一种情况。但不要为难自己 ! 这些情形的出现时完全正常的。 成功的关键是 : 重要的是,你不使得这些转移策略对你的成绩有不好的影响。有 点拖延症是正常的,但是过多的拖延却会带来来负面影响。Avoiding Procrastination防止拖延症How can you battle the urge to put things off? Try the following tips.如何战胜拖延症呢?试试以下这些小建议 ?Recognize that a feist

7、y little voice lives inside every one of us. He tells us it would be rewarding to play a game, eat, or watch TV when we know better. Don 't fall for it!你要认识到每一个人心里都住有一个精力充分的小声音。他告诉我们,玩游 戏、吃饭、或者看电视是有益处的。但不要上当 !Think about the rewards of accomplishments, and put reminders around your study room. I

8、s there a specific college you want to attend? Put the poster right over your desk. That will serve as a reminder to be your best.想想完成任务的奖励,并在书房中设置提醒。你有想考取的大学吗 ?如果有的 话,把海报就在你的桌子上。这将是一个对你来说的提醒。Work out a reward system with your parent. There may be a concert you're dying to go to, or a new coat y

9、ou've spotted in the mall. Makea deal with your parents way ahead of time make an agreement thatyou can receive the reward only if you reach your goals. And stick to the deal!Start with small goals if you' re facing a big assignment.Don' t get overwhelmed by the big picture. Accomplishme

10、nt feels great, so set small goals first, and take it day by day. Set new goals as you go.和你的父母一同制定一个奖励系统。可能会是一场你想去的音乐会,或者是一 件你在商场看中的大衣。与父母就奖励提前达成一致,你要你到达目标,便可 获得相应的奖励。并且坚持交易 ! 如果你面临一个大的任务,从小的目标开始。 不要被大局带来太大的压力。成就的感觉很棒,所以先设定小的目标,日复一 日。设立新的目标。Finally, give yourself time to play! Set aside a special t

11、ime to do whatever you want. Afterward, you'll be ready to get to work!最后,给自己时间去玩 ! 留出一个特殊的时间去做任何你想做的事。之后,你将 准备开始工作 !Find a study partner who will help you stay on track. Meet regularly to discuss your commitments and deadlines. It's a strange thing about human nature: we might be willing to

12、 let ourselves down easily enough, but we hesitate to disappoint a friend.找一个可以帮助你保持正轨的学习伙伴。定期开会讨论你的承诺和最后期限。 人性是一件很奇怪的事情:我们可能会接受轻易地让自己失望,但我们会不愿 意让朋友失望。Give yourself ten minutes or so to clean your space before you get started. The urge to clean as a procrastination tactic is common and it is based o

13、n the fact that our brains desire the feeling of "starting with a clean slate." Go ahead and organize your space-but don't take too much time.在你开始之前给自己十分钟的时间来清理空间。清洁作为拖延战术的冲动是普 遍的,它是基于这样的事实,我们的大脑喜欢“从干净的桌面开始。继续整 理你的空间,“继续整理你的空间但是不要花太多的时间。Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐,Ctrl + R 右对齐,Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这


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