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1、六年级下册英语期中试卷 ( 冀教版 )14. clean the house 15.17. 洗我的脸18淋浴刷他的牙强壮的骨骼一、英汉互译a week a day4. 一月五次out7. make a chartoften10. 健康强壮 11.13. wake up16. 梳她的头发二、连词成句3.一年六次to your teacher minutes做晚饭12.sixty make an minutes hard at work is walking exercise to where you did snakes5. light ball this is6. good you it s

2、for7. works sports she at hard三、选择题1. How many minutes do dry the.A. a dishB. an dish C. dishes D. my dish2. How many minutes do you dohomework.A. yourB. youC. ID. me m going to watch more sports TV.A. inC on D with4. to school is exercise.A Walk B Walks C Walked D Walking like peas more cabbage.A t

3、hen B thanC asD so6. You need vegetables for a healthy body.A eat B to eat C ate D eats7. What do you do breakfast? I brush my teeth.A before B aboveC afterD late8. Do you wantstrong and healthy?A isB areC to beD am9. Did you have fun the game.A watch B watching C watched D watches 10. I taught Li M

4、ing and catch the ball.A throw B to throw C throw D throws四、按要求做题(形容词)2 .bad(反义词)breakfast (同义词组) on (反义词组)(复数)(同音词)(现在分词)五、按要求写出下列单词:1. good (同义词) 2. win3. down (反义词)4. once5. before (反义词) 6. high (反义词) 7. dish (复数) 8. eat9. funny (名词) 10. play (名词) (复数) (反义词)(同义词) (过去式) (副词) (过去式)(基数词)(过去式)(原形) (现

5、在分词) (同音词)(单数) 六、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. A team (have)many players.2. Do you want (be)strong and healthy?3. The Chinese team (win)the game last week.4. Yao Ming is a basketball (play).5. How many (day) in a year?6. My father is (old) than my mother.7. I often go to Beijing _(one) a year.8. There (be) some m

6、ilk, some water and apples in the kitchen.9. Jenny goes to school five (time)a week.10. What (do) your father do?七、改错。1. Jenny go to school five times a week. A BC2. The flower is health and strong. 3. Did you bought snacks? A B C4. You don t have a book, I don t have, too. AB C5. The words son and

7、sun is different. A B C6. Jenny and Li Ming arrives at the gym. ABC7. What snacks do you buy yesterday? A B C8. We buy a pair of runner in theA B C9. What is your favourite fruits?A B C10. I can show you the skin in my arm. A B C八、选择:1. When is the supper?_6:30_ the evening.A. In, in B. In, at , in

8、D. At, at2. Bob s team won the game, team lost.A. other B. others C. another D. the other3. The game is the school gym _7:00.A. in, at B. in, in C. at, in D. at, at4. After breakfast, Jenny brushesteeth.A. herD. ourB. hisC. my5. We often havelunch at 12:00.A. aB. an C. /D. the6. Do you have erasers?

9、A. someB. anyC. aD. one7. I have suppermy family.A. andB. orC. notD. with8. Jenny wakes up 7:00 the morning.A. in, at B. in, in C. at, in D. at, at( ) 1 、 I don t have a T-shirt ,A、 tooB 、 either C 、 to( ) 2 、 Do you like these runners those runners ?A、 and B 、 orC、 with、 for、 atthe( ) 3 、 You hit t

10、he ping-pong ball Jenny .A、 toB、 with C 、 for( ) 4 、 do you play basketball ? Once a week .A、 How often B 、 How much C 、 How old( ) 5 、 We yelledBob s team yesterday .A 、 onB、 toC( ) 6 、 Danny ate breakfast once Tuesday .A. inB、 onC( ) 7 、 minutes do you dry the dishes?A 、 How many B、 How much C 、 H

11、ow often( ) 8 、 Sixty minutes make hour .A 、 aB、 anC九、补全单词1. Jenny foes to school five times a w, from Monday to Friday.2. Good food makes your body h.3. A healthy body has healthy ms, bs and s.4. Sixty mmake an h.5. Bbreakfast, Li Ming washes his hands.Abreakfast, he brushes his teeth.6. exercise d

12、o you need a day?7. minutes do you need to walk to school?8. do you play basketball? Twice a week.9. do you brush you teeth? Because I want strong, healthy teeth.十、对文章内容判定正 T 误 F。 ( 10 分)Bob is a waiter . He works at a big hotel. Bob often wakes up at 6:00 in the morning, and gets up at 6:30. He has breakfast at 7:15. Bob gets to the hotel at 7:45. He is never late (晚的) . Bob has lunch at 12:00. After lunch he sometimes has a cup of tea. In the evening, Bob likes to watch TV. He often has a late supper. Bob goes to bed at 11:00.()1、 Bob usual


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