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1、Her name ' s His name,s - It ' +s 电话号码. My-Her His telephone number is+()1. Can you spellname?A. youB. itC.your()2.Are you Bill ?-A. Yes, I ' m.B. No, I am.C.No, I ' m not()3. There's _ "u" and"s" in the word "us".anA. a, anB.an, aC. a, a()4. This_ m

2、y sister and thosemy parents.areA. is, isB. is, areC, are, isI ' m not.D. meD. Yes,D. an,D. are,即新人教版七年级英语上学期期末 预备单元1. 重点句型.2. -How are you ?-I ' m fine, thank you thanks.How are you? Andyou?-1 ' nOK, thank you. thanks. Fine, thankyou.thanks.3. What' s thiSthat in English?It ' sa

3、n 4. -What' s thisthat?It ' saan 5. Spell it, please.=How do you spell it , please?5.1. - What color is it?- It ' s表示颜色的单词2.缩略词.1 . USA 2. CD 3. BBC _4. NBA 5.CCTV 6. UFO _7. kgUnit 1i.重点词短语1. first name = given name2. last name = familyname3. phone number = telephone number4. ID card5.

4、school ID card2.重点句型.1. -What' your name?- My name' + 名字./ I ' m名字./直接回答名字.2 .-What' s her name?3 .What' s his name?4 . -What' s/our telephone number? telephone number is + 号码5 .-What' s hehis telephone number?号码6 .-Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too.2. be动词用法口决: 我(I)

5、用am,你(you)用are, is连着他她它 (hesheit), 单数主语用(is),复数主语全用(are).3.人称代词及用法.(请写出)单数:人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第人称I(我)me (我)my(我的)第二人称you (你)you (你:)your (你的)第三人称he(他)him(他)his(他的)She (她)her (她)her (她的)it (它)it (它)its (它的)复数:人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第人称we (我们)us (我们)our (我们的)第二人称you(你们)you(你们)your (你们的)第三人称they (他她它)们

6、 them (他她它)们their (他她它)们的an English book an UFO an eraser an orange an apple an egg an ID card _a_ green apple()5. Miss Zhou is English teacher.is a good teacher.A. our, HerB. my, HeC. a, SheD. an,She () 6. Your English is very good. .A. No , it isn ' t. B. Yes , it is. C. Thank you. D. No .()7.

7、The man Nick Hand.is his family name, and is his given name.A. Nick , Hand B . Hand, Nick C. Hand, Hand D. Nick, Nick () 8.Lucy and Tony my good friends.A. amB. isC. areD. be()9. -What,s that in English?-_ID card.A. This is aB.That ' s anC. It ' s aD. It ' san()10.My name_ Alice ,_name i

8、s Tony .A. am ,herB. is , hisC. is, herD.am , hisII .用所给词的适当形式填空.1. What color(be)your quilt?2. This boy and his friend(be) students.3. are good students. I like very much. (they)4. Mary is her(one) name.Unit21.重点词组及同义词、同义短语.1. parent =father or mothermother3. grandparent= grandfather or grandmother

9、 grandfather and grandfather5.cousin= my uncle ' saunt ' son daughter mother ' s brother2. parents= father and4.grandparents=6. uncle = my father s8. picture = photo7. aunt = my father mother ' s sister9. pen friend10. family photo11. thanks for 12. a photo of my family2.重点句型.1. Is t

10、his your his her sister?2. Is that your his her brother?3. Are these those your his her sisters ?Yes, they are. No, they aren' t.4. Is she your sister ?-Yes, she is. -No, she isn ' t.5. Is he your father ?-Yes, he is. -No, he isn ' t.6. This is my cousin.That is my brother.7. These are m

11、y cousins.8. 知识点1 .介绍人的句型:This is +某人. These are +某人.(指着距离较近的人进 行介绍)That is + 某人. These are + 某人.(指着距离较远的人 进行介绍)2 .对“this ”“tha直接做主语的疑问句回答时,答句的主语用.3 .对“these ” / “作花语的疑问句回答时,答句的主语用jhey".4 . Thanks for =Thank you for 为而感谢.5 .名词所有格:Jim ' book teachers' pens6、物主代词记忆口诀:一个变(my变成mine),两个不变(hi

12、s,its),其它的 都加“ s”。I.选择题:()1. My uncle ' s daughter is my.A. brotherB. sisterC. cousinsD.cousin ()2.your sister? Yes, it is .A. Are theseB. Are thoseC. Is thatD.Is these)3. Here is a photo my father.A. atB.inC. forD.of()4. - Hi, Jim!is Tom. He is my good friend.Hi, Tom! Nice to meet you.C. ThisA.

13、 HeB. ThatD. It()5. -How do you do?-C. How are you?A. Fine, thank you. B. How do you do?D. Good night!()6. Is she your sister? Yes,.C. it isA.he isB. she isD. she isn ' t()7. they her brothers ? No, theyC. Is, areA. Are, aren ' tB. Are, areD. These, aren ' t)8. Here my family photo.A. is

14、B. areC. amD. be()9. Thanks your pen.A. forB. toD. In()10. Are Kate ' s?C. atA . this, bookB . that, bookC. these, booksD. those, bookII、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are two(girl) in the picture.2. What are(this)?3. Where is (she) book? pencil.5. This is (Jim) brother.4. It (I)6. are ourgood friends

15、.(he)III .按要求写出相应的词1. this (反义词)3. it (复数形式)5. photo (复数形式)7. cousin (复数形式)9. son (对应词)2. these (反义词)4. that (复数形式)6. picture(复数形式)8. friend (复数形式)10. sister (对应词)Unit31.重点短语3. computer6. a set of keys1 .in English2. excuse megame 4 lost and found5. call - at 2 .重点句型.1 .一一Is this that your pen?Yes,

16、it is.No, it isn' t.2 .Is this that his book?Yes, it is.No, it isn' t.3 .Are thesethose yourhisher pencils?Yes, they are. No, they aren ' t.4 .如何写失物招领:Found: watchIs this your watch? Please call Mary. Phone# 123698.5 .如何写寻物启事:Lost:My ID card.My name is Tom.Please call 6853564.如:Call Tom

17、at6 .call +某人+at +电话号码(拨打 号码找某人)1234567I .选择题:()1. What ' s that Chinese?A. withB. ofC. toD. in()2. Are these your bikes? No,. I think (认为)they ' rebikes.A. they aren ' theyB.aren'. trulers are in theB. they, MyC. their, Their4.,are you Li Hua?A. SorryB. Excuse meC. Thank youD. Hello

18、( )5. Is that your eraser?B. Yes,it is.C. No,that his her + 东西?They' ren in under (here is = this is ) 拥有“占有”.396-4438.B. toC. onUnit42 .in the room5.under the table3. in the bookcase6. I don ' t know2.在沙发上面4.在椅子下面D.Where are(it(are)3. under the tree? No , they aren ' t.A. Where areB. Wh

19、at isC. Are theyD. Is)4. Where are your brothers? -.A. He is at homeB. He is in his roomC. Yes, they areD. I don ' t know)5. What' s under the desk? -.A. It ' s a footballB. I can see a set of keysC. They are red boxD . There' s a cat)6. Lucy and Lilya new bikeA . haveB. hasC. there

20、isD . thereIt+ o m under behind +They are at home()8.-is Li Ping ?-He is in the room.A. WhatB. WhereC. HeD. ItUnit5these are, his C. they aren ; theirD. these are, their()3. Are these your rulers?-No,box.A. they, TheyD. them, WeA.No, It ' s my eraser.D. No, that isn ' t.()6.Please call Jenny

21、A. inD. at1 .重点词组.I.come on4. on the chair2 .重点句型.1 .Where ' s the+M ?短语2 .Where are your behind + 短语3. Here is my room.4.1. have has :表示eg: I have a computer.1 .将下列词组译成英语1.在课桌下面 3.在书包里 II .选择题:()1. Is your photo in the bookcase ?-.A. Yes, I amB. No , it is C. Yes, it is D. No ,I ' m not()2.

22、 my baseball? It ' s under the chair.A . WhereB . Where' sC . Where; re)7.-Where are your parents? -.A. He is at home B. Yes, they are C. No, they aren ' tD.1 .重点词组及同义词、同义短语1. play basketball 2. play volleyball 3. play soccer 4. watch TV5. after class6. every day7. fun= interesting 8. on

23、 TV9. boring = not interesting2.重点句型.1. Do you have?Yes, I do. No, I don ' t.2. Do they have?-Yes, they do. No, they don' t.3. Does he have ? No, he doesn ' t.4 . Does she have ? -Yes, she does. No, she doesn '5 .Let ' s play tennis. I don ' t have a tennis. That 't.s sou

24、nds good .A . Are, areB. Do, doC. Can, do() 9.:-Let'eresting.3.知识点A. playing, That ' sB. play, That soundsC. play, That ' s soundD. to play, That' s2. Let ' s 动词原形.(Let ' s do sth )3. I.用所给词的正确形式填空()10.Lili and Yaoyao have lunch at school?A. DoB. DoesC. I

25、sD. Are1. That (sound) interesting.2. you (have) a tennis racket?()11. Let ' s playbaseball.A. theB. aC. anD. /3. My brother (have) a baseball bat.4. We have many (club) in our school.5. Let' s watch (they) on TV .6. She(play) sports every day.7. Tom (have) a basketball.()12.-Let' s play

26、 computer games. -.A.That sounds interestingB. I have timeC.Yes, I ' m busy.D. No, I ' m not()13.youa ruler?A. Do, hasB. Do, haveC. Does, have D. Does,8. your friend (like ) sports?9. Let (we) play tennis.10. That' s aninterest) computer game.has()14. -the baseball on the desk?-Yes, it i

27、s.A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. AreII .单项选择()1 . ITV at night (在晚上).A . look atB. seeC. watchD. look()15. Does he play sports? No,. He only watches themTV .A.he does, onB. he does, in C. he doesn't, on D. he()2. Let' sthemaponthewa崎上).A . look atB. seeC. watch()3. I canmany things on the table.A . loo

28、k atB. seeC. watchD. lookD. lookdoesn't , inUnit6i.重点词组及同义词、同义短语()4. The question is not easy. It' s very .1.next week2.ice cream3.have eat breakfast4.A . difficultB . difficultyC. relatingD . not difficultsports star()5.Let ' s playbasketball.5. how about6.have dinner7. eating habits8.A

29、 . the,B .xC. aD.somelots of = a lot of()6. your friend like English?9. have = eat10. dinner=supper11.have lunchA . DoesB. DoC. IsD. Has12.think about()7. Let' sandfootball.A . to go, to playB . go, playC. to go, playD. go, to play2.重点句型.1. Do you like ?-Yes, I do. No, I don ' t.()8. they ha

30、ve any sports? Yes, they.2. Do they like ?-Yes, they do. No, they don ' t.3. Does she he like ?-Yes, she he does. No, she he doesn ' t.4. I We They like They don ' t like 5. She He likes 6. She He doesn ' t like 3.名词单数变复数:a. 一般直接在名词后加s . (girl-girls)b.以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的在词后力口 es. (wat

31、ch-watches , box -boxes)c.以辅音字母 + y结尾的把 y改为i,再力口 es. ( strawberry-strawberries)6.一日三餐用介词 for. (have. for breakfast lunch dinner)I .用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. There are some(tomato) in the basket.2. Do you like (banana) ?3. She(have) ice cream .4. (health) food is important.5. She(do not) play sports.6. your m

32、other (watch) TV every day?7. The little girl likes (strawberry).8. Lots of children(孩子们)like (play) football.9. Chicken (be) very delicious (美味的)10. My daughter (go) to school from Monday to Friday.II .单项选择()1. Do you like apples? 一.A . Yes, I amB. Yes, I doC. No, I ' mnotD. No, I not()2. - Doe

33、s your son like carrots? .A . Yes, she does B. Yes, he isC. No, he doesnD. No, she doesn ' t ()3. He has egg and hamburger.A . an, anB . a, aC . an, aD. a, an)4. There is a shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges.D . drink( )5.A . vegetableWhatshe haveB .fooddinner?C . fruitD . can, to

34、( )6.A . do, inB . does, forThere is someon the table.C. is, atD. banana()7.A . tomatoBIat home. eggC. chickenD . has lunch()8.A . have a lunchB.Do you like oranges ?have the lunch.C. have lunch()9.D . Are; eat()10A.Yes, I doC. I like them very much your mother A . Do; eatB .Our friendlike salad1 Is

35、;.carrots?eatB. Yes, I don ' t D . I don ' t like themC. Does; eattD . aren ' ( ) much.D . its ()D . don' ()A . don' tB . doesn ' tC . isn ' tt11. 一 Do they like hamburgers? Yes, they likeveryA . itB . themC . their12. Her parentslunch at home.A . doesn' thaveB . have

36、n' tC . has' tt have13. We have nice fooddinner.D . on( )14A . in. does Lucy like?B .at-Tomatoes.C . forB. WhatC. Where2. My birthday is on January 5th / It ' s on January 5thD. Why ()15. Aunt Li likes bananas.A . eatB . eatingC. eats()16. There are some and on the desk.A. radios, photos

37、B. radioes, photosC. radios, photoes()17. Do you like soccer?A.playsB.playingC.to play()18. John usually(常常) eggs and bananas breakfact.A、 has,withB、 have,forC、 have,withD、has,forUnit7重点句子 问价格1. How much is this T-shirt? It ' s 10 dollars.2. How much are they? They are 100 dollars.3. How much is

38、 the T- shirt? = What ' s the price of-therT?问颜色1. What color do you want ? What color is it?购物用语:1. Can I help you? = What can I do for you?2. Yes, please.3. I ' ll take it .4. Thank you.5. You ' re welcome.短语或句型:at very good pricesWe have sweaters for only $25.We have skirts in red for

39、 only 22 dollars.核心知识两位数的基数词读法与写法P80Unit8重点句子1. When is your birthday?短语:English testbasketball gameschool triphow old核心知识1 .基数词和序数词 基变序口决基变序,有规律; 1、2、3特殊记,th要从四加起, f来把ve替,八去t,九去ety变成tie,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。4.时间介词in(年)in 2012 ,in (月) in January on(具体月曰) on January 1st at (几点钟)at 8:00Unit7Unit8 练习-、数词(1)

40、填表基数词序数词基数词序数词基数词序数词111302124031350414605157061680717908182191956102084neA. I want a sweater.B. I ' m sorry.C. How much is it ?D. Can I help you?E. You re welcome.F. What color do you want?3.-Who is your music teacher?语法特殊疑问句。(2)用括号里的词的正确形式填空1. May is the (5) month of the year.2. Today is the (2

41、0) birthday of Erik.3. Today is February (12), 2007.4. I have (40) books. 二、介词 in at on填空1. He was born(出生) 1987.2. The students go there Match 12th.3. They often have lunch 12:12.三、名词所有格1. The (child) books are interesting.2. This is the (teacher) room.3. ( Tom and Jim ) mother is a teacher.4. ( To

42、m and Jim ) mothers are all teachers.四、补全对话A: B: Yes, please. A: B: Red.A: We don ' t have red o What about blue?B: OK.A: Here you are.B: A: 300 dollars.B: I ' ll take it. Thank you. A: 语法特殊疑问句观察下面的例子,比较已经学习过的When引导的特殊疑问句的用法,然后补全结论。例句1. -What is your name ?-My name is Jenny.2. -How old is Ma

43、ry ?-She is twelve years old.3. - How do you spell “ watch ” ? -W-A-T-C-H.4. -How are you?-1'm fine, thanks.5. -Where is my backpack?- It ' s under the table.6. -How much is this T-shirt?-It' s seven dollars.7. -When is your birthday ?-Mybirthday is June fourth.8. -What time do you get u

44、p?-I get up at six o ' clock.9. -Why does she like action movies ?-Because they ' re exciting.结论通过以上的例子我们得知,特殊疑问句是指以特殊疑问词开始的疑问句。特殊疑问句一般不用Yes或No来回答,而要根据具体情况来作答。根据以上例子,完成下的表格。通过表格内容,来总结各种疑问词的用法和意义。Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.目标展示重单词who, subject, science, because, teacher,句子1 .-What' s your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is science.2 .-Why do you like math? -Because it ' s interesting.用适当的特殊词填空。how, why, what time, what, who, how much, wh


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