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1、1 .客户端 Outlook 2010设置1.1 打开 Outlook(点击桌面左下角Start->然后逐步点开All Programs->Microsoft office->Microsoftoutlook 2010).L iTunesL KONICA MINOLTA ,KSOLL LexmarlcL L Exm m rk,二用程序I , Maintenance,Microsoft LyneI, Micro soft OfficeMicrosoft Access 2010Micro soft Excel 2010Microsoft InfoPath Designer 201

2、0Micro5oft InfoPath Filler 2010Microsoft OneNcte 2010Microsoft Outlook 2010Microsoft PowerPoint 201Microsoft Publisher 2010Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 201Microsoft Word 2010. Microsoft Office 2010 ToolsMicrosoft OfficeTcolsSun Cong, VicDocumentsPicturesMuikComputerControl PanelDevices and Printer

3、sDefault ProgramsHelp and SupportBackSearch progro/ns and fi'/ej1.2弹出窗口中,默认 全部 选才N Next ,如下图所示:Microsoft Outlook2010Microsoft Outlook 2010 StartupWelcome to the Microsoft Cultook 2010 Startup Wizardr whdi wil guide 第卬 through theprocess of configuring Mkrosaft Outlook 2010.Account ConfigursticnE

4、-mail AccountsYou can wnfiflkre Oudook to connect to Internet Ennailr Microsoft Exchange, or other E-mail server. Would you like to configure an E-mail accoLnt?< Back Next > CancelR1.3 Outlook会自动识别登录用户名:1.4 选择Finish完成outlook配置:Add New AccountOnline «eardh for your server »tting«

5、.ConftguringConfiguring e-mail server settings, This might tae several rwiutesEstablish network connectionSearch for vic. sun kone-.CDm server settingsLog on to serverifour e-mail account ts successfully configured.Add another acoomt.Manually configure server settingsMicrosoft1Outlook2oioPreparing O

6、utlook for first use. (5%) Retrieving marlbax settings.OfficeCancelU 2010 Microsoft Corporation. AI rights reserved.1.5 配置完成后,默认邮件都存在服务器上(Mailbox),如下图所示:请注1.通力的新邮件投递位置必须为 递位置设置为本地(即PST),Mailbox (即邮件服务器),不可以把新邮件的投 因为投递到本地的邮件没有备份。2.通力的服务器邮箱大小为500M,超过500M后请自行删除不需要的邮件或者参 考后面的文档把邮件存档到本地。2.如何新建本地个人文件夹2.1

7、选择 File ->Info->Account Setting-In b ox - vic.sun Icon e. com - Micro-Mft O utloDkHomeSend/ Receive Folder View Ado be PDF底 Save AsU Save as Adobe PDF % Save AttachmentsInfoAccount Informationvic .sun kon Lal Mlicro&oft EjcchangeAdd AccountOpenPrintHelpJ Options目 ExitAccountSettings:TAccou

8、nrt SettingsModify settings for this account, and configure mdditi 口nail connectionsrAccess this accounit on the web.http:/fEuwEbmaiLkciniE.c:om/DWj,Add 31nd remove accounts or change existing conncdtion settings.etegate 业 eGive others pennissioni to receive items and respond on your behalf.at Offic

9、e)Dowinload Address Book.二年 Download a copy af the Global Address Book.:ify others that you are out M office, on respond to e-mail musages.CleanupToo Is TMailbox CleanupManage the size cf your mailbox by emptying Deleted Item5 and archiving.580 MB free of 1000 MB2.2 选择 Data Files->AddAccount Sett

10、ingsData FilesOutlook Data FilesE-mail DataFies Rss Feeds '|jjrtemetacndar里 的ud Gatendaro Adctess Books_ Add,., *22* Settinas. Q Set as Default X Remove 七 Open File Location Location西 sun 铢 ona mmC; W海5thnvisun'AppOatalocal 'Mier阴口ft'QutlcokVM.sunore,com.cstSelect a date file in the

11、li&t, tiieri Settings for more details or dick Open F旧 Locabon to dtsplay the folder that contains the data 利巴 To move or copy these files, you mu免 first shut doiAin Outlook.2.3 弹出窗口默认选择Outlook data file(.pst)Account Settings| S3Oata FilesOutiook. Data FilesE-mail Data Files RSS Feeds SharePoint

12、 Lists Internet Calendars Published Calendars Address BooksClos«默认情况下,个人文件夹会自动存放在如下图所示的路径,可以自行更改存放路径 但是最好让所有的存档文件夹放在同一个路径下以便以后的查找。2.4 File name :输入自己新建个人文件夹的名称O| Create or Open Outlook Data File« Ujtrt 卜 chrtyGmi 卜 My Dccumtrtti Outlook FilinSecfrh Outlook Filfs选才i OK之后,本地个人文件夹生成,选择 Close即

13、可。新建个人文件夹 会显示在主界面,如下图所示:HomeSend / ReceiveDeletePr Tqui* F-ivor11e Felbers He 2014-2-20W DeletedQ Search FoldersPS:如要将服务器邮箱里的邮件手动移到本地个人文件夹,如下图所示:选中邮件,鼠标右键Move->Other FolderSun Gui do ngMissed conversation with Sun Guide ngEun GuidongMissed conversation with Sun Guido ngLu Kue MeiMissed conversati

14、on with Lu Xue KTeiZhang Li Ming, CandyMissed conversation with Zhang Li Mingr CandyYnr Qin (ES-fTO-SH)pending cases耳 Cao AllenMissed conversation with Cso Allen emihh maiiniiiizmi imai iaii limaibiii «! iiumi iShao Jian Ming, BenjaminFW: next gfneration PC HW for tONE avsihble on PortaShao Jia

15、n Ming, Benjamin FW: New model computerROME G5D DdlianRE: Kunshan China - Configure SCCM & install APRS foriSun Cong, Vicv;angy£ N台过保台式机无法正常登陆,登陆后1Jack Xiao Jie Jiang 电脑更新现14犀19 partiKONE G5D DalianOpen£opy盛Quick PrintForward自卜1日应比REdMark as UnreadSICategorizeYFollow Up夕Quick StepsRule

16、saMoveIgnore毡Clean Up ConwersationXdeleteConvert to Adobe PDF0Append to Adobe PDF13枷Sent Itemswangyue J N自讨保自我机无法正常登陆登陆后直接logoffXu Jin电气工厂租的打机,可以先过来安装Inboxsend to包总包总MEIn bosInboxDeleted ItimsInboxOther Folder.Copy to Felder.请注意:请定期整理个人邮件,每个个人文件夹 能会损坏导致邮件的丢失或者无法读取(pst file)最好不要超过 2G,超出这个容量后,该文件可3.如何

17、添加旧的个人文件夹3.1 选择 File->Open->Open Outlook Data FileHomeSend / Receiveas Adobe PDF嵋 Save AttachiniieinitsInfoOpenPrintHelp图 OptionsFolderViewAdobe PDFInbox - 2013-2-20 - Microsoift OutlookOpen CalendarOpen a calendar file iln Ootlook (.ics, .vcs).Open Omtlbok Data FileOpen an Outlook data file (

18、.pst).ImportImport files, settings, and R5S Feeds into Outlook.Other User's FolderOpen a fold er shared by another user.Open Outlook Orta File Computer » LocaI Difk (CO OutlookaSf GrtH lOuH8k*.pst)3.2如果用户不清楚旧邮件的存放路径,可以按下图所示搜索自己电脑里的所有邮件(打开我的电脑 Computer->Local Dick(C:),在Search(图片右上角鼠标处)框里输

19、入:*.pst一丁 l .0 回 iiWt I 4 I Search Locai Dkkp-f Computer > Local Disk (C: kShire witlhi - Bum Ncwkldr含。,百Search Results in Local DiskfG)Organise, SavE search罪一 wSeareheiL might be 曰占出 in noH-indeL£d 1白£Mion交 d Clidk to add to- ind西l .X Fswrites Desktop,2014pstC:Wsers£hny£maMy

20、DDCumnts,i.Oijftlack FilesDate madrfied 2Q14注 130 Mzz 下午Size 239 MB* Downleads;Recent Places2013.pstCAmoilQDdte modified 2DU-320 正20 下午fcc 1,1,GBX LibrsriH.*| Dccumenlis留201Lp£tC:mailDate modified 2014-2-20 4dlSee 376 MBJ1 MusicJ PicturesF嘴2012-l.pst C:mailDate modrfied 2014-2-20 4-11 TiFSii

21、63; L到 GB? Podcasts 3 Vidto!曾2010O6.pstC:mailDotrmgdrfird 2014 I-30411 $ra 243 MB按路径添加即可。4.如何在Outlook里添加公共邮箱4.1 选择 File ->Info->Account Setting-HomeSend / Receivelnbax- 2014 - IFolderViewAdobe PDF Save As夕 Save as Adobe PDFAccount InformationMicrosoft Exchange Serverdbl Mkros.oft Exchange# Add

22、 AccountOpenPrintHelp4 Options 日 ExitAccountSettingsAccount SettingsModify settinigsfcr this Account and configure additional conni&ctiions.Access this account on the wdxhttp 蝙eu w 把 bm a iLkon acom/。wd/Account Settings.9Add and remove accounts or change,'existing connedioniscttmgs.卜K冷0Delegate AccessGive others permission to receive rtems and res.pond on your behalf.Download Address 艮Download a copy of the GiobalAddress BookB餐 Manage Mobile Notjficatio'nsIjS Setup SMS and MobHe""Notifications.of Office)二ify others th


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