



1、员工入职登记表Employee entry register Form姓名Name性别Sex出生日期 Birthdate身份证号码IDNumber照片Photo民 族People籍贯 City婚姻状况Marital status生育状况Fertility status现住地址&邮编 PresentAddress电话Phone No.通信地址Mailing address邮编Zip code最高学历 Highest education专 业Major外语及等级Foreign languagelevel职业资 格Vocational certificate专业职 称Profession a

2、l title主要教育经历 Main Education Experience教育时间Education time院校名称School Name学历Degree专业Major证书certificat e年 月年 月Month/Year年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Year主要,作经历 Main Employment History工作时间Employment time工作单位Company Name职位证明人姓名、电话离职原因JobReferences& PhoneReasons fortitlenumberleaving年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Yea

3、r年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Year年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Year主要培训经历Trainingi培训时间Training time培训内容Training content培训组织机构The trains organization培训结果Training results年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Year年 月年 月Month/YearMonth/Year承诺:本人保证我所提供以及填写的资料均属实,如有虚假的,本人愿承担一切责任。Commitment: I hereby confirm that all the provided infor

4、mation by me is real , if have any cheating, I will afford all the consequences.签名及日期 Sign &Date主要家庭成员Family members姓名Name关系RelationshiP工作单位Company name所任岗位及职务Job& Title紧急联络人Emergency contact person姓名Name关系RelationshiP联系地址及邮编Present Address& Zip code电话Phone number健康 状况Health conditio n身

5、高Heigh t体重Weight视力Vision()良好Good ()辅助Assist听 力Heari ng()良好Good ()辅助Assist是否曾被认定为工伤或职业病或持有残疾人证明:填写“是”或“否”()Whether identifiedwork injury, occupational disease or hold certificateofdisablity: Pleasefill in'Yes'or 'no'是否被劳动能力鉴定委员会鉴定为具有伤残等级以及何级伤残:填写“是”或“否”以及伤残等级()( )Whether identified as

6、 having a disability grade and its class by labor appraisal committee: Please fill in'Yes' or' no' and the degree of disability是否从事过井下、高空、高温、特别繁重体力劳动以及有毒有害工种:填写“是”或“否”()Whether engaged in underground, high altitude, high temperature, special heavy manual labor, as well as poisonous a

7、nd harmful work: Please fill in'yes' or'no'是否有传染性疾病以及何疾病:填写“是”或“否”以及何疾病 ()( )Whether have infectious disease and which disease: Please fill in 'yes' or 'no'最近6个月内所接受的医学治疗与医学检查:Medical treatment and examination within the latest 6 months前用人单位信 息The lastcompany informat

8、ion离职时 间Resignati on date离职原因Resignatio n reason是否与前用人单位约定了保密协议与竞业限制条款:填写“是”或“否”()Whether signed confidentialityagreement and non-completion clause withformer company: Please fill in'yes' or 'no'是否与前用人单位有未尽的法律事宜:填写“是”或“否”()Whether have legal matters not over yet with former company:

9、Please fill in 'yes' or'no'承诺:本人保证我所提供以及填写的资料均属实,如有虚假的,本人愿承担一切责任。Commitment: I hereby confirm that all the provided information by me is real , if have any cheating, I will afford all the consequences.签名及日期Sign &Date:参加工作时间Starting work date年月日YMD累计工作时间Total working time年月YearsMo

10、nths是否已经休了本年度的年休假:填写“是”或“否”()If you have alreadyenjoyed annualleaves this year: Please fill in 'yes' or 'no'是否曾经或正在追究与承担过刑事责任:填写“是”或“否” ()If you have been involved in any criminal issues :Please fill in'yes' or 'no'应聘信息来源The source of recruit information是否在本公司工作过: 填写“

11、是”或“否”()Whether worked in our company: Please fill in 'yes' or 'no'入职部门Entry department入职职位Job Title入职时 间Hire date员 工 声 明Statemen t1、员工确认,公司已如实告知工作内容、工作地点、工作条件、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报 酬以及员工要求 了 解的情况。I confirmed that Company has truthfully informed workingcontent, working place, working condi

12、tions, occupational hazards, production safety conditions, labor remuneration and other information I want to know.2、员工在本表提供的个人信息、学历证明、资格证明、身份证明、工作经历等个人资料均真实,员 工充分了解上述资料的真实性是双方订立劳动合同的前提条件,如有弄虚作假或隐瞒的情况,属于严重违 反公司规章制度,同意公司有权解除劳动合同或对劳动合同做无效认定处理,公司因此遭受的损失,员工 有对此赔偿的义务。I promise all the information registe

13、red in this form is trueincluding- The personal information,education certificates,qualificationcertificates, proof of identification, working experiences and so on. I fully understand the importance of aboveinformation ' reality which is the premise oflabor contract. If have any cheating and fa

14、ke information here, I agree that company can terminate our labor contract without any compensation and I will afford the loss bringing to company3、员工确认,本表所填写的通信地址为邮寄送达地址,公司向该通信地址寄送的文件或物品,如果 发生收件人拒绝签收或其他无法送达的情形的,员工同意,从公司寄出之日起视为公司已经送达。Iconfirmed, the mailing address I filled in this form is correct a

15、nd can be delivered by express. I agree that it should be regarded as I have already received all the documents or goods sent by Company to this address even it happens that they are been refused or cannot be delivered.员工签名:日期:Signature:Date:单位填写Company fill in试用期 限Probation period试用期工资Probation salary正式期 工资Formalsalary员工确认Employee confirm本人对入职登记表的上面登记的全部内容皆已知晓并保证我所提供以及填写的资料均属实。I have already known and understand all contents in this entry registration form, and en


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