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1、5AUnit3 Our animal friendsCartoon time & Culture timeTeaching content: Cartoon time & Culture timeTeaching aims:1. Be able to describe animals features sweitnhtethnece structuresin this unit;2. Be able to understand, read and act the cartoon;3. Know the national animals and their countries;4

2、. Cultivate Ss ityaobfil thinking by asking questions.Teaching key points:1.Be able to describeanimals features with the sentence structuresin this unit;2.Be able to understand, read and act the cartoon;Teaching difficult points:1 .Know the national animals and their countries;2 .Cultivate Ss abilit

3、y of thinking by saking questions.Teaching aids: Multi-media headwear foodTeaching procedures:Before classT: In this class, each team will have one animal friend. If you do well, your animal friend can climb one step, finally getting the fruit. Are you ready to get the fruit?Step1.Lead in1.Watch a v

4、ideoT:Who is this boy?What animal friends does he have?Who is his best animal friend?Can you say something about this bea?rStep2. Review1. Guess Miss Liu s animfarilends1)听声音猜2)看动物部分身体图片猜What colour is it?3)提问猜Does it have.?1) Make a group2. Talk about your group animal friends2)Choose an animal fri

5、enWhyoucanetbes?eWhacdoe黑scre? it3)Everyone says one s 4)Let ' s guessStep3.Culture time1. Learn: kangaroo Australia panda Chinabald eagle the US polar bear CanadaT: We have four new animal friends. They have a show.Let ' s watch.2. Match the animals with their countries3. Read culture timeS

6、tep4. Story time1 .Lead inT: We have known four animal animals. You did a good jobNow, let meet another new friend.Learn: crabT: How does it walk?2 .Look and askT: Look at Sam, why is he crying?Do they have a happy meeting?3 .Discuss the picturesPicturedT:Where are they?What are they doing?Picture2:

7、T: Why does Bobby say: "Don' t shout. It ' s afraid. ” ?A: Bobby likes the crab. B.Bobby is afraid of the crab.第2页/共5页Picture3:T: It has ten legs?Read: These two are not legs. They re arms.Picture4:T:What else does it have?Picture5:T: Give the crab a cake. Does it like the cake?我国古代的读书人

8、,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生,竟提起作文就头疼,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在1978 年就尖锐地提出 : “中小学语文教学效果差 ,中学语文毕业生语文水平低,十几年上课总时数是9160课时,语文是2749课时,恰好是30%,十年的时间,二千七百多课时,用来学本国语文,却是大多数不过关,岂非咄咄怪事 ! ”寻根究底,其主要原因就是腹中无物。特别是写议论文,初中水平以上的学生都知道议论文的 “三要素 ”是论点、论据、论证,也通晓

9、议论文的基本结构 :提出问题 分析问题 解决问题,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样 ”, 就是讲不出 “为什么 ”。 根本原因还是无 “米”下 “锅 ”。 于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以 ,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题 ,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫必须认识到 “死记硬背 ”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。 What willSam/Crab say and do?3 .Watch and imitate4 .Act the storyStep5. Create an

10、 E.T animal friend1 ) T:We have known so many animal friends .Now, Let smeeotmse E.T animals!T 示范描述自己的外星动物朋友2 ) Ss create their own E.T animal friends死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃 ;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。 其实 ,只要应用得当 , “死记硬背 ”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提

11、和基础。教学反思:本节课我围绕单元主题animal,确定本课时主题为谈论新的animal friends, 导入设计了不同的情境,新旧知识结合, 激发了学生的求知兴趣。在教学过程中还有几点需要注意:1 . 关注提问的开放性,拓宽学生思维。在学习卡通板块时,我先带着小朋友们把每幅图片讨论了一遍,问了很多他们不用思考就能回答的问题,比如: Does it have ten legs?What else does it have?这些问题他们在预习的时候已经知道了,可以在学生自主阅读的基础上问一些开放性的问题: Which part do you like best?What is the fun

12、of the story? Why? 发挥学生的主动性,让学生自己去感受、理解和提问。 crab 出场的时候,也可以让学生自己边说边做,介绍自己,培养他们的创新能力。2 .一般说来, “教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。注重提问的条理性本单元的重点是从颜色、身体部位、能力等方面描述动物,教师在提问的时候要注意提问的顺序, 在学生描述Mowgli 的动物朋友时, 可以适当提问What colour is it? What body parts does it have? What can it do?接下来的输出做铺垫。要练说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专心听别人发言时,


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