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1、2019-2020 年八年级英语上册外研版 Module2Myfamily 基础练习、单项选择1.is my friend,andis mybrother.A. This; thatB. This; heC. This; thoseD. It; these2.is his sisterandare hispare nts.A. This; thatB. That; thisC. This; thoseD. Those; this3. Miss Gao,are my father and mother.-How do you do?-How do you do?A. ThoseB.ThatC.

2、TheseD. This4.boys over there(那儿) are my cous ins. They arein front of a tree.A. ThatB.ThisC. ThoseD. These5. The man missed the bus.is why he was late forthe meeti ng.A. ItB.ThatC. ThisD. All6. Mum,is my friend. Li Lei. LiLei,is my mother.A. he; sheB.she; heC. this; thisD. this; that7. Bob, can you

3、 see the boys over there?_ are mycous ins. Lets go and say hello to them.A. ThisB. ThoseC. ThatD. These8. - Are _ your keys?-Y es, they are. Theyre_.A. this; myB. that; mine C. these; my D. those;mi ne9. Who are_ people over there?A. thisB. thatC. theseD. those10. - Hello, Betty!-Hello, Lucy! _ is m

4、y good frie nd, Lin da.A. TheB. ThisC. SheD. These11. - Hello, Tina. _ is my friend, Helen.-Nice to meet you, Hele n.A. ThisB. ThatC. ItD. They12. My English teacher said I was lazy, butwaswrong.A. theseB. thisC. thoseD. that13. _ girls over there (在那边)are my friends Jane andLin da.A. ThisB. ThatC.

5、ThoseD. These14. - Look! Whats _ in the sky?$10.-It looks like a kite.A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. these15. - Mum,my teacher, Miss Zhang.-Nice to meet you.A. she isB. he isC. it isD. this is16.my pare nts and they are workers.A. This isB. These areC. That isD. She is17. - Whos that speak ing?is Mary.A.

6、IB. ThatC. ThisD. It18. - Boys and girls,is ournew (新的)Englishteacher, Ms. Green.-Nice to meet you, Ms. Gree n.A. itB. theseC. thoseD. this19. - Bob,is my brother Frank.-Nice to meet you, Frank.A. itB. theseC. thisD. those20.is my friend, Li Ming.A. ThisB. HisC. ItD. She21.How muchareshorts?A. this;

7、 TheyreB. those; TheyreD. that; Theyre22. - Look! Whats _ in the sky?-It looks like a kite.A. thisB. thatC. those23. Is_ a panda over there 那边)?A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. these24. Look at the two boys over there 那边).Are _ yourfrie nds?A. theseB. heC. thoseD. she25. Mom, _ my good friends, Kate and Lil

8、y.A. she isB. they are C. this isD. these are二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. Your un cles wife(妻子)is your a_ .27. Alice is my sister. I am her b_28. How many c_ do you have?29. My uncles d_ is my cousin.30.There are three people in my family. They are myp_ and I.31. The woma n is my mothers s_Shes my aunt.32. Th

9、is is my fathers brother. Hes my u_.33. Alice married Tom last year, so Tom is her h34. I ride my bike to the subway s_, and the n I take theC. those; Itssubway to my work place.35. If you want to see a doctor, you will go to a h_ .36. Richard is going to be an a_, so he is going to takeact ing less

10、 ons.37. His mother is a bus d_ .38. I work in a hospital. People call me angle( 天使)in white. I am an_ .39. Her brother works in a hospital. He is a d_ .40. On Sun days, the w_ are in the factory, too.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. We are in the_(相同的)class.42. Some_ (警察)are sta nding on the street.43. I writ

11、e to the hotel _ (经理).44. - Where does your father work?-He works in a _ (医院)as a doctor.45.Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to thesubway_(站)?46. Do you know what your _ (父母的)favorite colorsare?47. The boy is my_ (堂弟).48. Those are my_ (阿姨).49. How many big _ (旅馆)are there in your city?50

12、. This is a photo of my_(家庭).答案、单项选择1.A2.C3.C4.C5.B6.C7.B8.D9.D10.B11.A12.D13.C14.B15.D16.B17.C18.D19.C20.A21.B22.B23.B24.C25.D、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. au nt27. brother28. cous ins29. daughter30. pare nts31. sister32. un cle33. husba nd34. stati on35. hospital36. actor37. driver38. nurse39. doctor40. worke

13、rs三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. same42. policeme n43. man ager44. hospital45. stati on46. pare nts47. cous in48. aunts49. hotels50. family2019-2020 年八年级英语上册外研版 Module3Myschool 基础练习一、单项选择a teacher and seve nty-two stude nts in theclassroom.1. ThereA. hasB. haveC. areD. is2. There_ a tiger and two chimpanzees

14、 in the zoo.Lets go there this weeke nd.A. areB. hasC. isD. have3. - _ there orange juice in the fridge?-I dont know.A. AmB. AreC. Is4. - _ there any living things on other planets?-I have no ideas. Maybe we can know more about that in the future.A. IsB. AreC. HasD. Have5. How many books_ in your ba

15、g?A. hasB. haveC. are thereD. is there6. There_ many flowers in our school yard. Theylook very ni ce.A. isB. areC. wasD. were7. There_ a pencil and two pens in the pencil-box.A. areB. hasC. haveD. is8. - _ there any students in the classroom?-No, there arent. But there _ some half an hourago.A. hasB

16、. haveC. areD. isA. Are; wereB. were; areC. are; areD. were; were9.there a post office and any supermarkets nearhere?A. IsB. DoC. DoesD. Are10. How many people_ there in your family?A. isB. wasC. areD. were11. - Whats on the table?-There_ a cup of coffee and some eggs on it.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are1

17、2. There_ a sheep and two cows on the farm eatinggrass.A. areB. isC. haveD. has13. - _ there any bottles of milk in the fridge?-No, there_ .A. Is; isntB. Is; isC. Are; are D. Are; arent14. _ there a post office and some supermarkets nearhere?A. HaveB. DoC. AreD. Is15. How many_ in a week?A. day is t

18、hereB. days hasC. days are thereD. days have16. There_ two pencils and a bottle of orange juice onthe table.A. isB. areC. hasD. have17. There_ a mother, a father and two children in thefamily.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are18. - Excuse me. Is there a bank n ear here?-No, _ . But you can find one in Yang Fa

19、ng RoadA. there isntB. it isntC. they arentD. there is19. _ there a map and two posters on the wall?A. HaveB. HasC. IsD. Are20. - How many _ in the tree?-There are two.A. bird are thereB. birds is thereC. birds are thereD. birds are their21. There_ some paper and four knives on the table.A. haveB. a

20、reC. isD. has22. There_ a desk, two beds and four chairs in theroom.A. isB. areC. hasD. have23_ there two pen cils and a pen on the desk?A. AreB. IsC. HasD. Have24. - Is there a restaura nt n ear here?Yes, _ .A. it isB. this isC. there isD. that is25. How many books_ there in your school library?A.

21、haveB. areC. hasD. is二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. - Whats that in P_ Three?-Its a bike.27. Fiftee n and fiftee n is t_ .28. - Whats f_ and eighteen?-Fifty-eight.29. - Whats thirty and fifty?-Its e_.30. My grandmother is now over n_ years old, and sheis still in good health.31. Some students think s_ is the mo

22、st difficult subject.32. Im in front of Tom and he is b_ me.33.In our school, students often read books in the schooll_ .34. We can eat in the d_ hall every day.35. Mon keys like climb ing t_36. I like art and I ofte n draw p_ .37. There are t_ ping-pong balls in the box; ten areyellow and twenty are white.38. There are f_ students in our class, twenty girls andtwenty boys.39. Fifty plus(力口) thirty is e_.40. - Whats fifty and forty?-Its n_.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. This is a_ (地图)of the zoo.42. His home is in the_(中心)of the city.43. There is a garde n_ (在后面)the hous


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