



1、地道英文俚语 A-Z #96-100古今中外唯一地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇某些地道英文措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择*在这个小国家保证公民权利预防政府滥用权力的根本法制1惯性地2被躲避3来推进X政治议程上的事项5: Int h is li t tle coun try the r u le of law 1 is routine 1 y2 c i r cum ve n t ed3 to adv an c e4 p o litical agen d as5 .* 在于最近1婚姻2受虐待3关系4的记忆5还在作祟6下她自离婚,7 分居7b以来避开/di t to8单身人士出入地点9:St
2、 ill haunted 6 by the memory5 of an abusive3 rela t ion s h i p4 in the last1marriage2, she has stay ed clea r of/sh u n ned/av o i ded/m a d e her self sc a rc e fro m 8 si n gles 's c enes: sin c e the d ivo r ce7a/ s e para tio n 7b.* 不像1其他政客2一点儿不变地 严/ 惯性地b对具争议的问题4回避/ditto5 表态6,那市长7时常说明立 场/d
3、itto8: Un 1 i k e1 other p o liti c ians2 who i n va ria b l y 3a/ h ab it u a lly 3b he d ge/a re evasive i n sta t i n g their positions 6 on content io u s issues ; the mayor alwa y s ta k e s a stan d /expresses where h e stand s 8.* 他的母亲对他说:你不可以像你表兄1工作勤奋2吗?他说:“工作3是在生活中4 没有更好东西去做V的 人之避难所6":
4、 His m o ther said t o him: 'Can't you be ha r d w o rk i ng2 1 ike y our c ousin 1? Hesaid: Wo r k3 isa refu g e" for people who d on't ha v e bett er thin g t odo 5 in 1 i f e 4"* 这个球星1已经去冠军决赛2三次并被选为最高价值球星/ d itto4四次但至今5一只冠军戒指6还是逃避了他/ di tto 7: This star -p 1 ayer1 h as been
5、to the cha mp ion s hip f i na 1 2 thr e e ti m e s and was vo ted3MVP/Most Valuable Player4 f ou r time s , bu t a championshipring6 has e luded/ has beenelusive t o him so fa r5.* 这经理对他的手下1 深深地关心 2a/非常关心与但那不应该给他不强制3 更严格纪律尸一个逃避负面后果 方法5a/借口 5b: Thismanager care s deepl y2 a/c a res a 1 o t 2b ab o u
6、t his subordin ate s 1, bu t th at shouldn't give him an out 5a/excus e 5b not to imp o se3 s tricter disciplines,*在这全球性1的经济2 衰退/dit t 03a/危机 3b /动乱 3c/ 彻底崩溃 3b世界上没有一个国家能够避过大难4 a/ 无损地逃脱 4b: T h ere isn't a co u nt r y in th i s wor 1 d th a t can dodge th e b u 1 let 4a/esca ped unscathed 4b
7、 in thi s g 1 o b a l1 e conom i c 2 downturn/ downswing 3a / cris is"/ t u rmo i l 3c/m e ltdow n 3d.*这个经验老到 la/有经验1b和圆滑/ditt o 2的政客3已经把似是而非地回避 4a/回避/ ditto4b敏感问题5 成为精细的技巧 6: This seasoned 1a/ e x perienced1 b and p o lis h ed/sm o o t h 2 politic i an3 h as gott en parryi n g4a/dodgin g/ a vo
8、 i d in g 4b se nsi t ive q uest ions5 to a f ine art6.*官方/对这公司把收入2流动引导3b经过4国外/ditt. 5a/外国5b公司 6a/ 营运 61的诡计7视为,沿着边缘来逃 避9所得税10 的方法伊:The auth o r i ty1 s eeS8 the company's maneuver7 to flow 3a/ch an ne 1 3binc o me2 th r oug h4 an offshor e /overseas not e : not “o ve rsea" 5a/ foreign53 co
9、r poration6a/ o pe r at ion 6bas a means1 to s k i rt9 i n c ome taxes 1°.*老板的妻子对尝试回避1问题关于老板谣言的2风流韵事3的秘书4说:当我问你一个问题我要你给我直接的答 案5,停止四处逃 避6 跟我玩儿文字游戏7.": The boss' s wife sa i d to the secretar y4 who was try i ng t o be eva s ive1 on quest i o ns ab out the b os s ' s rum ore d 2 a f
10、f airs3: "Wh e n I ask you a quest ion, I wa n t y o u t o g i ve me a strai g h t answer5 . Q u it dan cing ar o und 6 and pla y ing word g a mes with7me* 中央银行1于快将来临的/ditto 2的聚会/ d i tto 3筹划4金融政策5不能够预防/ditto 6'/不理会/di t to/漠视 6c正在失败的 7 a/减弱的 7b /衰退的7c经济8 : The ce ntr a l bank 1 cannot a vo
11、id/ sid e s t ep/ s k i rt 6a/ i gno r e/pay no atte n t i on to/ pay no heed t o /d i sr e g a rd 6b/d i sco u n t6 the f a i ling7a/ we a k e n ing7b / recessionary7 eco n o my8 i n formulat i ng4 the m one t ar y po 1 icy5 in the c om i ng/u p co ming2 sessio n/meet ing/gather ing3 .*她问道:这个政治家是怎么
12、样的?他说:接受我所说吧17留意我所说1b, 像瘟疫般避开他2a/远远离开他 2b/不要走近他 /d i tto 2b.他是个要躲开的惹麻烦人3.": She as k ed:Wh at's this p o 1 i ti c i a n li k e?'He sa id: Take it from me1a/ Listen to me1b, avoid him li k e the plague /stay aw a y from him a s far as y ou can2b /don't g et n ea r him 2c. He's ba
13、d n e ws3! *那父亲对成年的1女儿说:“当你年幼时2我逃避/d i tto3父亲的责任4,现在我渴望5恳求6你的饶恕7 并作出任何我能够的方法8来补偿 97向你补偿9b.": The father spoke to h i s adult1 daugh t er: I sh i rk e d/shunn ed/avoide d 3 my duties as a father4 whe n you were little 2 . Now I wish5 to beg6 f or your f org i ve n e s s7 an d m a k e a men d s n
14、ote: not “ a men" a/ma k e it up t o you 9 b in an y way I can8.月:牙B di s pel evi 1 s古壁: 墙 wall;峭clif f*他说:我毕业后1尝试找工作2 到处3碰壁/di t t o4." : H e said: I " ran int owalls/ran i n to d ifficult ies 4 e v erywhere3 when I tried t o find a job2 a fter graduation 1.*在位法大楼1前面示威者 产/ 抗议者 a.撞上3
15、穿着重重盔甲4和挥动5盾牌6和警棒7的警察包 防暴警察 人墙9: I n f r o nt o f th e L e gislative Build ing1, the demo ns t r a tors 2* /protesters 2b ran into3 a wal 1 9 of he avily armore d 4 police office r s8* / riot po 1 ice8b wie 1 din g 5 s h ie 1 d s6 and b at o ns7.臂:膀arm*他把双臂X交叉2 横放在胸前3在草坪躺椅4上很快睡着5: H e folded?h is ar
16、ms1 ac r o s s his chest3 an d f e ll fa st a s leep 5 o n th e lawn ch a i r 4.*他有肌肉坟起/ ditto1a/强壮 长1c/修长 ldZ 瘦削/ di tto 1e/长满毛1f/刺着花纹1g/圆胖 1h/肥 胖11短小1j/短而粗/d i t t o1k/鼓胀11 有力lm/瘦长1n/ 树干般1°的手臂:He h as muscu 1 a r/muscle-bound/brawny 1a/ s trong 1b / lo n g1c/slen der1d / s k i nny/no o dle/ s
17、paghett i 1 e/ h air y 1f /tat tooed 1g/ch u bby,f at/ s h or t 1j/stu b b y/p u d gy1k/ bulged 11/ power f ul 1 m/ spindly1n/ tree-trunk 1 o a r ms.璧:玉 jade p e ndulum 古弊:舞 def r a ud; 病fl aw * 欺凌弱小1 是现今校园2严重3 的弊病4a/问题4 b: B ullyi ng1 is a se r ious3 scho olya r d2 mal a dy4a/ problem 4b now a da y
18、 s.*他相信网上扑克牌局1 a/股票市场 1b/本地赛马 严是作弊的2: He believes i nte r net poke r games la/ stock mar kets1b/loc a l horse-r a c es1 care r i gg e d 2*他说:我投注的马胜不出1由于骑师成心输掉赛事2a/ 那场赛事是作弊的 2 b: He said: My horsed idn' t win1 b e ca use the jo c key threw the r a ce 2a / t h e race was f i x ed2b.*学校对那些被觉察在测试作弊2的那些人会毫不留情地3 抨击 产
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