已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高一英语重点短语,词汇quality ( C ) quantity ( C )fun ( U ) funny adjmake + sb/sth + n make him our leader sb/sth + adj make the room clean sb + do sb/sth + done make me understoodagree + to sth on sth with sb with + 从句argue + with sb ( about/ over sth) for/against sth 为/反对.而争辩fill in 填写,添满,消磨时间reason ( C ) 原因

2、,理由for reason   由于的原因the reason for + 短语 的原因the reason why + 句子 的原因the reason why + 句子 + is/was that + 表语从句cause 起因,缘由 + of the cause of the accidentinterest n ( C/U ) Vt take/ feel an interest in sth = be interested inwith interest 怀着极大兴趣地imagine Vt 想象,认为imagine + n + doing sth + sbs doing sth

3、 I cant imagine their stealing. + that + 从句Survive Vt Vi + from He was very lucky to survive the war.Many patients have survived from the disaster.alone adv/adj (客观上)独自地 live alonelonely adj (主观上)孤独的 feel lonelyon a flight 在飞行中on a trip/journey 在旅行中on the go 忙个不停crash V 撞碎,撞坏,坠毁,倒塌,崩溃desert n 沙漠,荒原

4、V 离弃,放弃,遗弃 逃离deserted adj 荒芜的,无人的learn to do sth 学会做 learn doing/n 学做 all alone = all by oneselfall along = always 一直,始终collect 收集 ( 有目的,主观,有选择地搜)gather 把散的东西集中在一起fire n ( U )make fire 生火catch fire 着火put out the fire 灭火( be) on fire 着火/失火set sth on fire 放火烧sthchallenge n (C) 挑战 Vt 向挑战,对质疑accept a ch

5、allenge to do challenge sb to do 向sb挑战做.develop V 发展,研制,开发,培养develop a friendship with sb ( 建立 )develop an interest in sth ( 培养 )realise 认识到,体会,领悟,使成为现实think about = think over 仔细思考think of think back to 回想think nothing of 觉得不怎么样think out 想出think/speak highly/much of 对评价高,赞赏think little of 对评价不高,不赞成

6、treat Vt 对待,治疗,处理,款待treat A as B 把A当作Btreat sb for. 给sb治病treat sb to sth 用款待sbhave sb do sth 让某人做某事have sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事have sth done 使 被做 ( 主观有/无意 )get sth done 使 被做 ( 主观有意 )make friends (with sb) 与sb交友make enemies (with sb) 与 sb 树敌care about 在意,在乎care for 喜欢,照顾,关心example n ( C ) take for exam

7、ple 以 为例set an example to sb = set sb an example 为sb树立个榜样joke n ( C ) tell jokes 说笑话play a joke on sb 戏弄sbshare sth with sb 与sb分享/共用sthbe tired of sth/doing 厌烦做 .be tired from sth/doing 因做了 而累at all 真地,竟然,究竟,到底not .at all 根本不,一点也不半情态动词:need / dare need / dare to do sth 用于肯定句,疑问句,否定句need / dare do 用于

8、疑问句,否定句be/feel at home 随便,自由自在make sb at home (使)别客气,别拘束mean to do mean doingin the/ones way 妨碍,挡住的路in a way 从某种意义/程度上说by way of 经由. 取道lose ones way 迷路make ones way 努力向前all the way 一路上on ones way to swhnot a bit 一点也不not a little = very much majority + n 复数,谓语用复数the majority 做主语,谓语单复数均可equal 相等的,同样的,

9、平等的,be equal + with/toon ones own = alone = all by oneself 独自地situation 情况,处境,形势 (指环境/外在)condition 状况,状态(指个体/内在)state 状态,状况(只用单数,与in 连用) in a state of . wide adj /adv widely advhigh adj / adv highly advdeep adj / adv deeply advclose adj / adv closely advlate adj / adv lately adv 最近 = recentlyon/ ove

10、r the radio 通过无线电 on TVon the phone 通过电话knowledge n U to ones knowledge 据 所知a/ the knowledge of . 的知识in the future 在将来 in future 从今以后exchange n / Vt 交换,交流,兑换exchange sth with sbcome about = take place 发生,产生come across (偶然)遇见/发现come along with 随同while 而,却,尽管end up with 以 结束/告终begin/ start with 以 开始ov

11、er + 时间段 (强调动作发生在时间后)during + 时间段 (强调动作发生在时间内)for + 时间段 动作或状态持续的时间consider doing sth 考虑做.consider sb/ sth to do 认为 means n (单/复数)同形,“手段,方法”meaning n C “意思,含义”by means of 通过的方式by this/that means 通过这种/那种方式by no means 决不follow 跟随,理解,沿着走,听从follow ones advice / instructions 听从某人的建议follow the example of 以

12、为榜样as follows 如下 go through = experience get through = finishtry to do sth 尽力地去做 try doing 试着做watch out for = be careful wear 强调状态 put on 强调动作 have on 强调状态(不用进行时)up : 向上/高,向北,进城,进入down : 向下/低,向南,下乡,出去in danger 处于险境 in danger of 有的危险out of danger 脱离险境handle : n 柄,把手 Vt 操作,处理,管理,对待separate: adj单独的,分开的

13、 V 分离,分开,隔离(+from)be off = leave be off to + 目的地 = leave for + 目的地see sb off 送sb see sb out 送sb 出去combine A and B = combine A with Bbe good to sb/sth 对好/有利be bad to sb/sth 对不好/不利learn about 了解的事cause: n 原因 the cause of sth Vt 引起,造成,产生sink sank sunk Vi 下沉,沉没,低下 = go downfor fun = in fun take place =

14、happenfrighten Vt = scare 使害怕,使惊吓frightened = scared 受惊吓的firghtening = scaring 令人害怕的be afraid of 对担心 be afraid to do sth 不敢做a big mass of = masses of = lots of 大批的,大量的advance :使前进/提出/提高 Vi 高升/涨价 n 前进/进展advanced adj 先进的,高级的 in advance 预先,提前drag:拉/拽/拖(大/重物) pull:拉/拔(用力可大可小)draw:拉住/吸引 drawer:抽屉,支票hold

15、onto 抓住,抓牢,保持,不放弃,不卖掉struggle against/for/withfight over 为而争吵 fight back:还击,忍住finally = at last = in the endflow flowed flowed flowingfly flow flown flying strike:用力打(一次或多次) hit:常用(一次性打中)beat:后大多加人,多次/有节奏地打或跳 defeat:击败day after day:日复一日地(无变化)day by day: 一天天地(有变化)cut down 砍倒,减少,降低,削减destroy:V破坏,消灭 (不

16、可修补)damage:Vt/n 损坏,损失(可修补,补偿)ruin:V/n 破坏,灭亡,夷为平地refer to:意思是指 提及,谈到,查阅fear: n(U) / V 恐惧,害怕for fear of 担心 以防 for fear that + 句子 担心 以防in/with fear 惊恐地 fear for 为而担心look up at 抬头看 look up 抬头/查阅 look up to 尊敬.look down at 低头看 look down upon 瞧不起look down 低头catch sb doing sth 抓住sb正在做grow into = grow up to

17、 be 长成,发展成make a choice 做出选择make no choice but todo sth:除了做而别无选择In the beginning -in the endAt the beginning of - at the end ofMake money, save money , collect moneyat a speed of 以的速度 speed up 加速 slow down 减速at full/top speed全速地work on 从事于,致力于 work at sth/somewhereowe:欠,感激,把归功于owe sb sth欠sb sthowe t

18、o 把归功于owe it to sb that + 从句(it是形式宾语that 从句是真实宾语)I owe it to you that I have made much progress in English.a pair of 一对,一双,一付a couple of 指两个(不一定是一对)above allall along 一直after allall the same 依然,仍然all at once突然cant help doing 情不自禁地做.cant help (to) do不能帮着做cant help but do= cant choose but do= cant but

19、 do = have to dotake ones place = take the place of sb 代替sbtake ones place = be seated就座keep on doing: 坚持做.keep away from:离开,不接近keep back: 阻止,抑制,隐瞒keep out (of) 挡住,不让进来keep up 保持,继续,持续keep up with 不落后于,跟上cause trouble = make trouble: 制造麻烦get into trouble: 遇到麻烦have trouble/difficult (in) doing sth:做有

20、麻烦save/ spare trouble: 避免麻烦put sb to trouble: 给sb添麻烦decide to do = be determined to do sthafford V 负担得起 afford + n afford to do sthcomment n C / U 评论comment Vi + ( on / upon) sth 就提出看法in ones opinion = in ones eyes 以的观点来看have a good/ poor/ high/ low opinion of sbthink well/ ill/ highly/ low opinion

21、of sboff work 在休假 out of work 失业in work 有职业 at work 在工作中cutinto 切成为cut through/ across 穿过,横过 cut away 切下,砍倒cut down 砍倒,削减,减少 cut off 切断,停止供应interrupt = get in a word 插嘴,打断for a moment = for a while 一段时间 for the moment 暂时the moment = as soon as at the moment = nowapologise v. 道歉 apology: n 道歉apologis

22、e for ( doing) sth apologise to sb for ( doing) sthmake / offer an apology ( to sb for sth)accept / refuse an apologyintroduce:Vt介绍,引进,传入,使认识/了解seat:n C 座位,Vt 就座take / have a seat = sit down take ones seat 就座no one 只指人不与of 短语连用,回答who 提问的句子Who is here? No one.none ( 3个以上)指人/事或物。回答how many / much提问 Ho

23、w many people are there? None.neither ( 两者都不) ,后谓语用单数nothing 指物,不与of 短语连用,回答what提问的句子。go over = review :复习,检查,走过去。宽恕,原谅:excuse(语气较轻) pardon( 赦免 ) forgive 从心里宽恕question:课业上的,需要别人回答的问题用answer回答。problem:客观存在的,社会的棘手的问题,用solve回答。no question / no problem 毫无疑问.不可能的There is no question + that 从句There is no

24、question of / about out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question impossible pay a visit to sb / sth 拜访pay ones respect to 向表示敬意pay back偿还,报复pay off还清manners: (复)礼貌,规矩,风俗,生活方式manner: n 态度,样子,举止,与of 连用impression:n ( C )印象,感觉,印记make / leave a + (adj) impression on sb 给sb留下的印象at the table = near the tableat

25、 table 在吃饭, at desk 在学习sometimes:有时 , sometime: 某时some time:一段时间 , some times:一些次custom:n ( C ) 风俗,习惯,习俗customs:关税the Customs:海关customer:顾客course: n ( C )一道菜,课程,进程,过程,航道in course of 在中in / during the course of 在过程中raise: Vt rise: Viadvice:n ( U ) 建议,意见a piece of advicegive sb some advice on 就某事给sb提建

26、议ask ( sb) for advice on 向sb征求建议take / follow ( ones ) advice 接受建议advise ( doing) sthadvise sb ( not) to do sthadvise + that 从句too much + n ( U ) much too + adj / advbesides:而且,加之whats more.loud:adj / adv 大声的地aloud:adv出声地(silently 安静地)loudly:adv喧闹地,吵闹地,高声地extra:adj 额外的,特别的。adv:特别地,非常地。leak out :漏掉,删

27、去,忽略Its time for sth Its time to do sthIts time for sb to do sth Its time that sb did sthgive/ send ones best wishes to sb 向sb致意wish to do sth wish sb to do sth wish sb n /adjmake / tell a joke 说笑话have a joke with sb 与sb 说笑话play a joke on sb 戏弄sbin joke = for / in fun 闹着玩地,非当真地base on 把建立在,以为基础be ba

28、sed on 以 为基础represent = stand for 代表under attack 遭受攻击 under repair在维修中under studuy在研究中under construction 在建设中 under control处于控制之下give in屈服,投降,上交turn in = hand in 上交give in to sb 向让步,迁就in pieces:成碎片,破碎,落空break (sth ) to / into pieces fall to pieces : 摔成碎片tear (sth) into pieces 把 撕成碎片replace = take th

29、e place of 替换,取代change ones mind keep in mind 记住read ones mind看出sb 的心思pull down :拆掉,摧毁,推翻,使降低下跌notbut不是而是hold ones breath 屏住呼吸lose ones breath喘不过气来out of breath上气不接下气a deep breath深呼吸be worth doing值得做be worthy of being donebe worthy to be doneevery two days 每两天every other days 每隔几天 + do sthwould

30、 rather + not do sth + do A than do B = would do A rather than do BCompete Vi 竞争,比赛compete in + 比赛compete with / against + 人compete for + sth + nallow , permit + sb to do sth + doing sth father:直接义further:引申义make every possible effort to do sthmake the great effort to do sthprepare for sth 为而准备prepa

31、re to do sth 准备做sthprepare sb for sth / to do sth 使准备好做某事have an effect on /upon . 对有影响,对起作用more than 超过,多于,远不止passive adj积极的active adj 主动的,积极的join + 组织,团体join in + 活动take part in + 活动(起到一定作用)It depends.看情况吧。live a happy/ lifesmile a sweet/ bitter smile sing a beautiful/ sweet songlate : adj / adv 晚

32、的地,迟的地latest: adj 最新的,最近的latter : pron / adj后者,与former对应lately: adv 最近add A to B 把加到上add to 增加add up 加起来add up to 总计,和计remind sb of / about sth:提醒sb sth,使sb想起sthremind sb to do sthin case of :万一.(指坏事)in case:advpron以防万一,in no case :决不in any case : 无论如何in that case:如果那样wonder: n ( U ) 奇迹,奇观,(C ) 令人惊奇

33、的事,物 t = want to know ; no wonder :难怪force sb to do sth = force sb into doing sth 强迫sb 做sthcome up with:赶上,提出,相出succeed in ( doing ) sth the reason for . the cause of die out:灭绝 die for:为而死die of:死于(内因)die from:死于(外因)die off:相继去世by turns = in turn 按次序地,依次地take turns doing sth 轮流做.take measures to do

34、 sth 采取措施去做make to ones measure 按照.的尺寸做adapt to:适应,适合 (to是介词 )adapt.to Vt 使适合.devote ones life / money / time / oneself to sthin common with :与有共同之处set free 释放free of charge免费地for free无偿地,免费地free from不受的损害respond = react 反应,respond to 对作出反应amount / deal 后加不可数名词a large amount of + n ( U ) a great dea

35、l of + n ( U )desire:n ( C) / ( U ) 愿望,渴望+(for sth)advice n ( U) , suggestion n ( C ) 经常用做插入词:think / know / believe / supposesure: 表语形容词,大多人作主语certain:定语形容词,大多由sth作主语dance to the music/ song 伴着音乐歌跳舞a world of + n ( C) / ( U ) 无数的,大量的have sth in common with . 与有共同之处spread:传播,传开get round,伸展/延伸/展开/铺开v

36、ariety:多样性,种类,变化a variety of = various different kinds of record : n ( C ) 记录,唱片 Vt 记录下来,记载,录制write a record of. 记录下break a record 打破记录keep the record of 保持的记录be similar to. 与相似be satisfied / content with sb / sth 对.满意be satisfied / content to do sthtotally = completely = thoroughly = whollyexpress:

37、Vt 表达n 快车adj 特快的expression:n(C)表达,表情,表达方式take down = put down = write down :写下,记下take back 收回take in接受,吸收,理解,欺骗take on 呈现,雇佣,从事take over接管take up 占据,占领,开始做a series of 一系列的,一连串的,in trouble 处于困境中have trouble (in) doing sth做有麻烦get into trouble 陷入困境make trouble 制造麻烦take trouble to do sth费心做save / spare

38、trouble省事,避免麻烦learn from 向.学learn of / about 听说了解learn by heart用心学be afraid to do sth 不敢做be afraid of (doing) sth对做担心power:能力,电力,力量,动力,权力,政权in power:执政take power / come into power 上台,开始执政come across = run across = meet with = happen to meet = run into = meetby chance 偶然遇见grow into 成长为,发展成grow up 长大h

39、abit :个人习惯customs:群体习惯;国家、民族等风俗have a habit of doing sthform / develop the habit of 养成 的习惯be in the habit of 有的习惯get / fall into the habit of 染上的习惯get sb into the habit of 使sb染上的习惯out of habit 出于习惯compareto 把比作compare with 把和相比compared to / with 与相比(句首,做伴随状语)whisper:Vt 私语,低声说,Vi + to sb,n C 低声so goo

40、d a boy = such a good boyif only 要是就好了only if 只要,只有what if 倘若该怎么办?as if = as though 似乎,好像turn around / round 转回身turn back 折回,返回turn out 结果是,原来是,证明是use up 用完burn up 烧完eat up 吃完end up (with ) 结束/ 以告终make a list of 列出.的清单hurt :指精神上,肉体上的伤害(强调疼痛,难受)harm:指对人,对事有害。wound:多指外伤injure:指意外事故造成的伤害。a bit = a litt

41、lenot a bit = not at allnot a little = very muchexamine :Vt 仔细检查,测验(多指身体或考试)check: Vt 查验,核对。keep up with:跟上,不落后catch up with:追上,赶上offer:Vt 提供,给予,出的价;n 提供,供给offer to do sth:(主动地)答应做 choose :选中,选定(强调结果)choose from:从中选择(强调选的过程)select:精挑细选however if + 从句:要是就会更(好/坏)He did it very well, however, if he rea

42、d it like bably : adv 可能性最大possibly: adv 可能性最小likely: adj / adv sb be likely to do sth sb 很可能做a large amount of = a great deal of + (U) 大量的 .brain : ( U) 头脑,智慧head: ( C) 指人的头部mind ; ( U) 主观意志,精神世界,思维,心思,想法celebrate : 庆祝/ 祝贺 (+ 节日,胜利,典礼,仪式)congratulate : + sb ( on sth ) dress:+ sb :给某人穿衣服put

43、on:+ 衣服(指穿的动作)wear: + 衣服 (指穿的状态)haveon 表示穿的状态 ( 不用进行时)following : prep 以后;adj 接下来的;n 以下choice:n C 选择的人/物;U选择,选定,选择权by choice 自由地make a choice 做出 的选择前有“do”,后无to ;前无“do”,后有toI had no choice but to give up.I can do nothing but give up.give in :屈服,投降,让步give up: 放弃give off: 散发出,放射出give out: 分发,分配,公布,用尽,筋

44、疲力尽give over:交给,移交give back:返还,恢复not but . 不是. 而是.play a trick on sb = play a joke on sb = play tricks on sbscene:(C)现场,场景(人工布局的),一场,scenery:(U)大多指自然景色missing: adj 不见了(一时找不到,不一定丢了)lost: adj 丢了(找不到了)before 的特殊用法:得. 才 He waited a long time before the train arrived用不了.就 I hadnt waited long before he ca

45、me.没等就 He began to speak before I could sit down.seem :表示有根据的判断(可能是事实)look: 强调视觉上的印象appear:从外表上推断,似乎,好象(未必是事实)in the past:在过去 (用过去时)in the past years / days (用完成时)在过去的年/天里jowellery:(U)强调概念,珠宝的总称jewel:(C) 宝石,珠宝accept :接受,答应,相信accept + n accept + sb / sth + as + n / adj = treat . Asaccept + that 从句 承认

46、 .call on sb 拜访sb, 号召call at swh 拜访某地lovely : adj 美丽的,可爱的,令人愉快的lively : adj 活泼的,生动的,真实的look down at sth : 低头看look about / around: 环顾四周,警戒look into: 调查,注视内部look on : 旁观look out : 向外看look over : 检查,检阅look through:浏览,检查at ( the ) most : 至多,最多at ( the ) least: 至少,最少have sth to do 动作的的发出者是人have sb doing

47、sth = keep sb doing sth 让一直做have sb do sth = make sb do sthcome up with :提出,提供put up with : 忍受by accident = by chance 偶然地by mistake 由于疏忽by good fortune 由于幸运advantage :C 优势,利益,好处take advantage of = make use of 利用to sbs advantage = to the advantage of sb 对sb 有利discover sb doing sth :发现sb正在做make a grea

48、t discovery:完成一项重大发现依某人看来:in ones opinion / view = in the opinion of sb浪费: a waste of mean doing sth : 意味着 mean to do sth = intend to do sth 打算做 It is no use doing sth :做是没有用的It is no good doing sth:做是没有好处的conduct :指导,引导,指挥,经营,管理动词不定式做宾语的词:Wish, agree, decide, pretend, ask, tell, promise, plan, expe

49、ct, refuse charge :n / V 要价,负责,管理in charge : 掌管,掌管,负责in charge of: 负责 in the charge of + sb:由 负责under the charge of + sb 在 的管理之下take / have charge of + 部门 负责/管理 .free of charge : 免费地at ones own charge : 自费sharp:锋利的,尖锐的,灵敏的,苛刻的tear:Vt 撕裂 n C眼泪move sb to tears:感动得某人落泪burst into tears: 突然哭起来be in tears

50、 : 在哭,流泪doubt + 肯定句 + whether / if + 从句doubt + 疑问句 / 否定句 + that + 从句do with:处置,处理deal with: 处置,处理inspire : Vt 鼓舞,激发,感动inspiring : adj 鼓舞人的,感动人的live on :(指人) 以 为生feed on :(指动物)以 为食be about to do sth:不与表示时间的状语连用be to do sth : 可以与表示时间的状语连用refer to:(to是介词):参考,涉及,谈到,提及,意指主谓一致:1. 谓语动词就近一致的原则:Or; eitheror;neither nor; not but;not only .but also.;there be 句型2. 谓语动词与前面的主语一致:wi


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