



1、国际篮球杂志英文及翻译01国际篮球联合会(International BasketballFederation,FIBA)后不翻译。DEAR READERS AND FRIENDS OF BASKETBALL亲爱的喜爱篮球的读者与朋友A new world order has been established in basketball during the 2002 World Championship in Indianapolis, where emerging teams such as Argentina, Germany and Spain could close the gap

2、further to the traditional powerhouse Yugoslavia and teams like Angola and New Zealand made a big step forward. Three time gold medal winner USA faced tough competition on home ground and could only finish 6th.一个崭新的世界篮球规则在2002年美国印第安纳波利斯举行的世界冠军赛期间被制定 出来,在那里像如阿根廷,德国以及西班牙这类强队可以更大的减小差距,与传统的强大队伍南斯拉夫相比的话。

3、同时,类似安哥拉和于新西兰这一类的队伍也取得了很大的进步。尽管主场作战,美国这个三次取得冠军的队伍仍面对着很艰难的挑战,他们只能勉强得到第六名。One of the biggest compliments made to world basketball came from GeorgeKarl, the head coach of the USA national basketball team:"Young players aremore often in the gym and get better education in many countries than our ki

4、ds.And in a strange way, we should be proud of this." This comment was anoutstanding recognition of what global basketball has been achieving in the past decade since NBA players joined FIBA competitions. To continue this process and widen it to as many countries worldwide as possible is our ul

5、timate goal and one of the reasons for the creation of FIBA Assist Magazine.美国国家队主教练George Karl向世界篮球队伍发出了热烈的祝贺:“相比于我们的孩 子们来说,许多其他国家年轻的队员更经常参与健身活动,同时他们也能得到更好地教育。但是很奇怪,我们仍可以以此为傲。”在过去的十年里)全球篮球所追求的慢慢改变,许多NBA球员转向参加 国际篮球联合会的比赛便可以看出)George Karl的言论 是一个非常杰出的认识。继续这个过程以及尽最大可能扩大它的范围成了我们最终的目 标,也是我们国际篮球联合协会助攻杂志创立

6、的原因之一。On the other side, though, some signs indicate that basketball is slowing down its growth rate: In many of the world top professional leagues, attendances and TV exposure are dropping- even for winning teams. A lot of physically gifted players show poor skills and a lack of soundtechnical fund

7、amentals. The formation of young players and their maturing process appear to be too often shortened or bypassed. The economics of clubs, leagues and national federations are suffering from the world economical downturn. Management processes are too slow to adapt to changing situations.尽管从另一个方面看,有些迹

8、象表明篮球的成长速率正在降低: 在许多世界顶级专业队伍甚至是有希望夺冠的队伍中,出场阵容已经电视曝光率正在下降 许多体格上有天赋的队员渐渐显露出他们技巧的欠缺以及缺少有力的技术原理的缺点 年轻队员的培养与成熟阶段被压缩或者省略 俱乐部、联盟和国际同盟组织的经济状况正面临世界经济水平下降的压力 管理部门对于变动的形式所需的适应时间太长These are further reasons why we have decided to offer this new publication to you.这是我们决定为您提供这份新的出版物的更多理由。FIBA has always produced a

9、wide range of publications. This variety included a institutional publications“ such as the Byaws, Internal Regulations, RuleBooks, Rule Interpretations and Directories.FIBA一直以来都出版范围很宽泛的出版物的。这些种类繁多的出版物中包括像如ByeLaws (杂志名,不知道怎么翻译),内部规则,规则书籍,规则解释和目录等“体制出 版物”。Furthermore, we have produced special publica

10、tions which were mainly targeted to serve the media and other professionals like basketball managers and administrators around the world: the FIBA Media Guide, the FIBA newsletter, the result books and various books and brochures on the history of FIBA.THE TRANSITION FROM OFFENSE TO DEFENSE AND VICE

11、 VERSA从进攻到防守的过渡,当然反过来也一样。(viceversa : 反过来也样)Papini is one of the best teachers of fundamentals in Italian basketball. During his 18years with the Rimini team, he has worked with dozens of players, some who have played for the National team.Papini是意大利篮球原理最好的老师之一。在他在里米尼队的十八年里,他与许多选手打过交道,其中不乏国家队的队员。The

12、 fastbreak is one of the most spectacular aspects in all of basketball. Ball possessionchanges frequently, and players switch quickly from offense to defense and vice versa. 在篮球中,快攻是其中一个最引人入胜的方面。球的持有者常常在发生变化,而球员们会迅速 的防守与进攻之间转换。Players must be able to adapt to these everchanging situations: 球员必须要能够很快

13、的适应变化的情形: I don't have possession,! must play defense.我没有持球,我必须防守。 I have possession, I play offense.球在我手里,我是进攻的任务。 I play offense, I loose the possession of the ball, I must play defense immediately. 我在进攻,我丢了球,我必须立刻防守。This continuous change-from offense to defense and from defense to offense-ar

14、e “mental transitions99 and involve the quickly changing thought processes based on having the ball or not.这种连续的变化一防守与进攻之间的相互更迭一是“心理上的过渡%与对快速变化的思考过 程一样,都是以是否持有球来决定的。To play the fastbreak style basketball, players must be in excellent physical condition, but they must also be mentally prepared for th

15、ese quick transitions.要打一场快攻,球员们必须体能情况良好,当然他们同时要对快速的过渡有充分的心理准备。The fastbreak starts from a transition from defense to offense, due to following situations:快攻从防守过渡到进攻开始,有以下情况引起: A defensive rebound after a missed shot.投球未进后的防守篮板球。 An intercepted pass.传球中被拦截。 A stolen ball from the player with the bal

16、l.从球员手中“偷”走的球© A poorly thrown out-of-bounds pass.一个传歪了的救球。To start and finish the fastbreak, I prefer to use the primary fastbreak.想要开始以及完成一次快攻,我比较推荐用初级快攻的方式。Once the defensive player has the ball, he must take the most direct route and run full speed toward the offensive basket before the def

17、ense has the possibility to recover. 一旦防守的球员拿到球,在被其他人防守之前他必须采取最直接的路线用最快的速度变为进攻 的身份。The ball must be brought to the middle lane of the court; two players must run in the twolateral lanes, leaving the other two players to fill in the lanes that are free.球必须被带至中场;两个球员要跑到两条边线上去,剩下的两个球员将剩余空缺的位置填补。I perso

18、nally think the secondary break has some limitations regarding the above concept.考虑到以上方面,个人认为二次进攻有许多限制因素。I see many problems at the youth level, where the players often think of the different solutions of the secondary fastbreak (first trailer, types of cut), and, therefore, they are not totally awa

19、re of the favorable options found in the primary fastbreak.在年轻人的水平线上我看到了许多问题,他们常常想到不同的二次快攻的解决方式(。), 因此他们并不非常清楚的看出在初次快攻中最有利的选择。To build this type of the mentality, you should use practice drills that reproduce possible game situations, such as: 想要建立这方面的认知能力,你应该使用训练技能来重现可能的比 赛场景,比如: 1.1 vs. 0 2.1 vs.

20、1 3.1 vs. 2 4. 2 vs. 1 5. 2 vs. 2 6. 3 vs. 1 7. 3 vs. 2 QUICKNESS TEST WITH AND WITHOUT THE BALL 有球以及无球 的快速练习An offensive player has the ball while a defensive player plays behind him, a few feet away.一个进攻球员持球,然而防守球员就在他背后不远处防守。The offensive player dribbles to the basket as quickly as possible and th

21、e defensive player must touch the back of the offensive player before he makes a lay-up (diagr. 1).进攻球员迅速运球至篮下,防守球员必须紧跟其后以防其上篮(见 图D1)TRANSITION FROM OFFENSE TO DEFENSE 进攻到防守的过渡 Two lines of players, one in the corner and the other one in the lane. The coach has the ball and stands near the baseline.

22、 1 goes to the basket At the same time, the coach rolls the ball on the floor to the opposite side. 1 runs toward the ball, goes over it, and makes defensive slides. He then catches the ball, dribbles toward mid court, passes to 4, and goes to the end of the line, behind 3. After 1 shoots, 2 catches

23、 the ball, passes to the coach and goes behind the line of 4 in the corner. 4 repeats the same moves as 1 (diagr. 2). 两线队员,一线在角落,另一个在线上。指挥球员站在基线上控球。 1 (右图中编号)跑至篮下。同时,指挥球员将球带到另一边。1跑 向球,过掉它,采取防守滑步。接着他拿到球,带球至中场,传给 4,然后跑到底线,在3的后面。在一次进球之后,2拿球,将它传 给指挥球员,然后接着到4背后线的角上。4重复1的步骤。(见图2) DEFENSIVE RECOVERY TWO-ON

24、-ONE 防守型复原2对1The defensive player 3 stands behind the baseline; 1 and 2, the offensive players, have the ball at the free throw line extension. 1 and 2 pass the ball to each other and must shootobefore the defensive recovery of 3 (diagr. 3). Going back, 2 and 3 play two on one against 1.防守型队员3站在基线以后

25、;进攻球员1,2,在自由投球线范围内1,2互相传球,务必在 3防守型复原之前将球投出(图 3)。回来,2,3与1对抗练习。ONE-ON -TWO/TWO-ON-ONE 1 又t2/2 又寸 11 has the ball at the free throw line, with 2 and 3 standing near the baseline. 1 dribble quickly toward the basket and tries to shoot before the defensive recovery of 2 and 3. Going back, 2 and 3 play of

26、fense versus 1 (diagr. 4).1在自由投球线上持球,2,3站在基线附近。1迅速向篮下运球,尽可能在2,3防守型复原之前。回来, 2,3进攻,1防守。(图4,下页第一张)TWO VERSUS NONE 1 throws the ball off the backboard, rebounds and passes to 2, who dribbles to the middle of the court, while 1 goes to the right lateral lane. 2 passes to 1, who shoots a lay-up. In this s

27、ituation, 1 has the tendency to wait for the pass instead running forward.1投球未中,篮板球,传给 2, 2运球至球场的中间,而1转到右道。2传21, 1上篮。在这种情况下,1趋向 于等待传球而不是向前跑。To avoid this, he should run under the basket and come back, and not wait for the pass (diagr. 5).5) o为了避免这个问题,他应该篮下跑动来回,而不是等待传球(图CONTESTED OUT -OF-BOUNDSWe put

28、 2, a defensive player, behind 1, who goes to the basket. If beaten, 2 tries to recover, catches the ball, and makes the out-ofbounds pass to 3. 1, after the shot, plays defense and puts pressure on 2, harassing the pass to 3 (diagr. 6).Second choice with the same drill: 1, after the shot, puts pres

29、sure on 3 (diagr. 7).CONTINUITY : TWO -ON -ONE1 and 2 pass the ball to each other and then they play two-on-one against 3. At the end of the action, 3 plays on offense with 5 against the defensive man, 4, who comes up high (diagr. 8).TWO -ON-ONE STATIC1 and 2, standing at mid court, pass the ball to

30、 each other with their feet facing toward the basket, standing and without making any fakes. 3 tries to intercept the ball and if he succeeds, he goes to the basket on the other half court; if unsuccessful, 2 and 3 go to the basket (diagr. 9).ONE VERSUS NONETwo possible situations of one versus none

31、: the defense intercepts or steals the ball, or the player on the offensive transition receives a pass. If there is no defensive player between him and the basket, he goes straight to the basket via the shortest route, without turning is his head, and ready to take a hard foul.ONE-ON -ONE1 purposely

32、 throws a bad pass to 2, the defensive man, and then attacks 2, who plays on offense. They play one on one full court (diagr. 10). You can also play the opposite way, with 2, who makes the pass to 1, playing defense. To correct to an offensive mistake, you need to be very aggressive on the ball.ONE -ON -ONE WITH THE COACHThe coach passes the ball to the offensive man 1, who plays one on one with 2. At the end of the action, 2 goes on offense and plays full court with 1


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