已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、三年级英语上学期期末测试卷听力部分 (60%)、听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合、单词或短语,每题听两遍。 (10%)三、听录音,给图片排顺序,用1、2、3、4和 5写在方框里。每题听两遍。(10%)1.MCOMPM2.ilggillig3.CEOCOOCFO4.pearbearear5.hairchairair5.MrMrsMiss7.bedbag big8. thisthesethey9.Well done! I' m sorry.10. Come in.Here you are、听录音,圈出你听到的图片,每题听两遍。 (10%)四、听录音,选出听到的短语或句子,每题听两遍。 (10%

2、)( ) 1. A. an orange B. a banana C. a watermelon( ) 2. A. on the chairB. in the roomC. in the schoolbag( ) 3. A. Open the gate.C. Welcome!( ) 4. A. Hello, I' m Peter. IC. Hi, I ' m Danny. Tm thin. ( ) 5. A. My hair is long.C. My ears are big.( ) 6. A. This is my father.C. This is my friend.(

3、 ) 7. A. This is my bed.C. This is my pencil.( ) 8. A. Open the door, please.C. Clean the des, please.( ) 9. A. How many boys?B. Come in, please!'B. mH efallto., I' m Joe. I ' m tall and thin.B. My eyes are big.B. This is my mother.B. These are my boos.B. Close the window, please.B. How

4、much is it?C. How much are they?( ) 10. A. Loo at the money. Its tail is long.B. Loo at the mouse. Its eyes are small.C. Loo at the rabbit. Its ears are long.五、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音相符合,相符的在方框里打 “,”不相符的打×。”每题听两遍。 (10%)六、听录音,选择正确的应答句。每题听两遍。 (5%)( ) 1. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is.C. Yes, I am.( ) 2. A

5、. I ' m Fine. Than yBo.u .Here you are.C. My name is Alice.( ) 3. A. No, they aren ' t. B. No, I 'm not. C. No, it isn 't.( ) 4. A. She ' s my motherB. . He ' s my father. C. She is my friend.( ) 5. A. These are bananas.B. Four pears, please.C . Eight yuan, please.七、听录音,圈出你听到

6、的词。每题听两遍。 (5%)1. Who is she? She is my (mother / grandmother). She is fat and she has longhair.2. In (spring / autumn), it is warm.3. How many oranges? (Four / Five) oranges.4. (Close / Open) the door, please.5. Loo! My (friend / brother) has ten boos.笔试部分 (40%)一、在方框中选出单词,写在相应的图片下面。 (6%)a girl hair

7、a chair summer a pear fish、选择正确的单词填空。 (10%)1. (She ' s / He ' s) my father.2. (Clean / clean) the blacboard, please.3. Three (apple / apples) please.4. This is a duc. (Its / It) eyes are small.5. In winter, it ' s(cold / hot). I can mae a snowman.6. Are (this / these) your boos?7. (Are /

8、 Is) you Mary?8. (Who /How) are you? I ' m itty. No, I ' m not.1. Is this your des?2. What is it?3. What can you see?4. Is she Mary?5. Are you a sheep?四、阅读对话,在 A、B、A. Yes, I am.B. No, it isn' t.C. It ' s a fish.D. I can see two apples.E. Yes, she is.C 中选择正确的选项。 (8%)9. Who' s the

9、boy? He's my (broisttheerr)/.s10. My (nose / mouth) is big.三、读句子,连线。 (10%)Alice Hi, Peter, is this your pencil?Peter No, I don ' t have a pencil.Alice Mary, is this your pencil?Mary No, it isn ' t. My pencil is yellow.Alice John, is this your pencil?John No. Loo, this is my pencil. My pe

10、ncil is blue.Joe I can ' t fi找nd到 ( ) my pencil. It' s green. Do you see it, Alice?Alice Is this your pencil?Joe Yes, it is. Than you, Alice.1 doesn ' t have a pencil.A. Mary B. John C. PeterC. blac2. Mary has a pencil.A. yellow B. green3. John has a .A. green penB. blue pencilC. red pen

11、cil4. Alice finds a pencil. It' spencil.A. Joe 'sB. Mary 'sC. Miss Fang 's五、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。 (3%)1. face is my big (.)2. he is brother your (?)3. many how boys (?)六、看图,写句子。根据提示,不少于 3 句话,不必逐一回答问题。 (3%)提示: 1. What can you see in the classroom?2. How many are they?3. What can you do in the classroom?参考答案笔试部分: 一、 summer a chair a girl fish hair a pear二


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