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1、Lesson 4 The New AustraliansLanguage Points1.attachvt. 缚上, 系上, 贴上attachAto B把 A 与 B 联系I amattachedtomyfamily.我对我的家依依不舍。we are attachedtothe land we live on. 我们对我们的国家依依不舍。He attachedhis horse toa tree.他将马栓在树上。Bythe way,you should attachimportance tothe tense.但要注意时态等语法问题。attachtosth/ doingsth 使依恋,使参加;

2、附属于,隶属于=belong toDont worryit wasanaccident andnoblame attachestoeither ofyou.别担心,这是个意外,不会责备你们。Greathonour attachestowinning this award. 最大的荣誉就是(属于)获奖。Also note dark colored wires usually attachtopositive leads, andwhite wires usuallyattachtonegativeleads. 注意深色线通常(属于)是正极线而白色线通常是负极线。2.belongvi.属于sth

3、belongtosb 某物属于某人sb belong tosth 某人属于某组织注意:belongto 不用进行时、被动语态。Which school do you belong to?你是哪个学校的?This book belongs tome.这些书是我的.Who does thisbag belong to?这个包是谁的?3.vastadj. 巨大的;广阔的vast 指范围、大小、地区或跨度的宽广;幅员“辽阔广大” Verygreat inarea, size, number, amount,or quantitya vast crowd 大群的观众 a vast party 规模盛大的

4、宴会The vast plains stretchfor hundreds ofmiles.辽阔的平原绵延数百英里。He also founded the vast YuanEmpire.他还建立了幅员辽阔的元大帝国呢。hugeadj. 巨大的; 超大的; 庞大的 extremelylarge insize or amount:尤指尺寸或容量的庞大;体积方面的“巨大”The roadwas blocked bya huge rock.道路被一块大石头堵住了。His last three films have all been huge successes.他的最后三部电影获得巨大的成功。Tha

5、t used tobe a huge number.以前这个数字是很大的。The world faceshuge dangers.世界正面对着巨大危险。4.exportvt.&vi.n.出口;导出; import进口export business 出口贸易What are the chief exportsof your country?你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?Import and Export Notes.进口和出口笔记。This country exports fruit toChina.这个国家向中国出口水果。The more we export, the more we

6、earn.我们出口越多,赚得就越多。5.fondadj. 只作表语喜爱的, 喜欢的;可作定语深情的, 温柔的be fond ofsth / doing sth 喜爱, 喜欢 = lovea fond goodbye 深情的道别The girlis very fond of reading.你非常喜欢看书。All ofus are fond of sports.我们全都喜欢运动。6.outdoorsadj. 野外的 adv. 在户外He interestedme in outdoors sports. 他使我对户外运动发生兴趣。walking outdoors for freshair 走到露天

7、呼吸新鲜空气Itwaswarmenough to eatoutdoors.天很暖和,可以在室外用餐。7.literaturen.文学a greatworkof literature 一部伟大的文学作品;travelliterature 旅行文献classical, contemporary, modern literature 古典文学;当代文学;现代文学8.contraryn. 相反 adj. 相反的onthe contrary 正相反地tothe contrary 相反地;相反的be contraryto 与相反The players on the contraryside now too

8、k their places.双方运动员开始各就各位。On the contrary,its never the same distance.恰恰相反,从来没有过同样的距离。She was convinced that John wasnot capable of murder, in spite ofall the evidence to the contrary. 尽管所有的证据都对约翰不利,她依然不相信他会杀人。This is contrarytoour beliefs.这不合我们的信仰。Mysisters tasteindresses is contraryto myown.在服装方面

9、,我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同。What he said is contraryto whathe did.他所说的与所做的刚好相反。This wascompletely contrarytoour intention.这与我们建立这个网站的初衷完全相悖。9.broadadj. largein area 辽阔的;广泛的broad 强调两边之间面积的广大, 如:broadplains 广阔的平原;broadshoulder,forehead,back宽肩膀,前额,背wide 强调从一边到另一边的距离, 如: wide eyes,river大眼睛,宽河流The river istwo hundred

10、meterswide 这条河二百米宽。broadsupport for Labour 对工党广泛的支持in broaddaylight 光天化日之下broad-minded 气量大的; 无偏见的; 宽大为怀的have a broadknowledge ofanimals 具有广博的动物方面的知识10.bearvt 携带,容忍bear in mind= keepin mind 记住I shall bear in mind your advice.我将牢记你的忠告。The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall be permitted.人民

11、持有和携带武器的权利应被允许。bear todo 忍受做某事;bearsbtodo 忍受某人做某事I cannot bear tosee you hurt.我无法忍受看到你受伤。He cant bear tobe laughed at.他不能忍受被取笑。He could not bear thathis friends should laugh athim.他受不了朋友们的嘲笑。She could not bear me tobe away.她不忍我离去。bear doing 忍受做某事She couldnt bear living a simple life.她不能忍受俭朴的生活。I can

12、t bearbeing laughed at.让别人嘲笑我可受不了。She cant bear being looked down upon by others.她无法容忍被人瞧不起。*Can you bear hearing about it again?再听到这种事情, 你能容忍吗?*The ice istoo thin tobear your weight.冰太薄, 承受不了你的重量。11.minorityn.少数,小部分;少数民族majorityn.大多数,大部分a large/ small minority 相当多的少数 / 极少数be in a / the minority 占少数

13、Only a minority of British households do not have a car.英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。The interestsof the minorities should be protected.少数民族的利益应该得到保护。The test ofcourage comes when we are inthe minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are inthemajority.当我们是少数派时, 这正是考验我们勇气的时候;而当我们是多数派时则要考验我们的容忍力。The minority /ma

14、jority is / areagainst the plan. 少部分 / 大部分人反对这个计划。The minority / majority ofthe students are outdoorswith their friends.少部分 / 大部分学生和他们的朋友一起在户外。The minorityof foodis badwhile the majority ofit isfit toeat.少部分食物坏了而大部分食物适合吃。12.unfairadj. 不公平;不公正be unfairto sb 对某人不公平Its unfair(of sb)to dosth 某人做某事不公平He

15、wasterribly unfair tothe younger children. 他对小一些的孩子非常不公平。GodblessIran, Bushand Israel are unfair toIran.上帝保佑伊朗,布什和以色列对待伊朗是不公平的。Itsunfair totake advantage ofyour fathersgoodnature.利用你父亲的善良天性占他的便宜是不公平的。Itis ratherunfair of him todo that.他那么做是很不公平的。13.forgivevt.原谅,宽恕 vi.宽恕forgivesb for doing/ sth 原谅某人(

16、做)错了事。He is not a man whoforgives easily.他不是一个轻易宽恕人的人。She never forgave him for losing her ring. 她从没原谅他弄丢了她的戒指。Please forgive him for his rudeness.请原谅他的粗鲁吧。Forgive me for leaving without telling you.请原谅我的不辞而别。14.previewvt.预演,预展;预览n. 预演,预展;预览The teacher should preview teaching aids to ensure that the

17、y are at the right level.教师应当预先检查教具以确保它们的高低合式。First of all, letspreview the textin class for some minutes.首先,我们就这篇课文课堂预习一会儿。What are you going tolearnafter the preview?预习之后你将要学些什么?Inthe preview screen, you will see your essay.在预览界面上,你能看到你的论文。They will get/ have/ see a preview oflife in the 21th cent

18、ury.他们将预知 21 世纪的生活。This book will give usa previewof life in the 22thcentury.这本书将向我们预告 22 世纪的生活。15.duskn.黄昏,薄暮at dawn 在黄昏;fromdawnto dusk 从黎明到黄昏after黄昏后, before 黄昏前,in the 在暮色中Dusk wasfalling rapidly.薄暮很快降临。The street lightscome on atdusk andgooff at dawn.路灯在黄昏时开, 拂晓时关。16.multiculturaladj.多种文化的multi- 多multiform 多种形式;multinational 多国的,跨国的17.spotn.点,斑点,地点vt.沾上污迹a blind spot 盲点; on the 在场;到场;当场a spot on the skin 皮肤上的红斑I have a blind spot where jazzis conc


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