



1、老师们下午好!我是在寄宿制高中学习,众所周知寄宿制高中的学生一天24 小时没有属于自己的时间,在我的知识体系中最大的弱项是英语口语,我对 未来的第一个规划就是利用高考结束后的这个假期加强英语学习。Good afternoon, sir/ miss! I studied in boarding high school ,as we all know, students in boarding high schools do not have time of their own24 hours a day. The biggest weaknessof meis spoken English. M

2、y first plan for the future is strengthen my English study in this vacation after the college entrance examination.1. 自我介绍Self-introduction中国有句古老的谚语:“三岁看大,七岁看老”,它是说“从 7 岁的孩子身 上,就能看到他中年以后的成就。”,这虽然有一定的概率,但已被现代科技证 明是非常有道理的。There's an old Chinese saying ,Three years old to see the big, seven years o

3、ld to see the old, It means you can see what one's accomplished in middle age from its childhood.我出身于教师世家,自小便沉溺书香,小学阶段便有 11 篇作文习作在全国 公开发行的报刊、杂志发表。I comefrom a teacher's family, be fond of reading since childhood. there was 11 compositions published in the national public publication of newsp

4、apers and magazines when I was a pupil.我学习刻苦努力, 5 年高难度奥数的学习经历使我拥有了扎实的数学基础 和较强的逻辑性思维能力,高三学习成绩稳步提高。I study hard, had five years of high-difficulty Olympic mathematics learning experience, so that I have a solid foundation in mathematics and logical thinking to steadily improve the performance of senio

5、r three.我勤于思考,善于创新,获得了“第 xx 届全国青少年科技创新大赛 ”科技 创新项目一等奖。I am diligent in thinking, well at innovation, won science and technology innovation project first prize of the xxth national youth science and technology innovation competition.(什么让你与众不同? / 你的优点是什么?) “台上一分钟,台下十年功”, 9 年的学习钢琴经历; 5 年的学习奥数历程;在面对深奥、抽象

6、、晦涩的数字 和琴曲时我的坚持,证明我是一个做事持之以恒、性格坚毅顽强的人。What makes you different? / What is your advantage?One minute on the stage takes ten years. Nine years of piano learning five years of Olympiad mathematics learning, my persistence in facing of profound, abstract, obscure numbers and music proves that I am a man

7、of perseverance.2. 你是怎么知道昆山杜克大学Howdid you know about Kunshan Duke University?杜克大学是每个中学生向往的世界顶尖名校,我是通过媒体报道和招生宣 讲了解到昆山杜克大学。Duke University is one of the top schools in the world for every high school student yearns for. I learned about it through media reports and admissions campaigns, Kunshan Duke Un

8、iversity.3. 你想选什么专业?你为什么选这个专业?(你的人生 /未来规划是什么?)What major do you want to choose? Why do you choose this major? What's your plan for life/ future?我想学“生物学和全球健康专业”。I want to major in biology and global health. 家庭文化潜移默化的影响,让我对生命科学产生了浓厚的兴趣,本科选择 “生物学和全球健康”专业,以后攻读“医科”是我的人生规划之一。The family culture imperce

9、ptibly influence, let mehave the intense interest to life science, choose biology and global health as undergraduate course and learn medical science later is one of my life plans.4. 你的兴趣爱好Your hobbies 我不知道这算不算爱好,从 4 岁开始跟随山东艺术学院的教授很专业的学习了 9 年钢琴,当时坚持每天练琴,更准确的说成了一种习惯,但高中三年在寄宿 制中学学习生涯中我一次都没摸过钢琴。(我钢琴考了

10、9 级)I don't know if it's a hobby. I studied piano professionally from ShandongCollege of Arts ' professor for nine years since I was four. I practiced every day, more precisely, it was a habit. But I didn't touch the piano once in my three-year high school career. (Current grade 9)5.

11、 你为什么选杜克大学?Whydo you pick Duke University? 我喜欢昆山杜克大学的通识博雅教育、多元文化和国际化学习氛围。还喜 欢昆山杜克大学的海外学习机会、精英式教育和国际化教学平台,这些能让我 在大学 4 年人生最美好的时光里开拓眼界、发展全球思维、体验与众不同的高 等教育,我钟情杜克。I like Kunshan Duke University's notification of liberal arts education, multi-polarization and international learning atmosphere. I also

12、like Kunshan Duke University's overseas learning opportunities, elite education and international teaching platform, which allow me to broaden my horizons, develop global thinking and experience the unique higher education in my four years of college and the best time of my life. I love Duke.6.

13、你想从大学学到什么?What do you want to learn from college? 我想在大学里学到深厚宽广的生物学知识与精湛的实验技能,掌握资料查 询、文献检索的基本方法,以及终身学习的能力,为我以后学习医科,将来 “悬壶济世,治病救人”打下坚实的基础。I want to learn knowledge of biology and experimental skills in university. Master the basic methods of data inquiry, document retrieval and the ability of lifelong

14、 learning. It will lay a solid foundation for meto learn a new medicine to save the world and cure the disease.7. 申请中你遇到的最大困难是什么?如何克服的?写申请时文书时你觉得最困 难的部分是哪里?What is your biggest difficulty in applying? Howto overcome? When writing an application, what do you think is the hardest part?申请中遇到的最大困难是英文写作。

15、最初用英文直接写,很不理想;后来 先写了中文稿,再翻译成英文稿,容易多了,最后在我的英语老师帮助下修改 定稿。写文书时最大的困难是:我就读于寄宿制高中,学校内几乎没有自己的 时间,活动也较少,如何让我的优势展现在老师们面前这太难了,所以在文书 中我以我国古老的谚语:“三岁看大,七岁看老”作为开场白,尽量通过高中 前多彩的经历把我的本质全面展现出来。The biggest difficulty in the application is English writing. Initially I wrote in English, it was not ideal. Later, it was m

16、uch easier for meto translate my Chinese manuscript into English. Finally, with the help of my English teacher, I revised it. The biggest difficulty when writing it is that I have little time and activity in the boarding high school. It is so difficult for meto show my advantage to you. So in the do

17、cument, I take our country saying proverb Three years old to see the big, seven years old to see the old, as prologue. Try to show my advantages through my experience before senior school8. 你想改变你高中的什么?你会怎样适应杜克大学的生活?What do you want to change about your senior school? What will you do to fit into Duk

18、e University's life?我就读于济南市璀璨的教育明珠 xx 中学,这是一所寄宿制高中,一向以管 理严格著称,学生在校内没有属于自己的时间,高考成绩在省内名列前茅。我 国采取高考一考定终身的制度,高考成绩决定学生的未来和命运,学校严格管 理为学生负责的做法是正确的,严格管理努力提高学生高考成绩与采用通识教 育提高学生素质是二难的抉择,尽量挤点时间给学生是个不错的选择。I study in xx school, This is a boarding high school, has always been known for strict management, stude

19、nts in the school do not have their own time, college entrance examination results have not ranked amongthe best in the Province. Our country adopts the system of college entrance examination for a lifetime. The results of college entrance examination determine the fate and future of students. Stric

20、t management,responsible for the students is the right approach. Strict managementstrives to improve students grade and the adoption of general education and improving the quality of students is a difficult choice. Trying to squeeze in some time for the students is a good choice.父亲在大学工作,我自小就生活在大学环境中,耳闻目染了大学生在学校 进行学习、创新研究和生活的经历,为我尽快适应大学生活大学了基础。My father works at the University, I've lived in college pregnancy since I was a kid. Fat


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