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1、中考总复习词组七年级上在前面在旁边拥有怎么样?起床in front ofnext tohave gotWhat about.?get up回家一双;一对大量;许多通过电视想出接通;开go homea pair oflots of; a lot ofon televisionthink ofswitch on七年级下拍照等候;等待美好时光非常穿上在家现在;此时看为准备好扫去在工作一些一年到头野餐沿走;登上期待游览去观光去骑自行车(从)到达从前take photoswait fora good timea lotput onat homeat the momentlook atget ready

2、forsweep awayat worka fewall the year roundhave a picnicwalk uplook forward todo some sightseeinggo sightseeinggo cyclingget (from.) to.once upon a time去买东西在将来;在未来变暖擅长领(某人)四处参观思考;考虑出生于回去去乘(骑。)捡起向四周看变成走开;离开在岁时穿过在度假;在休假买东西;购物和一起玩外出go shoppingin the futureget warmbe good at take aroundthink aboutbe bor

3、n go backgo for a ridepick uplook aroundchange intogo awayat the age ofgo throughon holidaydo some shoppingplay withgo out八年级上写下,记下互相过的快乐总是,一直起飞超过;多于与相处(融洽)稍微,有点儿退学照顾听说究竟听说write downeach otherenjoy yourselfall the timetake offmore thanget on (well) witha bitdrop out of schoollook afterhear ofon eart

4、hhear about洗(餐具)熄灭握手发现以为食越来越少例如发生有时打扫卫生参加当然wash upgo offshake handsfind outlive onless and lessfor exampletake placefrom time to timedo some cleaningtake partof course八年级下收拾占据对感兴趣并且,还比如出版结果等一下现在是否事实上几个,两个觉得顺便说遥远的害怕做和交朋友担心在那时一天天地开始小心向下看要打开赶快挽救某人的生命关上能,会不客气tidy uptake upbe interested inas well assuch

5、ascome outas a resulthold the lineright nowwhether.or notin facta couple offeel likeby the wayfar awaybe afraid to domake friends withworry aboutat that momentday by dayat firstlook out (for)look downask forturn oncome onsave ones lifeturn offbe able toDont mention it.一起在结束时卸掉/拿走/拔至少毕竟帮助某人做某事赶快面对面的以

6、某人的观点许多叫醒一就遍布依靠倒数聚会一列,一栏帮克服困难目的是独立,自己出现,发生献身于最后照顾如此以致于上大学一点也不 送别属于all togetherat the end oftake offat leastafter allhelp sb. with sth.hurry upface to facein ones opinionplenty ofwake upas soon asall overdepend oncount downget togethera list of help outso thaton ones owncome upgive ones life to in th

7、e endtake care ofso.that.go to collegenot.at allsee offbelong to九年级上注意听从出来处于边缘在底部就来说不再数百万的潜逃,逃跑成长谈论代表建立首先浏览一次用手工在的开始而不是某天集中注意力于也设法弄懂计算出试用实验检验即使listen upget out ofon the edge ofat the bottom ofas far asnot. any moremillions ofrun awaygrow uptalk aboutstand forset upfirst of alllook throughat a timeby

8、 handat the beginning ofrather thanone daypay attention toas wellwork outtry outeven though代替,而不是对 造成伤害对产生重大影响张贴,挂起组成许多看一眼同相似在左边/右边接,捡起那边和某人说几句话赢得的心从开始放弃向增加取得进步填写首先,最重要的顺便走访同一样扔掉,抛弃instead ofdo harm tomake a difference toput upbe made up ofa number of have a look atsimilar toon the left/rightpick up

9、over therehave a word withwin the heart ofever sincegive upadd tomake progressfill inabove alldrop inas.asthrow away九年级下动身,出发下(火车、公交)要么要么(从)跌落过(某种生活)穿着显示,炫耀沿着走set offget offeither.or.fall offlead a .lifehave onshow offkeep to领路入睡伸手去摸为了在露天无论代替保持联系偿还lead the wayfall asleepreach outin order toin the op

10、en airno matterin place ofstay in touchpay back1. Tony喜欢读很多中国历史方面的书。Tony likes reading _ _ books on Chinese history.Tony likes reading _ _ _ books on Chinese history.2. 你们每周上几节游泳课?How many swimming classes _ you _ every week?3. 我坐在露西的旁边。I sit _ _ Lucy.4. 那些车是停在楼前面了吗? Have the cars stopped _ _ _ the

11、building?5. 去游泳怎样? _ _ going swimming?6. 他每天很早起床。 He _ _ very early.7. 戴着眼镜的那个女孩儿是谁? Who is the girl with _ _ _ glasses?8. 想到你的话,我就很激动。 _ _ your words, I felt excited.9. 打开开关,你就能听到音乐。 _ _, and you can hear the music.10.我父亲经常回家晚。 My father often _ _ late.11.当她旅行时,总是拍照片。She always _ _ when she travels

12、.12.上周我们在公园野餐了。We _ _ _ in the park last week.13.周六汤姆喜欢呆在家里看电视。Tom likes staying _ _ and watching TV.14.我盼望着你的回信。I am _ _ _ your letter.15.游客们在市内做了观光旅行。The tourists _ _ _ in the city.16.此刻我们过得很愉快。We are enjoying ourselves _ _ _.17.我们正在学校门口等你。Were _ _ you at the school gate.18.昨天我们去超市购物了。We _ _ to th

13、e supermarket yesterday.19.农民们一整年都在地里干活儿。 The farmers work in the fields _ _ _ _.20.我爸爸现在没上班。 My father isnt_ _ now.21.将来你打算干什么? What are you going to be _ _ _?22.他们正在为春节而准备。They are _ _ _ the Spring Festival.23.秋风扫除街上的叶子。The wind in autumn _ _ the leaves in the street.24.我们正在登长城。We are _ _ to the G

14、reat Wall.25.导游带着我们参观了农场。The guide _ us _ the farm.26.周末我们打算去观光。We will _ _ this weekend.27.天气变得比较暖和了。It is _ _ now.28.你可以考虑几分钟。You can _ _ it for _ _ minutes.29.孩子们擅长体育运动。 Children _ _ _ sports.30.请看黑板。 Please _ _ the blackboard.31.每天早晨她醒了之后就马上穿衣服。 She wakes up and _ _ clothes right away every morn

15、ing.32.他的爱好是出去骑车。His hobby is _ _.33.我们可以通过看电视了解世界。We can know the world _ _.34.这孩子喜欢玩球。The child likes _ _ a ball.35.他们刚才回去了。They _ _ a moment ago.36.那个人向四周看了看,然后跑了。 The man _ _ and ran away.37.上周White一家一起购物了。 The Whites _ _ _ together last week.38.你的钢笔在地上,请把它捡起来。Your pen is on the floor. Please _

16、it _ .39.我们非常喜欢音乐。We enjoy music _ _.40.零度以下水就会结冰。 Water _ _ ice below zero.41.刚才谁跟你玩来着? Who _ _ you just now?42.你妈妈什么时候出生的? When _ your mother _?43.他说完之后离开了。 He told us about it and _ _.44.他们三天前回家去了。They _ _ home three days ago.45.昨天晚上我们过得很愉快。We _ _ _ _ yesterday evening.46.他常骑车出去兜风。He usually _ _

17、_ _.47.他们正在法国度假。They are _ _ in France. 48.海河流经天津市内。 Haihe River _ _ the city of Tianjin.49.Betty总是和这几个孩子一起玩。Betty always _ _ the children.50.她看见地上有个钱包,就捡了起来。She saw a wallet on the ground and _ it _.51.他总是四处张望,不认真听讲。He often _ _ and doesnt listen to the teacher carefully.52.回到你的座位上去。_ _ to your sea

18、t, please.53.魔术师把一束花变成了一个鸽子。The magician _ a bunch of flowers _ a pegion.54.他每天12点从工厂出来回到公司去。He leaves the factory at 12 and _ _ to the company every day.55.我们安全地穿过了森林。We _ _ the forest safely.56.我在八岁时开始弹钢琴。 We began to play the piano _ _ _ _ eight.57.从前有一个小村庄。 _ _ _ _, there was a small village.58.

19、他什么也没说就出去了。 He _ _ without saying anything.59.你已经把错误记到笔记本上了吗? Have you _ _ the mistakes on your notebook?60.我相信我的梦想一定会实现。 I believe that my dream must _ _.61.这女孩每天都过得快乐。The girl _ _ very much every day.62.这架飞机上午八点起飞,下午五点降落。The plane _ _ at 8:00a.m. and lands at 5:00p.m.63.多年后他的梦想终于实现了。Many years lat

20、er his dream _ _ at last.64.让我们以小组形式互相帮助吧。Lets help _ _ in groups.65.你究竟想说什么?What _ _ do you want to say?66.Mary和大家相处得好。 Mary _ _ _ _ everyone.67.当我们正上课的时候,停电了。 The lights _ _ when we were having a class.68.你听说过Betty这个女孩儿吗? Have you _ _ Betty?69.去年很多穷孩子都辍学了。Many poor children _ _ _ _ last year. 70.-

21、你参加运动会吗? -当然。 -Are you going to _ _ in the sports meeting? -_ _.71.她一直记日子。 She keeps diaries _ _ _.72.上周他们过得很愉快。 They _ _ last week.73.我已经学了2000多单词了。 I have learned _ _ 2,000 words already.74.刚才她写了很多笔记。 She _ _ a lot of notes just now.75.昨天她参加了英语俱乐部。 She _ _ in the English club yesterday.76.他总是很早到家为

22、的是照顾母亲。He always gets home early in order to _ _ her mother.77.飞机在一个小时之前起飞了。 The plane _ _ an hour ago.78.他在小学时和大家相处得好。 He _ _ _ _ others when he was in the primary school.79.半小时前她洗了餐具 She _ _ half an hour ago.80.天津发生了很大变化。 Great changes have _ _ in Tianjin.81.他们一见面就握了手。 They _ _ as soon as they met

23、.82.我感到有点儿累。 I feel _ _ tired.83.警察还没有找到任何结果。 The police havent _ _ the result.84.南方人以大米为主食. People in the south of China _ _ rice. 85.吵闹声越来越小了。 The noise is becoming _ and _.86.她们每周做卫生。 They _ _ _ every week.87.故事发生在1918年的中国。 The story _ _ in China in 1918.88.我有时仍然能见到他。 I still see him _ _ _ _.89.她

24、总是饭后洗碗盘。 She always _ _ after meals.90.打扫卫生是她的工作。 _ _ _ is her job.91.大明喜欢和朋友见面时先握手。 Daming likes _ _ with his friends when he meets them.92.2008年奥运会在北京举行。The Olympic Games of 2008 _ _ in Beijing.93.大熊猫以竹子为食。 The panda _ _ bamboo.94.春节前要做扫除。 Everyone _ _ _ before Spring Festival.95.举个例子说,我们可以在农场里种菜和

25、花。 _ _, we can grow vegetables and flowers on the farm.96.动物有越来越少的地方生存。 Animals have _ _ _ land to live on.97.事实上,每个人都忘了带练习册。 _ _, everybody forgot to bring the exercise books.98.除了英语之外他还会说西班牙语、He can speak Spanish _ _ _ English. 99.他比他们班的任何一个人都努力,其结果就是他在期末考试中得第一。He worked harder than any other stud

26、ent in his class, and _ _ _, he got the first in the final exam.100.我妈妈每天收拾屋子。My mother _ _ the rooms every day.101.孩子们开始对集邮感兴趣了。 The children began to _ _ _ collecting stamps.102.这个桌子在屋子里占据了最小的空间。 The table _ _ the least space in the room.103.这位作者的新书上个月出版了。The authors new book _ _ last month.104.你打

27、开电视了吗?Have you _ _ the TV set?105.大明一直喜欢读英文小说。 Daming likes reading English novels _ _ _.106.我们学很多科,比如中文、数学、英语和物理。We have many subjects, _ _ Chinese, maths, English and physics.107.请不要挂电话!Please _ _ _! 108.老师总是在课后帮助我学英语。The teacher often _ me _ my English after class.109.我认为你现在应该做作业。I think you shou

28、ld do your homework _ _.110.顺便问一下,你知道邮局现在还开门吗?_ _ _, do you know if the post office is open now?111.我看见几个陌生人进了房间。I saw _ _ _ strangers enter the room. 112.如果你有问题,不要害怕问老师。 Dont _ _ to ask your teacher any questions.113.你能告诉我那时你在干什么吗? Can you tell me what you were doing _ _ _?114.天气一天天暖和起来。It is getti

29、ng warmer _ _ _. 115.开始你觉得做老师怎样? What did it _ _ being a teacher _ _?116.他在一个遥远的村庄做医生 He worked as a doctor in a village _ _.117.我不知道他来还是不来。I dont know _ he will come _ _.118.她不想吃东西。She doesnt _ _ eating anything.119.和别人交朋友是很重要的。_ _ with others is very important.120.当你遇到困难时,一定要求助。Remember to _ _ hel

30、p when you come across the difficulties. 121.低头看,你就会找到你的鞋了。_ _, and you will find your shoes.122.请留心你的书写。_ _ _ your spelling, please.123.加油!你会成功的。 _ _. You will succeed.124.Tom离开了家,他的父母很担忧。Tom left home and his parents _ _ him very much.125.昨天医院挽救了这个男孩的生命。The hospital _ _ _ yesterday.126.毕竟成为一名优秀的学生

31、不容易,所以我必须尽最大努力去学习。_ _, it is not easy to be an excellent student, so I must study as hard as I can. 127.我每天至少要把厨房地板打扫一次来保持清洁。I have to clean the kitchen floor _ _ once a day to keep it clean. 128.不要把U盘拔下来。Dont _ U disk _.129.这些书总共花了三美元。These books cost three dollars _ _.130.请赶快并在十点之前完成你的工作。Please _

32、_ and finish your work before 10 oclock.131.多努力你就能通过考试。Work harder, you will _ _ _ pass the exam.132.到这个月底他们就能回来了。They can come back _ _ _ _ this month.133.除了学生,还有职员和老师都捐了款。The staffs and the teachers gave money to the Project Hope, _ _ _ the students.134.别关灯,我们会看不见。 Dont _ _ the light, or we wont s

33、ee anything.135.我们一到家就给你发信息。We will send a message to you _ _ _ we get home.136.开始,我们不知道他是谁。 _ _, we didnt know who he was.137.依我父亲的观点,我们最好坐火车去。_ _ _ , wed better go there by train. 138.北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。Radio Beijing sends news _ _ the world.139.我想老师应该面对面地纠正学生作业中的问题。I think teachers should correct stu

34、dentsmistakes in their homework _ _ _.140.他们每天做大量的工作。They have done _ _ work every day.141.她说她要把书名列出来。 She said she would make _ _ _ the names of the books.142.-明天去郊游吗,妈妈?-那取决于天气。-Shall we go on a trip?-It _ _ the weather.143.除夕之夜,临近12点的时候,人们通常会从10倒着数数。Just before 12 oclock on Spring Festival Eve, p

35、eople usually _ _ from 10.144.我妈妈每天都很早醒来。My mother _ _ early every day.145.天气如此的好,以至于孩子们都出去享受阳光。It was _ fine _ all the children went to enjoy the sunshine.146.王奶奶献身于教育事业。 Grandma Wang _ _ _ _ the education.147.最后,他们终于找到了那个失踪的男孩。 _ _ _, they found the lost boy.148.看!乌云来了,要下雨了。Look! The black clouds

36、are _ _. It is going to rain.149.我希望将来能好好照顾自己的父母。 I hope to _ good _ _ my parents in future.150.去年你们上大学的是吗?You _ _ _ last year, didnt you?151.你能自己干这件事吗? Can you do it _ _ _?152.刚才我把我弟弟叫醒了。I _ my brother _ just now.153.他们根本不喜欢文学。 They dont like literature _ _.154.昨天布朗先生去机场为朋友送行。Yesterday Mr Brown _ _

37、 _ _ at the airport. 155.这些钱是你父亲的。The money _ _ your father.156.他保证从现在起多帮家里做家务。 He promised to _ _ more at home from now on. 157.昨天我们聚会在一起开了一个会。We _ _ and had a meeting yesterday.158.这个小孩儿擅长倒数数。The boy is good at _ _ the numbers.159.雷锋为人民而献身。Lei Feng _ _ _ _ people.160.她想出了个好主意。She _ _ a good idea.1

38、61.他经常帮助别人克服困难。He often _ _ others.162.他们每天早晨在操场上跑步为的是身体健康。They run around the playground every morning _ _ theycan be healthy. 163.这房子两年前是她姑姑的。The house _ _ her aunt two years ago. 164.他们为救人而献身。They _ their _ to saving the people.165.每个人请注意,我有要事相告。_ _, everyone. I have something important to tell y

39、ou.166.车停后,他下来了。The car stopped and he _ _ _ it. 167.我正站在长城边上。Im standing _ _ _ _ the Great Wall.168.他们在峡谷的底部。They are _ _ _ _ the canyon.169.刚才他们谈论了歌唱家宋祖英。They _ _ the great singer, Song Zuying .170.那时孩子不再哭了。The boy _ cry _ _ then.171.每年有数百万人看莎士比亚的表演。Shakespeare's plays are seen by _ _ people e

40、very year .172.他长大了想成为作家。 He wants to be a writer when he _ _.173.她说那小偷跑了。She said that the thief _ _.174.那个足球俱乐部是去年建立的。 That football club was _ _ last year.175.你知道WTO代表什么吗? Do you know what WTO _ _?176.首先,我要告诉大家一个好消息 _ _ _, I would like to tell you good news.177.这电梯一次能载10个人。The lift can hold 10 pe

41、ople _ _ _.178.我奶奶总是手工缝制衣服。My grandma makes clothes _ _.179.我们将在操场上做这个游戏,而不是教室里。Well play the game on the playground _ _ in the classroom.180.刚才我浏览了一下那本杂志。I _ _ the magazine just now.181.我没注意你说什么。I _ no _ _ what you said. 182.爱迪生总是尝试新想法。Edison always _ _ new ideas.183.重要的是,你们解出了这道题。_ _, you _ _ the problem.184.昨天老师顺便来我家了。 The teacher _ _ yesterday.185.


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