1、v1.0可编辑可修改新编大学英语视听说教程第二册Unit OneListe ning, Un dersta nding and Speaki ngListe ning OneA Mother's LoveYou can see it in her eyes in her gaze and in her sighs.It is a mother's love.You can feel it in her touchin her ten der hugs and such.It is a mother's love.You can hear it in her words
2、in her praises and bywords.It is a mother's love.She cares. She un dersta nds.She lends an ear and holds our hands.She gives us a mother's loveListe ning twoFor more than four decades, John Adamshas fought to defend the environment and empowered in dividuals in the . and around the world to
3、join the cause. Adams is cofo un der 0f theNatural Resources Defense Council the NRDChe nation's first law firm for the environment. "Defending the environment,” John Adams says,"is personal”"Whenyou care about something, like the environment, it does becomea passion ” he says.&qu
4、ot;lt becomes your life. I grew up on a small-town farm in the Catskill Mountains of NewYork. It was a won derful place to grow up. I loved it"But by the 1960s, he did n't love what he saw happe ning to the en vir onment."We were a major in dustrialforce with no polluti oncon trols. So
5、 if you were in Pittsburghor New York or the factory areas of New Jersey or California, you would be hit with air pollution that had virtually no pollution controls,"says Adams"In New York we burned a lot of our garbage right in the buildi ngs. Fly ash would come up and it was over thecity
6、, The Hudson River was filled with raw sewage and it smelled because there were no requireme nt for sewage con trol."He also worried about the disappeari ng farmla nd around the big cities which becamesuburban sprawl with very little planning.Adams turned his love for nature into action, leavin
7、g his job with the . Attorney' sOffice in New York in l970 to help establish the Nature Resources Defense Council. The 33-year-old lawyer became its first director.In their book ,A Force For Nature Joh n Adams and hislife Patricia also an environmentai activist chronicle the evolution of the NRD
8、C froma homegrownadvocacy group to a 一 million memberorganization with intematlonreach.Adarms led the NRDCor 36 years and remains on its Board of Trustees. Today, he is chairman of the 0pe n Space In stitute, work ing to purchase sce nic and n atural la nd in New En gla nd to protect it from develop
9、me nt.Liste ning ThreeI grew up in a family with six sisters. In my lifetime I have seen all of them abusedby various men in their lives. Eve n my mother has the scars from two un successful marriages.Whe n I was a tee nager, my mother shared some in sights into all of their failedrelati on ships. S
10、he expla ined that they really were n't expect ing to be treated as quee ns, but they did desire two things from the men in their lives: to be told frequently that they are loved and to be show n often that they are special. It was at that point thatI decided I would be the sort of husba nd my m
11、om and sisters had dreamed of but n ever had.When I was dat ing my wife-to-be I remembered those two poi nts my mother shared with meyears earlier. I admit that I struggled trying to be able to express my love in wordsand in action. For most men, it isn't n atural for us to be roma ntics. But th
12、e n aga in,it isn't n atural for us to be milli on aires or sports superstars. It does take effort, practice and dilige nee. But the rewards are there.Now we've been married for nine years. I really, truly, deeply love my wife and let herknow it every day by what I say and what I do. Our fri
13、e nds and family members all admire us and want to know our secret.Liste ning FourIn past generations the challenge Oo dating was differentMenand womenwanted a partnerwho could fulfill their basic needs for security and survival.Womeriiooked for a strongman who would be a good breadwinner ; men sear
14、ched for a nurturing woman to make a home. This practice that worked for thousa nds of years has sudde nly cha nged.The new challenge of dating is to find a partner who not only will be supportive of our physical needs for security and survival but will support our emotional and spiritual n eeds. To
15、day we want more from our relati on ships. Millio ns of men and wome n around the world are search ing for a soul mate to experie nee lasti ng love happ in ess and roma nee.It is no Ion ger eno ugh to just find some on ewho is willi ng to marry us. Wewa nt part ners who will love us more as they get
16、 to know us: We want to live happily ever after. Tofind and recog nize part ners who can full fill our new n eeds for in creased close ness,good com muni catio n,and a great love life,we n eed to update our dat ing skills.Further liste ningListe ning OneMyson's primary school celebrates Valentin
17、e'sDay in a wonderful way. Each day throughoutthe mon th of February, the school honors each stude nt in in formal cerem oni es. At the cerem ony, classmates, teachers and pare nts get together to deliver complime nts to that particular child. They believe that a child's emotional and social
18、 skills should be developed alon gside their in tellectual skills. Lear ning to ack no wledge qualities and stre ngths in others and recei ving that ack no wledgme nt gracefully is a very importa ntlearning less on.I know I complime nt my son freque ntly, and certa inly try to make sure he knows he
19、isloved. But I realize that I have never actually pointed out, one by one, specific qualities that makehim unique and so special to me. And how infrequentlywe really point out whatis special in others. Sure, we say“ I love you ” or “thanks ” regularly, but when dowe take the opport unity to really a
20、nd truly exam ine what makes a pers on special Whatis unique and differe nt about themThis year, the time was scheduled for my son to receive more than 40 compliments fromhis peers, teachers, pare nts, and himself. Each child had their day at the cen ter ofthe circle, their friends coming up one by
21、one to give a gift of powerful words. Thisyear, my son heard that his thoughtf uln ess was appreciated, his ideas importa nt, hisexpressi ons in spiri ng. He was also expected to write and deliver a complime nt to eachof his classmates.Liste ning twoIn the en d, I had to ask my husba nd to read my V
22、ale nti ne complime nt to our son. I was simply crying too hard to get the words out. Wit ness ing the tendern ess of school-age childre n say ing what they thought was special about my little boy proved too much for me. But I was not alone. Whe nI warned my son I might get emoti on al, he said,“ Th
23、at'sOK. Lots of parents cry. ” He was right.This is what my husba nd read to our son on my behalf:Dear Cole:Your love of Ianguage and information has always amazed me. I love learning from youand with you. I admire how new words are so easily in corporated into your vocabulary.I think you are fr
24、esh and eager and loving.I admire that relati on ships are importa nt to you. I like to liste n to the conn ecti onsyou make with past experie nces. I think you are good at rememberi ng.I love how you are proud of yourself whe n you try somethi ng n ew. I feel proud, too.I like how your whole body t
25、ells a story, and your expressions make me feel good. I am proud of your willi ngn ess to express your fears and appreciate the rem in der that you will grow at the pace that suits you best. I love your jokes and your fondness for telling them over and over so I will laugh. I think you are fun to be
26、 with.I love that you are my son.I am really grateful to this school for creati ng a lear ning environment. These exercises benListe ning ThreeHisham and I will have been married for twenty years this February. Everybody said it would not work. He is Jordanian, Muslim, and I am Italian, Catholic. We
27、 met in Florida twen ty-two years ago. What we had in com mon was nothing except youth. He could barely speak the English Ianguage, and I thought Arabs were from India. Within a year I found out where Jordan was exactly and he could say“ I love you ” in broken English.Wherwe got married people actua
28、lly placed bets at our small wedding in my family's dining room. They thought our relati on ship would not last a year. Hisham did not tell his pare nts he was married for almost five years. He felt that if he failed at school his familywould blame the marriage. Of course everybody, from Arabs t
29、o America ns, thought he married me to get a gree n card. I knew he did n't.I lived in his country for six years after graduation and had a son there. Through Hisham's eyes I saw the beauty of his culture and religi on and the simple ways of his people.Being from NewYork and living in AmmanJ
30、ordan, I still had my Christmas tree each year, my Easter eggs and even a Halloween pumpkin in the window. I also took some of their ways cook ing, methods of motheri ng, socializ ing and it enhan ced my own character inthe long run.Throughout the years, I was not the Italiangirl from NewYork, not t
31、he American marriedto the Arab; I was a beautiful ble nded pers on with two childre n and a man who loves me.Liste ning FourTraditi on ally the heart is the part of the body where emoti ons come from. If you area warm hearted person, for example, you are kind and thoughtful toward others. If youhave
32、 a heart of gold you are a very gen erous pers on. But if you are heartless, you are cruel and un feeli ng.Of all the emotions, it is love that is most associated with the heart. In love songsall over the world, love almost always goes together with The heart. As the song fromthe movie Tita nic says
33、:"You are here in my heart and my heart will go on and onLovecan touch us one time and last for a lifetime, and n ever let go till we re gone”Perhaps the role of the heart in love comes from what happens to it when you feel really attracted to some one. The stro ng feeli ngs of attractio n make
34、 your breath ing speed up and your heart beat faster.Unit TwoListe ning, Un dersta nding and Speaki ngListe ning OneMrs. Black was hav ing a lot of trouble with her skin,so she went to her doctor. Howeverhe could not find anything wrong with her. So he sent her to the local hospital for some tests.
35、The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests directly to Mrs. Black's doctor. The n ext morning he teleph oned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs Black carefully wrote all the thi ngs dow n
36、on a piece of paper which she the n left beside the teleph one while she went out to a meeti ng.Whe n she got back home two hours later, she found her husba nd wait ing for her. He hada big basket full of packages beside him and whe n he saw her he said "Hello, dear. Ihave done all your shopp i
37、ng for you""Do ne all my shopp ing ” she asked in surprise."But how did you know what I wan ted”"Well, whe n I got home , I found your shopp ing list beside the teleph one" an swered her husba nd "so I went dow n to the shops and bought everythi ng you had writte n dow
38、n"Of course, Mrs. Black had to tell him that he had bought all the thi ngs the doctor would not allow her to eat!Liste ning TwoAmerican and British people both speak Englis, of course , but sometimes it does not seem like the same Ianguage. In fact , there are some important differences between
39、 British En glish and America n En glishFirst of all , they sound very differe nt. 0fte n, America ns don' t say all the lettersin each word. For example, America nsmay say "l dunno ” in stead of'l don' t know ” , or they may say "Whaddya say ” in stead ofwhat do you say ”Sound
40、 is not the only difference between British English and American English. The twoIan guages have differe ntwords and expressi ons for someth in gs. For example,some words for clothi ng are differe nt. America ns use the word "sweater” but the British say "jumper ” America ns wear"vest
41、s" over their shirts but the British wear "vests" un der their shirts. America nstalk about "pants ” or "slacks" but the British talk about "trousers" The British "chips" are American "French fries” A British "chemist ' s shop ” is an A
42、merican "pharmacy" or"drugstore ” .In Brita in, if you aregoing to teleph one frie nds , you "ring them up ” .In America , you "give them a call".There are also some differe nces in grammar. For example, America ns almost always usethe helping verb "do" with t
43、he verb"have” They might say, “ Do you have an extra penThe British often ask the question in a different way. They might say, "Have you gotan extra pen"These differe nces can be confusing whe n you are lear ning En glish. But whe n the sameIanguage is used in different places , it is
44、 understandable that it changes in each place.Liste ning ThreeNick: Hi, Dieter. OKDieter: Oh, hi, Nick. Yes, I'm fine, except that I had a big problem orderi ng my drink.I did n't think my En glish was so bad!Nick: Your English is very good! What kind of problemDieter: Well, look at this bee
45、r I've got here this warm, brow n, En glish beerit was n'twhat I wan ted!Nick: Why, what did you ask forDieter: Well, I just asked for a small beer. Then the barman asked what type of beerand said lots of n ames that I did n't un dersta nd and somethi ng about a pie or a pine.I did n'
46、;t un dersta nd any thi ng!Nick: Oh, no! He probably said a pint ! In English you don't ask for a big or a smallbeer. You ask for either a pint or a half. A pint's the big one.Dieter: So this oneve got here is a halfNick: Yes, that's a half of bitter. Bitter's the name for that type
47、of beer.Dieter: Ah, that's what he said bitter! Well, it's very different from the beer we drink in Germa ny, I must say.Nick: Yes, I know. They call the German type of beerlager . So you have to ask for ahalf of lager, or a pint of lager.Dieter: OK. I un dersta nd that now. My ano ther prob
48、lem was chips. I asked for a packetof chips, and the barman said something strange that they don't have chips in the evening, only at lun chtime. What did he mea nNick: Yes, they have fish and chips, but I think you meantcrisps .In England, chipsare fried potatoes, you know, French fries. The on
49、es you buy in a packet are crisps.Dieter: Well, in the end I did n't get anything to eat. So you see, I did everyth ing wrong!Liste ning FourMr. and Mrs. Jones are hav ing a conv ersati on one eve ning while Mrs. Jones happe ns to be looking at some of the textbooks her daughter, who is in the f
50、ifth grade, is using.Mrs. Jones : Listen to what this book says. It really makes me angry! When talking aboutthe settli ng of the wester n part of the ., It says"MEN by the thousa nds headed west.”Then on the very same page it says,"The average citizen in theUnited States is proudof HIS he
51、ritage ”Mr. Jones : Wha' s wrong with thatIt's true. I don't understand why you are angry.Mrs. Jones : WhyBecause women are left out!Mr. Jones:Everyone knows when the writer says"men" or "his" in those sentences, he means to in clude wome n.Mrs. Jones : I think you ar
52、e wrong. When young people read these sentences, they simplydo not form a mental image which includes femalesMr. Jon es: Mm Do you have other examplesMrs. Jones: Yes I do! This book mentions"MAN madeimprovements that have raised America' s standard of living. ” It is gender biased and a chi
53、ld will not think that females as well as males have made con tributi ons whe n readi ng this.Mr. Jones : I still don't think it's very important.Mrs Jones: Of course, you don't!You ' re a man. But don't you want our daughter and other little girls to have the idea that they can
54、be importa nt citize ns in their country,Just as other wome n have bee n in the pastMr. Jones : Well,I guess you ' re right. I hope not all textbooks are like that.Further Liste ningListe ning OneMuch has bee n said about how anti social the Internet and mobile pho nes are The truthis , however,
55、 accordi ng to new research, com muni catio n tech no logy is bringing people closer together. A study by the Pew Internet and America n life Project found family members were keep ing in regular con tact today more tha n ever before. And this is all dow n toe mail , chat , cellphones and SMS messag
56、ing. It makes sense. Years ago, it fook a longtime to write a letter, then find an envelope and go to the post office to buy a stampand post it. Today we write mails while we wait for our change in the convenience storeand they ' re sent in anin sta nt. Havi ng free Internet teleph one calls als
57、o helps us to stay in touch more ofte n and for Ion ger Every one' s at it from fiveyear-olds to tech-savvy gran dpare nts.Accord ing to the Pewsurvey, tech no logy has a very positive effect on com muni catio n withi n asked 2,252 adults whether new tech no logies had in creased the quality of
58、com muni cati on with their perce nt said it in creased com muni cati on with family members they did not live with two perce nt said tech no logy decreased this. Numbers were similar for thoseliving ln the same house as their family. The project director Lee Rainey said : "There s a new ki nd
59、of conn ected ness being built in side of families with these tech no logies." Survey co-author Barry Wellma n agreed."It used to be that husba nds went off to work, wives went off to a differe nt job or else stayed homeand the kids went off to schooland not until 5: 30, 6 o ' clock di
60、d they ever connect, ” he said.Liste ning TwoAt an early age, littlegirls' conversationis less definite and expresses more doubts,while little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners.These differe nces con ti nue into adult life .In public conv ersati ons, men talk more andin
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