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1、第I卷(选择题,共IOO分)第一大题听力(共五节,30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)第一节根据对话内容,选择相应的图片。读一遍。1. A.C.MDLSTORELf=1TB.C.4. A.6 A.C.第二节根据所听句子,选择最佳应答。读一遍。7. A. GIad to See you.B. It,s relaxing.C. m fine.8 A. TOmatO soup.B. Beef noodles.C. APPIejuice.9. A. FiVe meters.C. FOUr dollars.10. A. On foot.B. ThatlS bad.C. NO problem.11. A.

2、HUaXi Park.B. TOWn Cinema.C. BIaCkWOOd Zoo.第三节根据对话内容,选择最佳选项完成句子。读两遍。13. BOb advised the Iady to teach kidsA. reading SkiIISB. SWimming SkiIISC. Writing SkilIS14. LaUra is Writing a PaSSage aboutA. famous PeOPIeB. interesting inventionsC. future Iife15. Kim,s favorite band is the COIdPlay and he Cani

3、ts music.A. PIayB. SingaIOng WithC. dance to16. Tdny does WeII in EngIiSh because heevery day.A. IiStenS to tapesB reads novelsC. WriteS diaries17. Jeff feelsto Say goodbye to SOme Of his COIleCtions.A. PIeaSedB. SadC. angry第四节根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。读两遍。19. A. AbOUt 15 kilometers.kilometers.B. AbOUt 50 ki

4、lometers.C. AbOUt20. A. TreaSUre Island.B. Little Women.C. Tdm Sawyer.18. The topic Ofthe SPeakerSl COnVerSatiOn is aboutC. POPUIatiOnA. CelebratiOnS B. nature21. A. KiSS her.B. Shake hands With her.C. BOW to her.22. A. DOCtOr and patient.CUStOmer.B. Father and daughter.C. Waiter and23. A. A teacher

5、.B. A POliCeWOman.C. A nurse.24 A. He has a nosebleed.B. He has a cold.C. He has atoothache.第五节根据短文内容及问题,选择最佳选项。读三遍。25. A. Inl926.26 A Guangdong.B. Wuhan.C. Beijing.27. A. BeCaUSe they PIayed SPOrtS Very OfteneB. BeCaUSe they hardly Went to CrOWded places.C. BeCaUSe they Were treated by ZhOnglS meth

6、od.28. A. TO WaSh hands often, more.29. A. BaSketbaIL30. A. He is just a doctor.a good leader.B. TO Wear masks.C. TO SIeePB. Tennis.C. Ping-pong.B. He is a hero and a fighter.C. He is第二大题单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B. C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31. ChineSe VOIIeybaII PIayer ZhU Ting has become WOrld-r

7、ecognizedSPOrtS star.1A. /B. aC. the32. JanUary 25, PreSident Xi told the PUbliC that nothing matters morethan PeOPIelS Safety and health.A. FrOm B. OnC. In33. rzTara, WhatIS your favorite Orange. Half Of my dresses are orange/7A. fruitB. drinkC. COlOr34. With the improvement in transportation StUde

8、ntS in SOme SmaII ViIIageS noIOnger go On ropewaysrivers to schools.A. to CrOSSB. CrOSSingC. CrOSSed35. EVen if We Iearn SOmething Welh We WiII forget itWe USe it.A. WhiIeB. UntiIC. UnIeSS36. In difficult times, there are always national heroesSteP UP and bringPeOPIe hope.A. WhOm B. WhiChC. WhO37. I

9、lKryStaI, do you know how tea is PrOdUCedrrYes. When tea IeaVeS are ready,they are PiCked by hand and thenfor processing/7A. SendB. are SentC. Were Sent3& After-SChOOl activities help StUdentS gain more SkiIlS and teachto Careabout Others.A. meB. youC. them39. AS We all know, USing PUbliC ChOPStiCkS

10、necessary When We eat Withothers.B. areC. WaS40. IIPingtang Bridge has the highest COnCrete bridge tower in the world, l,amazing it is!A. HOWB. WhatC. What an41. DrUgS are harmful to PeOPIelS PhySiCaI and mental health. We teenagers mustA. take Care Of B. keep away fromC. get USed to42. With the hel

11、p Of Air Classroom, StUdentSkeep Iearning even WithSChOOlS closed.A. CanB. mustC. ShOUld43. The BBClS documentary DU Fu: Chinas GreateSt POet explainsDUlSWOrkS have been POPUIar for centuries.A. WhenB. WhetherC. Why44. SinCe 1990, PrOjeCt HOPemillions Of StUdentS from POOr familiesrealize their drea

12、ms.A. WiII help B. has helpedC. helps45. If We are interested in something, OUr brain is and it isalso easier forUS to Pay attention to it for a IOng time.A. activeB. more activeC. the most active第三大题情景交际(共两节,10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)第一节从右栏选项中找出左栏各句的最佳应答。选项中有一项为多余选项。46. Cindyt donlt run in the IiVing room!A

13、. WOOd and glass.47. Alice, is your brother heavy Or thinB. I agree With you.48.1 think a true friend touches your heart.C. m SOrry to hear that.49. Nick, WhatlS your model PIane made OfD. Yes, he is Very patient.50. My grandfather WaS hit by a bike yesterday.E. Sorry, I WOnlt do it again.F. Oh,he i

14、s Of medium build.第二节选择方框内最佳选项完成对话。选项中有一项为多余选项。A: May I help youB: 51 d Iike to borrow SOme books On WeStern CUItUre and customs. HOW Can find themA: 52B: OK. HOW many books may I borrow at a timeAJ 53(Ten minutes Iater)B: d Iike to borrow these three books. 54A: TWO weeks.B: TWO WeekS m afraid I Ca

15、nlt return them Until ve finished my project.A: In that CaSet you must renew them before theylre due. 55 ItlS yuan a day for each book.A. Yes, please.B. At most five.C. YOU Can buy it there.D. HOW IOng may I keep themE. If not, you,ll have to Pay a fine.F. YOU Can CheCk for them On the COmPUter firs

16、t第四大题完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。AWang WeilS ParentS Were Waiting for him When he got home. HiS dad handed him a letter. It WaS from the university. HiS hands Were Shaking as he took the Ietter his 56 WaS inside.EVer SinCe Wang Wei WaS Iittle he Wanted to be an 57

17、.He Often took his toys apart and PUt them back together. One day, his mom WaS 58 to See that Wang Wei had taken apart the television ! HiS dad told her to have faith (信 心)in Wang Wei, and SUre enough he PUt the television back together 59Wang Wei,s teachers all noticed his talent. They told his 60

18、Wang Wei ShOUId go to university. Wang Wei WaS Very excited about this. NO One in WangWei,s family had ever gone to UniVerSity before. HiS mom WaS not SUre 讦 it WaS a good idea. 61 his dad said, l,Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream. WangWei knew his family COUldnlt 62 university. SO he StUdied har

19、der and applied for the SChOIarShiPS (奖学金)NOW Wang Wei had the Ietter in his hand that WOUld tell him if he COUId go to the university.He took a deep breath and OPened the envelope. It says, COngratUIations. YOU have been accepted to the UniVerSity On full SChOIarShiP! HiS mom 63 him With tears in h

20、er eyes, a am SO PrOUd Of you! she said.HiS dad Patted his back. ,ve always had faith in Wang Wei and his dream, he said.56. A. futureB. resolutionC. Pride57. A. artistB. actorC. engineer58. A. happyB. UPSetC. SCared59. A. angrilyB. bravelyC. PerfeCtly60. A. guestsB. ParentSC. COUSinSC. BUt61. A. Be

21、CaUSe62. A. affordB. ChOOSeC. enter63. A. huggedB. thankedC. IeftThe first time I SaW Kai, She WaS Sitting in my front yard, holding my dog Harley in her arms. She had just 64 into a SmaII house nearby. I think She Iiked Harley,s friendly PerSOnaIity, just as he Iiked hers. FrOm the SeCOnd I talked

22、to her, I knew Kai WOUld be a IifeIOng 65 Her SmiIe made me feel betterjust being around her. Her face WaS always full Of 66.It didnlt take IOng before Kai WaS beloved by all her new neighbors here. EVery time We ViSited her, She WOUld kindly IiSten to all Of OUr PrOblemS and then Say SOmething SO 6

23、7 that We WOUId IeaVe her home With OUr hearts singing. SOmetimeS I WOUId read her my stories, and She WOUId always encourage me to keep 68.AII Of this time, though, Kai WaS SlOWly dying from cancer, She IiVed each day With SUCh Cheer that Often forgot just how 69 She was. Still, She died On .a COld

24、 Winter day With heavy SnOW falling down.DUring the ShOrt time We had been together I 70 SO much from Kai about how to truly live. She taught US SO many IeSSOnS about kindness happiness, hope and cheer.65. A. friendB. bossC. fan66. A. happinessB. WOrrieSC. doubts67. A. SeriOUSB. WiSeC. SiIIy68. A. W

25、aitingB. SingingC. Writing69. A. POPUIarB. busyC.ill64. A. WaIkedB. movedC. run70. A. expected B. Iearned C. accepted第五大题阅读理解(共两节,15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。An EXPeriment RePOrt On GrOWing POtatO PIantSThingS prepared: a POtatO that has SPrOUtS a flower POt With SOila Camera

26、to record PrOgreSSObservation:Day OneThe COIOr Of the SOil IOOkS darker because I have just Watered it. In the Center Of the pot, I Can See a tiny SPrOUt that has grown from the POtatO Under the SOiL I1II CaIl it Buddy. BUddy is green and yellow. I WOnder how fast it WiII grow.Day SiXWithOUt much Ch

27、ange in the PaSt SiX days, I finally See SOme new PrOgreSS On BUddy as it has grown taller. ItlS exciting to See new Iife Iike this. I hope BUddy Can grow faster.Day EleVenBUddy is getting Iarger! Three more new SPrOUtS have grown around BUddy! Green IeaVeS have grown On the new sprouts, but they ha

28、ve not fully grown yet. I guess I need to be a bit more patient.Day ThirteenBUddy COntinUeS to grow taller. The IeaVeS On the new SPrOUtS have grown a bit. m also excited to See more new SPrOUtS that have grown from Under the SOiLDay FifteenFinaIIyf the IeaVeS On the Other SPrOUtS are 3 Cm tall. The

29、ylre SO green. I hope they WiII SOOn grow into new potatoes.What I have IearnedIts really interesting to grow potatoes. DUring these fifteen days, I have Iearned that growing POtatO PIantS needs PIenty Of water. If SOiI is dry, the POtatO WiII fail to grow. I have also Iearned that the temperature n

30、eeds to be right. If it is too cold it wont grow.I feel that growing PIantS is just Iike trying to SUCCeed With anything in Iife it takes not Only time, but also IOtS Of efforts and patience.71. The reading material is an experiment report aboutA. ChemiStryB. PhySiCSC. biology72. HOW many things did

31、 the Writer PrePare before her experimentA. Three.B. Five.C. Seven.73 HOW did the Writer feel When She SaW the PrOgreSS Of the POtatO PIantSA. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Surprised.74. What Can We know from the WriterlS experiment reportA. Buddy11 grew Very fast in the first SiX days.B. Plenty Of Water

32、is necessary for growing POtatO plants.C. The Writer got new POtatOeS On the fifteenth day Of the experiment75. What has the Writer Iearned from the experimentA. Old habits die hard.B. ROme WaSnlt built in One day.C. KnOWledge COmeS from questioning.BIn the town Of LamPang in northern ThaiIand, ther

33、e is an UnUSUaI group Of musicians. They Play many different kinds Of music-from traditional Thai SOngS to music by Beethoven. BOth Children and adults IOVe this group. What makes them SO POPUIar IS it their music Their IOOkS Yes, its both Of these things, but itls also SOmething else: theylre eleph

34、ants.TheSe musical elephants are from the Thai EIePhant COnSerVatiOn Center (TECC) in Lampang. The TECC PrOteCtS elephants. It teaches PeOPle to UnderStand and Care for these huge, but gentle, animals. And, Iike many ZOOS around the world, the TECC encourages elephants to paint.RiChard Lair WOrkS Wi

35、th the TECC. He knew that elephants hear better than they see. SO he had an idea: if elephants are intelligent and they have good hearing, maybe they Can PIay music. TO test his idea, Lair and a friend Started the Thai EIePhant Orchestra. DUring a performance, the elephants PIay a Variety Of instrum

36、ents, including the drums and the XylOPhone. The animals also USe their VOiCeS and trunks to make sounds.BUt Can elephants really make music PrOPerlyYes,SayS Lair, theylre Very creative.C. introduce the elephants1 SPeCiaI talents to PeOPIe A. medical newspaper.第二节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有一项

37、为多余选项。Nirmal PUrja has Set SeVeral WOrld records after Climbing the worlds 14 highest mountains in IeSS than SeVen months.81 ThOUgh he WaS born I9 600 meters above Sea IeVeL he didnlt Climb any SeriOUS mountains UntiI he WaS 29.BUt Mr. Purja, now 36, WaS trained to be strong. He USed to be a SOldier

38、 in the BritiSh army, Where he had SPeCiaI training for fighting in Very COld weather. 82_There are OnlyI4 mountains in the WOrld that are higher than8, OOO meters. Mr. PUrja had already Climbed SeVeral Of them. 83 The OId record for Climbing the 14 mountains WaS SeVen years, ten months and SiX days

39、. It WaS Set by SOUth KOrean CIimber Kim Chang-ho in 2013.Mr. PUrja named his ChaIIenge nProject POSSibIe11.84 On OCtOber 29,just a IittIe more than SiX months after he started, Nirmal PUrja had finished Climbingthe 14th mountain.ThOUgh Mr. PUrja COmPIeted his ChaIIenge UnbelieVabIy quickly, it wasn

40、,t easy. FOr example, during One day Of Climbing ShiShaPangma Mr. PUrja and his team Climbed for 15 hours nonstop, 85A. Mr. PUrja WaS born in NePah in the HimaIayas.B. He had COmPleted five more ClimbS in PakiStan.C. He began On APriI 23, by Climbing AnnaPUrna in NePaID. HiS goal WaS to CIimb all Of

41、 them in IeSS than SeVerI months.E. They had to deal With WindS as fast as 75 kilometers Per hour.F In 2018, he Ieft there to follow his dream Of mountain Climbing.第II卷(非选择题,共50分)第六大题基础知识与运用(共两节,10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 第一节根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空。86. China is the (three) nation that Sent a PerSOn into space.87. N

42、owadays, Shared (Car) are becoming more and more popular.88. PeOPIe Were (COmPlete) ShOCked When they heard about Kobes accident.89. SO far, no(SCienCe) StUdieS have ShOWn that Shark fins are good forhealth.90. Beijing Opera an important Part Of ChineSe culture, (have) ahistory Of OVer 200 years.第二节

43、根据语境,选择恰当的短语完成下列各句。短语中有一个为多余短语。PUIl together a Pair Of WOrk OUt SUCh as thousands Of arethirsty for91. The StUdentS in my SChOOIknowledge and are Very hard-working.92.1 believe if We, OUr table tennis team Can do much better next time.93. EriC bought his fatherblack ShOeS With his POCket money On Fa

44、therlSDay.94. Giant PandaS are One Of OUr national treasures. They are Seen byPeOPIe every year.95. EXerCiSePIaying SPOrtS is fun. We CarI SPend time With friends as WePIay together.第七大题任务型阅读(共两节,10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 第一节阅读短文,根据其内容完成文后的句子。HOW WOUId you feel 讦 moving to a new town meant IOSing track Of y

45、our friendsWhat if the Only Way Of getting news from faraway friends WaS Writing IetterS that took ages to be delivered (递送)ThiS WaS how things WOrked not Very IOng ago. ThankS to advances in technology, how We make friends and COmmUniCate With them has Changed greatly.Nowadays, We Can move around t

46、he WOrld and StiII Stay in touch With OUr friends. SOCiaI media tools (社交媒体工具)Iet US See What OUr friends are busy With and maintain friendships.The digital (数字)age also enables US to find PeOPIe WhO Share OUr interests. WhateVer OUr hobbies, the Internet Can COnneCt US With OtherS WhO also enjoy do

47、ing them, even if they IiVe On the Other Side Of the world.BUt When YOU friend PeOPIe Onlinet does this mean that they really are your friendsit depends.If PeOPIe always exchange true PerSOnal information online, then yes, these friendships Can be real and meaningful. BUt We need to remember that Wh

48、at We See On SOCiaI media is Often not the WhOle truth about a person. SOmetimeS Smiling PhOtOS Can hide real PrOblems. On the Internet, nobody knows you,re a dog. A young PerSOn COUId be old; a WOman COUld be a man; We COUId even be Sharing OUr information With criminals.BUt this doesnt mean that W

49、e ShOUId throw the baby OUt With the bathwater. AIthOUgh technology has Changed the Way We acquire (获得) friends, the meaning Of friendship and OUr IOnging for friends remain the same. AS AriStOtle said, no One WOUId ChOOSe to IiVe WithOUt friends, even if he had all Other goods.96. WayS Of making fr

50、iends and COmmUniCating With them have Changed greatlybecause Of.97. TO Stay in touch With OUr faraway friends, We Can.98. Online friendships Can be real and meaningful if PeOPleWith eachother.99. The PhraSe throw the baby OUt With the bathwater means inChinese.100. ThiS PaSSage mainly talks aboutOf

51、 making friends online.第二节阅读短文,根据其内容完成文后的表格。TraSh COlleCtiOn is PrOblem for CUritiba First, the City has Only One IandfiII. Second, its garbage trucks do not fit On SOme Of the StreetS in the CitylS low- income (低收入) knew the SOlUtiOn Iay in getting everyone involved (参力口)In 1989, the City Started a

52、 recycling PrOgram CalIed Garbage That IS NOt Garbage. The City Set UP a Central recycling Center for SOrting (把分类)recyclable materials, food-based and waste.COlOrfUI CartOOn CharaCterS Were SymbOlS Of different kinds Of recyclable materials, WhiCh COUld help Children get to know the importance Of r

53、ecycling. COlleCtiOn bins Were the Same COIOrS as the CartOOns, reinforcing (加强) the message. PeOPIe made money by PiCking UP the trash at these bins and taking it to the Center for PrOCeSsing. Today, CUritiba CIaimS to have the highest recycling rate Of any City in the world.C ambio Verde, the Gree

54、n EXChange PrOgramt and COmPra do Lixo the BUying Of Garbage program, are SUCCeSSfUI recycling PrOgramS in CUritiba. They get low-income residents (居 民)to join in the citys recycling PrOgram by having them transport trash from neighborhoods that are hard for garbage trucks to reach.DePending On What

55、 they deliver, PeOPIe exchange their trash for cash, food and services. Their Way Of Iife is improved, and the City is better able to manage its trash. TheSe PrOgramS are One Way CUritiba has gotten CreatiVe as a green city. It ShOWS how involving everyone Can make green IiVing POSSible.Trading in On TraShParagraPhMain ideaSUPPOrting deta


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