



1、JOB DESCRIPTIONJOB TITLE: Secretary of GMJOB CODE:RECOMMENDED SALARY GRADE:JOB FAMILY: SecretaryDIVISION:REPORTS TO: General ManagerDEPARTMENT: admi nistrati onLOCATION:DATE: sept. 2011SUMMARY (Write a brief summary of job.)The pers on in this positi on is resp on sible for assist ing the gen eral m

2、an ager todeal with daily affairs, providing administrative support to the other administrativeand operational aspects of the work.Secretary of generalmanager Must havestro ng coord in ati on and executi on to process a variety of docume nts. she shouldtimely find problems to the general manager for

3、 feedback, and put forward her own suggestio ns. Tran smit an order from above, to con vey the managing directorin struct ions, and supervise each departme nt executive.SCOPE AND IMPACT OF JOBBasic resp on sibilities1.Summing up the companysannual work ,includingarrange and master thegen eral man ag

4、erschedule.2. Resp on siblefor assisti ng the Gen eralMan ager arra ngemeet in gs,preparematerials and record the conference summary3. Resp on sible for assist ing the gen eral man ager of the daily recepti on work .4. Assist the Gen eral Man ager han dli ng corresp ondence files,a nd draft ing, pri

5、n ti ng,registratio n and archivi ng the man agi ng docume nts5n structe the draft ing of releva nt docume nts accord ing to gen eral man ager of thein struct ions6. Participate in regular meet ings of the compa ny, and make a report7. Answer the phone, make appropriateresponse,if necessary,takegood

6、 theteleph one records8. To complete other duties that the gen eral man ager or the director of the Officeassig ned.Special Resp on sibilities1. Assist the Gen eralMan agerCoordin atethe relati on shipbetwee nthe variousdepartme nts and deal with the relati on ship betwee n customers and gover nment

7、officials2. Could treat with various emerge ncies properly, timely and effectively3. Complete daily work in depe nden tly within the scope of work whe n the Gen eralMan ager gose out for bus in ess,REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE(k no wledge and experie nee necessaryto do job)SKILLSMust have the a

8、bility to use the email and OA system on Lotus Notes skillfully.Must have basic compositi on skills.Must be familiar with all kinds of OfficeSoftwares.Typing speed should be no less tha n 70 words per minu te.Must have the knowledge of documentmanagementand also needs to knowsometh ing about commerc

9、e.Must be good at En glish.Related work experie neeShould be skillful in handing huma n relati on ships,such as in teract with people fromall departme nts with in the compa nyand with clie nts and gover nmentofficersoutside the compa ny.Formal educati on or equivalentBachelor degree with commercial English major.OtherSince the GM job is irregularly, the secretary has to work with him at ni ght or evenin weeke nds. During the time whe n the GM goes out for bus in ess, she shoul


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