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1、牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 3 On li ne tours 单元同步练习一、单项选择1. Its very to play chess with old friends at home.A. pleasa nt; / B. in teresti ng; theC. pleasa nt; theD. in terested;2. Kate s grandmother lives in a house_, but she doesn t feel _.A. alone; alone B. Ion ely; Ion elyC. alone; Ion ely D. Ion ely; alone

2、3. Mom, I ll go to my friend s party, but I don t know what to wear. Couldyou make a_ for me?OK. Let me see.A. advice B. sense C. suggestio n D. decisi on4. He feels Ionely because he has no close friends_.A. to talk B. to talk withC. talking D. talking with5. New York is one of_in the world.A. the

3、large cities B. the large cityC. the largest cities D. the largest city6. I dont know much about computer.I dont know,_ . Lets go and ask for help.A. also B. eitherC. too D. as well7.Lisa got up very earlycatch the first busA. so thatB. in orderC. in order toD. in order that& We have lived in Be

4、iji ngtwo years agoA. forB. si neeC. un tilD. /9.Would you mindhere?一 Not at all .A. not smok ingB. not to smokeC. no smok ingD. don t smoke10.We don t need to take any food . The hotel will_ free meals for usA. offerB. provideC. giveD. send二、完形填空Linglingis entering a_ competition.She thinks it will

5、 help her herspeaking.The first prize is“ My dream holiday ” . She has never_any prizes before. Shehas wan ted to go on a dream holiday. But she can t afford it. Her friend Tony_many speak ing competitio ns before. But he has ntwon any prizes, either. He has stoppednow. Lingli ng told him a good n e

6、ws. Here_a writ ing competiti on.He n eeds_ a short story about a place he has visited. That_ won derful. Buthe hasn t travelled _ . The first prize is the book _ Around the World in80 Days.11.A. writing B. speaking C. listening D. reading12. A. improve B. improved C. improving D. improves13. A. win

7、 B. wined C. won D. winning14.A. entered B. enters C. is entering D. has entered15. A. to try B. tried C. trying D. tries16.A. isB. are C. be D. been17.A. make up B. making up C. to make up D. write up18. A. sounds B. sound C. sounding D. sounded19. A. a few B. few C. many D. much20. A. called B. ca

8、lling C. call D. to call三、阅读理解An ger is a kind of feeli ng. Many things can make you an gry. Wheny our teacher gives you too muchhomework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really an gry.Usually, your body will tell you

9、when you are angry. For example, you breathe faster, your face turnsred, and you may want to break someth ing or hit(打)some one, butsometimes, you hide( 隐藏)your an ger. For example, you may hide it in your heart.The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.In f

10、act, it s not good to hide your an ger, and it s no rmal for you to get angrysometimes. But an ger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself.When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. It s helpful to talkabout your an ger with an adult, such as pare nts,

11、a teacher, etc. Whenyou talk about an ger, those badfeeli ngs can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do whe n you start to feel an gry: talkto a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give some one a hug( 拥抱);go for a bike ride; think about goodthin gs, etc.Remember that how you act whe

12、 n you are angry can make everyth ing better or worse.Don t let your an gercontrol you.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。21._ You may not get angry when .A. there is too much homework on this weekendB. your favorite basketball team wins the gameC. a friend breaks your favorite thingD. your parents don t let you watch T

13、V22. _ shows that yo u re notangry.A. Taking a faster breath B. Gett ing a headacheC. Gett ing a stomachache D. Wan ti ng to protect some one23.According to the passage, you can do everything when you get angry except(除了).A. go for a bike rideB. thi nk about good thingsC. talk to a good friendD. say

14、 bad things to the people around you24.The underlined word_“control ” in the lastparagraph meansin Chinese.A.控制 B.连接 C.帮助 D.失去25.This passage is mainly about_ .A. an ger B. exciteme nt C. happ in ess D. sad ness四、句型转换26.It took Mike half an hour to work out the problem.(改为同义句)Mike_ half an hour_out

15、the problem.27.Tom won t visit the farm. He ll stayat home.(合并为一句话)Tom will stay at home_ visit ing the farm.28.He keeps silent because he is sad.(对划线部分提问)_he keep sile nt?29.With the help of Jane ,Katepassed the English exam.(同义句转换)Kate passed the English exam _ _ Jane s help.30.句型转换(1)Could you pl

16、ease take out the rubbish? (改为否定句)Could you please_out the rubbish?(2) Could I have some bread ?(作肯定回答)_ , _.(3)_She will come back in two weeks.(对画线部分提问)_will she come back ?(4)_ Our dog welcomed me when Icame home from school_ .(对画线部分提问)_your dog welcome you ?(5) Both she and I are going hik ing t

17、his after noon.(改为否定句 )_she_ I_going hik ing this afternoon五、单词拼写(写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词)31.see_32.send _ _33.be_ _34.make _ _35.go_36.have _37.travel_38.begin_39.learn_40. dream_41._ Thanking for offering me a(机会)to speak in frontof the public.42. All livi ng things(依赖)on the sun for their growth.43.With

18、your(支持),I fin ally achieved my dream.44._The shoes he bought yesterday are(相似的) to mine.45._Young children should have good(习惯),suchas getting up early, eating a healthy diet, and so on.46. The charity called WWF was (_ 创建)up in 1961.47.Time is limited, so we should spend ourtime_ (明智地).48. -I hear

19、 that Suzhou won Lee Kwan Yew World City Prize in 2014.-Yes, Suzhou is quickly and well today49. - Why do you have pity on people?-Because they cant see the nice things in the world.50. - Did you go to the museum last Mon day?-No, it is ope n every day Mon day.六、补充句子51. 任务型阅读When packing a lunch , y

20、ou need to remember the rules about food safety._Every coun ter that will have food on it should be clea ned before youstart . You should also make sure to wash your hands with warm, soapy water . Makesure you use clea n dishes to put the food in_Dogs can t usually get on it . But cats can jump that

21、 high and get on the table in thekitchen . Train your cats not to jump on the table._Leftovers from last night s dinner can be a great choice for lunch thenext day. But if you sat around the table after eating , or the food was out for more than two hours , findsomething else to put in the lunch . I

22、f you aren t sur e if the leftover is still good, throw it out ._Aftereating your lunch , you d better wash the box that you used to bring lunch atonce . Or germs may grow in it and cause lots of disease._Foods can go bad very quickly during the summer. Put them in cool places to keep cool .The food should not get wanner than forty deg


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