



1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。中考英语语法考点系列导练(六) 副词【考点扫描】    副词是修饰动词、形容词、副词的词,有时也可以修饰全句,用以表示程度、频度、方式及时间等。近几年各地中考副词考查的热点主要集中在以下几点:    1、考查句法功能及其位置。    副词在句中可以作定语、表语、状语、宾语补足语。副词修饰形容词或另一个副词时,常放在修饰词之前;作定语的副词常常后置;修饰全句的副词,放在句首或句末。    2、考查副词的构成。  

2、;  形容词变为副词,一般是在形容词之后加-ly;有些形容词变y为i, 再加-ly;还有的是把e去掉加-ly。 还有些副词是与形容词同形的兼类词。     3、考查副词的比较等级。   (1)比较级和最高级的构成形式,一般词尾加-er或-est,部分双音节和多音节词前加more和most,某些单词的不规则变形要特殊记(2)几种句式。甲乙若是一个样,用asas上,甲不如乙加not;两者相比用than连接;三者或三者以上比较用最高级,并和in或of连用。(3)含有介词短语.of the two时,要用比较级,且比较级前要加the;表示“越

3、来越”时,要用“比较级+and +比较级”形式,若比较级是“more+原级”构成的,需用“more and more+原级形式”; 表示“越,就越” 时,用“the+比较级,the+比较级”形式;副词的最高级前可以不加the,;可以修饰原级或比较级的修饰语;比较级和最高级间的互变形式。4、考查频度副词在句子中的位置。    always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等副词要放在行为动词之前,系动词之后。 【策略点拨】    考查副词的常见题型有选择填空、单词拼写、词形转换、句型转换

4、和汉语句子翻译等。做这类题时,必须首先了解副词的构成及各自的用法,比较等级的演变,疑问副词的用法,并根据题意选准级别及各种句式间的互变规律等。【真题再现】1. Dont worry, sir. Im sure I can turn _ to catch up with them. (2005厦门)A. fast enough   B. enough fast     C. slowly enough    D. enough slowly剖析:此题考查了副词enough在句中的位置。enough作副词修饰

5、形容词或副词时要放在所修饰的词之后,先可排除选项B和D;由“先生,别着急”推出题干下文意思为“我确信我能跑得足够快且追上他们”,所缺词意为“够快地”,用fast enough。答案:A2.What do you think of Zhou Jielun?Oh, he is my favorite singer. I think no one can sing _.       (2005威海)A. good        B. well  

6、60;     C. better          D. best剖析:题干意思为“你认为周杰伦怎样?”,“噢,他是我最喜欢的歌手。我想没有人能(比他)唱的更好了”,所缺词的意思为“(比他唱得)更好地”,题干省略了than和被比较的对象,用副词well的比较级形式。答案:C3. Peter was _ tired that he couldn't continue running.      &#

7、160;   (2006 成都)       A. very                      B. too                &

8、#160;      C. so     剖析:so 和that是个常见的词组,副词so修饰形容词。 答案:C  4._did you see a cat run from behind a door?             (2006 临沂)    As soon as I entered the room.  &

9、#160;     A. What         B. When           C. Where           D. Why     剖析:选项A是代词,首先排除该项。根据答语,问句应该是表示时间的词。答案:B 5.

10、 Its seven oclock in the afternoon, but they are _ having a meeting.(2005海南)A. already        B. still        C. yet       D. ever剖析:此题考查副词already,still,yet和ever的区别。already用于肯定句,表示“已经”,用于疑问句或否定句常有惊讶的意

11、味;still可放在动词前或后,表示动作或状态的持续,yet意思为“仍然”,用于比较级前,表示程度;yet用于否定句作“还”讲,用于疑问句作“已经”解,用于比较级前,表示程度;ever用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句,意为“在任何时候,曾经”,用于肯定句,意为“常常”。由题干前半句“已经是下午七点了”和转折连词but可推出后半句意思为“但他们仍然(still)在开会”。答案:B【现场练兵】I.根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Who jumps _ (far) in your class,Zhang Ming?      

12、;           2. In the high jump. Wang Hai did _ (bad) of all. 3.Mike and I started to learn painting at the same time, but now he can paint much_(good) than I. 4. The boss left his office _(angry)without saying a word.5. The girls are singing _(happy

13、) under the hall tree.II. 选择填空。(    )6. If you want to know the word, _, youd better look it up in a dictionary.           A. exactly   B. mostly   C. hardly   D. carefully(   

14、; )7. Dont worry, sir. Im sure I can run _ to catch up with him.          A. slowly enough   B. enough slowly   C. fast enough     D. enough fast(    )8. I can type _ than I can write by hand. &#

15、160;          A. fast    B. more faster  C. much faster  D. fastest(    )9. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining _.           

16、 A. badly    B. hardly   C. strongly  D. heavily(    )10. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _ great it is.          A. what  B. how   C. however&#

17、160; D. whatever(    )11. When they met in the hotel, they talked and laughed _.            A. happily  B. happy  C. happier  D. happiest(    )12. _ do you write to your parents?&#

18、160;          Once a month.           A. How far  B. How many C. How long    D. How often(    )13. Im afraid that hell forget it if he misses _ many lessons. &#

19、160;         A. such  B. so      C. as     D. so that(    )14. The trousers hanging there are very nice. May I _?          A. try on them B.

20、 try them on    C. try it on    D. try on it(    )15. Im sure you can jump as _ as Tom if you wear your sports shoes.          A. high   B. highly   C. higher   D. h

21、ighest(    )16. Mary is _ tall. She is _ taller than Emma.          A. very, much  B. very, very    C. much, very D. much, much(    )17. Han Mei doesnt jump _ as her classmates.   

22、        A. as farther  B. so far    C. farther   D. as far as(    )18. Jack did quite _ in the English competition. Herry did even _.          A. better, well 

23、B. good, better      C. well, better    D. well, good(    )19. They were _ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else.           A. much   B. so     C. very     D. quite(    )20. Do you think she is the most clever girl?           _.  


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