1、2018年 1月 6日高中教师资格证面试试讲真题目录:1. 阅读教学 2. 语音教学 3. 写作教学 4. 词汇教学 5. 语篇教学 6. 口语教学7. 语法教学 8. 听力教学 一、阅读教学注:每个类型的第一篇均重复较多。16、语音教学三、写作教学I. 斟用写作教沪试曲2. 内容=7he> Saji Ihat first impressions are VeryimPrrrant My first impression 汎 M代 I i VVaa Ihat Ehe UraS nervous and shy. BlIt now, after two WeekSb te CIllS5 Ie
2、aIIY IikeS waki氓 Wilh her. She's kind and PatienV and ShO CKPiainS EngJiSh grammar SO CleaJ Iy that even I CBn UrKlerSUlIMi Hr ShC nvoids making you 应 HUPkil 、zlz、s hated making mistakes Or PrOnoUnCinga Word incorrectly When I gp<曲 FngliSk but MrS Ui just smilest 旳 IIlal you don't fed COn
3、PleCly MIlPIdl 1 Ihillk ma肿 She CS a bjL 心 SloWy 向r e fester Knrients, but fbr s WOndertu!3, 基本聲求:(O朗邃所给段落"C2配合教学内容适当板书。(3) 甘对所给材料的内容.设計描写人物的写仕教学濡动°(4) 用英文试讲(5)试讥时间*】0分沖&m440JilL ISI h写件教学以供2* fA debate IS an acnvt Irl WhlCh StIdenu Can discuss PP竽烂Pf an iss*e ft is a SOrt o, WIIlPCIit
4、ion WillI Trperfi in clue o make *>uc Or fir play. The CiWIrPerSOn Intrcduces the CoPiC Of the debate and tIicn one PerSDn from each wide has aio bt*in the argujMuL AfteI IhaL ilk? issueCan be(1 IsClIKSed by anyotk, in Ihe room One at a IirTle3,基車要求:U)朗请所给段舊2配合教学内猝适当a4s.籽对i段落的内誓.设汁和內的说明文写作枕学活Wht4
5、)胃英丈试Uh5试讲时Al; 10分钟。四、词汇教学搀料目潰申團言tmtt>vj,iv-' u > "严L gM:诃汇教学试供2. 内容:I Cannnt tell u long I slept but When I aurke Ihe ship had °rfi' Seeillg Ihe ShiP i3pp五、语篇教学 R用r44目凋屮英谄撞H时泗;IOk年I片糾I M即虫1*題目:语篇教学试讲b WlN内容:慣The history Of the City 3pes back 650 years When the MaOriS Settied
6、 in the area.ElIroPean SettlClnenl began M 1840 When the BritiSh arrived. NeW Zealand 5 first governor, CaPtain Winiam HObSonI InadC AUCkIand the CaPital Later, the C叩iil moved to WeIIington, because it WaS more Central SinCe 1945, the City Of AUCkland had grown and it now has Iarge IlKXiem SUbllrbS
7、3.基本要求=<!)朗读所给段落(2) 配合教学内容适当板书。(3) 针对所给材料的内容,设计分折篇章站构的语爲教学活动(4) 用英文试讲.(5) 试讲时间:10钟nUir it tl dst4ie,【IhrCW my self down On IIIC Eand *ri Cried bitterly At IaSt realizing that IhiS WaS hopeless. I ClinIbed the IantSl IrtX 心 examine Ey Linknovm island home FrDm iu top I IoOked in a3 directions3. 甚本
8、耍求;<1)朗浜所蛉段蒲"#<2)配令教学内容适当板书(3)针对划线部分的构训方式.设计梢应的诃汇戟学活动U)用眞文诚阱心试讲时间;】0分钟,' .六、口语教学七、语法教学JiJ出M何;201 胖I I t! 7H (>H U8 57L題目:语法枚学试讲 2<内容:o 23 am On OCIOber 16th. YanJi Liwei IaIlded in Inner Mongolia salyyf wkl reoers IaterI le SUrtaCeOt theSPaCeShiP 哪 gbvinz red When it CatTre bark
9、 f."F * w- _ _一_ _ _ - ., _IntO Ihe Calh S atmosphere X hen Shenzhou Iet OUt its PaRChUtel I felt the ShiPall OVer ChinaSMlS 'hjki訂廿 AS ' ung LiVVCi returned into the earth's atiDsphere h巳IiCoPtg£ _xVMe QiiIH to WheTCJK2*ould iaL ready to COIIeCt hiyflillions OfPeOPIe wjg, WIIe
10、n the SPaceStUP landed 刃fbh;"J L _ ' =_ - _ _一3-垄本要求;U)明读所给段落.L(D針对济给材料的划线部分,设计操练该语法项冃的教学活动.C4)用英文试讲<5)试讲时间:】0分单PI題从语法敘学试讲Ij f Whockinz 曲:c 怛、bcm do畔 in the pzsi fj?tcg Chilikfn rthoui 世并咆 anr* IAe b亡 ie代 H IE impQiai】i to 翌 SpmeiMng done to hel? them 旦E QUi(Jdv p<¾ibg Many Ofthe
11、Se Children don't know what il is IikE to ear Clean CkMheS Or E A 晚mi 血,1 h他 Seen RUny Ofthem SleePing in te Streel and begging for food3. g 求:朗»J9r»段落,(2)配合教学内尋适当板苇.怦对痕帘分的形式主语詆谟计湘应的済注教学活动.M用英文试讲.试讲时Hi io分*扎八听力教学IfciSiM120Ulfl7 I W I243L题目:听力教学试讲2. 内容;A lrets a POP art exbhio On at the
12、 momenlDI Umt 1 don't IikC PoP artA NOr io Il really I know, there s an exhibition Of Mteruolows On at the Sarn=呼BCryA Oh, Ihat SOund5 iteresting I IOVe WaWrUOIOUSB. DO you? I Prcfer OiI paintings, myself. Bli d Stil WC电 t。8A It,s do that then And 1 do Uink >oIr PiCnJre OfMike is WIkierIULB:
13、Mike? If IlOt aptcorc OfMiCe! Ifs a PiCture OfPaII1,A: Pad? lt a PktUre OfPaU1? Oh! 1 didn't realise Ihat SQny3. 基本妥求:Cn朗读所给对话。(2) 配合教学内容适肖檢节(3) 针对所给材料的内容,设计理解细节的听力載学活动9(4) 由英文试讲。(5) 试讲时阿:分钟fliHILt中西舟3DIIVV9W1】鹏;听力教学试许2. :ksac ASimOV WaS an American SCientiSt and Writer WhO WrDte MlOUnd 480 book
14、s that ireIuded mystery stories, SCienCe and history books, and even IXX)您 about the Holyr Bbfe and ShakeSPeare BUt he is best known for his science fiction StOrieS imcv had both an CVtraOrdinar) imagination and an amazing Inind He searched for explanations Of everything in t present and PaSt3.基本蹄(O
15、 saiff3(2)配合毅携内Sfi15,¢3)针对该段落的内帝设计相应柑)用英文就h试训圧间;1()分忡报嫡目:曲中颂松魁时何立QIg年IHTH WNzl1. 谢乩听力霰学试讲2. 内容;COmC On OUr Whale WatChing boat tour Sil OUtSide for CIear VieWing Or InSide ifThE Weather is Wet LiSlen to WhakS Singing and u¾tch them Underwter On Ihe ideocamera WitneS5 these awesome CreaIUreS in their naI
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