1、初中精品资料欢迎下载上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分F. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12 分)08 年English is an important international language, but that doesn t mean itMany experts have tried to make English easier to learn but they weren always successful.In 1930, Professor C.K. Ogde n of Cambridge Uni versity in
2、ven ted Basic En glish. It had only 850words (and just eightee n verbs) and Ogde n said most people could lear n it in just thirty hours. Theproblem was that people who lear ned Basic En glish could write and say simple messages,but theycouldn understand the answers in realE n glish! It was also imp
3、ossible to explain a word if it wasn t in the Basic English word list.R.E. Zachriss on, a uni versity professor in Swede n, decided that the biggest problem for learners of En glish was spelli ng, so he inven ted a Ian guage with the n ame An glic.An glic was similar to En glish, but with much simpl
4、er spelli ng.faaFheher, becamIn the age of intern ati onal com muni cati on through the Intern et, who knows what willhappen?a new form of English might appear. A large number of the world -mails are s,in Englishand include (包括)examples of NetLingolike OIC (Oh, I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later). I
5、n another fifty years, En glish might not be used. We might all speak flue nt Intern etish!104. Many experts have tried to make En glish easier to lear n, have n105. Who invented Basic English in 1930106. How long could most people lear n Basic En glish accord ing to Professor Ogde n?107. What was t
6、he biggest problem for learners of English according to Professor Zachriss on?108. What might happe n to En glish in ano ther fifty years?new becamue andyearsaEne. Unluckily, An glic n everbecameqpular.t they?初中精品资料欢迎下载09 年Kyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country. T
7、he new store, inLondons Camden High Street, takes her back to where it all started. She tells us about howthe business began.When I was little, my mother bega n sell ing flowers in Camde n Market. She could nt leave me athome on my own, so I had to go to the market with her.To begi n with, I did nt
8、have to do anythin g. I just sat there, and my mum told me jokes andstories so I did nt get bored. Whe n I got older, I gave my mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.Then, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas. It was all about making can dles andI loved it. I was 14, and I did nt have to g
9、o to the market any more because mum could leave me athome on my own. I spe nt my free time making can dles of all shapes and sizes. I made hun dreds ofthem.One day, my mother was ill so I had to goto the market on my own. I decided to take somecandles with me and see if I could sell them. They were
10、 sold out in twenty minutes! The n ext week, mymum gave me some money to buy some waX 苜)to make more can dles. They sold out really quickly,too.Nine mon ths later, we decided to stop selli ng flowers. My mum and I could nt make eno ugh candles duri ng the week, so some of my school friends started t
11、o help us. I paid them one pound for everycandle, and we used to sell them for three or four times that. It was fun and my friends worked with mein the market.At the age of 22, my uncle lent me some money and I opened my first shop in Portobello Road.Since then, Ive never looked back, even in diffic
12、ulties. In the first store, we only sold candles, but nowwe sell everything from designer furniture to paintings. Oh, and can dles, of course.99. How many furniture stores does Kyra Komac have now?100. Where did Kyras mother sell flowers?101. What did Kyra do in her free time whe n she was fourtee n
13、?102. Did the can dles sell well on the first day in the market?103. Who helped Kyra and her mum whe n they could nt make eno ugh can dles duri ng the week?104. How did Kyras uncle help her to ope n her first shop?105. What do you thi nk of this story?10 年109.What do you thi nk of the expertsideas o
14、f making En glish easier?初中精品资料欢迎下载Mary Don aids on is worried about her 16-year-old daughter. Sophia. Six mon ths ago. Sophiacame back from a party, upset and un happy. From the n on. she thinks of no thi ng but how to loseweight and become beautiful. She refuses to eat and keeps on doing exercise.
15、 Sophia had always been a little heavy, so whe n he decided to go on a diet, Mary encouraged her. She felt that her daughterwould look more attractive if she lost 10 kilograms. However, Sophia has lost over 20 kilograms untilnow. Her eating and exercising habits are having a harmful effect on her he
16、alth. She is too thin and isoften sick.Her mother is trying to preve nt her from going on a diet and los ing weight, but Sophia thinks thatshe is still too heavy and refuses to start eating as usual. Sophias mind is full of the idea of looking likea model (模特).Every day she goes to a club to do exer
17、cise. When she is not there, she spends hertime reading magazines likFashion & Beauty (时尚与 美).The models in these magazines arevery thin and beautiful. Sophia says. If I look like these models, I will be happy and all the boys will likemeMary does nt know how to help her daughter. She feels sorr
18、y for hav ing en couraged her at first,because Sophia no Ion ger feels good or pleased with her body. Shes afraid that Sophia will never behappy if she keeps comparing herself with the models in the magaz in es. Mary tries to tell Sophia thattrue beauty comes from withi n. Com mon people are not sup
19、posed to look like models. The mostordinary face becomes beautiful when the pers on beh ind it is filled with con fide nee (自信),wisdomand the joy of life.99. When did Sophia decide to lose weight?100. Besides doing exercise, what else does Sophia do to lose weight?101. How much weight has Sophia los
20、t un til now?102. Did Sophia give up going on a diet after she had lost some weight?103. Where docs Sophia do exercise every day?104. Why does Mary feel sorry for hav ing en couraged her daughter to go on a diet at first?105. In your opinion, what is true beauty?11 年John Brown, an office worker, liv
21、es in Washington, He inherited 继承)$ 1,000, 000 whe n he was23. He did nt feel happy at all His college frie nds were look ing for their first jobs, but he did n avettohJoh n decided to keep livi ng a simple life like every one else. He didn t tell any of hfciends and gave$ 100, 000 of his money to a
22、 charity(慈善团初中精品资料欢迎下载体) that helped poor children to live better lives. Today he is 36, the still wears cheap shoes and clothesand owns a small car only, but he is much happier.Up to now Joh n has helped 15 childre n from poor coun tries all over the world, $ 200 a month foreach. The child does not
23、 receive the money in cash( 现金).The money pays for the childs schoolexpenses, food, medical care and clothing. John receives a report each year on the childs progress.They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak En glish.When Joh n first heard about these childre n, he wan ted
24、 to help them. It was not anything special,he said. Until I had the chanee to go to these countries and meet the childre n I was help in g, I did notknow anything about the type of life they hadOnce John went to meet a little girl in Africa. He said that the meeting was very excit ing. Whe nI met he
25、r, I felt very very happy, he said, I saw that the money was used for a very good pla n. Itbrought me closer to the child in a way that giving money alone cannot I want to do everyth ing I can.I will go on help ing those childre n in n eed, he added.Question 根(据短文内容回答下列问题,不超过五个单词:1. What la nd of li
26、fe is Joh n livi ng?He is living a_;.2. Did Joh n want to look for a job or stay at home after he got the mon ey?3.Does Joh n only help the poor childre n in Africa?4.The child receives the money in cash, does nt he?5. Why did Joh n say that the meeti ng with the little girl was very excit ing?Becau
27、se he saw his money was well used and this made him.6. How do you like Joh n Brow n?He i s_12 年Its March, 2050.Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house in the morning and switchon the bedroom computer to get the latest news. They used to read theTimes, but cha nged to electr onic n ew
28、spapers many years ago.There is the usual n ews about space: ano ther space flight hasreturned from Mars and scie ntists have discovered a new pla net. Thenthey tur n to bus in ess n ews: the US dollar has rise n greatly in Shanghai, one of the worlds leadi ng bus in ess cen tres. Marytells the comp
29、uter to buy 5,000 dollars, and there is a quick resp onsethat it has bee n done. As they watch the scree n, Mary orders one of the household robots tomake coffee初中精品资料欢迎下载for them. Frank disappearsinto the study to join a video conference with his partnersaround the world. He is a computer engineer,
30、 working for several compa nies.This is his third job: he used to be in market ing and the n televisi on.Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels - the usual selection ofelectric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers - before pick ing up thevideo phone to talk to her assista nt. She a
31、lso has a job and she is doing medicalresearch. Both she and Frank used to have an office desk in London, but in 2014they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise, who also has her ownworkstation at home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainl
32、y to play with other students.Classrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no Ion ger any n eed for them: com muni cati onssystems have made it much easier to lear n at home.Louise, now thirtee n, is study ing Chin ese at prese nt, which has become a world Ian guage asimporta nt as En glish. Lou
33、ise has many Chin ese frie nds. They com muni cate by computer.According to the family doctor, Louise will live to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a fewdecades(十年)and then spend her time on music and painting.93. Why do Frank and Mary switch on the bedroom computer in the morning?Becausethey94
34、. Does Mary read space n ews or bus in ess n ews?95. Who makes coffee for Mary and Frank?96. How does Frank work with others from home?97. What are the two world Ian guages in 2050?98. What do you thi nk of Louises life in 2050?I thi nk her life in 2050 is_because_上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分E. Read the p
35、assage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使 其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14 分)08 年Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change the world or, at least, make life easier初中精品资料欢迎下载for somebody? P 97 we all do sometimes, but we don often make the idea a real thing. Recently,t
36、here was a competition in a country, which encouraged young people to make their bright ideas cometrue. There were t 98 groups in the con test: Group A was for school children under 16; Group B wasfor those o 9916. And therewere eleve n prize-w inners altogether.Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners,
37、was c 100“ SunshinSuperman” by onenewspaper writing about his design. When people study the weather, it s important to be able torecord the sunshine accurately. We need to know how many h 101 of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders o 102 record direct(直接的) sunshine. Neil is
38、 more accurate and thisis very importa nt for research into ways of using solar power. Neil plans to keep inventing.The ideas in the competition were so g 103 that we are surprised that the industry(工业界) doesn t ask more school children for suggestions.09 年THIS MONTHS GOALS FOR HELPING TO SAVE OUR P
39、LANET!1. Save electricity2. Recycle3. Save water4. Save gasWeek 1 This week, my family tried to save electricity. We never left the lights on when leav ing therooms. We switched off the TV whe n n 92 was watch ing it. Mum on ly used cold water in the washingmachine.Week 2 We started recycling this w
40、eek. We tried to write on both sides of our paper, not just on oneside. We also divided our rubbish in to d 93 bags (or bottles, cans, paper and food. Mum kept theplastic shopp ing bags from the supermarket io use them a 94 as rubbish bags. These are great waysto help our en vir onment.Week 3 , We s
41、topped tak ing long baths and had short showers i 95. We flushed thetoilet with used water. Whe n mum dad made tea or coffee, they used I 96 water in the kettle (水壶) .Mysister and I did nt leave the tap running whe n we brushed our teeth.Week 4 Mum used to d 97 us to school, but now my sister and I
42、have started riding our bikes to school.Its hard work but good exercise! This week dad and a few of the people be works with also started togo to work together in one and share the cost. This should help r 98gree nhouse gases!My friends and I became volunteers at school. We help make our school more
43、 earth - frie ndly.10 年A survey has been published which shows that British people dont like their neighbours verymuch. 80% of the people who took part in the survey feel that their n eighbours h 92 _ pay atte nti onto others feeli ngs. 25% dont talk lo the people who live n ext door and 10% dont ev
44、e n know their names. In fact, one millio n people in Brita in初中精品资料欢迎下载m 93 because they dont pet along well with their neighbours.Accordi ng to the survey, the b 94 problem is no ise. Many of the complai nts about no ise camefrom people who live in flats and old houses. These places ofte n have th
45、in walls which cant s 93 thenoise from next door.The other main problems are disagreements(不和)about car parking spaces, and old peoplecompla ining about the young. Some disagreeme nt last a 194 time. In onecase, people who live in the same buildi ng have nt talked to each other for fiftee n years. S
46、ometimesthe disagreementsend in violenee. In one of the worst cases, a man killed a n eighbour because hekept park ing in his space.Ano ther survey shows that 90% of the n eighbours n ever share a meal, 80% have n ever had adrink t 97 ,a nd 20% have n ever eve n spoke n. However, whe n n eighbours b
47、ecome each others f98_, they are ofte n ready to offer help, as we can see in manyparts of the world.One soluti on to such problems is to talk about them with a professi onal orga ni zati on and ifnecessary, to sign a written agreement. Now people can get this service in more and more tow ns.11 年Of
48、ten, doctors tell some people to go on diets 节食).The doctors hope the diets will make thepeople feel b 1 . They hope the diets will make the people healthy.Ala na was on a diet, but she did nt like it at all. She was not a 2 to eat her favourite food by thedoctor. While her brother Frank ate chocola
49、te, she had to eat an apple. Ala na was on the diet for twomon ths. Her doctor was pleased with her. You have bee n very good, he said. You can eat some ofthe foods you like best But only a little. Dont eat too many sweets. Dont eat too much ice cream. If youdo, you will get a lot of weight a 3.Then
50、 the doctor put Frank on a diet It was a differe nt kind of diet You c 4 eat chicke n or eggs. Fran k,said the doctor. These foods will make you in trouble.How long will I have to be on the diet? asked Frank.A long time, said the doctor. Maybe for the r 5 of your life.But I really like chicken, said
51、 Frank. You said it is one of the best meats to eat It is a very goodfood for most people, said the doctor. But whe n you eat it, it makes you sick. It is not a good food foryou.Youre right, said Frank Well, Ill eat more cake i _6.12 年would like toThe 2012 Lon don Olympic Games are on the wa3. Yo-in
52、 formation.初中精品资料欢迎下载Gett ing around in LondonByroundergroundThe underground is fast and convenient. There is a station every fewblocks. Underground trains run from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. You can get to any place e 86By busTravelling by bus is a good way to see the city-, especially from the t
53、opof a double-decker bus. There is always a bus stop n earby. There arespecial tickets for c 87un der the age of 12.By trainTake a train to visit places outside London, like Hampt on Court andWin dsor Castle. You can use a Travelcard on the un dergro und, buseand most trains. To p 88your journey, ge
54、t a map from therailway stations, take some time to think about the places you want tovisit.By taxiLondons black taxis are f 89. Many visitors to London knowthey are good and comfortable. They Will cost you a few pounds,though. Take a taxi on ce, for the experie nee.By b 90The river bus leaves from
55、Westminster Pier and stops at differentplaces betwee n Westmi nster and Gree nwich Pier. A good way to seethe city from the River Thames.By carDont drive your car in London! Car parks are very e91. Youhave to pay a special congestion charge(拥堵费) to drive your car intothe city cen tre.By bikeThere ar
56、ent many good bicycle lanes in London. Cycli ng with a largeguided group is better than r 92alone.On footThe best way to visit the city! But look right and left before you cross astreet. There are many beautiful sights wait ing for you.初中精品资料欢迎下载上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分Choose the words or expressions
57、and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14 分)08 年All about Britain s Teenagers初中精品资料欢迎下载SchoolBritish teenagers can leave school at sixteen after taking their GCSE exams. They study forexams in as many as ten subjects, 90 they have to work pretty hard! Todayspe nd more time doing their homework t
58、ha n any tee nagers in the past, study ing for 2.3 hoursevery eve ning.Free TimeIt s not all work, of course. What do British teenagers do to have 91? They lovewatching TV, going out, meeting friends in Internet caf s and listeningdo music.CommunicationsIn additi on to the Intern et, tee nagers in B
59、rita in use their computers to play games and do theirhomework. They 92 love their mobile phon es, and spe nd hourstexti ng (发短 信)their friends andchatting. Today, phones are getting smaller and lighter and you can do a lot more 93 them tha n justtalk. Text messagi ng has become the coolest and most
60、 popular way to com muni cate. More tha n90% of 12- to 16-year-olds have a mobile, and experts say that this stops 94 from spe nding theirmoney on sweets and cigarettes. Fashion (服饰)At school, almost all British teenagers have to wear a school uniform. However, in their free 95 theycan wear whatever the
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