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1、2015学年初三英语一模首字母填空汇编|pne 宝 UTTOr igarni (日 式手折纸)i s the trad it ional Japanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17th century. It has d 81into a modern art form since then. The goaI of this art is to transform af la t shee t of paper into var ious t hings t 82folding t echniques In general,

2、origami beg ins witha square sheet of paper whose sides may be different colors or pr ints. Many people enjoy making or igarni flowers, ani ma Is, or toys. For al I of t hese tjiin gs, t here are a few kinds of folds that you need to use For example, some ti mes you need to fold the paper i n Ano th

3、er comm on way i s to fold the paper from corner to cor ner, or you may need to fold the tips of each corner If you fol low the di recti ons careful ly, you can crea te a flower, animal, or toy. But origami i s much more t han folding paper It is a ref I ec tion (反 映)of nat ure and Japa nese I ife T

4、ha t is why the mos t popular or i garni shapes are things I ike ani ma Is Birds, f i sh, f I owers, and st ars are al I popu I ar shapes The bes t known origami m_84 i s probab I y the Japanese paper era ne (纸 鹤).The era ne i s ausp icious (吉不羊的)in the Japa nese cult ure Lege nd (传"i 兑)says th

5、at anyone who foI ds one thousand paper cranes wiI I have the i r heart's des i re come true The or i garni erane has become a symboI of peace because of this legendOr i garni i s a I so good for your mind It is a peaceful acti v ity that can relax the mind and bod y. Peop I e who do or i garni

6、I ike the activity as much as the art They I ike it because or i garni dema nds a lot of attention. When peopIe think hard about c85something, they forget about their a I Iows themto caIm down Origami i s a I so good for teach i ng chi Idren. Origami has many steps Ch iIdren must follow these steps

7、c86 They may learn something about maths. For examp Ie, origami has squares,rec tang les (长方形),and t r ia ngles (三角形).These shapes are impor tant in maths. Origami helps chi Idren get f87with these shapesMaybe you can try to do or i garni yourself You only need some paper and a book of i.ns true ti

8、ons You can a I so find instructions for foldi ng or i garni shapes on the Internet81 developed82 through 83 half 84 model85 creating86 carefully / correctly 87 fami I iarTwo【奉贤】Say hello to the worldNovember 21 i s Wor I d Hello Day. At schoo I, we I earned that uHow do you do” and “How are youM ar

9、e stan dard ways to say hello when mee ting ot hers But do you know how to respond to t hem Nowadays, do native speakers s use them todayAs we learned, u How do you do” i s for gree ting someo ne we meet for the f i rst time. And it can be responded with the same uHow do you do" "How are y

10、ou” is often used to greet someone we are fami I iar with. It usually f with a response of "I'm good, and you" or 'T m well, and you"But Eng I i sh i s a casua I (随意 6勺)language The forma I “How do you do" is rarely said by na ti ve speakers It is considered old-fashioned

11、 Yet they greet each other in m other waysYou may hear a con versa tion b Br i tish people : u You a I I r igh t" "Yea, you" "I'm good Anyplans for the weekend*' or "How' s it going" “Yea, fine, and you" These ways of greeting are popular for young peop

12、le to say hello to friends.America ns I ike say ing, uWha s up" or uWha t' s goodM to friends Don* t be confused It does n' t mean What' s wrong" It is jus t one way of saying he I I o. And peop I e usua I I y respond "Not much" or "Nothing" "Hey, man&q

13、uot; is also popular But it is only used among men. V/hat do wsay You guessedit. They often say uHey, girl.If you meet an Austral ian, you may hear day, mateM It means "Good dayM You can respond with the same 'G day"H, t here i s no rule to say he I I o to each ot her If you can' t

14、 remember a I I of the above, jus tchoose"How are you" Thisi s the most cand standard way for peopIe of a I I ages You canreply with '"pretty goodM ,"same as usual" or"I'm hangi ng in there"81. s82. f83. m84. b85. w.86. H87. cstillfo11ows many betweenwomen

15、However cornnomThree【虹口】Wild anima Is usuaI Iy make the i r own homes i f they need one, but pets often need some sort of ho use to Iive in. An outdoor kennel is a good home for a large dog and pet b i rds are best kept in a c age large e81for them to move around free Iy. SmaI I pets such as mice, r

16、ats and hamsters(仓鼠)can b e kept in smaI I cages but larger animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs shouId have a b 82cageMany people have fish as pets. If they are co Idv/ater fish, they can live in an aquar ium or a fi sh pond i n the garde n. Tropica I (热 带的)f i sh need a lot more I ook i ng afte

17、r and will d 83 uni ess t hey are i n a warm t ank with an a i r pump(泵) Stick in sec ts can be kep t in a jar with a f i ne net t ied o ver the top. Ants can also be kept in a g 84container (容器)where you can see them working in their tu nne I s.Most pets also I ike something to do.its cage without

18、a ladder and a be I I or aAnother thing that is quite necessaryater that is changed daiIy. Fish, too,of sand and a few stones It is also ab 851 ife for abudger igar (虎皮鹦鹉)inHamsters and mice enjoy e 860n a treadwheel (踏车)It would be a verymi rrorcageor hutch i s to prov i de an amount of f 87food an

19、d wneedmorethan just a home A f i sh tank shouId have a fIoorgoodideato have some plants growing in the water, to helpthe fish breathe properly.81 enough85 bor i ng82 bigger86 exercising83 die87 fresh84 glassFour黄浦A new term has begun.Teachers are worr ied about the fact that new studerrts are not e

20、asy to dealwith. They I ike to bring cel Iphores and MP3 players to school What is w, some students evenuse cel I pho nes to do out-o f-class matt ers in class, or some ti mes jus t for fun Some ot her st uden ts I i sten to MP3 players when they are having a lesson that they are not interested in.A

21、re these new students rea I I y that r"Yes"says De I aney K i rk, a professor at Drake Un i vers i ty.But she adds it/s not t hei r fau It. I, the t eachers should be b I amed (责备).Mrs Ki rk first bega nth i nk i ng about students manners s i x years ago. "I had my f i rst class i n w

22、hich students were sIeep i ng or ta Ik ing to each other It seemed that learning well had n to do with them. M she says"Atf i rst, I got worr ied about this, but then I sa id to myseIf: You* re gi ving Iessons, and you need to mt h i s kind of situ at i on These stu den ts need to know more abo

23、 ut mann ers It's time to help them deve I op some good h They should n't was te time whe n tchey are young Sooner or lat er, t hey may fee I sorryabout the time they have wasted”Mrs Ki rk a I so gives some advice to he I p t eachers dur i ng thre i r classes The fol low ing are her s:On the

24、 first day of class, tel I students how they will benefit (受益)by taking the class and the importance of Ii stening carefully in cI assDo not allov/ them to bring celIphones or MP3 placers to the class at all.TeI I them the proper time to use ceIIphones or MP3 players at school81 worse82 rude83 Inste

25、ad84 nothing85 manage86 habits87 suggestionsFive【嘉方1Edward Sims was born in 1892 He was the fifth child and only son of Herbert and Dora Sims Herbert was a carpen ter (木匠),and did a successful b_81 making fur nit ure decided that his firs t-bo# n son wou I d be a carpen ter jus t like him. For rthi

26、s reason, Edward was kep t away from school and worked with his fatherHowever, Edward was not bor n to be a carpe rrter T_82 he had a fit body, he did n't have st rong armsIi ke hi s father .When he tr i ed to f i nd another job, he found it d i ff icuIt because he had never I earnt to read or w

27、r iteOne day, he went for an interview at a I aw office The job was a runn er, t ak i ng papers from the off i ce to other offices rin the city. The lawyer was pleased to see that Edward was physical ly fit, but when he discovered that the young man couIdn't read or wr ite, he d 83 not to employ

28、 him"How can you del iver documents to other offices, H he asked, "if you can't read the addresses on them"Greatly d84, Edward left the bui Id ing and went to wa i t for a bus to take him back home Nextto the bus stop, a man was selling newspapers from a stand (摊位)"Excuse me,

29、 young man” he rsaid nWould you Iook after my stand for a moment"For the next 20 minutes, Edward sold newspapers, lots of them. When the man came back, he was so happyto see his new assistant's honestythat he o85 him a job Edv/ard took it immediate Iy.In the nex t few mon ths, the two men p

30、rogressed from worki ng on newspaper st ands to s_86 newspapers, cigarettes, candy and other goods in a shop Then they opened a second shop, and ath i rd Finally, they had a chain of 25 shops in three cities.Edward became very r ich, so he empIoyed a pr i vate teacher to teach him to read and wr ite

31、. The teacher was e_87 amazed at what Edward had achieved nI magine what you couI rd do if you were able to readand write when you were younger!" he said82. ThoughrSix【金山】Once upon a time, there was a hippo. He I ived in a river next to a big treeOne day, a bird came and nested in the tree The

32、bi rd had a beautiful voice She sang every morning and many other animals came to appreciate her songs. The hippo was so jealous (嫉妒)of the bird's sweet voice that he couldnf t think of anything eI se He was u81 about being a hippo. He wished he werea bi rd After knowing that, the bi rd came to

33、the hippo and tr ied to cheer him up. She told the hippo that he was so lucky to be so big More importarrtly, he was s_82 a good swimmer But the bi rd1 s words didn't work The hippo was still unhappy. He was so eager to be a good singer Iike the bi rdFinal I y, the h i ppo made a decision He wou

34、ld come out of the r i ver, climb the t ree, stand on the branch and st art sin ging He t r ied hard t o cl imb the t ree, but he f83because he did n't have wingsor cIaws to climb withThe hippo fe11 so f rustrated. He knew he wou Id never make it, so he angr i Iy used a I I hi s s84to push down

35、the tree Now he could stand on the tree The hippo felt I ike a w_85 He began singing.UnfortunateIy, the hippo couIdn't sing, either Al I that came from his mouth were terrible noises Whe n ot her ani ma Is heard him sin ging, t hey w86v/ha t was happe ning. After see i ng the hippo stan d i ngon

36、 the branch of a fa Ilen tree and try i ng to sing. I ike a bird, they a I I laughedThe hippo was grea tly embarrassed by t his He decided to never again regre t being a hippo He a I so fel t bad abo ut having knocked the t ree over He used a I I his st reng th to ra i se the tree back up again, rep

37、lant it, and look after it until it c87 recovered81 unhappy 82 such 83 failed 84 strength85 winner 86 wondered c87 comp IetelySeven【静安】The weather i s getting cold We have a warm home to keep comfortable But what about stray (流:良 的)animals Theyare poor and I 81 Al I they can do is to waIk the street

38、s and hope to find food inthe rubbish dump There are around 500 mi I Iion stray nd unwanted dogs in the worId and a simi lar number of stray and unv/anted cats, according to the WSPA (世界动物保护协会).Why are there so many stray animalsBeing gi ven up may be the main r 82 , Zeng L i, hos t of the Be i j i

39、n g-based st ray cats pro tect i on v/ebs i teLuckycats, told China Dai Iy.Today,the who Ie worId i s caI ling for bettercare of stray animals: And many countr ies haveIn Germany, the government encourages people to get thoseFor a chi Id, once you f ind r 85 to catch it yourselfcarefully and g- 87Ne

40、ver give it up,or it will become a poor,stray anima a I ready taken lots of effeetive ways In the UK and US, the WSPA he Ips anima Is f i nd new homes It a I so provides m 83 service for unv/anted sick anima Is The society has a 24-hour animal abuse (虐待)hot I ine Anyone can caI I if he or she f i nd

41、s that someone i s hurt i ng an anima,has made lots of 1 84 for animal protection. Besides, it alsostray pets back home You can also do something else to help a stray anima I, you can ask aduIts around you for help instead of Or it may bite you.If it is safe eno ugh to catch a st ray ani mal, you

42、9;d better send it to an animal she I ter (避难所)These she Iters are usually private organizations. Most peopIe v 86 to take care of stray anima Isthere You can find the number of such organization onlineThere i s one thi ng you need to keep in mind When you decide to have a pet, take care of it81 lon

43、ely82 reason83 medicaI84 laws85running86 volunteer87 gentlyEight【浦东】Ast he wor Id is becoming global, I ear ni ng a foreign Ian guage is necessary besides studying our mo ther ton gue we I l For example, learning En gl i sh i s a good way. En gl i sh is a s 81 that I like as well as Chin ese I still

44、 remember how g I ad I was when I t 82 my Engl i sh book for the f i rst time. Since then I have regarded speaking Engl i sh flue ntly as one of my impor tant aims Though my level is not very h i gh, I never I_83 my passion (热情)and I will always keep v/ork i ng hard Nowadays many ch i I drenare chos

45、en to learn English at a very y_84 age, but which is the r ight way should takeNow let me share my own ways with you.Firs tly, one who wants to I ear n Engl i sh we I I mus t be fond of it. As the saying goes, “A good int erest is half of the success!MSec on dly, you have to work hard and always kee

46、p a good state of mind One can never reach the top of moun ta i n wit hout a hard p85 and eno ugh prac ti ce, so do Engl i sh learners Remember never tobe d i sappo i nted when you got I ow marks or eve n d i d not pass the exams As a I ear ner espec ial ly a beg i nn er, to experience failure is no

47、t s86!Thi rdl y, you mus t st i ck to wha t you are I earn i rvg or harrve I ear ned. You shou I d have a I ook at the words from time to time by heart, recite the texts again and again You should have a proper arrangement, or you may learn it for a long time without rest and then leave it alone als

48、o for a long time. By doing so, the time you have spent learning is n87 a waste.These above are my ma i n ways of I earn i ng and I have rece i ved some good ef fee ts. If you think t hey are a I so suitable for you, you can jus t have a try to follow me.81 subject 82 touched/took 83 lose 84 young 8

49、5 process 86 strange 87 nearlyNine【普陀】This month in Traveller* s Corner read about three people' s exper iences in year-abroad program:ATokyoMy year abroad in the Unite St ates was t ruly awesome experience I m not a (81) s pers on. I wasvery comfor table speak i ng to everyone, so I got lots of

50、 chances to (82) pmy spoke n Engl i sh I alsolearned lots of int erest i ng things abo ut Amer ica n cult ure Whe n I got home, my f r i ends could n' t be I i eve how much I had (83) i in Engl ish! They were especial ly surprised at my spoken En gl i sh I hope togo back again in the futureBRio

51、de Janei reI spent last year studying in London. I ' m from a smaI I town, and London is a very big city. SometimesI fel t it was too big There were so many people to t alk to, but I never fel t (84) c eno ugh whenI spoke EngIi sh I was always afraid I couldn* t make myseIf cI ear I missed my fa

52、miIy, and I terr ibIy mi ssed my two cats. My roomma te v/as a I ways us i ng our (85) r, so I a Imos t had no cha nee for a nicelong talk with my parents. I think it was a good experienee for me, but I ' m glad to be homeCHong KongStudy i ng i n New Zea I and was a fun exper ienee for me, but i

53、t was a I so lots of hard work! I (86) rhad spare time from Monday to Fr i day.Engli sh teacher asked us to write more my (87)d every day. On Saturday,had Engl i sh c I asses s i x hours a day with lots of homework Ourin English, so I wrote one or two pages about my experience in my home stay family

54、 took me to lots of interesting places andshowed me so many awesome things aboutNew Zea I and culture.m very glad I went!81 shy 82. practice 83. improved 84. confident 85. tel ephone 86. Rarely 87. diaryTen【松江】If you are reading this article in class, you are trying to read it quickly. You have been

55、 taught to skim and sean. You wi I I Iook for key v/ords so as to understand the main idea of the article and the i_81_points in die articIe Skimming and scanning is a good way in it limited (有限的)time, such as whe n you are taking an exa m. However, to day, many people skim and sea n every thing and

56、 t hey have I_82 _ the abi I ity to enjoy reading Some thing called "the slow readi ng moveme nt" has become popular to solve the prob Iem. The idea is that people turn off thei r computers and mobiIe phones for over ha If an hour each day and enjoy the h_83_ of reading a good bookslowly!

57、In many cities there are e_84_slow reading clubs "here members go to a cafe, not to discuss books, but to sit quietly with each other, dr ink coffee and just read Scientists have found that reading slowly, especial ly books of f iction, helps people relax and think abo ut wha t t hey are readi

58、ng. It a I so helps peop I e empathize (共鸣).This po int is esse ntial. When you read a novel slowly, you get to understand the characters' emotions and to see the worId t_85_the i r eyesRead ing, of course, isn 'teas y. You have to si t still for one thing. It can seem boring when compared (

59、上匕车交)to the exci temen t of play ing viderO games For me, reading has been an en dless pleasure in my life From the age oft en, whe n I got my f i rst I ibrary card I've en joyed the company (陪伴)of heroes, evi I cr iminals and c I ever detect i ves, of t housand, of int eres ting people I v/ou I d have n ev


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