



1、2019年上海市初中毕业学业考试英语试卷Part 1 Liste ning(第一部分听力)1.Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共 30 分)A. Liste n and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分).56B. Liste n to the dialogue and choose the best an swer to the questi on you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7. A) A sportsman.B)A student.C) A te

2、acher.D)A doctor8. A) History.B) Physics.C Maths.D) Chemistry9. A ) Ten years agoB Ten mon ths ago.C) Two years ago.D) Two mon ths ago10. A ) To give some lectures.B) To meet new frien ds.C) To complete his work.D ) To improve his memory.11. A ) By getti ng books.B ) By movi ng the shelf.C) By picki

3、ng flowers.D ) By watching the door.12. A ) At the restaurant.B ) In the kitchen.C) At the supermarket.D ) In the garden.13. A ) The In ternet.B) The subjects.C) The price.D) The levels.14. A ) Hes afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons.B) He thinks the programmes will take too much time

4、.C) Hes glad that read ing before sleep is his sons habit.D) He believes after-school less ons are n ecessary to atte nd.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the followingstatements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“ F”表示)(6分15. There was a fence betwee n Charlies garde n and

5、 the n eighbours ()16. The football hit the cat heavily and it made a loud sound. ()17. The whole flower pot was broke n into pieces by the football. ()18. Charlie climbed over the wall to the n eighbours garde n to get his football. ()19. Charlie put the broke n pieces into his pocket before he lef

6、t the garde n.()20. From the story , we know that Charlie fin ally chose to be hon est.()D. Liste n to the dialogue and complete the follow ing sentences(听对话,用听至 U的单词完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)21. Bob thinks that dropping a little piece of plastic is not a _.22. Rubbish will hurt the en viro nment an dfrom

7、 the parks n atural beauty.23. Bob has seen lots of litter in some of the neighbourhoods _24. The public place wouldif every one dropped rubbish there.25.On Bob and Jessies way home, theyll walk past a rubbish bin near the.Part 2 Phonetics ,Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)n .Choose the best answ

8、er(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26. Which of the followi ng words is pronounced /prive nt/?A) presentB) pretendC) preventD) pleastl27. Emma, an actress, has become a superstar because ofhard work and tale nt.A) sheB) herC) hersD) herself28. We com muni cateeach other in many ways , such as by e-mail or by phone.A

9、) onB) throughC) inD) with29.I could nt get muchof the exhibiti on of clea n-en ergy products from the website.A) newsB) photosC) postersD) advertisements30. beautifully little Simon dances in front of the camera!A) WhatB) What aC ) HowD) How a31. Davids resp on ses weretha n anyone elses and he won

10、 the competiti on.A ) quickB) quickerC ) quickestD ) the quickest32. Look!Theyabout the soluti on to the n etwork problems aga in.A ) argueB ) are arguingC ) arguedD) were arguing33. The host told a joke at the party and made the guestsa lot.A ) laughB ) laughi ngC) to laughD) laughed34. Would you m

11、in dcare of my pet fish while rm away on holiday?A ) takeB ) take nC) to takeD) taki ng35. By the end of last month , Janeenough money for the poor sick boy.A ) raisedB) would raiseC) had raisedD ) has raised36. Fra nk held his breaththe water to search for his ring in the swim ming pool.A ) atB) by

12、C) overD ) un der37. Worries in lifeif you speak out to your close friend.A ) will reduceB ) were reducingC) will be reducedD ) were reduced38. According to the rule , used batteriesbe dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.A ) mustB) n eedC) canD ) may39. Benjamin has lear ned that it is n ot po

13、lite to makefu n of others.A ) aB) anC) theD) /40. The New Year Con cert was so amaz ing thatleft i n the middle of it.nA ) everybodyB ) anybodyC ) nobodyD) somebody41. There was something wrong with my car , I went to work by underground.A ) forB) soC) orD ) but42. the journey was tiring , Jeff tho

14、ught it was worth both the time and the money.A ) AsB) SinceC) Un lessD) Although43. The climbers made a fire during the night in order to bein the mountain.A) safeB) safelyC) saveD) safe44. -There is an oil pain ti ng show of the city developme nt.Shall we go for it tomorrow?A) It does nt matter.B

15、) Great idea.C) Not at all.D) My45. -.-Come on!J ust give it a try.A) Im afraid I cant ride the bike.B ) Im sorry for breaking the window.C) rm glad to win first place.D ) rm sure its bad for your eyes.川.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can be used only once (将下列单词填入空格。每

16、空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)A) modernB ) manageC) deliciousD) controlE) compareTech no logy plays an importa nt part in our daily life no w.Yet not many of us will realizehow much we rely on it un til we46our lives to those in the past.There was no 47tech no logy at that time , yet the items that people had

17、 were quite eno ugh for them tolive their lives.Without necessary cooking tools , the people could still48to make their food asnice as our food today.Animal parts were thrown away if they were not49Others werecooked over the fire.However, everything they used was taken from the forests around them.A

18、) seldomB) methodsC) nowadaysD) oceansE) almostWithout the television set , the radio and more importantly , the computer , we will 50 have any fun in our homes today.However, the people in the past had their own clever51of enjoying themselves.For example , they made music without the use of compute

19、rsbut with tools made from wood and ani mal skin.Travel was simple at that time.Most of the people were excelle nt boat makers and theycould make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the 52.With in creased skills and experie nee , the people lear nt how to ma

20、ke theboatsstro nger aga inst rains and storms.Some things are basic for us53, but the people in the past could live the lives to the full even withoutthem.We should not look dow n on the wisdom of people long ago.IV. Complete the sentences with the give n words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成

21、下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)54.Mr.Smith bought threeof local sn acks for the excha nge stude nts.( box)55.On thepage of the book,there is an encouraging story. ( eight)56.Dont easily follow a fashion.Beingis the best rule. (you) 57.Online libraries areused for learning in the information age.( wide58. Fin all

22、y,Jack achieved his goal and became theof a compa ny.( own)59. The main purpose of the charity project is to offer help topeople. ( home)60. When Andy wasabout his lost smart phone , his friend gave him a big hug. ( happy)61. Hard work pays offbelieve you willyour dream school. ( entrance)V. Complet

23、e the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。62-67 小题每空格限填一词)(共14分)62. Lucy practises the violi n in the club on Friday after noons.(改为否定句)Lucythe violin in the club on Friday after noons.63. My sister will take part in the Chi nese poem con test in a few days.(对划线部分提问) will your sister take par

24、t in the Chin ese poem con test?64. The gover nment is tak ing action to improve air quality.(保持句意不变)The government is taking action toair quality 一65.I have no idea how I can operate the new wash ing mach ine.(改为简单句)Ihave no ideaoperate the new wash ing mach ine.66. The scie ntists released the pic

25、ture of a black hole to the world on AprillO.(改为被动语态) The picture of a black holeto the world by the scientists on April 10.67. “Are you free to come to my place this Saturday? ” Aaron asked me.(改为间接弓丨语) Aaron asked mefree to go to his place that Saturday.68. their future , learn , teenagers, by the

26、mselves , to plan , should (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共 50 分)A.Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)Fairs & Festivals 集市与节日This summer from June to August, there is something tocelebrate in Colorado, USA:the arts, culture, food, andmusic.Because

27、of that,families always have a fair orfestival to attend, with fun for all ages.Weve made a listof some of the most popular, by mon th.June 6-20 2019Drag on Boat Festival Lea naboutCh in eseCulture in Colorado through dragon boat races, performa ncesan dve ndorsofChin esespecialties(ricedumplings, s

28、ilk clothes andchopsticks).cdbf-orgJune 25-28,2019Fun FairEnjoy un limitedrides ,livemusic ,fireworks ,traditionalactivities , and farm an imals.Fun Aug.3-4,2019 Culture FestivalTakepartinandobservetraditi onalBritishgames, hearmusic, and try traditi on July 31-Aug.4,2019Kids

29、 FairHear music,play with farma ni mals , and enjoy activitiesfor kids.KAug.15-18,2019Fruit FestivalTry someth ing fruity (eat ing& lear ning to cook withfruits. 69. The fairs and festivals take place in _.A)USAB) ChinaC)BritainD)ltaly70. The underlined word “ Vendors ” in the list means

30、“ people whoA)cook foodsB) sell thingsC) make clothesD) give performances71.If you want to play with animals in June , you may go toA) Dragon Boat FestivalB) KidsFairC) Fruit FestivalD) Fun Fair 72.ln the Fruit Festival , you may learn toA) pick up fruitsB ) grow fruit trees C ) make fruit jams D )

31、store fruits73. Local people who are interested in foreign culture can visitfor further information.A) B ) C) D ) 74. The list above is aimed at _.A ) giving introductions of companiesB ) providing information on acty C) offering resources for job huntingD ) helping scho

32、ols to organize ?B. Choose the best an swer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)This month , we had the honor of interviewingandsix localchange-makers aged from 11 to 17.These weren stoppedby their age or size or lack of resources , they sawa75in the world around them and to step hepwhere the

33、y could.They support female soldiers raise money through their efforts , teach other kids about life lessons , anduse their free time to76the old trees we love so dearly in the com muni ty.Each of them had adults in their livese ncouragi ng and support ing their work.We were also honored to in tervi

34、ew a famous writer for his new book ,Start Now!YouCan Be a Change-maker.The book explains some of the worlds big problems-hunger , health and animals in danger-in a way that young children can understand.The book showsthem , through other kidsstories, how they can make a77, too.ln our in terview wit

35、hthe writer , he shares that each time his children take a small action , such as recycling , hetalks with them.He uses the moment to discuss how small changes can achieve a greateffect .I ts a step any of us can take to help childre n realize how78they are.At this time of year , we often hear lots

36、of questions from parents.The mostone is , What volun teer cha nces are there for young childre n un der 16?” The kids in the in terview and in thebook show us that pare nts dont have to find an orga ni zed even tfor their kids to take part in. They can create their own chances.As parents , teachers

37、, aunts, uncles, and friends , its our job to 80for what speaks to a childs heart , help themtake that first step , and watch what their little hands can do.Start now , and you can raise a change-maker.Editor of PARENTSMagazine75. A) signB) needC) reasonD) change76. A) worry aboutB ) climb upC) care

38、 forD) cut down77. A) planB) mistakeC) decisionD) differenee78. A) powerfulB ) generousC) happyD) ahe!79. A) privateB) usefulC) commonD) rs80. A) listenB) payC) waitD) eaveC. Fillin the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Paul was my little brother ,and he was special.H

39、e was different from me becausehe sat in a wheelchair, and he was blind.Lots of times when we walkedwithPaul , other kids came over and asked us why he was in his chair and why he couldn ts_81.They thought he was different because he had his own school bus and had togo to a special school.But thats

40、not really the reas on .Paul was different for the thingsjust our family knew about-only we knew the s_82 that made him spccial.Paul helped me hear small sounds.Every time I was with him ,rd have to beg q83to hear the flying birds and the talk ing trees he heard.Paul helped me exercise.When we went

41、for a walk , wed often go uphill.When Ipushed hischair all the way to the woods at the t 84_, I was really getting myexercise!Paul h _85 ever complained.He went along with whatever the rest of uswanted to do.One time when he had a fever , he got uncomfortable , but he nevershouted or fought or asked

42、 me to switch the TV cha nn el.Sometimes Paul let me put things in, his hand.Weplayed a kind of guess ing game .I put differe nt toys there forhim to f 86He was always surprised whe n I let himhold someth ing n ew.Paul was my frie nd.He could nt talk to me like most ofmy friends , and he could nt ru

43、n outside to play.But he wasthere for all the peaceful times , and he had the best smile in the world.I was 187 to grow up with him as his sister.Hehelped me to realize that there is a good side to everysituation , if we simply make the choice to findit.D.Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)(12分)Ms.Laur

44、en , a school head teacher, has asked thestudents to put down notes of what they have lear ned basedo n their own experie nces.Here is some of what shes got.? Life is like achoose your ownendin gbook-youcan take一 ! whateveradve ntures (冒险)you want.; ;? Being nice can get you somewhere.? Never ask yo

45、ur dad to help you with a mathsproble m.It will tur n outto be aIthree-hour less on.:i? If you have a problem , share it with your mum.? People who do unkind things to you are not your frien ds.iSally, age 15? Check if there is toilet paper before you sit down.? When you tell a lie , you have to kee

46、p telling lies.? Keep your room messy (凌乱的) so your mum will be afraid to come in ,and then shewont take your favourites.? When your friends do something stupid , you dont have to follow.? If you slow down and take your time , your work is better.Jackie age 14Dont cough in other peoples faces , espe

47、cially if you dont know them.Youd better not eat cheese cake in front of your mum whe n shes on a diet.Dont tell a teacher your dog ate your homework , especially if you dont have a dogYou only have one life.So be careful.Never leave your little sister alone with your toys.The funnier you are , the

48、better life is.Alex, age 1288. Katie probably tried dog food when there was nothing in the fridge , did nt she?89. Why does nt Sally ask Dad for help with a mathsproblem?90. Read Sallys and Jackies no tes.What kind of people wont she/he be friends with?91. What is Jackie and Alexs attitude towards t

49、elling lies?92. Whom do all four kids men ti on in their no tes?93. What will Ms. Laure n possibly do with the notes? Why?W .Writing(作文)(共 20 分)94. Write at least 60 words accord ing to the give n in formati on(根据以下材料,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)以下是几位同学在以貌取人、盲从朋友、看待谎言、抉择人生等方面的感悟。请从中选择你比较有感触的一条,可结合自己的经历,谈谈

50、你的体会。? Dont judge people by their looks.Someone could be bad-looking and still be nice. Katie? When your friends do something stupid , you dont have to follow. Jackie? Dont tell a teacher your dog ate your homework ,especially if you dont have a dog. Alex? Life is like a “ choose your own ending ” b

51、ook-you can take whatever adventures you want.Sally .(注意1.先将你选择的一条感悟抄写在答题纸带有引号的横线上。.2.短文中不得出现考生姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)2019年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷答案要点Part 1I ABC1. B2.E7. D8. A3.A4.H5.G9. C 10.D11.A12.B15.T16.F17.F6. C13. C 14.B18.F19.T20.TD 21.big deal22.take away23.arou nd tow n24.be dirty25.bus stop Part

52、 2II .26.C27.B28.D29.A30.C31.B32.B33.A34.D35.C36.D37.C38.A 39.D40.C41.B42.D43.A44.B45.A川.46.E 47.A 48.B 49.C50.A51.B52.D53.CIV .54.boxes55.eighth56.yourself57.widely58.owner59.homeless60.u nhappy61.e nterV. 62.doesnt practise63.How soon64.make , better65. how to66.was released67.if/whether , was68.T

53、ee nagers should lear n to pla n their future by themselves. Part 3VI. A.69.A70.B71.D72.C73.DB. 75.B76.C77.D78.A79.C80.AC. 81.see82.secret (s) 83.quiet84.top85.hardly86.feel87.luckyD. 88.Yes(, she did) .89. Because Sallys father will give her a three-hour lesson.90. People who do something unkind.91

54、. ( They think ) its wrong to tell lies.92. Mum/Their mums.93.Shell possibly ask the students to share the notes because she wants them to learnsomething from othersexperiences/to avoid making the same mistakes.( Any reasonable answer is acceptable. )VD .94.作文题目:结合阅读中的几个观点,人生哲理、选择朋友、以貌取人、要讲诚信, 任选其中一

55、个,结合自己的事来写 一篇 .今年的作文题一改往日的出题思路, 让同学们在同一份试卷的阅读篇目中, 选择一个主题结 合自身实例来夹叙夹议写一 篇文章。出题思路新颖,角度多样化,学生有了更大选择空间和思 考空间,不失为一次独特的作文命题。在阅读中,同学们可以看到人生哲理的探究,可以选择讲讲朋友之间的故事,可以告诫大家 以貌取人的错误之处,还可以自选实例说说诚信的必要性。但话题选择越多,思考就越容易受到干扰。快速确定一个话题,然后围绕这个话题去思考是 很重要的。确定话题后,注意审题,要结合自己的情况进行表达,可以列举自己身上的或自己遇到小事例进行说明。参考范文:HonestyWe always h

56、old one opinion that honesty is the most important thing in the world. We need to value and practice this quality in our daily life.In my exams, I experienced several occasions when I had to face up the correcting mistakes my teacher made on my test papers. Although my teacher gave me higher marks o

57、n the answer sheet, I honestly pointed out my actual mistakes overlooked by the teacher. I think honesty would be more precious than the unreal scores.I would like to say that only when we all, behave in an honest way in every aspect of our life together, can we have a more harmonious world.Dont Judge a Book by Its CoverAs an old saying goes, don t judge a book by its cover. I didnt recognize the true meaning of it until last year. In my neighborhood came a man with a scary face


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