1、山西省太原市2020年九年级第二次模拟考试英语试卷注意事顶:1. 本试題分听力和笔试两部分。全卷共12页,满分120分,考试BJ间120分钟(含听力测试20分钟左右)V考眸束后,将木试卷和答題卡一并交回"2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名.准考证号填写在试題和答題卡上.3. 回答选择®时,选岀毎小題答案启,用2B铅笔把答題卡上对应題日的答案杯号涂黒如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.不能答在木试題上,否则无效。4. 回答非选择題时,须用0. 5臺米黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在答題卡上相对应的答題区域内, 与任本试題上无效。听力部分一、糯磁本題共5个小題,每小題你将
2、听到一组对话。请你从毎小題所给的亠、BX C三幅图片中,选 岀与你所听到的信息相关联的一项,并在答遜卡上将该顶涂黑.1-【此处可播笊相关音频,i青去附件查看】2【此外可播敵相关音頻,请去附件査看】3.【此处可棉笊相关音频,请去附件杳看】C.4【此处口J播放相关音频,请去帕件查看】5【此处可播於相关音频,请去附件查看】A.二、对话酬題具5个”'題,毎小題你将听到一组对话和一个间題。请你从毎小題所给的A B. C三 个选顶巾,选岀一个最佳选顶,并在答題卡上特该顶涂黑。6.【此蛀可播放相关咅频,请去附件查看】A Tracy,sB Bob,s.C BlIrs./【此处可播枚相关音频,请去附件查
3、看】A. Camerac.B. Drinks.C. Food.8.【此虹可播枚村关音频,请去附件查看】A. OnCeaWeekB-TWlCeaWeekC. EVery day.9【此见可擂踮目关音频,请去附件查着】A. At an axport.B. Inallbrary.C. On strain.10(此处可特於相关音频.谙去附件查看:A. ShC WI1 InLSS her CIaSSlTiatcs.B. She PlanS to ViSit her English teacher.C. She has IeamtaICt &om her EnglISh teacher三、语篇理解
4、本題你将听到一篇短文。请你根拱短文内容和所提出的5个冋题从毎小題所给的A、BX C三个选项中,选出_个最佳选项,并在答題卡上将该项涂黒。【此处可擂放相关育频,请去附f權看】11. HOW id the boys PIay the game?A. By CIimbing the tree.B By Waudng around the treeC. By WOrklng ot h3w high 止e tree was.12. What did Otller boys tlink £ DaVld at fist?A HeWaSqlliCkB HeWaS cverC Hevzasweak13
5、. WhereWaS DaviTs InOther When the boys Were PIaying the game?A. AthOmCB. NCarthC t ccC. In th: park.14 Why COUld DaVId make it to the top first?A. Beca? he kept IDOklng UPB. BeCaUSehe StCrtedhalfWayUP the tree.C. BeCaUSe he WaS IlJt af aid Uf falling duwn.15 WhatdOeS the StorymaJIIy tell us?A. We s
6、hould be brave to CtIaIIenge OlJrSeIVeS.B. WC ShDUId always move towards OUr goals.C. We ShDUld never IOOk dewr upon 70Ung ds.四、听力填空本題你将听到一篇晅文-诘你根抿所听内容定成下面的表枯,并将茯収的信息埴到答題卡相应的位墨上.每空一【11U込可擂放相关B频,请去附件查看:Name and AgeZhOEg Manshan, Id years OIdEXPeriellCeSfinished 17 in Beliingdid mere StUdleS In Bntain
7、 In the 1980s18 his WOrk the hospitals and research CCntCrSWOrk AgailISt IheNCPenterei ho spirals to ViSit PatientS 19 heed to COntrOI the disease in Chlna SharedChma1S 20 exenencewith Other CJUntneS笔试部分五、单顶选择谙你从每小颗所给的A、E、C三个诜项中,诜岀一个能填入空白处的最样诜顶,并在答箱卡上 将该顶徐議。21 It,s reported that Tai5ran SUbWay Line
8、2 is going to be put into USeby the end OfthIS year. That's goodnews. 1: Wlil SaVe time When I travel in Taiyuan.A meB. youC him22To SPend aSannerVaCation, StUdentS are advised to do VoIUnteer WOrk to Ieam n:Ore about theSOCietyA. QUietB. meaningfulC. COinfbrtabIe23 ChineSe CCmPany YAOmi is Wnrk
9、ing On crting StnarthCusesThatlSCOOl The Lght In Ihe house CaEPeOPIe and turn itself on.A. guideB. WamC. SenSe24.when HUbel PrOTinCe WaSIn great need ofShan PfOVlnCe SenthUndredS Of them Jiere. They reallyPIayed an anportant role IlIemedICal work.A teachersB nursesC drr=rs25A god book:S always WOrth
10、 reading We are SlPf oSed to ChOOSe abookbefore gettng StarteIiA. freelyB. SeCretlyC. CarefUlIY26 StUdIeS ShOW at the erthis be coning Warmer and Wamlerin recat years.ii WiIl not LC i daugci i IlIC futu c.EYCryQnC SboUll t<akc action to SaVC OUT PldlICtA. SO thatB. even ifC. ever sin:e34til next
11、Vear27 The 32nd OIVmPIC GaireS may beve heard Of it I hope WeCan enjoy the games in TOkyO thenA. Set UPB. pu: OffC. CIIt CUtDon't28一 Mr. LL there are SCnle new WOrCS in the article. Whct ShOUld I dZthem USe the ContCJrt to help ycu guess tkc meaning.A. be absent fion:D. be Striet inC. be WOIened
12、 abcut29 Tony, I feel SO StTeSSed OUt these days because Cf the Coming examination.7 Johr- AS IOng as We keep working, We WiIl make PrOgreS5 day by day.A. Tak it CaSyB. What a PEyC. NCVCrIIILnd30 Dill you IlCdr die SoUId GolrI tlc IldffiC IiglItA I WondCrIt tels the blmi When to CrOSS the streetA Wh
13、at it is USedforB. when it can stopC. WhO InVented itn补全对话F面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内祈给笊迦页中迭出能憤入空曰处的最佳迭项并在答题卡HI, cvcryody!HellOt LiHua!31HCw about doing SCme reading a: Shaim Library?SOUndS great.32iI agree WItlI ycu. SUtthC IlIrary is too fax33Wang Ping Thatl S EOt a problem.J*(re I < lal(3) 上将该项涂黑。
14、选项中有两:页为多余项。LK me de this. Ve go: MelWan App.35Thafsmce of you. WIL Pay you Iater On WeChatLl HUa Me, too. LetJSnIeet at eight OUtSIie :he SChDOl gate tcmDrrow.A. Wllrre WlIl WehdVe IimCh?B. It Canbe USedto borrow books.C. It has al kinds Of delicious Food.D. Lct1Stakc a bus from the library.E. Do y
15、ou have anv PlallS for the Weekerd?F. We CanaISO PrePare for the exam together in it.G. WCCQn OrdCr takeaway On the mobile phone.七、完开瀕空请阅读下面短文,掌握其人意,然启从每小j给的A、B. C三个选顶中,选岀T能填人空白 处的最佳选项并在答題卡上将该项涂黒。AOne day, an expert in time management gave a group OfbUSineSS StUCentS a lesson that they WOUld never f
16、orgetAS he StOOd in front Ofthe group, he said, ,0kay, time for a quiz. "Hs then 36a wide mouth jar罐)and pul it Un IilC desk. TllClI IIC CdICfUlly PId(ZCd SUmC basebdls, OlIe by one, UJtU IIIC ja 37 it COulIllrt IlUld One more. Heasked' ISthis jar full?1'"Yes," answered all th
17、e StJdents. "ReaEy?" Thenhe PUt SOme SnaIl 38 IntO thejar and asked the StUdent5 the Same question. MPrObably no;" Dne Of diem answered llGood!1 he replied.He POUred abag Of SandintO the jar It WentlrtO all the spa:e Ieft 39 the baseballs and the stones. OnCe more he asked the questio
18、n, MNOWl is it fiU?u AIl the StUdentS agreedTC IIICir 40, tlc expert poured OrdlIgCj JiCe into the jar slowly. AII the StUdCatS WClC CpitC shocked toSeethat the ,full jar COUId Sdl 41 SO much orange. "Now. It 1$ ful the expert SaiC finally.In fac IImg a life IS just Ilke filling ajar. Making th
19、e bestuse Oftlnle IS 42 We ShOUld remindOUrCelVeS to ClD When PICnty OfthlngS remain tobe dealt WIth "The JUICe means, ,the teacher aided before the ClaSS ended, ,no matter how 43_ your fe is, there IS always Something rn3re to enjoy as long as you want. This IS exactly What 1 WGnt to tell you
20、today. 36. A. $oId OUtB. took OUtC. gave ou:37. A. UntiB. thoughC. UnleSS38. A. StCneSBbaSeballSC. bags39 A againstB exceptC between40 A. JOyB. SUrPnSeC. regret41. A. ProVideB. requireC. hold42. A. WhyB. WhatC. how43. A. fullB. SUCCeSSfidC. tradnonal八、g)读理解请阅读下面海报从每小題所给的A、BS C三个迭项中,迭出一个最佳选页并右答题卡上将该硕
21、涂黑AS W匕 all fa:e the novel COrOnaVirUS 傍i型冠;犬病毒)PrOteCtIng yourself means ProteCtmg osiers. TheBfulluwing ps l2e IIeigiIbLlllUod Wit tell you uw tu du LLP AWay&om COVID-19 . WaSh your hands properly. YOUrhandS might have touched things that COUld be PCilUtecI by:he virus. WaShirg your hands CanS
22、tOP the VinlS from SPreaCing from hands to the rert Of your body. It shoiild take no IeSS than 20 SeCOndStO do it Urder runn WaterWeaIanlask. IfyOU have to go lo Crowdedplaces, remfnhftr t VZAramaSk Stay at least 1 meter away from Other people.Mally kinds Of CPidClcs CanbC SPrCadthfOUglI air. Weanng
23、 a mask Can prevnt diseases EOm hfcng ycur face Or mcuthOKeePirjOOr air firesh. DUrmg your Stay indoors, OPenWiniiOWS to IeC frsshaii in frree IilrIeS a Cay for 15 minutes to half an hour each time You Can fall ill WhPn a large amount Of VlmS gets together. MCre esh air Can StOP that.DeVeIOP good ha
24、bits GOCd habits Ilke eafcng healthily, exercising and gettng enough SIeeP Can help keep QheGIthy body, WHCh is Jfcrong enough to fight againstVirUS- YOUr body ItSelf IS a SafegUardagainst diseases44. CankeIP StOP the Waytha: VIrUS SPreadS from hands to OtherPartS Of the body.A. Weanng masksB. WaShl
25、ng hardsC. OPenIng doors45. When staging In the CrCWcl you ShOUd keep nc IeJS thanmeter(s) vv2y &om Othef.J5L OneB. fifteenC. twenty46. When you sty arhome, ycu ShoUld.A. Wear the mask all the timeB. IeaVe the WincbWS OPen all dayC. make Sure 10 Iet InOre &esh air In47. ACCOrding to the post
26、er, you Can figh: against diseases byA. developing good habitsB. ShalalIg hands WltlI PCOPlCC. meeing as many PeOPIe as POSSlble48. Ihe POSter IS PUtUP In the eghborhcod to tell PeOPle.A the ImPDrtanCe OfkeePlrg healthyB. Ihe methods futectmg ±emselvesC. the background Of preventing COVID 19(B)
27、请阅谆下面短文,从每4、题所绐的A、BX C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂熙。We Were SIlently WaItlng Dn the PlatfOnn In the ICte afternoon. There he was, my 8(l-yCar-OId grandfather WlthC. Relaxed.C.安全C. A BOnn5 Dayhis grey hair and dcrc I was, a ICCndgP gl in my jeans adTshirt. I Wds、VDGdClinghQW I WaS gcig to get through th
28、e next two days. Why Cld I agree to be Wlth my Strange grandpa on the two days'train nde from OUr City to another?NO One else WantedtO be his Partner along the Way SlnCe m? grandfther refise J to take a plane. UnIlke him, 1 IOVed to fl? because I Wantedt3 get to the destination as quickly as pos
29、sible.NO matter how iuch he WaStOld about the SWiftlleSS Of my grandfather refusedto book a flight,JQying, ,It is IlOt;UGt about me; it's the experience Of getting there.,With my first SteP OntO the train, the journey WaS already different frcm What I expected The Irain WaS modem and filled WIrh
30、 friendly travelers We Seatei OUrSelVeS in the dim car, Whbe We COUld enjoy food and drinks WhiIe WatChir.g the beauty Of nature PaSSby InStead OfliStenlng to my OWn music, I IiStened to my grandfather talking CbOUt my family EIStCry that I had never had the time Cr PatIenCe to Ieam abou:. FOr the 5
31、rst time I felt I UlldClStod IlUn I was thankful for u IIrn二 together On the train.In this rapidly changing IWr仃rll We rft miss :mfrtant mcments ItiS HftCeSSafytO SIrlW dun And IiStfin to elders Who Offer a PIeCe Of ±e history Cr exeerce and Share:heir feelings.Li:C isn't jus:吐 OUtthC CkSti
32、rlation; l,s about the JOUmCy-49. HOW id the Writer feel while She WaSW=IItmg for the train With her grandpa?A. UPSetB. Thankful.50. WhatmIght the underlined Word IISWiftneSSI mean?A-迅捷B.舒适51. WhIChOflle following IS true accorcngto the passage?A The Wnter IIStene to her OWn music happilyB. The trai
33、n ride WaS Ilke What the Wnter had thought.C. TlIe grandpa told CilC Wriler about IlleiI family Iiistoiy.52 WhatCan We infer(推断)from the passage?A. The Wnter WiE act as the elders.B. ThC WntCr won't take the train anymore.C. The Wnter WlIl SPend more me Wlth her grandpa.53 WhlCh IS the bes: titl
34、e for the passage?A. A Loving GrandfathCrB. SPCCial RIde(C)请阅谆下面短文根据姮文内容,从方框内所给的选项中迭出能填入空m处的最住迭项,使短文意圮通顺,并在笞题卡上将迭项涂黑。选项中育-顶力多余项。It IS not unusual to hear the report o: a WIllfUl"post OoSIgeneratIon WhO SPend too much InOney On Dnlne games. Mr. GOng a father Of a 12 year OId ChId In Guangdong Fr
35、ovnce, WaS ShOCkeC Whenhe found OUt that his SOn had SPeEt 13,272 yuan &om MarCh 17 to 21 this year.±ThIS IS not the Cnly case In WhICh children have SOent a large amount Of money 3n 3nle ames. Cklldren today Prefer a direct Way to SPend money to get What they Want TTithout taking twice Whe
36、ther the PCyinent IS a muct Or not.55They are Ordered :o take more effective measures to protect the nght; andinterests Of Children Under 18.5o,The young generatiDn Teatsbuyhg more jke a pro Cessofrese arching", ChiEaYROUth Daily reported On APril 27 WangYijian, aged 16 Fuzhou, Fui¾n Provi
37、nce, IS typically SUCh aCUStOmer DUnng her VaCatOn, She decdsd to buy a CaSIO WatCk FOr Wang, researching PrOdUCtS IS as eryoyab as buying them.57 For LIU YU aged 17 from Yantai, ShandoQg Province, the collection Of Han ChthCS isamng her interestsmIrStMd Of Kiyingr I PrPfFr tn Iefirn hout the 门IItnr
38、e anc history behirdthese clothes," said Liu. AiIgh: VleW Of JPendIng money IS What young PeDPIe truly need.A. BUt ShC hardly SPCnclS InOnCy On themB. HOWever, a different OPinIOn has beer given.C. It IS necessayto COnSIder how to PIay online games.D. Beforemaklng a iecson, Che researched all O
39、f dhe ChOiCe5 available.E. The Chnese g3vemment IS having talks Wlth Oiune game companies.F. The boy SPent SO much PlayIIg games On his mcbile PhOne during those days.(D)请阅读下面短文根据短咬内容,在下直的表格中埴入与文童意忌最符合的单词,#将答案写在答題卡相应的 位S±o野空一词CntiCal thinking isn't about thinking more Or thinking harder, bu
40、t about thinking better. Traiimg your CritICal thinking SkiIIS Ca:i OPCn UP a ClDOr to a better world. DUt tlc jouncy Of bcng QPCrSonwlth CritiCalthInking is difficult. It requires a IOt Ofhard WOrk and practiceTraIll yuu quesUlg SklISASklrg questions IS PerhaPS the key act OfCritCaI thinking. IfyOU
41、 dcn,t know What questions to ask Or don't ask the questions In the first place, you tray as WeIl not get the answer. Fnding the answer IS What CnaCal thinking is all about.Think SeVeral StePS ahead DOntJUStthlik One or two StePS ahead 'Ihnk several Iinagine you're a CheSS grandmaster Wn
42、O's fighting Wlth COnJeOne VTith the ability to think CeVeral StePS ahead. You have :o match IItelIigenCe wh turn. OnCethePrCblem you are WOrking On may bein, USe your JnaglnatiOn to guess What the POSSibIe futures WIll beSPare at Ieast 3U InUmteS a (Iay to improve yom, brain uctionSfend 30 minu
43、tes in your busy day making ycur brain more POWerfUI There are a few ways you Can do this:Try to be active IU finding the SollXion to a ProblCm a day It COUld tc athcorc3cl or a PCrSOnal OlICFind the ti 询 exEmise rghrly 3mmt於 of e*errs ASIltTle AS A WaIk JrnUnd the neighborhood CanheIP improve brain
44、 foncdon.Ear die right kinds Of foods. Avocados, bluet ernes, WLd salmon, nucs and seeds, as well as OrOWn rice Phyanimcrtant role In keeping your bram healthy.AS IOng as you keep PfaChCmg, you can improve your CntlCal thinking a lot.CritiCal I hinkingt is not59 to be a PerSDn With CrtiCal thinlcnn.
45、Ways toImPrOYeYoUrCrItiCalThinkmgYOU may get Ihe answer 60 you know Whal questions to ask.61 the POSSible futures OnCe the PrOblem may beginSPffcnd 3 minutes Haytraining yr hr«n BincticnTry to SolVC a ProbICln day62Do regular exercise every day.Eat right kinds OffOodS to keec VOUr brain Ir good
46、 63(E)清闻读下面非连纟歎生文本按藝求完成所给的任务#将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。lateret UterI46.2«KjndI OfMobiIeApptSaUrtc:CNNIC2019.12ChartlThe IntemethaS greatly Changed CbneSe people's ves In Clfferent WayS OVer the fast twenty years InOrder to ShOW the rapid development OfChina,s InSeme the ChIna IntSmCt NetWOrk InEOrmatO
47、n C eater (C M N IC) give S its reports twice year. Thf folowing IS oart OfThe 45th China RspononIntsrmt DeVeIOPme2017.1220l>l¾20203SoUrCc:CNNIC2020.1Chart I!TheSeChartS alone CannOt COVer all SideS Of the PreSent CleVeIOPinent Df ChinHS Internet, but it is StIII e3ug to ShOW a SUIPriSing pr
48、3grcss On die Wa7. In fac the internet CCOnOmy(itself now takcsncarly OnC third Of ChmalS GDP. ChnalS total amount: Of Intemet Payment is the largest In thswcrld for SeVenyearSin a row.AeCCrding to the report, StJdentS tak? UP the IargeSt Part Of Intemet users. The USe Of the Irfemetcanbe found ever
49、ywhere In q CtUdents Iife. They CheCk OUt weather, CilCCU¢5 VTIth classmates, and JearChfOr books On the interne:. ASIS SPeClaIly mentioned In the report, almost all the StUdentS Of all grades have taken CIaSSeS On DingtaIk Or Other apps CiUnng their Stay at home.互联励 己经便这些戒为可能。NOt Only IS She I
50、ntemet bringing more COnVenIenCe to Chinesepecple. but it is also helping to make the WOrIel abetter place to IiVe in.64. What IS the PUrPOSe OftherePOrtma by CNMIC?65 AeCCrding to Chart I, Wha: PCrCCnt Of mobile OPPC arc game and life service app: In total?66. According to CtartiI, how CanyoU know
51、that Chinat Inzemet is developing rapidly?Please translate Ie UnderIned SentenCeintO Chinese.6S Please translate die Underlned SentenCeinto English69. Is the Intemet InlPOrtant in your Lfe? Why Or WhynOt?九、词駝ffl请根捱语篇内容用方框中所结词的正确形式填艺史短文通顺、连贲并将答臬填写到答题卡相应的仪贸上。方眶中有两个词为多余项。asscblowChCerIICaVydifficultytw
52、oboxJllentWhIChhappycommunicateAIldyHVeS Cn S quiet Street VTlthhlS parents. One year ago, his parents SenthImtO a local PriVate SChOOl70PI UVlded tlc best CdULdIlolL Ticy butl hoped IiIdtAJlJy WOuId study IIdI d al get gud giddcs.However, dungs didn't go 71 they WlShed- Andy WaS not IItereSteCI
53、I hs IeSSOnS and WaS CUite StXeSSed OUt from falures at school.HiS father knew for SUrC WhyhiS SOn WaSUPSCt and CamC UP With a idca72 him p.One day afterschool his father asked hm to CO SOme chores. "Can you help to PUt the big PaPerbOXeS In Order Ir OUryareP” required his father. nYoumeanthart
54、he empty boxes 73 to hold things When We have a yard cle later?" asked mdy. "Yej," anewered c rather.,Thts easy "He began to move the boxes at once. However, What he had not expected WaS that the WmdIC SO hard that it VraS quite CiLffiCUlt to PUt the boxes udily. Gradually, Andyb
55、eSanIe attie IInPaneilt and almos: gave up. Behind him StOOel his father, watching his son si 75 He knew it WaS the time.,k everything going Welt son?" the father asked "Not really, Dad. I COlXdn,t de It n SUCh a StrOng wind.l',Tle Lgllt boxes are easy to be blown away by IIle wild. Wh
56、y not Inake trer 75 b PUning rocks in?” EnCOUraged by his father's words. Andy tried a 77 time and finished the job SDOn "Thanks for your good idea, Dad. It really worked. "Andy SaId 78 ,We are all like the boxes/ Sald his father, ,f we don't Want to be bcaton by ChailCngCS and79 in life, Wo SkOUItl aid JOmC wcit to OUrSClvcs. ,'Fro that clay or, AlIelyfelt IIke a new student and WOrked harder at SChOol十
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