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1、初中英语全英教案A teaching plan11By Liu YuanfuSchool: Xuan Hua Middle schoolJunior or Senior Section : JuniorClass: sixGrade : Seve nSize: 65 studentsTime: 40 minutesMaterials: Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?(sectio n A 1a-1c)Date: December 13thType of lesson:liste ning and speak ingAids: CAI, PPTConten ts

2、:1. Vocabulary : guitar, join, dance, swim, sing, chess, paint, s peak,play chess, speak English, play the guitar, want to join the music club,art club.2. Structure: Can you play the guitar/ swim/paint/danee-?Yes, I can.No, I can ' t.Bu t I can-.Can he/she play the guitar/ swim/paint/dance-?Yes,

3、 he/she can. No, he/she can' t.Bu t he/shecan.I want to join the art club.3. Dialogue:1c.4. liste ning: 1b.Objectives:L Teaching Aims and Demands(1) Instructional ObjectivesBe able to use the new words and phrases: guitar, join, dance, swim, sing, ches$? paint, s peak5 play chess, speak English,

4、 play the guitar; want to join the music club, art clubBe able to use can" and can1!,(2) Ability ObjectivesBe able to use listening skills to comprehend their dialogues such as listen for specific information etc.Be able to use what they learned to describe what they can do and give responses.B

5、e able to use the language they learned to finish a dialogue and a short passage(3) Educational ObjectivesArousing students * interest and helping them learn by using pictures.Building their confidence by step by step approach and careful scafTolding.(4) Personal objectivesTeaching the new words in

6、different stages of the whole process.2* leaching ImportanceTo master the key vocabularyTo understand and use the target languageTo master the usage of the different forms ofcan ” in the targetIan guage.3. Teaching DifficultiesTo en able the stude nts to un dersta nd the sentence patter ns to talk a

7、bout the ability activities.To en able the stude nts to use the target Ian guageThe students le arned the structure“ can do sth ” , So itand important to let them understand it can also be used to talk about the ability activities.4. Teach ing AidsMulti-media computer, Tape recorder and so on.5. The

8、 Teach ing Methods(1) Com mun icative teach ing method.(2) Audio-visual teachi ng method.(3) Task-based teachi ng method.6. Studyi ng Ways(1) Let the Ss pass "Observation Imitation Practice" to study Ian guage.(2) Let the Ss pay attention to the key information in listening practice.(3) E

9、nable the Ss to study En glish Ian guage by Communi cati on.(4) Let the Ss know that conclusions and being good at thinking are n ecessary to lear n En glish well.s difficultProcedures and Time Allotme nt:Taskl: Warm in g-up(2m ins)Before class, get Ss to enjoy an English song for about 2 minutes to

10、 warm them up.The purpose of the task-based activities is to In terest the stude nts Task 2:Lead-i n(3mins)1. Use the PPT to lead in the new less on., show some pictures and teach the words and phrases: guitar, join, dan ce, swim, sing, chess, paint, s peak, play chess, speak En glish, play the guit

11、ar, want to join the music club, art club.2. ask Ss read the words together.The purpose of the task-based activities is to use real program to arise the students interests and students can easily understand the new words through watchi ng the pictures.Task3: Play a game(4 mins)1. Show some acti ons

12、and let Ss guess what kind of acti ons they are. Ask the stude nts to act out the acti ons in front of the class in ten sec on ds.2. Match words with the people in 1a. Show the words and the pictures of the acti ons. Let the stude nts do the n check the an swers.The purpose of the task-based activit

13、ies is to consolidate vocabularyTask 4: Prese ntati on(8mins)1. Show some actions and say I can play the guitar/ swim/paint/dance-. The n ask the stude nts: Can you play the guitar/ swim/paint/dance-? Help the students answer: Yes, I can./ No, Ican ' t. Bu t I can-.2. Show some pictures of the a

14、ctions and ask the students topractice in pairs together in class. Fin ally in vite some groups to actthem out in front of the class.3. Show some actions and say he/she can play the guitar/swim/paint/dance-. Then ask the students: Can he/she play theguitar/ swim/paint/danee-? Help the students answe

15、r: Yes, he/shecan./ No, he/she can ' t. Bu t he/she.can4. Show some pictures of the actions and ask the students topractice in pairs together in class. Fin ally in vite some groups to actthem out in front of the class.The purpose of the task-based activities is to let the students learnto cooper

16、ate with each other and practice the Ianguage points,improve the stude nts ' abilities of speak ing.Task5: Represe ntatio ns(5mi ns)1. Show some pictures of the clubs and let the students tell whatclubs they are. E g: A: Do you know the clubs?B: Yes, I do.A: What kind of club is it?B: It is art/

17、musicclub.2. Show some pictures of the clubs, ask and an swer:A: What club do you want to joi n?B: I want to joi n the art club.A; Can you paint?B: Yes, I can.3. Pair workShow some pictures of the acti ons and ask the stude nts to practicein pairs together in class. Finally invite some groups to act

18、 them outin front of the class, using the followi ng sen ten ces:A: What club do you want to joi n?B: I want to joi n the - club.A; Can you -?B: Yes, I can. I can-.The purpose of the task-based activities is to train their com muni cati on skills and grasp the expressi ons in this less on.Task 6. Li

19、ste nin g(5m ins)1. Ask Ss to ope n their books and turn to Page 59. Look at part 1b, look at the conv ersati ons and make sure the stude nts un dersta nd the conversations and what to do. Then play the tape for three times. For the first time the students only listen to understand the whole general

20、 meaning of the conversations. For the second time the Ss pay attention to the activity in each conversation and write them in the blanks. For the third time the Ss pay attention to the time that the activities in each conversation are done and number the conv ersati ons (1-3). Ask some Ss to check

21、their an swers.2. Practice the conversations in 1b. Then make your own conv ersatio ns.The purpose of the task-based activities is to practice listening and improve the stude nts ' abilities of liste ning.Task 7 . Make a survey(7m ins)Give the stude nts several minu tes to prepare the survey usi

22、ng the target Ianguage to ask and answer, next fill the form :A: What club do you want to joi n?B: I want to joi n the - club.A; Can you -一?B: Y es, I ca n./ No, I ca nNameCanCan'tClubs to joint.Tomswimpaintsingswimmi ngclubart clubFin ally ask two groups of the stude nts to report their results. For example:Tom can swim and paint, but he can ' tisingzants to join the swimming club and the art The purpose of the task-based activities is to make every one participate in the class


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