1、中学生留学推荐信中学生留学推荐信尊敬的先生或女士:我是 XXX ,曾任 XXX 同学高中三年的XX 老师和班主任。三年中,我一直在关注她,所以对她了解的比较多,对她的印象也很深刻。她常在课后与我讨论她的学习情况和今后自己出国的愿望,对于自己的未来她很有想法,并且在一直为之努力。她学习很主动,也很有自觉性,听课很仔细,能积极配合老师,和同学在一起讨论问题时很融洽。在艺术方面相当突出,喜爱绘画和美术鉴赏。她有较强的研究能力,富有钻研精神,做事情很自信,登台演讲和表演落落大方。除了在学习方面表现出相当突出的.能力外,XXX 还具有非凡的领导才能,曾任副班长、组织委员等职位。她性格开朗,独立自主,意志
2、坚强,社会知识比较丰富,对于各种活动亦热心参与。从她组织的班级元旦迎新晚会中可以看出,无论在活动的规划、进行,及成果回报上,均尽力达成了师长们的要求,最终获得了圆满成功。其更难能可贵的是她带领同学共同完成任务精神与能力, 所以至今在我印象中她一直是一个团体中的参与者、发言人和决策者。XXX 同学不但做学问脚踏实地,对于师长的尊敬更是难得,实为一品学兼优的好学生,这样的学生如果能够有更好的指导,定能有所作为。本人很高兴能在此给她写这封推荐信,并祈以她好学不倦的求学精神,能获各位的认可,顺利进入她理想的学校就读。中学生留学推荐信To whom it may Concern,I am writing
3、 this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion.
4、His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him.I fi
5、rst met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved perso
6、nal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in variousprofessional capacities and has been highly-v
7、alued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with hislanguage ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would hi
8、ghly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert MooreMentor中学生留学推荐信Dear Admissions Committee,As Director of the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation atABC University inBLANK, China, it is my sincere and distinct pleasure to recommend Ms. Xiao
9、 Xiao for your graduate program in BLANK.I have known Ms. Xiao since 2001, when she was one of eighty students who completed their undergraduate thesis projects in my BLANK laboratory. Ms. Juan’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped her become one of the most outstanding student
10、s in the entire group, making a strong, positive impression upon me. Ms. Xiao is a very driven woman and student who know what she wants to accomplish and does not falter in her chosen path. Her intellectual curiosity and desire to acquire new acknowledge continuously have led her to perform much st
11、udy on her own outside the scope of her classes and research work; oftentimes, I witnessed her consulting scientificbooks and journals to help her discover how she could improve her knowledge and her work in the laboratory. Countless times, Ms. Xiao remained in the laboratory for more than twelve ho
12、urs in a row to complete her work and make sure there were no errors. With such devotion and fortitude, Ms. Xiao did not surprise me with her superior performance on her thesis paper. In terms of her character, Ms. Xiao is an amiable, courteous, and helpful young woman who has many friends amongst o
13、ur laboratory personnel.Ms. Xiao is ready to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate study. Her academic performance, research work, and upstanding personal character have won her my highest recommendation, and I hope you give her application strong consideration. Thank you.Sincerely,NAMEDire
14、ctorState Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation,ABC University中学生留学推荐信Dear Colleagues:MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing Universi
15、ty of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request.I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. D
16、uring her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry. During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theo
17、ry study of inorganic functionalmaterials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such
18、 as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. Working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. During her M.S. period, she had three papers published in international jou
19、rnals.Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favora
20、ble consideration of her application.From: x x x xDepartment of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHSUniversity of Science and TechnologyHefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. ChinaJuly 1, 1998中学生留学推荐信Dear Sir or x x x:I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into y
21、our distinguished graduate program. Mr. Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly i
22、mpeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school.He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of China's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his
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