



1、Un it 8 Detective storiesPeriod 4 GrammarI.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. The workers were in a_ ( 匆忙)to move away the big stone.2. My brother and his wife are a happy_ (夫妇).3. Her sister is_(或许)a careless person.4. Its well - known that no_( 指纹)are the same in the world.5. The_ ( 老板)often make the workers work fo

2、r over 8 hours a day.6. The_ ( 女性的)writer is considered as the queen of crime novels.n.根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空1. He was arrested for_(commit) several crimes.2. We must do everyth ing we can_ (make) our Earth clea ner and safer.3. We were all sad_ (hear) the bad n ews.4. All the passe ngers are required_(sh

3、ow) their tickets.5. The people un der 18 years old should nt_(allow) to go to Internetbars.6. Do you know if the murderer has a_ (crime) record?川.用关系代词 that, which 或 who 填空1. This is the film_ Bruce Lee starred in.2. Do you know the scie ntist_inven ted the mach ine?3. The village_we used to live i

4、n is very far from here.4. The woma n_ is wateri ng flowers is my aunt.5. Where is the book_I borrowed from the library yesterday?6. The watch_ I lost yesterday is made in Japa n.7. The village_ I was born in was called Gun Tree.8. I visited the pers on_inven ted the importa nt mach ine.9. This is t

5、he most i nteresti ng film_I have ever see n.10. Armstr ong was the first pers on_ walked on the moon.IV .用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空anything unu sual, turn out, lead to, probably, which, wash1. The film_ I saw yesterday is very in teresti ng.2. The drivers careless ness_yesterdays traffic accide nt.3. It_ th

6、at this method does nt work well.4. (2017 温州)Youve_ heard Li Yundi will have a concert inWen zhou, but its not true.5. The floor is very dirty. It requires_ at once.6. Please call the police if you see_n ear here.V.根据汉语意思完成句子1.和这起谋杀案有关系的人可能不止一个。There was _ one person who _ themurder.2.这种手机很受青少年的欢迎,所

7、以它很畅销。This kind of mobile phone _3.受害者想要向警方汇报他的老板所犯的罪行。The victimwan ted _ the crime which his boss_the police.4.(2017 无锡)别去烦她!此事与她无关。Leave her alon e! It_ her.W.单项填空()1. (2017 潍坊)What kind of movies do you prefer?I prefer the movies_ me someth ing to think about.A. which giveB. that givesC. which g

8、ivesD. who gives()2. Jack, you seem to be_.Yes. Its 8: 20 now and my train leaves in ten minutes.so kno wledgeable.vn . (2017 福建)阅读理解SAFETY RULES ON THE MTR TRAINSAt the stati onBe patient. Line up on the platform(站台)and wait for the train.Be polite. Let passe ngers get off first.Do not rush on the

9、train .It is dan gerous.When you hear a “beep” sound do not get on the train. The door is closing.Wait for ano ther train.On the trainDo not eat or drink on the train .It makes the train dirty.Do not run on the train.teen agers,so itA. i n safetyB. i n fear)3. (2016无锡)lf the weather_the sports meet

10、ing.A. runs outB. breaks outC. i n a hurryD. i n sile neeto be rainy, we may have to cancelC. finds outD. turns out)4. (2016-长春)Mr Chen is a teacher_I want to lear n from. He isA. whichB. whenC. whoD. what)5. (2017 临沂)RoaldDahl was a greatchildrenswriter. His dark past helpedhim paint a picturewas d

11、iffere nt to most other writers.A. thatB. whoC. /D. whomGive up your seat to old men or women, the disabled or womencarrying babies.()1. The text is mainly about how to_ .A. be a careful driverB. buy MTR ticketsC. be a good passe ngerD. keep safe at home()2. People who will get on the train should_

12、.A. wait i n lineC. ask for help()3. When you hear a“beep” sou nd,_ .A. close the doorB. rush onto the trainIV. 1. which 2. led to 3. turned out 4. probably5. wash ing/to be washed 6. anything unu sualV. 1. probably more than; had something to do with2. is popular amon g/with; sells well3. to report

13、; had committed to4. has nothing to do withW. 1. A考查定语从句。句意:“你更喜欢哪类电影?” 我更喜欢提供一些东西让B. ope n the door D.leave the seatsC. get off the train at onceD. stop and wait the next train)4. Which picture shows the good behaviour on the trainaccording to the text?)5. The text is probably aA. reportC. diaryB.

14、noticeD.教师详解详析.1. hurry2. couple3. probably 4. fin gerpri nts5. bosses6. femalen. 1. committing 2. to make 3. to hear 4.to show5. be allowed6. criminalin . 1. that/which2. who/that 3. that/which4. who/that 5. that/which6. that/which 7. that/which8. that/who9. that 10. thatAD我思考的电影。”先行词 movie 为物,用 wh

15、ich 或 that 引导定语从句,本句先行词 movies 为复数形式,定语从句中的谓语动词应该用原形。故选A。2. C3. D 句意:如果那天下雨的话,我们也许不得不取消运动会。 run out 意为“用光”, break out意为“爆发”, find out 意为“查明”,都不符合句意; turn out 有“结果是” 的意思,符合句意。故选 D。4. C 分析句子结构可知,先行词是“ a teacher ”,指人,所以定语从句应用关系代词 who 引导。故选 Co5. A考查定语从句。句意:罗尔德达尔是一位著名的儿童作家,他黑暗的过去帮助他画了一幅与大多数其他作家不同的肖像。这里的先

16、行词是 a picture ,表示事物,用 that 引导定语从句。故选 A。W. 1. C 主旨大意题。通读原文,根据文章标题“ SAFETY RULESON THEMTRTRAINS 可知,本文讲述了乘坐地铁时的一些安全注意事项。故选C。2. A3. D 细节理解题。根据文章“ When you hear a beep sou nd do n ot get on the trai n.The door is closing. Wait for another train.”可知,听到“ beep” 的声音,要停止上车,等候下一趟车。故选 D。4. D 细节理解题。根据文中“ Do not eat or


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