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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初一新生英语音标集中训练音标元音音标(20个)单元音(12个) 前元音4个, 中元音2个, 后元音6个,双元音(8个) 合口双元音5个, 集中双元音3个,辅音音标(28个)爆破音6个, 摩擦音10个, 破擦音6个,鼻辅音3个, 舌边音1个, 半元音2个。一、元音: 前元音 i: i e 1) i: 字母组合: e ,ee ,ea, ie,ei, eythree tree green sheep meet beef see seek feel deep free Halloweenweek sleep street keep meeting street between

2、 sweet eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please cheapseat beat lead reason treat cheap each leave easy read reason mealrepeat least clean jeans meal dream sweet need peanut jeanshe she me we even evening believe achieve field receive piece ceiling key (monkey / i/)2) i 发音字母 i, y,

3、 e , u, sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big miss children Christmas clip difficult visit still pumpkin drink winter film wish finish fish if misssilk list little milk trip pink with slim will swim win slimmany twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious busy minute cabbage3) e 字母组合 e,

4、 ea, aelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes pen ten best beg egg centre collect dress festival shelf well west when less lesson member spend member set November send Septemberhead bread pleasure heaven feather great health ready heavymany any marry 4) 发音字母 a bag hand

5、 and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man glad catch match chat grandfather hamburger tank camp chat maths land bank blanket plan lantern mango practice snack taxi blanketcandle candy carrot carry practice adult accident apple Africa (about, among, along, away) 中元音 : 5) : 字母组合ir,

6、 ur, ear, ur, or girl shirt skirt thirty dirty thirteen third bird first person birthplaceturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger turkey fur further nurse hamburger (Saturday特)learn earn earth heard early search term serve certainly person her work worm word world 6) 字母组合 er, or, a , ar, oteac

7、her leader remember player speaker farmer clever December exercise however jumper waiter leather member rubber sister (her特)doctor actor mayor author tractor visitorappear arise again alike ago about across afraid alone along amazing another arrive agree away banana Canada Japan China elephantfamili

8、ar collar dollar together tomorrow today tonight tomato (topic特) lesson Washington polite 后元音 a: u: u 7) a: 字母组合 ar, as, a , al, car farm card arm garden dark bar star hard large arm far Marchmask master part partner bark sharp smart start carton cartoonfast class last glasses basket smart plant hal

9、f calm 8) 发音字母 u, o, ou, oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus club pumpkin study cut luckylunch rush brush must peanut bubble dumping Sunday Mondaycome mother dose brother love above comfortable Monday some trouble rough country enough young blood flood 9) u: 字母组合 oo, o, u moon room gloom broom g

10、oose tooth cool mooncake noodle afternoon wool boot choose swimmingpool (food boot特殊)shoe do two true truth blue full June music use usually supermarket10) u 字母组合 oo, ou, u, o, look book cook good foot wood foot (以t, d , k结尾)should could would ( house, trouble, young)put full bull pull push July sug

11、ar women whose 11) 字母组合 al, or, oor, au, ou, our, ar, awsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walk walkman salt volleyball overall(al 也有发/ /, already, always , salt, also )short shorts lord horse for forty sport important pork corner bornreport tortoise fork before score before more store door floorau

12、thor caught autumn August audience Australia automobile(汽车)bought fought thought brought four mourn court warm quarrel quarter draw drawing saw law 12) 发音字母 o, a hot lost lot fox box mop loss collar not on cost knock top crossshop stop crossroad soft bottle cost want wash 双元音(合口双元音) ei ai au u 13) e

13、i 发音字母 a, ay, ea, ai, ey, einame cake late gate date plane April snake make change donate face grade wake crazy place same station lake age ableplay player say may way pay day great break rain paint plain paid main wait trainer train trainer raise fail tail mail raise they grey neighbour eight weigh

14、t 14) ai 发音字母 i, y, uy bike fine find (die tie “e”不发音) nine Friday organize time ideanight high brightinside rice ride invite knife size bite library drive polite price quite write shine twice arrive flight light night right bright cry fly my try fly eye cry style buy guy 15) 字母组合oy, oi boy toy joy

15、enjoy oil soil voice choice noise toilet join point16) au 字母组合 ou, ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse withoutout outside shout cloud count down south amount (soup /u:/特)flower down now cow how town tower however power shower power17) u 发音字母 o, ow, oa , ouhome cold go no

16、phone host ghost host nose note coke hope kiloclose mango November so go smokeknow low below grow blow show flow own snow slow below followrow bowl borrowboat coat goal road couch 双元音(集中双元音) i u 18) i 字母组合 eer, ear, ea, ere,beer deer ear near hear dear year (heart特)idea really theatre area here 19)

17、字母组合ear, air ,are, erepear bear wear chair air fair questionaire paircare careful dare hare there where 20) u oor, ure, our, ua poor tour sure usual January, February, 容易混淆的元音 A e bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen i: ei real rail greet great mean main read raid e ai bet bite red write said

18、 side head hide au : house horse loud lord south horse now nor count corn au found fond down done gown gone town ton 二、辅音 1、爆破音 p b t d k gp pen pear play pig pour pull push b book big boot bike bread break t tree two ten ton town twenty city d door dull desk dose do dog dictionary k king kite key l

19、ook cook book kitchen sky ( k) card cat cream correct climb come account accept ( c) fox box oxygen x-ray ( x) school schedule ( ch) g girl good goal goat grade long language 2、摩擦音 f v s z h r f five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wife v very evening even every voice vest think thought three

20、 tooth teeth thick both fifth mouth month breath that those this these there then than though they them their sheep ship fish dish shelf sure usually pleasure treasures six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s) license city cease cedar ceiling celebrate city bicycle (发音字母c) licence piec

21、e juice science lance space face (字母组合ce) z zoo zebra zero zap close nose hose suppose pause those whose h hot hop home house horse how who whom whose wholer read red right run room write wrong 3、破擦音 t d tr dr ts dz t chicken china chair lunch chat teach catch watch match kitchen d age language cabb

22、age vegetable stage change bridge judge jodge joy enjoy join July June junk tr tree country try treat track trunk trip train dr dry dream drop drive drink draw drink children drag dressts students boots boats goats nuts classmates minutes sportsdz goods woods moods hoods spends seeds needs4、鼻辅音 m n

23、m man make moon morning move come comb n pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean knife knock know ng nkbank English think thank thanksgiving waiting sing king morning pink evening uncle long5、舌边音 l long land lend lord fly flag black world cold could goal soul 6半元音 W j W wait west way wet will side w

24、here what why when while wheel j yes year yell you your yolk yellow 补充点小规律1. ai fire, fireman , lion, diet , tired au our, hour, power, flower ( colour, neighbour)2. tion的发音 information location stationery (question)3.dis district display discount dislike dishonest 4.两个元音在一起,发第一个音 boat people soul s

25、ea 有时两个元音在一起,发第二个音, great believe height“辅音字母+le “,其前面的元音发本音 able, eagle, people, title, noble, 两个辅音,发一个基础音。 ghost design 5.”gh”不发音 light right through though 6.”an”的发音 answer, dance , dancer / angry / any 7/ju:/ music student news super Tuesday (supper 特)8.”ful” 发音 helpful, careful beautiful useful

26、 9.”ex”的发音 / eks / exercise excellent /iks / excuse explain excited exciting except expect expensive /igz / example10.s+p, k, t (轻辅音) ,要读成浊辅音 spring spend / sky school / student study11.”c” 的发音 c + i,e, y 时, “c”发/s/ ,其它情况发 /k/ price, city, bicycle, twice / cool, class, music, cry12. table /ei/ (vege

27、table, comfortable , suitable)13.”ui” 的发音 /u:/ juice suit suitable ( biscuit / i:/ )训练题1a 的发音 late private grade bake grape nation station page active hand bank fan parent family glad flag accept about above machine cinema fast last glass class past father wash what watch want 2. e 的发音extremely secr

28、et she me he letter left message generate pebble decide pretty previous result restore problem student confident active table late wife store lecture 3. i 的发音high price library ice cream wife size line fist pick chicken piano city unit 4. o 的发音host cold note okay old home lose do who whose prove lov

29、e some other mother honey company today tomorrow together control collect lost hot mock office soft honest 5u 的发音 university refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bull but brush bucket duck bubble support suggest 6. c 的发音country camp camera courage cable city ceiling celebrate cell cease 7

30、g 的发音girl grade glass glade bag flag village vegetable bridge gentleman gym long song sing morning evening 8 l 的发音listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal 9 n moon night noodle number uncle hungry angry young 10. y 的发音yellow year yell young yolk university country pretty happy dyke dying fly buy by my 11. ar的发音farm card garden mark dollar warm quarrel quarter 12. ea的发音cease se


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