



1、甲方:(展会承办方) Party A (Organizer of Fair ):地址: Address电话: Telephone乙方: ( 展会参展方 ) Party B (Participator of Fair)地址: Address企业登记: No. of Business Register电话: Telephone甲方作为中国服装展销会承办单位,向乙方发出参展及参会邀请;乙方接受甲方邀请, 并提出参展或参会申请。双方认同并遵守如下协议:As a main host of China Clothing Fair, Party A invites Party B to take part

2、in the exhibition and fair; With the applications of this exhibition, Party B accepts the invitation of the Party A. Both Parties confirm and abide by the following agreements:一、参展参会程序 Schedule of Participating1. 参会嘉宾按要求填写“参会报名表”,参展企业按要求填写“参展报名表”并加盖 企业公章,然后传真给甲方服装展销会负责在美国招商的代理机构。The honour guests ar

3、e required to fill in the Registry Form of Participant ,so are the enterprises with their seals on the form, and fax the form to the agent of Party A in USA, which are responsible for the trade and investment promotion.2. 甲方收到乙方申请并表示接受后,通过代理机构以书面形式通知乙方。2.On receipt of the application of Party B, Par

4、ty A, if accepts, should give a written notification to Party B through an agent.双方签订本合同。 This contract will be made by both parties.、甲方权利和义务 The rights and obligations of Party A1. 保证会议如期举行,并为乙方提供展览、展销或出席会议及自由交流的机会。1.To guarantee the holding of the exhibition/fair on schedule, and offer opportuniti

5、es of exhibiting, attending and free communicating for Party A.2. 为乙方提供展览预订的场地及设施;如需特别装饰,甲方协助安排,另外收取费用。To provide the booked locations and facilities for Party B, If special decoration is required, Party A helps to make an arrangement for it with extra fees.3. 为乙方参会人员安排会议期间的住宿和餐饮服务。乙方参会人员如不接受会议提供 的统

6、一服务标准而自己选择酒店,甲方退还会议费中已包含的住宿和餐饮费用,并协 助乙方安排,费用由乙方自行承担。To make accommodation for the members of Party B as well as provide them with food and beverage service. If the members of Party B choose their own hotels rather than accepting the standard service offered by the exhibition, Party A will return the

7、 accommodation and food and beverage fees to Party B, which are included in the exhibition fees, and will help Party B to make the arrangements. The arrangement fees should be paid by Party B.4. 为乙方参展人员推荐住宿和餐饮服务,费用由乙方自行承担。To recommend the accommodation for the members of Party A as well as provide t

8、hem with food and beverage services, and the fees should be paid by Party B.5. 会议结束后,协助乙方预订返程机票及旅游安排。To assist Party B to book the return tickets of airplane and make tour arrangements for them after the exhibition and forum.三、乙方权利及义务 The rights and obligations of Party B1.向甲方申请标准展位 个,费用总计为 USD 。To

9、apply Party A for standard stands, the total fees areUSD.2.向甲方申请参加展交会中的论坛 人,费用总计为 USDTo apply Party A for members which will participate in the forum, and thetotal fees areUSD.3. 其它申请: Other applications.参会期间及在中国境内,须遵守中国法律。To abide by the Chinese law during the time of exhibition/fair and in Chinese

10、 territory.四、汇款 .Remittance1.本合同签订后 3 日内,乙方将参展或参会的全部费用,通过银行汇入展交会指定帐 户:汇款请注明:参展参会)。Within 3 days after this contract is made, Party B will, in a bank, remit the exhibition and fair fees to the appointed account of Party A . Notice in remittance: Attendants who take part in the occasion of the Exhibit

11、ion & Fair and the Forum International2.甲方收到乙方汇款后, 3 日内向乙方发出参展或参会通知。2.Party A delivers the notice of participating the exhibition or fair, after receiving the remittance from Party A.五、其它 Miscellaneous1.双方在执行本合同过程中出现违约或纠纷,可通过法律手段解决。Any breach or disputes during the implement of this contract will be solved in terms of the law of China.2.本协议一式三份,甲乙双方及甲方在美国的代理人各执一份;自双方签字之日起生 效,有效期至展交会结束及双方完全履行应尽权利和义务。s agentThis contract is drawn up in triplicate, and Party A ,Party B and Party AUSA each have one copy; It takes effect since the signing date of this contract. The ti


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