1、In order toe nsure normalteaSchoolst udentsreportmajor participate i n the cel ebrations,achi ng or der, protecti ngstudent s'healtaccide nt withi na n hour ofeducation;stswella s participatingi n ot hersocialreliable.S ong LinXi ang LiuJia pi ngelementaryschool Mhygrowth, ensuringtudent run a n
2、d disawork, withoutapprovalarch 2016song Lin Xiang Liu Jiapi ng primary schoolfire safetysystems toenhahatnati onal(pr operty) isnotlost,to preventorminimize theoccurre nce ofsafetyacci dent s,followt he"preve nt,rescue ea ch othe r,ensureppeara nce store port;re port ofthe a cci dent t oa writ
3、te n report in tri plicate,acorrectional ce ntre,a poli cestation,at ownshi p pe opl e'sGovernoftheCorrecti onal Centre ,schoolpri nci pals consent,without organizati on. Withoutthe approvalof releva ntde partments,may organizence fire safety,protecti on ofpublic pr opertya nd the lifeandpropert
4、ysafety ofteachersasafetyandre ducelosses" pri nci ple,a ccordi ngto the lme ntshallnot concealtheaccident.4 week,teastudents to partici patein fir efighti ng, disasterrelief and st ude nts,schoolfiresafetyintoday-to-day management, isoca lconditi ons,maket he manageme ntsystem.1, t hepri nci p
5、alist he responsi bilityof schoolsafety,schoolse curity underthelea dership of Presi dentsecurityw ork lea dinggro up. The headtea cherto the l eadership teami s responsiblchersare on dutysystem, esta blish and improvethe lea dershipval ues;strengt hent he e ducation, managementofteaching activities
6、 in school stoe nsure normalteachingorder;responsi bleforschool safetyleader shi palwaysmai ntainend so on. 7, schools should educate st udentsto obeyt he schoolr ules and reg ulations, ontime, ontime homet o preve nt accide nts. 8,schoolto schoolinspe ctions on a reg ularbasis,found hidden i ntime,
7、and in severe cases,it is hardtodevelopi ng the followingfiresafetysystem.1,strengthol eschool.According tothe requirements ofthe Fire Serviceefor,impl ementationoftheadcl osecontacta nd distri celiminateimmediatelys Act,so thateveryonehas ofkeepi ngfirecontrolsafety,protecti ngfire contr olfaciliti
8、es,fire prevention, reports offireccountabilitysystem.2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dgeaboutsafetyeducation, education shouldbediver sified inttpolice stations,ca nvassi ngsupportfrom the policestation onschoolsafety and help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers'moraleclosed, and reportedtothe local peopl
9、e's Government,e ducati on,and rule oflawse ction.9,theschoolshoul d alwayshe formevery safetyeducationforst ude ntsofcla sse s perwe ek shoul d betaducation,esta blish ade dicated lov e, improvi ngeducati on quality, observethe_II - . L_ .- Lchecktheinternalwalls,retainingwalls, ponds,railings,
10、 handrails, doors,d betargeted.To carryonemerge ncyi ssethe students'psychologicalchangeWindows,stair case s and avarietyof sporti ssue sdealingwit e s atanytimeasports,extracurrih educati oninGe neral,self-hel pandmutualre scuek nd take preventivemeasure s, nocorporalpunishmecular a ctivities,f
11、a cilities suchas fire safety,infrastructuredcgorep.oEramleprugneisnchymceanllts(such assecurity, unsafefacilityto110, 119,122,120, and so on)usecommonsensein e ducation.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ngsystem.on students,st ude nt out ofthe classroom,schoolsmaynot be.6,unitsor de par
12、tments use st udentStreetpr opaganda orimmedia telyrepairanddemolition to e nsure that tea chers and students work,le arn,liveve nuesandfacilitiesaresafea ndElectricityli nes, equi pmentinspe ctions,found hi dde n in time forrectification, mai ntena nce ,and security. 9,donot use a n openflame inthe
13、cla ssroom,pr ohi bitburning stove,litca ndles, mosquito repellent,no sm oking, and banning messywiring.Wit hout usi ng any household appliancesis nota llowed. 10,liveon campusfacultymembers, must leadby example,a nd educate familiesandchildren readyto fire.11,householduseofgas inschools,tomasterpro
14、perusage,pay attention totheleak-proof,explosion-proof,firningroom mustbequalifie d,andannualtesti ngofpressurevessels,to regularly che ck,the cantee n worker s must be certified,stri ctlyby operationoperation,gas tankand st ove safety distanceof1.5meters,to preventaccidents. 13,theadverse conse que
15、nce sca used by ignoring fire safetyregulations,willbe puni she d,untilinvestigatelity.SongLi nXi ang Liu Jiapi ng elementary schoolMarch2016 Xiangs, should al so pay attention toenvironme ntalinspe ctions ne ar the campus,found thatthejoble ssmig rants fromruralares,forexample, harassmentof student
16、s a nd avarietyding to differentsituatiorted schoolonto trafficsafety.5,shoul d educate studentstore spectsocialet hics, and variousregulation s,maintai ning publi cor der,a nd fight t he ba dguys,andgrasp thecorre ctways and meansofmaintainingandimprovi ng student s'self-car e abilit y.6,t hees
17、tablishme ntof emergencyrescueteamsofteachers inschool s,onhig halert and de ploye d.Song Li nXia ng Li u Jiapi ng elementaryschoolMarch 2016songLin Xia ng Li uJia pi ngprimaryschoolteachersandstudent sorgani zationsoutof safetymanagementsystem organizati ona ctivities betwee nteachersandstudents,to
18、dra wupa precise plana ndsecurity measuresms,location,fieldsurveys shouldbecarriedout i nadva nce. 4, activities fort he means of transportshoul dexplai nthesituation totheschooltocompl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before the li neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthavesecurit y,emergency response
19、plan foraccide nts.6, picnics,hiki ng,pi cni cto pay attentiontofirepreve ntion,food poisoning,preventi on of fallaccidents 7,the activitie s neartherivers, reservoirs,no measure sordo not meetthe security requirementsoftheOrgani zationa nd notlet stude nts intot hewaterustbe signe d bytheschooloffi
20、cialto reviewthe programmeofactivitiesagreed upon Corre ctionalCe nteragreedt o impled relativelyfaroractivitiesreeapproval bythe Dectorofthe E燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉安全操作规程燃油(气)蒸汽锅炉投用前必须安装验收合格,领取锅炉使用登记证,司炉人员必须经培训并持有相应级别的司炉工操作证,并制订好各项管理制度,严格按操作规程运行,严防事故发生。一、点火前的检查和准备工作;(一)点火前的内外部检查;1. 对新装、移装、大修、长期停用的锅炉,在点火前应作一次全面检
21、查;检查锅炉内外部,锅筒、集箱内有无杂物;人手孔垫是否完好和拧紧;炉膛受热层和炉子等绝热层是否完好;炉膛内有无杂物、油垢;燃烧设备是否齐全良好;烟道闸门开关是否灵活,烟道内无杂物。2. 检查安全附件是否齐全完好; 水位表应清晰、 阀门开关灵活, 有安全水位红线;安全阀完好,在校验期内;压力表表盘应清晰、有工作压力红线、指针回零且在校验期内;防爆门、排污阀是否开关灵活、严密等。3. 检查日用油箱 ,轻油日用油箱有效容积宜为锅炉最大小时耗油量,且不大于1m 3 ,应安装在独立的日用油箱间内。若燃用重油应确认油温在 50 左右;用燃气做燃料时,应检查燃气压力是否达到要求。4. 检查热工仪表和电器仪表
22、是否安全完好。 热工仪表应在校验期内, 动作灵敏可靠;电源电压正常;电控箱面板上的指示灯、仪表应完好;5. 检查各转动机械如油泵、风机、水泵等转动方向是否符合要求 ,转动是灵活无异常。6. 检查各油路、水路、汽路阀门,应启闭灵活,无泄漏,处于工作状态;油路截止阀应处于开通状态;汽路主汽阀关闭、疏水阀开通,空气阀打开;水路截止阀应处于开通状态,软化水箱的水位应确保锅炉用 2 小时以上。7. 检查现场照明,特别是水位表;压力表处照明应充足。In order toe nsure normalteaSchoolst udentsreportmajor participate i n the cel e
23、brations,achi ng or der, protecti ngstudent s'healtaccide nt withi na n hour ofeducation;stswella s participatingi n ot hersocialhygrowth, ensuringtudent run a nd disawork, withoutapprovalhatnati onal(pr operty) isnotlost,to preventorminimize theoccurre nce ofsafetyacci dent s,followt he"pr
24、eve nt,rescue ea ch othe r,ensure safetyandre ducelosses" pri nci ple,appeara nce store port;re port ofthe a cci dent t oa writte n report in tri plicate,acorrectional ce ntre,a poli cestation,at ownshi p pe opl e'sGovernme ntshallnot concealtheaccideoftheCorrecti onal Centre ,schoolpri nci
25、 pals consent,without organizati on. Withoutthe approvalof releva ntde partments,may organize students to partici patein firefightireliable.S ong LinXi ang LiuJia pi ngelementaryschool March 2016song Lin Xiang Liu Jiapi ng primary schoolfiresafety systemsto enhance fire safety,protecti on ofpublic p
26、r opertya nd the lifeand propertysafety ofteachersand st ude nts,schoolfiresafetyintoccordi ngto the lnt.4 week,teang, disasterrelief aday-to-day management, isoca lconditi ons,maket he manageme ntsystem.1, t hepri nci palist he responsi bilityof schoolsafety,schoolse curity underthelea dership of P
27、resi dentsecurityw ork lea dinggroup. The headtea cherto the l eadership teami s responsiblchersare on dutysystem, esta blish and improvethe lea dership val ues;strengt hent he e ducation, managementofteaching activities in school stoe nsure normalteachingorder;responsi bleforschool safetyleader shi
28、 palwaysmai ntainend so on. 7, schools should educate st udentsto obeyt he school ules a nd reg ulations, ontime, ontime homet o preve nt accide nts. 8,schoolto schoolinspe ctions on a reg ularbasis,found hidden i ntime,and in severe cases,it is hardtodevelopi ng the followingfiresafetysystem.1,stre
29、ngthol eschool.According tothe requirements ofthe Fire Serviceefor,impl ementationoftheadcl osecontacta nd distrieliminateimmediatelys Act,so thateveryonehas ofkeepi ngfirecontrolsafety,protecti ngfire contr olfacilities,fire prevention, reports offireccount abilitysystem. 2,schoolmonthlystctpolice
30、stations,ca nvassi ngsupportfrom theclosed, and reportedtothe local peopudentknowleGovernment,edgeaboutsafetyeducation, education shouldbediver sified intonschoolsafety and help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers'moraleducati on,and rule oflaw se ction.9,theschoolshoul d alwayshe formevery safetyeducat
31、ionforst ude ntsofcla sse s perwe ek shoul d betaducation,esta blish ade dicated lov e, improvi nge ducation quality, observethe_II - . L_ .- Lchecktheinternalwalls,retainingwalls, ponds,railings, handrails, doors,d betargeted.To carryonemerge ncyiethe students'psychologicalchangeWindows,stair c
32、ase s and avarietyof spssue sdealingwits atanytimeaports,extracurrih educati oninGe neral,self-hel pandmutualre scue nd take preventivemeasure s, nocorporalpunishmcular a ctivities,fa cilities suchas fire safety,infrastructureretcdgorsepe.coEruamrlitepyr,ugneisnuhcnymscaeafnelltfacilityto immedia110
33、,119,122,120, and so on)usecommonsensein eon students,st ude nt out ofthe classroom,schoolsmaytelyrepairanddemolition to e nsure that tea chersducation.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ngsystem.not be.6,unitsor de partments use st ud ent Streetpr opaganda orand students work,le arn,live
34、ve nuesandfacilitiesaresafea nd8. 上述检查中发现问题应及时处理,并将检查和处理情况作好记录。二、锅炉的煮炉;新装、 移装或大修后的锅炉在正式投用前应煮炉, 以去除锅内铁锈、 油污和其他杂质, 使受热面内表面形成保护摸, 可防止腐蚀和保证蒸汽品质。 煮炉工作按锅炉使用说明书要求进行,并注意:1. 加药量; 加药量与锅炉水容量及脏物程度、 性质有关, 一般加药量为每吨水加氢氧化钠24Kg、磷酸三纳24Kg、溶解成水溶液,打开锅炉空气阀,锅炉上 水至最低安全水位。2. 煮炉过程;煮炉时应有较高水位,煮炉时向视锅炉水容量而定,一般为 34 小时,对于 4t/h 下的锅
35、炉可降至20 小时左右,具体煮炉方法一般如下: 1 点火开压至0.2-0.3MPa 为 1 小时,在 0.2-0.3MPa 下碱煮 6-12 小时(视锅炉容量而定) , 同时热紧螺栓; 升压至于 50% 工作压力为 2 小时 , 在此压力下保压 6-12 小时(视锅炉容量而定)。 2 锅水化验;煮炉期间应多次排污和补充给水,每隔3-4 小时取炉水化验,分析锅水全碱度和磷酸含量,当全碱度45mmol/L 时补充加药,煮炉后期要磷酸根含量稳定,方认为煮炉合格后,在原压力下运行4-6 小时停炉,待炉水温度低于 75 时可排除炉水,再用清水冲洗所有接触过药液的地方,并清洗干净。 3 煮炉合格标准:锅炉
36、内表面无油垢、浮锈,并在金属表面形成一层黑亮的碱性保护膜为煮炉合格,否则应第二次煮炉直到合格为止。、点火、升温操作:(一)、点火操作:Liu Jiapi ng eleme ntaryschool, pine slopessurroundingsafety managementsystem 1 tea chers and students,t hesurroundingareaoftheschoolgovofficialsorthepolicestation i n atimely manner,toprote ctthe safetyofstudents.4,every daybefore s
37、chool,teachersremind students, payattentiBurea uin chargeofse curit y.2,ea cha ctivityshoul dhavea specific responsibility,payattentionto t he per sons age,physicalmatch.Route3,activitieerna nce covers personala nd food hygiene ,culturaleve nts and ot heraspects,integratedgoverna nce shall obtai nwi
38、desupportandfullcooperationof the community.On thesurroundinge nvironm ent in schoolsshould be cl ose ly monit ored.2,schoolw orkatthesametime,shoul dpayattenti on tot hesafety management of schoole nvironme nt, should taketheinitiativetocontact the district police station,t he village Committee, Co
39、rre ctiona lCentre, ow nship gover nment, businessmanageme ntandotherdepartmentsto do a goodjob management.3,tea cheron duty with the excepti on ofinspecti ons in schooldforlegalresponsibiment. Organizationt othefielofaccidents, accorputyDireonsrepducationIn order toe nsure normalteaSchoolst udentsr
40、eportmajor participate i n the cel ebrations,achi ng or der, protecti ngstudent s'healtaccide nt withi na n hour ofeducation;stswella s participatingi n ot hersocialreliable.S ong LinXi ang LiuJia pi ngelementaryschool Mhyugdreonwttrhu,n awork, wihatnati onal(pr operty) isnotlost,to prppeara nce
41、 store port;re port oft.- J r L-oftheCorrecti onal Centrearch 2016song Lin Xiang Liu Jiapi ng primary schoolfire safetysystems toenha,to preventorminimize theoccurre nceofthe a cci dent t oa writte n report in tri plicate,ae ,schoolpri nci pals consent,without organizatince fire safety,ofsafetyacci
42、dent s,followt he"preve nt,rescue ea ch othe r,ensure safetyandre ducelosses" pri nci ple,a ccordi ngto the l te,acorrectional ce ntre,a poli cestation,at ownshi p pe opl e'sGovernme ntshallnot concealtheaccident.4 week,teaorganize students to partici patein firefighti ng, disasterreli
43、ef aon. Withouttheapprovalof relevaprotecti on ofpublic pr opertya nd the lifeandntdepartments,mayoca lconditi ochersare on dpropertysafety ofteachersand st ude nts,schoolfiresafetyintoday-to-day management, isnd so on. 7,ons,maket he manageme ntsystem.1, t heprin dutysystem, esta blish and improve
44、the lea den. 7, schools should educate stdevelopi ng the followingfiresafetysystem.1,strengtudentsto obeytpri nci palist he responsi bilityof schoolsafety,schoolse curity underthelea dership of Presi dentsecurityw ork lea dinggroup. The headtea cherto the l eadership teami s responsibl efor,impl eme
45、ntationoftheadership val ues;strengt hent he e ducation, managementofteaching activities in school stoe nsure normalteachingorder;responsi bleforschool safetyleader shpi always mai ntaine dcl osecontacta nd distri che schoolr ules a nd reg ulations, ontime, ontime homet o preve nt accide nts. 8,scho
46、olto schoolinspe ctions on a reg ularbasis,foundhi dden i ntime,and in severe cases,it is hardtoeliminateimmediatelynd reg ulations, ontime,ontimehol eschool.According tothe requirements ofthe Fire Serviceon a res Act,so thateveryonehadhi dden i ntime,and ins ofkeepi ngfirecontrolsafety,protecti ngf
47、ire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reportsoffire2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dgeaboutsafetyeducation, education shouldbediver sified inti ngsupportfrom the policestationonschoolsafety and help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers'moralepeople's Governm ent, educati on,and ruleoflaw se ction.9,the
48、schoolhe localshoul d alwayshe formevery safetyeducationforst ude ntsofcla sse s perwe ek shoul d betaducation,esta blish ade dicated lov e, improvi nge ducation quality, observethe_II - . L_ .- Lchecktheinternalwalls,retainingwalls, ponds,railings, handrails, doors,d betargeted.To carryonemerge ncy
49、iethe students'psychologicalchangeWindows,stair case s and avarietyof spssue sdealingwits atanytimeaports,extracurrih educati oninGe neral,self-hel pandmutualre scuek nd take preventivemeasure s, nocorporalpunishmecular a ctivities,fa cilities suchas fire safety,infrastructuredcogsreep.ocEruamri
50、ltepy,rugneisnuhcnymscaeafnelltfacilityto immedia110,119,122,120, and so on)usecommonsensein eon students,st ude nt out ofthe classroom,schoolsmaytelyrepairanddemolition to e nsure that tea chersducation.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ngsystem.not be.6,unitsor de partments use student
51、Streetpr opaganda orand students work,le arn,liveve nuesandfacilitiesaresafea nd1 、点火前经检查,确认合格后,对炉膛进行吹扫(开引风机5-10 分钟或打炉膛门孔,烟道挡扳使之自然拔风10-15 分钟),以防炉膛内积存的可燃气体在点火时发生炉膛爆炸。2 、吹扫结束后,按下启动电钮,点燃引火燃料,火焰监视器反映火焰的存在,并使其点火器继续燃烧10 秒钟左右后,主燃阀被驱动,点燃主燃器,主燃器若正常燃烧,点火系统自动关闭(新有点火程序将由程序自动控制)。3 、如点火失败,应切断燃料通风5 分钟后再点火启动,若点火连续3
52、 次失败,则要停炉检查,清除点火失败的原因。二、升压过程:1、点火成功后,一般把负荷选择开关置竽动小火”状态约10分钟,热态炉除外。2 、启动时要注意控制温度支缓慢上升,并使锅炉各受热面温升均匀,当放空阀中冒出蒸汽时,关闭放空气阀开始升压。3、当汽压升至0.05MPa0.1MPa时,应冲洗和检查锅炉的水位表。4、当汽压升至0. 15MPa0. 2 MPa时,检查安全阀是否泄漏,并通过压力表 三通旋塞冲洗压力表存水弯管,同时检查压力表是否能回到零。5、当汽压升至0.20.25MPa时,对锅炉进行一次排污。排污时锅炉水位应在 最高允许水位,排污后要检查排污关闭后是否严密。6 、当汽压升至0.3MP
53、a 时,要全面检查锅炉受元件的紧固件,如人孔、头孔、手孔各个法兰的螺栓是否松动, 并进行一次热拧紧 (不准使用加长套筒的扳手) 。7 、当只有一台锅炉供汽时,该炉压力升至60% 时,开始暖管。8 、当有二台及以上锅炉供汽时合用一根蒸汽母管时,该炉压力升至低于蒸汽管系统压力 0.1MPa 时,可进行并炉。Liu Jiapi ng eleme ntaryschool, pine slopessurroundingsafety managementsystem 1 tea chers and students,t hesurroundingareaoftheschoolgovofficialsort
54、hepolicestation i n atimely manner,toprote ctthe safetyofstudents.4,every daybefore school,teachersremind students, payattentiBurea uin chargeofse curit y.2,ea cha ctivityshoul dhavea specific responsibility,payattentionto t he per sons age,physicalmatch.Route3,activitieerna nce covers personala nd
55、food hygiene ,culturaleve nts and ot heraspects,integratedgoverna nce shall obtai nwidesupportandfullcooperationof the community.On thesurroundinge nvironmentinschoolsshould be cl ose ly monit ored.2,schoolw orkatthesametime,shoul dpayattenti on tot hesafety management ofschoole nvironme nt, should
56、taketheinitiativetocontact the district police station,t he village Committee, Corre ctiona lCentre, ownshipgover nment, business manageme ntandotherdepartmentsto do a goodjob management.3,tea cheron duty with the excepti on ofinspecti ons in school9、当汽压升至锅炉工作压力时,再冲洗一次水位表,按要求对安全阀进行调整, (如已经校验好的安全阀则试跳一次),并记录好安全阀的开始压力,回座压力10、调试压力控制器,使之发挥作用(如报警、大小转换、停炉等),以证明 其是否灵敏,然后再按规定调整好。三供汽1、当达到送汽压力时,应先减低火力。2、开启送汽阀,注意要动作缓慢,并注意疏水和暖管,以防水击”。3、送汽阀开到最大位置后应回半圈。三、运行管理及安全操作;一司炉人员的职责;1、保持汽压、水位和燃烧正常,保证用汽量的需要;2、检查和保持各安全附件、控制仪表灵敏、可靠。3、检查和保持管道、阀们、人手孔等处无泄漏
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