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1、语言点及语法精解 词汇 1. share n. 一份(报酬、责任、权利等),股份,If you want a share of the pay, youll have to do your share of the work. 如果你想得到一份报酬,就得做好你该分担的那一份工作。She owns 5000 shares in the company. 她拥有公司的五千股份。Children should have a share in deciding which subjects they study. 孩子们应可参与决定学习哪些课程。Vt. to join with other peopl

2、e in owning, using , or doing something 分享,共有,分担Everyone in the house shares the same bathroom. 家里的人都共用一个浴室。Hes sure well win the match, but I dont share his faith in the team.他肯定我们会赢这场比赛,但我没有他对球队的那种信念。also 又作share out , to divide and give out in shares 分配,均分His property was shared between his child

3、ren. 他的财产由他的孩子们平分了。 2. be used to 有用句型:be(get) used to sth; be used to doing sth 习惯于 (某事)的;She gets used to English food. 她开始习惯英国的食物。Im not used to getting up so early. 我不习惯起得那么早。相关链接:be used to do sth used to do sth would do sthA computer can be used to do all its accounts. 电脑可以用来计算所有的账目。I dont pla

4、y tennis much these days, but I used to. 我最近不太打网球,可是过去常打。We used to work in the same office and we would often have coffee together.我们以前在同一个办公室工作,并且经常一起喝咖啡。注意:used to do sth 表示过去经常、总是或有规律地发生的事,但现在不一定还那么做。 usednt to 否定缩略形式,used to 也常常被看作情态动词。3. advertise,vt.做广告:为做公开启事,尤指赞扬(某一产品或企业)的质量或优势以促销1). to mak

5、e known; call attention to: 引起注意:使变得著名;引起对的注意:I advertised my intention to resign.渲染我要辞职的意向2). to warn or notify: 告诫,告知:This event advertises me that there is such a fact as death.这件事告诫我有死亡这样的事实vi(不及物动词)1). to call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做广告:引起公众对产品或企业的注意We advertised

6、through the newspaper for the products of our factory.我们通过报纸宣传我们厂的产品。2). to inquire or seek in a public notice, as in a newspaper: 登广告:在公告,如报纸上询问或寻找:He advertised for an apartment when he just arrived in this city.在他刚到这个城市时他登广告寻求公寓房4. recommend, vt.(及物动词)1). to praise or commend (one) to another as

7、being worthy or desirable; endorse: 推荐:向另外一个人称赞或推荐(某人或物),认为其有价值或合人心意;担保:They recommended him for the job.他们推荐他做那项工作。He recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon.他推荐了轿子而不是马车2). to make (the possessor, as of an attribute) attractive or acceptable: 使受欢迎:使(其拥有者,如其品质之拥有者)具有吸收力或使之可取:Honesty recommend

8、s any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质Your plan has very little to recommend it.你的计划几乎毫无可取之处。3). to commit to the charge of another; entrust. 托付:将交给另一个人掌管;信托She recommend a child to her friend when was away.她不在家时把小孩子托给她的朋友照管。4). to advise or counsel: 劝告:建议或忠告:She recommended that we avoid giving offense.她建议我们避免

9、找麻烦vi.(不及物动词)1). to give advice or counsel: 建议:给以劝告或忠告:He recommended against signing an international agreement他建议别签署国际协定。5. determine, vt.(及物动词)1). to decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.判定:结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)He determined to go.他决意要去。I am determined to do bet

10、ter than Mike.我决心比迈克做得更好。He determined to go that he (should) go at once.他决心立刻就走。2). to cause (someone) to come to a conclusion or resolution.使(某人)得出结论,使得出解决方法He has not determined what he will study.他还没有决定学什么。His advice determined me to drink and smoke no more.他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。3). to be the cause of

11、; regulate:成为的原因;控制:Demand determines production.需求决定生产4). to give direction to:定向:指出方向:The management committee determines departmental policy.管理委员会决定各部门的政策vi.(不及物动词)1). to reach a decision; resolve.解决,决定:作出决定;They determined on an early start.他们决定早些出发。I have determined on upon going to the country

12、side after graduation.我已决定毕业后到农村去。6. appeal, vi. 1). 呼吁;恳求The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.谋杀案的被害家属已经请求最高法院作确切的答复。2). (常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣She appeals to me.我对她感兴趣。Bright

13、 colours appeal to small children.小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?3). n. 呼吁;恳求an appeal for forgiveness恳求原谅The teacher listened to his appeal.老师倾听了他的要求。4). (常与to连用)上诉;诉诸于appeal a decision to a higher court不服判决提出上诉He appealed against the judge'

14、;s decision.他不服法官判决而上诉。7. approach vt., vi. 1). 走近;靠近 We approached the museum. 我们走近博物馆。 2). (首次)接洽 Did he approach you about a loan? 他与你谈了借款的事了吗? 3). 开始考虑;开始着手 He approached the idea with caution. 他开始认真地考虑那个主意。 He approached the new job with enthusiasm.他满怀热情地去干新的工作。 4). 接近,近似 The population of our

15、city is approaching 5 million 我们这个城市的人口接近500万 It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area. 这里是禁区不许接近。 The time is approaching when we must be on board. 我们上船的时间快到了。习惯用法at the approach of在.快到的时候be approaching (to)与.差不多, 大致相等be difficult of approach(指地方)难到达的; (指人)难于接近的be easy of approach(指地方)容易到达的

16、, 交通方便的; (指人)容易接近的make an approach to对.进行探讨make approaches to sb.设法接近某人, 想博得某人的好感approach sb. on sth.向某人接洽商量、交涉approach sb. about sth.向某人接洽商量、交涉approach to接近, 近似, 约等于; (做某事)的方法途径8. satisfy vt. 使幸福; 使愉快; 使满足,使满意 This work does not satisfy me. 这件工作我不满意。 "I wasn't satisfied with our treatment

17、at that hotel, so I shall complain to the proprietor." "我不满意我们在那家旅馆受到的待遇,因此我要向旅馆老板投诉。" (常与of, that连用)使确信;使消除疑虑 I am satisfied that he is guilty. 我确信他有罪。 I satisfied my employer that I had finished. 我使老板相信我已经完成 adj. satisfied; 感到满意的 satisfying令人满足的, 令人满意的The story had a satisfying endi

18、ng. 那个故事的结局令人满意。9. intend vt. 想要, 打算; 企图 ;设计; 计划; 意指, 意思是He intends his child for a doctor 他打算让孩子以后行医He intends no harm. 他没有恶意。I intend to go home. 我想回家。The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。What do you intend by that remark? 你说这话是什么意思?Is that what you intended? 这是你的原意吗?I intend it as a sto

19、p -gap. 我想拿它凑数。相关链接 intend 系正式用语, 指“心里已有做某事的目标或计划”, 含有“行动坚决”之意, 如:I intended to write to you.我要给你写信。mean 可与 intend互换, 但强调“做事的意图”, 较口语化, 如:I mean to go to bed earlier tonight.今晚 我想早些睡觉。propose指“公开明确地提出自已的目的或计划”, 如:I proposed to speak for an hour.我想讲一小时。习惯用法be intended to (do)意思是使; 是用来be intended to b

20、e 规定为, 确定为it is intended that 企图, 意图是intend for 打算供.使用; 打算送给;打算使.成为; 想让.从事某事10. protect vt. 保护; 保卫; 准备支付(汇票)protect home industries 保护国内工业protect sb. from danger 保护某人免遭危险A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.在边界沿线构筑了堡垒, 以防国家受到攻击。He raised his arm to protect

21、 his face.他举起手臂护住脸部。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。11. aware adj. 用作表语知道的; 意识到的He wasnt aware of the danger. 他没意识到有危险。I didnt become aware of his arrival. 我没注意到他的到来。注意:后接从句时of 要省略。Are you aware that you have hurt her feelings?你有没有察觉到你已经伤害了她的感情了呢?I

22、 became aware how she might feel.我察觉到她会有怎样的感受。相关链接 aware; conscious; sensible 都含有“意识到的”意思。aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”, 如:Everybody is aware of the importance of the Four Modernizations.每个人都意识到了四化的重要性。conscious 侧重“心理感知”, 如:He is conscious of a sense of quilt. 他感到内疚。sensible 指“可用感官察觉到的(较复杂或抽象的事物的)”, 如:I was

23、 sensible of her solemn grief. 我知道她很悲哀。unaware 不知道的,没察觉到的 unconscious不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的12. trick n. 诡计, 欺骗, 骗术, 奸计; 谋略; 恶作剧; 卑鄙的手段; 轻率愚蠢行为; 习惯怪癖; (贬意)秘诀, 窍门; 手腕, 手法; 技艺, 巧技; 戏法, 幻术; 口语逗人的孩子; 俏姑娘He exposed all the tricks of the enemy 他揭露了敌人的一切阴谋诡计。a double -dealing trick 两面派手法Tom can see through the mag

24、ician's tricks. 汤姆能看穿魔术家的戏法。戏法;把戏;花样I can do magic tricks.我会玩魔术。He has learned the tricks of the trade他学会了这行生意的诀窍He got the money from me by a trick.他用诡计骗走了我的钱。The children played a trick on their teacher.孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。Tom has the trick of frowning. 汤姆有皱眉头的习惯。a mere trick of the light (魔术中)仅靠灯光造成的

25、幻觉a night trick 夜班a pretty little trick 漂亮的少女13. deal with,vt. (dealt delt) 分配, 分派(out); 分, 分给, 授给, 发(纸牌)给以(打击); 常用于被动语态对待, 对付deal sb. hard blows 狠狠打击某人deal the cards 分牌You have been well /badly dealt by him. 你受到了他的优/虐待。vi. 交易; 经营(in) 应付, 处理, 考虑, 安排(with),与.有关; 论述, 涉及(with)从事, 参与; 生产; 使用,交际, 打交道, (和

26、.)来往,对待, 处分, 惩处,分发(尤指分纸牌)deal in tea 经营茶叶deal with the cards 发牌He is easy to deal with. 他很容易打交道。The committee will deal with this complaint. 委员会将要处理这份投诉The book deals with this problem. 这本书论述了这个问题。The teacher deals fairly with his pupils. 这个教师公平地对待他的学生。How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武

27、器的盗贼,你将如何对付?14. believe in 信仰;信任; 相信; 认为(某事物)有价值to believe in God 信仰上帝I don't believe in the story. 我不相信这件事。;我不相信这个故事。We believe in him. 我们信任他。Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?Some people believe in everlasting life after death. 有些人相信永生。He believed in telling the truth. 他相信说的是真话He believed in ho

28、meopathy 他认为顺势疗法有效I don't believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。15. be supposed to do sth., I suppose you are right. 我想你说得对。Let's suppose (that) the news is true. 让我们假定这消息是真的。Suppose your father saw you now, what would you say? 假设你父亲现在看到了你, 你该怎么说?Creation supposes a

29、creator. 创造必须先有创造者。I should suppose him to be about twenty. 我猜他是二十岁左右。Suppose we go for a walk. 我们去散散步吧。be supposed to (do) 被期望或要求; 应该; (用于否定句中)不被许可; 据说16. be of high quality, be of +抽象名词=be+该名的形容词形式be of great (much) value/ importance/ use/ help/ interest = be very valuable /important/ useful/helpf

30、ul/ interestingThe dictionary is of great help to my translation but that one is of no use.这本字典对我的翻译有很大的帮助,但那本却没用。The reference book is of great importance to my writing. 这本参考书对我的写作是很重要的。of的后也可加上特质名词be of +the same/different size/height/age/colour/weight/type /class etc.We are of the same class.我们是同

31、一个班的。The coins are of different sizes, shape sand metals. 这些硬币大小、形状、质地都不一样。以上这两种of 结构还可以用作宾补和名词的后置定语。Do you think the book of any interest to middle school students? (宾补)Old factory buildings have many halls and workshops of different sizes. (定语)17. benefit n. 利益, 好处; 恩惠; 退休金; 津贴; 救济金; 保险抚恤金 义演; 义赛a

32、 public benefit 公益be of benefit to the people 对人民有好处disability benefits 残废抚恤金a benefit match 义赛This dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 这部字典将对我有很大裨益。n.vt. 有益于Exercise benefits our health. 运动有益于我们的健康。vi. 受益We benefit by from daily exercises. 每天做操对我们有益。 习惯用法for the benefit of 为了.的好处give sb. the

33、 benefit of one's experience 用自己的经验知识帮助某人in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)out of benefit 没有资格得到救济金sick benefit 疾病津贴18. concerned n. 所关切的事; 涉及(某人)利害关系; 焦虑;商行, 公司; 企业; 康采恩, 财团; 股份; 小玩意儿, 小东西have concern about the matter 关心此事express /show deep concern for sb. 表示对某人十分关心have concern over a friend's

34、misfortune 忧虑友人的不幸a going concern 开着的商店; 发展中的事业joint stock concern 股份公司paying concern 有收益的企业a petty concern 细事What concern is it of yours? 此事与你有什么关系?There is some cause for concern but no need for alarm. 是有点令人忧虑, 但不必惊慌。She has a concern in that company. 她在那家公司有股份。Her ring is an odd little concern fi

35、tted with blinking diamonds.她的戒指是装有许多闪光钻石的小玩意儿。习惯用法as concerns 关于as far as. be concerned 关于; 至于; 就.而言be concerned about 关心be concerned over (at) sth. 为某事忧虑be concerned in sth. 和某事有牵连be concerned with 牵涉到, 与.有关, 参与everyday concerns 日常事务feel concern about 忧虑, 挂念give oneself no concern (about) 不关切, 对.冷

36、淡have a concern in 和.有利害关系have no concern for 毫不关心have no concern with 和.毫无关系it is no concern of mine (yours) 这不关我你的事of much concern 很重要, 很有关系of no concern 无关紧要, 没有意义with concern 关切地concern oneself about sth.忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切concern oneself in sth. 忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切concern oneself with sth. 忙于; 从事; 关心, 关切

37、19. depend vi. 通常与 on, upon 连用 依靠, 依赖; 相信, 信赖; 取决于, 由.而定习惯用语That depends. 口要看情况而定。It all depends. 口要看情况而定。You may depend upon it. 口肯定无疑; 放心好了。depend on 依靠; 由.而定, 取决于; 从属于; 依赖其维持depend upon 依靠; 由.而定, 取决于; 从属于; 依赖其维持depend upon it 口肯定无疑,保管没错, 我敢说(用于句首或句末, 不必加主语)20. come up with, 找出, 想出(答案,计划等)Youve co

38、me up with a good idea. 你想出来的主意好极了。They might come up with a plan. 他们有可能想出一个计划了。He couldn't come up with an answer.他回答不上来。He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.那时他想不出一个合适的答案。语法点津direct speech (direct narration) 直接叙述的话语,即直接引语。the style used in writing to report what

39、someone said by repeating their actual words.reported speech (indirect speech) 转告引述的话语,即间接引语。the style used in writing to report what someone said without repeating their actual words. Notes: 1 引述一般疑问句或附加疑问句时,通常用whether或if引导,而引述选择疑问句时,一般只能用whether引导。E.g.: “Does he really mean it?”- I wondered whethe

40、r/if he really meant it.“They live in groups, dont they?”- He asked whether/if they lived in groups.“Is this book yours or his?”- She asked me whether this book was mine or his.2 引述特殊疑问句时,用原句中的wh-词引导。 E.g.: “Why didnt you stop her?”- He asked why I hadnt stopped her.3. 引述陈述句时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常被省略)

41、。e.g.: He said, “I like it very much.”- He said that he liked it very much.“Ive left my book in your room.”- He told me that he had left his book in my room.3. 引述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变成带to 的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等动词,如果祈使句为否定句,在不定式的前面加上not。She said to us, “Please sit down.”- She asked us to

42、 sit down.He said to him, “ Go away!”- He ordered him to go away.He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.”- He told the boys not to make so much noise.在将直接引语变成间接引语时要特别注意几个变化:1) 人称的变化: 间接引语是转述别人的话,说话时由于角色的不同,人称代词要根据实际情况作相应的变化。e.g. Mr Black said, “Im busy.”- Mr Black said that he was busy. “Do you min

43、d my opening all your windows?” he asked us.- He asked us if we minded his opening all our windows.2) 时态的变化:如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变成间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。中主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态则无需变化。直接引语转换成间接引语时时态的变化例 句直 接 引 语间 接 引 语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时不变一般将来量过去将来时He said, "I'm afraid I can't finish this work."He said, "I'


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