1、Brief introduction Main theories ContributionsBloomfield Leonard BloomfieldDescriptive and Structural linguisticsIntroductionIntroduction CareerInfluence Born An assistant ethnologist(民族学者), studied native American languages(1925). Professor of Germanic philology at the university of Chicago (1927).
2、 Leading the development of structural linguistics in the united states during the 1930s and the 1940s. Making significant contributions to Indo-European historical linguistics. The representative of American structural linguistics.USA Chicago. April 1, 1887. The book: LanguageThe book language, pub
3、lished in 1933, presented a comprehensive description of American structural linguistics. Bloomfield s language once was held as the model of scientific methodology and greatest work in linguistics.Introduction LanguageSynchronicLinguistics(1-16)DiachronicLinguistics(17-28)The study and use of langu
4、age, speech communications and the languages of the worldPhoneme, semanteme(语义) and speech soundGrammatical forms and terms.Literary records and comparative methodEvolution of the language (语言演变),semantic change(语义变化) and langue borrowing(语言借用).(1-28 chapter)1. Behaviorist view of langue Behaviorism
5、 is a view which draws on behaviorist psychology when trying to define the meaning of linguistic forms.Linguistic model of the behaviorismStimulus - Response Theory(Bloomfields formula)Bloomfields formula One Example Suppose a boy and his girlfriend are taking a walk. The girl is hungry. She saw an
6、apple on the tree, so she made a noise. The boy climbed up the tree and picked it up and handed it to the girl. The girl ate the apples. 女孩看到苹果受到的实际刺激S if S-R 若她受到刺激之后自己去摘R,即为S-R 但她没有自己采取行动,而与男友说话r 男孩所受到的刺激是s 男孩摘下苹果是R S-r s-RdirectrsSpeech signal processS-r s-RBloomfield formulaSrsR S外部刺激 r言语的代替反应 s
7、言语的代替性刺激 R外部的实际反应 One can react when the other one is stimulated by language.Bloomfields principleBloomfield stimulus-response theory When a person is stimulated, he can use his language to make the other person respond accordingly. 一个人受到某种刺激时,他可以用他的语言让另一个人做出相应的 反应。All human activities, based on the
8、 division of labor and labor division, are dependent on language.劳动分工或基于劳动分工之上的一切人类活动都依赖于语言。There is a distance between the speaker and the listener. Sound wave is a bridge between two interconnected nervous systems.说话人和听话人-两个不同的神经系统-之间的距离由声波连接到一起Phonetics(语音学)Phonology音位学/音系学 phoneme(基本概念:音位)The sc
9、ience of articulation(发音),transmission and perception(获取)。The science of phoneme2. Phonetics & Phonology(A minimal unit of distinctive sound-feature)区别性的语音特征Pin In this word, writing represents the three phonemes by three letters(p, i, n)Thick however , in this word, Our writing represents the f
10、irst phoneme by the two-letter group th and the third by the two-letter group ckWriting can represent the phoneme by lettersphonememorpheme确立语素和音位的对立关系:音系层:音子,音位,音位变体语素层:语子,语素,语素变体3. Grammatical knowledge语法研究方法上的创新:Immediate Constituent AnalysisIC analysis : a sentence is divided up into major divis
11、ions or “immediate constituents”, and these constituents are in turn divided into further immediate constituents, and until each constituent consists of only a word or meaningful part of a word(morpheme) e.g. Poor John ran away.Poor Johnran awaya-way The boy kicked the ball the boy kicked the ball t
12、he boy kicked the ball The boy kicked the boy It shows how small constituents in sentences go together to form large ponent elements(constituents成分)analyzerelationICwhole sentence (construction结构体) Bloomfield made important empirical contributions to three major subfields of linguistics:1. Indo-Euro
13、pean comparative-historical linguistics(including work on Sanskrit as well as Germanic);2. The study of the Malay Polynesian languages, principally Tagalog;3. And descriptive and comparative Algonquian linguistics.His monumental body of work on Algonquian languages forms the largest portion of the d
14、escriptive work that he produced, and is considered the starting point for any modern work on the Algonquian language family.ContributionsChomskyChomskycountryUSAbornDecember 7,1928 Philad PennsylvaniaoccupationInstitute Professor in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MITdescription a
15、n American linguist , philosopher , cognitive scientist , and activist . “father of modern linguistics”Biography1945: A graduate of Central High School of Philadelphia, Chomsky began studying philosophy and linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1945.1957: dissertation appeared in the mono
16、graph Syntactic StructureChomsky Revolution1966: He continued to publish his linguistic ideas throughout the decade ,including in Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.1975: The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory2010: Chomsky has taught at MIT continuously for 55 years.Chomsky1.Linguistic theory 1.1 u
17、niversal grammar 1.2 Transformational generative grammar 1.3 Minimalist program 1.4 hierarchy2.Contributions 2.1 in academia 2.2 in politics 2.3 in philosophy1.1 Universal grammar(普遍语法论)Since the 1960s, Chomsky has maintained that syntactic knowledge is at least partially inborn, implying that child
18、ren need only learn certain parochial (狭小的)features of their native languages. Innate language capacityThe system of categories , mechanisms, and constraints shared by all human languages is called universal grammar.Example analysisChildren:exposed to only a very small and scattered subset of the al
19、lowable syntactic variants within their first languagebutacquire the highly organized and systematic ability to understand and produce an infinite number of sentencesWhy?primary linguistic data (PLD) Universal grammarIndividual grammarAssumption theory!Innate language capacitylanguage acquisition de
20、vice(言语获得机制) 1.2 Transformational generative grammar(转换生成语法) Chomskys theory assumes that language consists of both deep structures and surface structures. Surface structure is represented by spoken utterances, while deep structure expresses the underlying relations between words and conceptual mean
21、ing.Deep structure: ( conceptual meaning) relate with the syntax relationship, decide the meaning Surface structure: (voice) relate with the communicative forms, decide its soundDefinition: To simplify language into a system that relates meaning and sound using the minimum possible faculties and use
22、 certain external conditions that are imposed on us independently Chomsky dispenses with(省掉) concepts such as deep structure and surface structure and instead places emphasis on the plasticity(可塑性) of the brains neural circuits(神经). , while much of Chomskys prior research has focused on the rules of
23、 language, he now focuses on the mechanisms that the brain uses to create these rules.1.3 Minimalist program1.4 Chomsky hierarchy(层次结构)Definition: The Chomsky hierarchy is a containment hierarchy of classes of formal grammarsContents:l (1)It imposes a logical structure across different language clas
24、ses and provides a basis for understanding the relationship between grammars .l(2)It includes regular grammars(正则文法), context-free grammars(上下文无关文法), context-sensitive grammars(上下文敏感文法), and recursively enumerable grammars(递归可枚举文法).l(3)It is also relevant in theoretical computer science, especially in programming language theory, compiler construction, and automata theory.Chomsky linguistics : the most dynamic and influential school of thought in the field.Syntactic Structures to be the single most important work in the field
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