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1、名师精编欢迎下载高一英语必修三第四单元测验题、单项选择(26 分)in many parts of China, which is not a surprise.her mother; she is tall while her mother is very short.good beat ing.whichD. to prevent people from getting1. That kind of customs stillA. appearsB. existsC. livesD. lies2. The woma n s ill nessthe doctor;he could nt fi

2、nd the cause.A. surprisedsolvedB. interestedC. puzzledD.3. She isA. uni ikeB. aga instC. beyondD. within4. The food is harmfulthe customers,so it should get off the shelves.A. forB. withC. ofD.to5. Thesemen were put i n pris on for attack ing Mr. Smith and givi ng himaA. gen tlehelpfulB. viole ntD.

3、gen erousC.6. He forgot to turn on the radio andmissed the programme.A. evenB. any wayC. thusD. instead7. I m afraid I cant pass the final maths exam in ation.Things wont be as bad as you think.A. Turn upB. Cheer upC. Make upD. Hurry up8. The car came to a stop justto preve nt an accident.A. attimes

4、timeB. on timeD. i n timeC. i n no9.If one keeps what he wants in mind and tries to live it,A. on timeB. in timeC. for one timehe will succeed _D. by the time10. Excuse me, can I help you sir?Yes, can you tell me the direct ionran?thethiefA. whereB. thatC. un der whichD. in11. What a stra nge man! H

5、e loves his wife,buthe often beats her.at a timeB. at one timeC. in timeD. at the same time12.You must think of awayinto the dan gerous areas.A. stopping people gettingB. to stop people to getC. to keep people getting名师精编欢迎下载13. _ Mr.Smith is wellagain , he can go on with his work.A.Now and thenB. N

6、ow thatC. The otherdayD. Now just14. Kate worked late in the evening to finish her report_her boss couldread it the n ext morning.A. so thatB.becauseC. beforeelse15.ln a modern society full of fierce competitions , _ a person does is notalways the same as_ he says.A. what; whatB.what; thatC. that;th

7、atD. that; whather task to take care of these childre n.18. The evening news comes on at seve n oclock and_ only thirty minutes.A. keepsB. continuesC. finishesD. Lasts19. Completely lost in the excit ing_ of the football match, Tom did nt feelhis pocket picked.A. sceneB. viewC.atmosphereD.Sight20.It

8、s _for the Shenzhou VII spaceship that every Chinese feels cheerfuland proud.A. so a successful flightB. so successful a flightC. such successful a flightD. a such successful flight21. _ matters most in lear ning En glish is eno ugh practice.A. WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Which22. _ pare nts say and do has

9、 a life-lo ng effect on their childre n.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. As23._ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger,more prosperous economy.A. AsB. ThatC. ThisD. It24. _ you said isdifferent from the thi ng_ he told us.A. What, whatB. That, thatC. What, thatD.That, what25.

10、I think_ he said is true.But dont forget the fact_ he is a cheat.A.thisB.thatC. oneD. ItD. or16.I had no idea when World War,so I turned to my teacher for help.A.broke downB.broke outC. broke inD. brokeaway17.She made名师精编欢迎下载A. what, whatB. that, thatC. what, thatD. that,what26._ surprised us most i

11、s_he spoke En glish so well.A. What, whatB. That, thatC. What, thatD.That, what二、完形填空(30 分)Many people have heard of Franklin s famous kite experiment, but not many know how toof silk, which is 3 to withstand the wind and rain. Build a frame by making a cross of two pieces of 4 wood, just long eno u

12、ghto reach the corners of the 5. Tie the corners to thepoints of the frame, and the n attach a tail of cloth 6 your kite. Finish with a good strong kite stri ng, one 7 will be long eno ughto fly the kite high.To get the kite ready for the experime nt, there are three very importa nt8 . First take al

13、ong sharp piece of metal and attach it to the Ion ger leg of the cross, 9 a foot or more beyond the frame. 10 , take a metalkey and tie it to the end of the kite string, the end thatwill be on the gro und n ear you. Fin ally take a silk 11 and tie it onto the kite stri ng, just above the key. This s

14、ilk ribb on needs12dry duri ng the whole experime nt, to 13 youand anyone nearby from the electricity. All you need now is a condenser to 14 the electricity and15 a stormy day with thun der and rain.1. A. storyB. lifeC. experime ntD. kite2. A. becauseB. madeC. producedD. tied3. A. goodB. strongC. lo

15、 ngD. large4. A. lightB. heavyC. highD. metal5. A. groundB. skyC. han dkerchiefD. wood6. A. upB. overC. withD. to7. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what8. A. stepsB. reas onsC. methodD. factors9. A. speak ing ofB. stick ing outC. cutti ng offD. reach ing out10. A. HoweverB. In steadC. ThoughD. Nextdo the

16、experime nt themselves. To repeat Fran kli ns , first make a kite. Use a handkerchief名师精编欢迎下载11. A. hatB. clothC. ribbo nD. cover12. A. keepB. to be keptC. being keptD. kept13. A. protectB. preve ntC. escapeD. suffer14. A. produceB. testC. collectD. show15. A. first of allB. above allC. i n allD. al

17、l over、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(30 分)AStephe n Hawk ing, arguably the most famous scie ntist alive today, cannot write on paper and cannot even hold a pen.His disabilities, however, have not affected his mind. Hawk ing is able to grasp some of the most complex con cepts knownto man and somehow simplify the

18、m for others.Hawk ing was born in Oxford, En gla nd on January 8, 1942. When he was about 8 years old, his family moved tothe tow n of St Alba ns, about 20 miles to the north of London, where he atte nded St Alba ns school at the age of eleve n.Hawk ing the n atte nded his fatherUni versity College.

19、 Stephe n wan ted to do mathematics, which was not available at Uni versity College, so he did physicsin stead. He earned a degree in Natural Scie nee with first class honours in just three years. Hawking then headed toCambridge to study Cosmology. He completed his PhD and then stayed on at Cambridg

20、e at first a Research Fellow andthen a Professor Fellow. In 1973, Hawki ng moved from the In stitute of Astr onomy to the departme nt of AppliedMathematics and Theoretical Physics .In 1979, he was give n the post of Lucasia n Professor of Mathematics, which he conti nues to hold to this day. He is t

21、oday a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US n ati onal Academy of Scien ces.Hawk ing great in terest has bee n to un dersta nd the basic laws that our uni verse follows. One of his most well-known achieveme nts was to dem on strate, along with Roger Pen rose, that Einstein theory of ge

22、neral relativity needed to bebrought together with quantum theory. Hawki ng and Pen rose showed that if Ei nstei n s theory was carried out logically,space and timemust have begun in something like the“ Big Bang ” of evolutionary theerydan dblmdstholes.Hawk ing has received nu merous medals, awards

23、and other prizes for his work. He is known today not only amongprofessional scientists but also by the general public. He has publisheds oldcolle名师精编欢迎下载several books specially writte n to try to expla in his theories to the com mon man. Three of his most popular books are hisbestsellers A Brief His

24、tory of Time , Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recen tly in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell . Hawk ing continues to research and write, not letting his disabilities slow him down. His goal is simple,he says. He simply wants “ a complete un dersta nding of the uni verse. Why

25、 it is as it is and why it exists at1. Stephe n Hawk ing is arguably the most famous scie ntist because_ .A. he is the only one who is alive todayB. he is totally disabledC. he can not only un dersta nd but expla in complex theories in simpler waysD. he has received nu merous medals2. The un derl in

26、ed sentence probably means_ .A. he studied physics in stead of mathem atics because the degree studies were n t providedB. he couldn t afford to study at University CollegeC. Un iversity College was more famous for physics teach ing and researchD. he was more in terested in physics tha n mathematics

27、3. Stephe n Hawk ing worked in the In stitute of Astronomy_ .A. before 1979B. after he gai ned his PhDC. before 1973D. after his books were published4. It can be in ferred from the passage that Stephe n Hawk ing_.A. has bee n a stude nt of Ein ste inB. has bee n a Nobel Prize winnerC. completed his

28、three most popular books in 2001D. is a well-k nown theoretical scie ntist with many honours5. The writer wrote this article mai nly to_ .名师精编欢迎下载B. show how Stephe n Hawk ing became a great scie ntistC. in troduce Stephe n Hawk ing and his great nessD. en courage young people to lear n from himBTwo

29、 China astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, are safely back on earth after theirShen zhou 6 spacecraft successfully touched dow n on the grassla nds of Inner Mon golia Sun day at4:32:50 pm, ending a five- day mission and China s second manned space flight.I want to tha nk the people for their l

30、ove and care,ring theceFemsaiy,dni whichboth astr on auts were give n flowers and seated in chairs.The Shen zhou 6 crew spe nt 115 hours and 32 minu tes in space, and travelled 2 millio n miles(3.25 million kilometres) during their mission, which set new human spaceflight records forChi na.Fei and N

31、ie were sent into space on October 12th, Beijing time on China s second mannedspaceflight, the first to carry two astronauts. The spaceship lifted off from Jiuquan SatelliteLaunch Centre in the Gobi desert almost two years to the day after China s first manned launcThat first missi on, Shen zhou 5,

32、la un ched ast on aut Yang Liwei into orbit on October 15th,2003, China is the third country to independently launched humans into Earth orbit after Russiaand the US. But unlike Yang flight, which the public did not get to see much of, much ofShenzhou 6 mission from lift-off to landing was shown liv

33、e on national Chinese television. WithShenzhou 6, China has “ achievedanother milestone in space exploration,said WuBan gguo, Chairma n of the Chin ese NPC duri ng his speech which was broadcast live on CCTV.6. In which year was Shen zhou 6 laun ched into space?A. 2003.B. 2004.C. 2005.D. 2006.7. Wha

34、t was the speed of Shen zhou 6 whe n it was travell ing into space?A. 28,130 kilometres per hour.B. 28,130 miles per hour.C. 35,540 kilometres per hour.D. 35,540 miles per hour.8. Which of the follow ing coun tries has not succeeded in launching huma ns into Earth orbit?A. Chi na.B. Russia.C. The US

35、.D. The UK.9. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. compare Ei nsteins with Stephe n Hawkings achieveme nts名师精编欢迎下载A. Shen zhou 6 Ian ded on grassla nds of Inner Mon golia Sun day at 4:32:50 pm.B. The Shen zhou 6 crew spe nt 115 hours and 32 minu tes in space.C. The Shen zhou 6 crew set n

36、ew huma n spaceflight records around the world.D. Yang Liwei s flight was not shown live on national Chinese television.10. Which one is the best title of this passage?A. Shenzhou 6 s Safe ReturnB. History of China s Space ExplorationC. New Huma n Spaceflight RecordsCIn the past ten years, manyscie

37、ntists have studied the differe ncesbetwee n men and wome n. And they all got the same an swer: The sexes are differe nt, because their brains are differe nt.And this, the scie ntists say, makes men and women see the world in differe nt ways.Boys, for example, gen erally are better tha n girls at ma

38、thematical ideas.Boys also gen erally are better tha n girls at the kind of hand and eye moveme ntsn ecessary for ball sports. Girls, on the other hand gen erally start speak ing earlier than boys. And they gen erally see betterin the dark tha n boys and are better at learning foreig n Ian guages.Wh

39、at makes men and womenbetter at one thing or another? The answer is the brain. The brain has two sidesconn ected by n erve(神经)tracks. The left sidegen erally is used for mathematics, speech and writi ng. The right side is used for artistic creation and the expression foremotions. In menand women, di

40、fferent areas in each side of the brain develop differently . In boys, for example, it s thearea used for mathematics .In girls, it is the area used for Ian guage skills. Ano therin teresti ng differe nee is that the two sides of a man asmaller n erves tha n the two sides of a woma n11. Which of the

41、 follow ing is best to outl ine(A. Research on the BrainBetwee n Men and Wome nC. People s Different BrainsBetter, Boys or Girls12. _ men and wome n thi nk differe ntly.A. Sex makesdiffere nt brains makeC. The differe ntexperie nces makesociety makeD. Chin ese Astr onautss brain are conn ected bys b

42、rain are .概括)the article?B. Differe ncesD. Who AreB. TheD. The in flue ncesof名师精编欢迎下载13. Accord ing to the article, girls are gen erally better tha n boys at yourschool.14. Which of the followi ng is true?A. The left side of brain in boys gen erally develops better tha n that in girls.B. The left si

43、de of brain in girls gen erally develops better tha n that in boys.C. Men are better than women in allthi ngs.D. The area in girls used for Ianguage skills develops better.15. In men and womenthe number of nerves connecting the halves of brain_A. is the sameB. is differentC. iszeroD. can t be found

44、out四、短文改错(10 分)I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds view thatsenior three stude nts have to make fully use of every mi nute to work hard at their less on s. Itmy study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can watch TV can set my mind atre

45、st after a day s hard works. Besides, it is important for us to knowwhat had happe ned at home and at abroad. Thus, we should n五、书面表达(14 分)假设你叫李华,下面一篇海报是你校英语角的一次活动安排。请根据海报内容用英语写 封电子邮件,邀请你的你的朋友王朋参加。欢迎到英语角来看电影 汤姆叔叔的小屋时间:6 月 30 日下午 3: 305: 30地点:学术报告厅inA. mathematicsB. physicsC.EnglishD. chemistryseems

46、to me that once I am allowed to do that, Ill un able to con trol myself and forget all aboutt accept her ideas. In my opiniot be forbidde n to watch TV.名师精编欢迎下载免费提供爆米花和软饮料;英语外教将帮助你提高口语;这是学英语、交朋友的好机会。注意:1.邮件要涵盖海报中全部信息,并可适当增加细节;2. 要写成一篇连贯的短文,不可逐条翻译海报内容;3. 词数 100 左右。4.参考词汇:电影字幕 subtitle 爆米花 popcorn 学术报

47、告厅 lecture hallDear Wang Peng,名师精编欢迎下载Yours, Li Hua名师精编欢迎下载一.单项选择,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子1. A解析:本题主要考查名词意义。in theory 在理论上;in practice 在实践中;in fact 实际上。故 A 为最佳答案。2. C解析:本题主要考查 time 的有关词组。at a time 意为一次,一次动作”;in time 意为及 时,终究”。本题指刚好赶上火车,故C 为最佳答案。3. B解析:本题主要考查名词辨析。atmosphere 有气氛,氛围”的意思;spirit 意为精神;情

48、绪”。故最佳答案为 B。4. C解析:本题考查动词辨析。lie 作为规则动词时,意为“撒谎,说谎”; lie 作为不规则动 词,意为躺下”,过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain。而 lay 意为“平放;放下;下蛋”,其过去式和过去分词分别为laid, laid。此题表示“下蛋”,故正确答案为 C。5. B解析:本题考查介词unlike。dislike 是动词;in common with 与.一样;unlike 与. 不一样。故 B 为最佳。6. A解析:本题考查动词用法辨析。protect sb from sth 为常见用法,意为“保护某人不受某事伤 害”,from 不能省略;keep

49、sb from doing 意为“阻止某人做某事”,from 不能省略;stop /prevent sb from doing 意为“阻止、防止某人做某事”,from 后常接 doing。故 A 为最佳答案。7. B解析:本题考查非谓语动词。disappo in ti ng 意为“令人失望的”,而 disappo in ted 意为“感名师精编欢迎下载到失望的”,重在表示人的感受,be disappointed at sth 表示听到或看到某事而感到失望。故 B 为最佳答案。8. D解析:本题考查交际用语。Cheer up!用于鼓励别人,叫人振作起来,为此题最佳答案。9. C解析:本题考查分词

50、作主语补足语。floating 动作是由 cat 发出的,同时 dead 形容词也作主语的补足语。10. B解析:本题考查从句的用法。what 引导主语从句,而 where 引导表语从句。故 B 为最佳答案。11. B解析:本题考查代词 it 的用法。本题中 it 作形式主语,whether 引导的主语从句习惯上后 置。故 B 为最佳答案。12. A解析:本题考查 as 引导的特殊定语从句。as 作为关系代词,引导的定语从句放句首,as 指 代后面的整句内容。故 A为最佳答案。此外,as 还用在有 so, such, the same 修饰的先行词 后,作为关系代词引导定语从句。13. A解析

51、:本题考查有关 break 的动词词组辨析。break out 意为爆发,发生”;break in 意为 插入,插队,插嘴”;break off 意为断开;断落”,特别是断绝关系”等;break down 意为“坍塌;垮掉;中途停止”。故 A 为最佳答案。14. C解析:本题考查 now that 引导的状语从句。now that 意为“既然”,往往表示已经存在的 现实条件、原因等,而as though 意为“好像”。故 C 为最佳答案。15. B解析:本题考查动词的意义。force 作动词有 强迫,勉强之意。故 B 为最佳答案。16-20 ACDCC名师精编欢迎下载二、完形填空1. C解析:

52、本文是在介绍富兰克林的风筝实验。此处意为“为了重复富兰克林当年的实验”。2. B解析:做风筝需要一块手帕,要求是丝质的。made of silk 此处作定语,修饰 handkerchief。3. B解析:该实验中,手帕是丝质的,丝质手帕不光是轻,而且还结实,strong 与后文的 withstand(经受)相呼应。4. A解析:根据常识,做风筝的材料要求越轻越牢就越好,用于做风筝骨架的木头自然要轻。5. C解析:考查前后照应。在前文所准备的材料中,只有手帕有四个角,因此应该是 handkerchief。6. D解析:本题考查动词和介词的搭配。attach sth to sth 将.附着在.上。

53、7. A解析:此处 one 指代前面出现的 string,作 string 的同位语,后面只能用 that 引导定语从句。8. A解析:结合语境,下文讲解如何一步一步制作风筝,因此此处应为三个重要的steps。9. B解析:此处考查动词词组的辨析。speak of 意为说到,提到”;stick out 意为伸出,突出”;cut off 意为切断,隔绝”;reach out 意为伸手”。根据后文的 beyond the frame, 可知是要伸出去一部分,故B 为最佳。10. D名师精编欢迎下载解析:结合上下文,这是制作风筝的第二步,故n ext 最为恰当。11. C解析:后文出现了 this

54、silk ribbon,由此可知前文必定是要求拿一根丝绸的带子绑到风筝线 的末端。故答案为C。12. B解析:此处考查动词 need 的用法,need doing 或 need to be done。注意:类似用法还有require, want, deserve 等。13. A解析:protect sb from sth 保护某人不受某物的伤害;prevent sb from doing 防止某人做某事;escape from 逃脱,逃离;suffer from 遭受. 折磨。故选 A。14. C解析:此处考查动词辨析。collect 意思是“将分散零碎的东西收集起来”,此处是将电收集 起来。15. B解析:above all 首先,强调重要性,突出的特点。first of all 首先,强调的是次序上排第一。三、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择


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