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1、-州 中 2010 年的冲) 英iM 命超人:魏晓冷 附输人* 本试卷分为 e i袪(选if)和更II柱draff)刈略分.滿分iso分.号试时何120 分忡. f 911 G (选卄題.凫95分) m 分:英讥知UU&川(A3W.声分50分 m w#fciui 共5小:邯小遞1分満分5分) 从A. B. C. DPI个选妝中.miK线部分均所給血诃的It线部分读幵相冋的迭冷. I. gcccnl A. void B appreciate C. educate D examine 2. frsqueni A. degree B. sterd C. respect D. rfgrrt 4

2、. mQMTC A Qger B. rtality | c kah D grgM 4. Ugc A. surprise B. bypt B. expres$on C. sypender D syfrounding 5. division A. cxptosipf) C. rep*阿 D. diM: 第二陆 讷法和囲汇知Ul(共IS小&:毎小腔丨分.満分 2* 从入B、C. D四个选顶中.选出可以填入宗站血H仕选初、 6. -! as an actor for 5 straight yean, but I MrvxpMlt fulfilled. *ls that why you turn

3、ed wntcr? A. worked B. would work C. have bgep working I), have worked 7.1 am aware that, despite these gains. remain A. to lake B. to be taken C. lo haf lArgani/ed B So organized is the programmeC So is organized lhe prvgnimme D. So organized the programme is 15. -Dp you like steak or chicken? Neit

4、her steak nor chicken _ me. I prefer (onuio soup. A. fits B. matches C. suits D. adopts 16. The bos didnl _ his promise that he would promote Mr Smith lo the safes manager As a result Mr Smith left the company. A. 8mc up wnh B. Inr up to C. catch 叩 wHh D. give m to 17. _ Il was loo noisy outside. No

5、t until I shouted al the top of my voice _his head. A. did he turn B. had he turned C. he hainttt turned D. be didnt tum 18. Plants need water to grow; _ friendship needs our heart and rxission io develop A. fortunaicly B. generally C. naturally D. similarly 19. A Study of more than 18.000 Chinese m

6、en suggests thit grwn tea dnnken arc _ to develop stomach oncer as those who drink link or no tea. A. half as likely B. likely half as C. likely as half likely 20. After the operation on hts heart. Robert felt as ifhc _ 心 began B. has begun C. had beguq D. begin “完影填叱共20小斃:毎小IS 13分.満 2 分) btfnlu文.从短

7、文圻M8所给的入B. CUJUWa攻中.选出吋以填入空白处的M us would like to have a healthy pygVi北wonc tlut makes our life cnjoyiblc. 21 is an important chanictShfigix is 22 and builds yow repuSUon. It is well 2JL. and strrss-frec. Healthy peq(Mg have self-dtsciplinc and self-control rhey arc themsclvw and lheyrhAve a strong 2

8、4 , lhey always listen lo their own nund. rather than following the 25 People with a healthy pcrsonahty/3tcepl ihemselve* 、忙 as tfxry are. although they wish to change parts of thonscIVr And they aUo generally 2 ersw they art. They do not artcmpi to change iHhen to mretirwrn 28_. They have ability t

9、o J9 with anyone. They can listen co others wnh great 刃. They have an appealing personahry. They have a positive 31 and an easygoing chann that make them quite sociable and popular whccevcr they go. They | 32 to protect their health, sclf-csiccm (fl) and well-being 33 siraggles. They 上 their pait an

10、d live in the present Positive altitude 3S an imponanf role in building a healthy So. try to 36 a healthy personality, which olTcrs you a number ofregarding pcrsoful, sociil and prvfonal aspects. Your powlnr attitude and self-confidence can surely make your life cheerful. and 39 comcn The ability to

11、 4Q to this comuntly changing road is one of the most imporurn cumponcntx of a 仕选i All o However, the 38 to a healthy personality is like a mod itself II has many curve,(弯路) healthy personality. 2I A. carver B personality C. sense D concept 22 A. moving B. appealing C. MKceeding 6 rclaliitg 23 A anx

12、ious B. casual C. cheerful D disgusting 24 A faith B feeling C. bod) D standard 25 A rest B. custom C imdiunn D mafonty 26 A partly B. smoothly C. completely D poswbly 27 A accept B. admit C. attempt D. reward 2 A suggestions .B requirements C. evidences W details 29 A agree B. meet C halance D cofn

13、nwnicatc 30 A patience B. tinw C imagination D sole 31 A method B. means C. attitude D. view 32 A refuse B. a*md U plan D tend 33 A including B despite C. bejond D. from M. A kavc behind B. callback C make out D. suffer (rom 35. A. takes B possess Cpta开 D openates J6 A occur B. achieve D inspire 37

14、A benefit B. honors C.山 D functions 3& A energy B argument G road D. conclusion 39 A bnght B wide G blind D. actual 40 A stick B attend C. haiiac D. jdapl 迅 那分, 闵汰理解(八25小&屯何小曲2 处 Ob毎小电1分; ;诉分的分 e n:闵认卜血知文.从捋腔侨倍附 ax9 film festival ran from October 22 to November I 吋IrccHnorc than 200 films Il

15、 tsthc largest annual Glm festival in Nonh Amcnca and the only /XcadcaJuaiitying children s film festival in the world Winners in (he m list go on id in t!r Oscars! The films came fwr. than 40 countnc. More than 25.000 pcopkttffhlt* The (ntival invofvkids in many ways. “Wt w kids movies. We 2比 kids

16、to think about what they arc watchingw CICFF Director Nicole Dncskc said “Five minules beforv the lights go ofT uc have a talk with everybody. We talk dbout what s going on in our minds when uc arc watching a movie. she explainedMovies (each us w much If we*rc not paying attention lo what we arc wat

17、chin&. we arcn*l learning JS much as we could.* fiewen vole fo give their opiniom at the end of each movie. The CICFF stafT wants kids to (eel like they are an important pan of the fcsti%*al Knfc can also aticnd micnictive workUxp$ led by (ilmnukcr media prvfcionals aid cclcbntics And young uicn

18、l lakes pan in the CICFF. Ekven-yw-oki Shiropa Puma urmr and dtrtxtcd Our Boat Is Our Address. which was featured in the feshval My dad is a director and he Uught IIK many things/ Shinipa said. A children sjuo* ind in August lo watch nwwe than 100 movic$ that would appvar in the f&ival. I hey ra

19、ted the Hlim bawd on plol. chamber setting, acting, mund and cirxmuiogniphy (lUJKfil 莎 The jury guarded nuirt than a cio/ai prizes. Ihc awaM werv jnnowKxd JI the IcMnuls losing Night Auanl Ceremony 41. Ac cording lo the first paragraph, the CICI-b A c. 41 By the largest film festival in the world lh

20、e only children film (estival in Nonh Ancnca attracts films from over 200 countnes in the 2009 film festival 休 well received and has 4 history of 26 years which way can kids get involve! in lhe CICFF? By only seeing some films. B. By watching and commenting. By talking with filmmakers. D. By directi

21、ng Our 弘创/ K Our Address. 43. It On be tnferrtd frum the passage that A over 25.000 people were present al the 2009 film festival the winners werv desenbed by some kid judges IIK Gnal awards of the festival would be kept secret C I). Our h Our Address wins many honors 44. The whole passage 1、numly a

22、bout A. the history of CKTF ( a film fnlival lor kids B. NKOJ I)peskc jrXICFF D. kidsutolikcCICEF B. y*i arc inicwsicd in sea creatures. yoydpnY have to iwim in the sea. ytm can enjoy unJrruatcr n Dno(hcr way by visiting an aquarmtfVh Kxptrts do ruM really know when pcopIPbjM kMping fish as pets. Bu

23、t they say thai people haw m fish for thousands of yefr Some say the anctcni Sumcnaji5 were the first lo keep fish in pondf ftmv than four (housand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied goldfish nuxe than orilwnwf years ago (he ancient Ronuiis kepi eels as pets. And the If: life in civil carp Gree

24、k philosopher Anslotlc nude ifShs bclic%vd lo be the first known study ol sea life, including sharks dol By middk of Ik I*、 science had shown that plants, fish and olher scu ueaturvs could sun ive together under Ajfticr. So it was no longer nccessar) lo change the water in 3 tank for fish to live th

25、ikv. This led to lhe building of the firsi public aquanum. The opened in Europe and the Untied States By 1928. there werv abewt forty-five public aquanums Today, millions of people visit aquanuins in more than thirty countncs. Steve Feldman is an oflkial with the Association of Zorn and Aquanuins in

26、 Silver Spring. Maryland He wys his organuptMMi 血 recognized and approved forty-one aquanums in lhe United Stales. About fiftyn people visit these places each yvar One Aquan used to he sold g tirsf one opened in I ondon9 England in 1853 In the next fifteen years, other aquanums of the most famous aq

27、uanunis is in Motnercy. ( alltomia. Odkiab say the Monterey Bay 4m has been recognized as the finest aquanum in lhe United States It is in a building lhat be a ainneryt * 直品厂).This was where workers prepared fish and pbcaf them in cans lo Mpc and the Umied States D only one aquanum hid been built in

28、 England W Which of the following is untrue about the Monterey Bay AquanunP A. h was huili based on a canncr) B. It cared for mnclecn penguins firvni New Orleans. 1( is mponsibk for the injured anmuk from othg 收uanum4 D. Il alw studies the ammak and helps rrany sumvc 48 Whal is thr best title of the

29、 passage? 甩 History of Aquanums B Jhe Sudy of Underwater Ufe I lhe Monicrcy Bay Aquanum Pevdopment and Aquanurm c Many of us have had dumplings steamed tnXdliiboo toskete lor breaktaM do/m wch dim. wtne of them based on seafood or goose livcrfffJRF). Molecular gastronomy is -where science meets cook

30、ingapplying scientific techniques lo cooking. Il doestf l produce typical food. Onginally it sought to explain the chemical ruaMMis behind changes to ingredienK. For example. H mod to deal with basic questions like the best tenipenitun: lo cHl an egg iToday the lerm is used lo desenbe style of cooki

31、ng that modernizing chefs love developed using advances in science, technology and even psychology(心用宁) Earlier th八 month chef Albert Adna of El Hulls, the Spanish resUunini seen as the world leader in the A. ancient Romans C ancient Chinese H. ancient Sunken ins D ancient Greeks molccuhr cooking mo

32、vcnunit. came to Beymg lo how the fod rt I: I Bulli is only open fiw six months of lite year and the other six inontlts arv given over to research Silkw moulWl WQ :b. an cncrpcuc use of blenders It!机)and frve/ers arc comiixm at FlBulll. but Adna ays his kitchen is for (rum being a science lab. jjonw

33、 people y El Bulli is pure technology, but if that HCW the otsc. why uou1dnet I have 40 inMead of 40 chcfc?M he said. can infer from lhe first paragniph that _ . 心cxiM Mick lo tradiiiorul wayx of cooking B. the higli-tcch is used in cooking equipment is green and cflkicnt D. traditmnal cooking equip

34、ment ha, disadvantages mg to the lea. molecular gastronomy _ will replace traditional Chinese cooking B. mcnn making physical change io tngrvdicnK wan attempt to solve equipment problems I), produces untypical food 51. What can we learn from (he passage0 A. Fl Bulli does expenments and rcscaakB. Adn

35、a think% El Bulli 卜 actually all about technology. C. El Bulli cant a (Turd to open all the yea. 52. lhe passage ts mainly about A traditional and new food an (t. the mokcul” cooking” movement in Korea have published lhe mults of tbcirftiy on lhe H!NI disinfecuni(4%a of Apphai Phyucs Se. Dunng the p

36、asefeZmornh、. IIIN1 has mlectcd miliHMis wide and has proven to t* j) highly contagious disease Attcnipts to conb9( the disease have included prcvcntalivc vaccinxfr(xhlic ac:d into lhe water Adding juM 22 grants of hyiirvchlonc aid lo one Icxi fer con changv the pll value of the waler from 7 to 4. A

37、s the scientists exphm. (he negative fbnnc 10m have a s!cnlizinp( U1 I cOect on viniy. 41 id a 、mx昙 acidity in gciKnik li a、 ig efleet Akhough acidic :NT can panully inachvale lhe MINI MRXS. lhe scientists also added an ozonef Q Vl) gas concdation of more than 10 mgHilcr to the atcr to enhance the y

38、cnhzation died. All the viniscs were killed after five minutes of mixing the acidic orotic waicrfAOW). In another cxpcnnient. lhe researchers found ilui acidic ozone water al pH4 and an ozone ccxKtntmtKm of 20 mgliicr destroyed the Exoli cell envelope%. Based on this observation the soaiisu have pro

39、ved that acidic ozone water may work by destroying the MINI virus envelope*. disaHmg their ability to establish an infection. So they said that the AOW couM be used in a vancty of areas to avoid the spread of HINI MThe AOW may be largely available due to its easy preparation. * he said. wl am noking

40、fio4nQicnt D tlc chemical cooknv 49. A C. A try to prevail B. lake advunUgc of C pay attention to D. throw light upon 54. According to the passage, the AOW can prevent HINI from spreading because _ . A. it has the pH value of the waler ranging from 7 to 4 B. it can min the HiNl virus envelopes and m

41、ake them lose the ability of infection C. it does no harm to the environment D H can be used to stop an attack pf bio weapons. 55. All is known to us from the passage EXCEPT _. A. producing the acidic ozone water is quite difficult and takes a great deal of equipment B. adding just 22 grams of hydro

42、chlonc acid to 1000 kg of neutral water can change the pH value of the water from 7 to 4 C. the scientist studied the AOW for protection of mankind from an attack of bio-weapons at fint D. the second experiment has proved that the acidic ozone water may woric by destroying the INI virus envelopes 56

43、. Which is the best title of ibe passage? A. How to Produce Acidic Ozone Water? B. The Grat Pamage cRINI. C. HINI Virus Can Be Killed by Acidic Ozone Water S Various Uses of Acidic Ozone Water. E Being a good small-talker makes you a fncndly and open pcry)n in the eyes of other people. Yes. pcing ap

44、proachable is an advantage, yn MRnc people prefer jnoi to ulk when they dont have anything meaningful to say. The remedy is simply to be chatty. Perhaps foil are one of thoic silent people and wonder what to Oo about it. No probkm. HCTC*S |(Oulk with anyone you ,ome across, anywhere. If you arc phym

45、g your grocencs. exchange a IOMA sentences with the cashfcr. Chat with your neighbors and engage tn interactions wii children. Talk to people ofNhc ask them about their dogs, ask for the way and even talk about the weather. Do that untiftt becomes somewhat of a habit for you. But dont overdo it Peop

46、le lha! cant shut up can be perceived as annoying. !n order to become a Rood small-talker, you should also have knowledge about various topics. From daily news to pop culture gossip. No. you don*t need to subsenbe to EW.com RSS. just take note of the bigger stones as you will incntably come across t

47、hem. Remember Michael Jacksons death? I dont think there*s even one person that missed that event. Whatever interests you of sparks your curiosity is good. If you fee! passionate about skydiving. I*m sure you can talk forever about iL And even seemingly bonng topics make good conversations. When you

48、 have a good idea or see Something interesting, make a mental note of it and tell it (o others a! a later occasions. Finally work on your shyness Don*! kt others cut you off and assume the same importance tn convcrsaiions for yourself as tor the other people. Keep good eye contact and mainum a good

49、speech rhythm with enough pauses and good volume. 57. How many ways to be a chaity person does the author nxmtion in the text? A. 2 B.3 C.4 D.5 5& What does the author want to tell us in the Afth paragraph? A. All want to know about Jacksons death. B. Skydiving can give you a ml thnll. C. Bonng

50、topics make good conversations. D. A good small-ulker should have wide topics. 59 What docs the author advise you to Fork on your shyness*? A. To ask others for help when you*re. shy. B. Try not to be intemipted while chatting. C. Do less in a smooth conversation. D. Speak fast and loudly but pause

51、at times 60. What*! infenrcd from the texf? A. Smalbulkcrs arc just meaningless chancrs B. Being a smalbulkcr makes one easygoing. C. Never overestimate lhe power of small-Ulk. D. Small-Ulk is a good way lo kill time, mtiw:根抓时诜内秤.从对认看的选冷中选出可以坝入空白处的呆住迭用选顶中立两项为 Raelene: Hi. Burt. 1 heard you*rc lookin

52、g for a new job Burt Yeah. I just had an interview yesterday. Raelcnc: 61 Burt: 1 think I did well. They said they would make a decision by tlisTFndiy. Raclcnc: _It seems they want lo hire the person quickly as possible Bun: Yeah! 63 Raene: 64 Burt I believe I have a very good chance. IM dircoor see

53、ms to like me. Raceme: Well, good luck. lhen. Butj 65 A. Thanks. a What tune? c!oh How did it go? D. I think so. E. I think they uMi acooj.満分55分) 期恥 広诃拼(AI0小阪 毎小& 分.满分10分) 66. The earth, as you know, is one of the suns _ (tj M). 67. She stood_ (讨价还价)for ten nunutes with the man for the vegetable

54、s. 68. Wnh many oflus works _ (出版).he became more and more famous. 69. _ (显然)is very diflkuh to describe such a complex system in simple terms 70. Some books arc to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and (消化). 7L Time p _ we will pay a visit to him before we leave 72. The m

55、anager has been considering hou to i _ the quality of their products. rJ. The postman d _ my letter lo the wrong address yestenhy 4. It is against the hw io buy c _ or fobacco if you are under 16 year% of age 5 The pianist only goes there _ because itws too far away from hts house, ft D:如文攻斶(H 10小恳而

56、正長加.滿分IS分 Pm a Icmblc cook. I*ve ined hard and tfs no use. I have j ex lots of cookoy books I choose a dish I wan! to cook it. read the instruc:Hns Mi MM络ib沱攻为许歹代少1的W此 片山理”初川臥JU V.共至全阳入乍羽试的仆文中请以Should Intend filang Be Prohibited?为&氓据卜农内 从耳CH20關左右的短文. 歧冋于认为 . %吨何临力 网络常 K 生动.时询 刈络ift冑允滿默9丹烹 k teft

57、H l:WX史快处 , J J 严 M 络讪;仲艺深划的思.wn.人胡水 rx 还沒仃艸及刘酸人部分人丹第和拔爻 11过E的便川会他人不解林哉? 虫文欲&鮒句C洽;1: 2 120 A/J (担如入总诃敌) At pr. .ntemet SWngiKh M XIG. -MM. Xia Mf has bee wny lcougcr pel )hnise$. appearing ij |bciTTioineuoric, reports, and even compositions in the ation A 粉 般过/;时.題中僅调过去发生的动件轲话内rw肪成存说话祈己不再幷演城 II

58、ttilZBt. 1 H岂不定式的逻洌I仙动fl的承妥昂时 4、丘式 蚁嬰川被动诅念彤式remain lobe ione (Ml 袱” K D考冷Wff用出.根k oi look around 坏擁例Mh look .勢列Zh 由UtAnflU. 4 程J&D. 诃Before A此状出从旬.b示件以 T 1* Ut从 f由i/l fi oj lil. wixncvi were often forved to give up paid work on numagc 充iftWJ. 故迭忡谄从甸的引好制兀中如不竹任何 省紀 务ft “gJj Mhat-姑曲中十soadj. W F甸何时旬

59、片为移分倒*树. 诃聊析皿常人小.彤状介込.引中为吻悔调:suillh合F需菱 11睐条 抬花色人的1叽吒氏廿相或日份川锹rmteh 色Ok Jdopt-W.此处为 “隊适合二 ttilc. 诃 iuiA 術 live upto 符合 h冷 MHj 诺“二 con* up with wAHtM: catchup ,* . . . . . not until 义卅析 hwlxnuicly 匸hifei generally 人FMT 以 p 少Ay fl 然地:Mmilurly 形状.tt 16. B亀竇 with 址上;give in lo 向 17. A彩件日装句ttt FUlJ HAW可知.

60、 18. D 杯 丽必地. 19. A勺仟 HffAXfl 为 20 . C % 俺新的T命 健磺的 林也不址n 21. B从文 22. 一 训也仆愷T 数决达法.人亦甲挪甘比时.吋用“;:彫兴血诃IWHa比牧对冷 ICUtH. rfifdt 对过/的股口 用过2曲01时农不他感宅仍 开臨 笊屮心人格的L/h儿本q也仃很乞优也向彤成鍵冷的人 須 WlSrt的;*MypeznaMy可丸这甲怖健从的人搐 。为 5:決凯 受玫迎的二折的人烙乂受欢迎的讨人A炊的 4.”0.儿32.32. 从空榴丽看“ 幼必屮选出枳楼向I.介义的词才符合讪如 曲川char 从制 从躲 人冷星人“汽的M(M(l3ithr从空轴圻 甸也幼幼岭匕 旬知他弋川己的崽九人乞救


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