



1、12017职称英语综合类:学习资料词汇选项练习31. Even in a highly modernizedcountry, manual work isstill n eeded.A) expressive B) physical C) exaggerated D) dubious2. Tech niq ues to harn ess the en ergy of the sun are beingdeveloped.A) convert B) store C) utilize D) receive3. Many reside nts of apartme nt complexes obje

2、ct to no isyn eighbors.A) man agers B) occupa nts C) Ian dlords D) caretakers4. The steadily risi ng cost of labor on the waterfro nt has greatly increased the cost of shipp ing cargo by water.A) con ti nu ously B) quickly C) excessively D) excepti on ally5. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to

3、 remedy headaches.2A) disrupt B) diag nose C) evaporate D) cure6. John Hanson helped draft instructionsfor Marylandsdelegates to the Stamp Act Con gress.A) clarify B) formulate C) revise D) con tribute7. Practically all species of an imals com muni cate either throughsounds or through a large repert

4、ory of soundless codes.A) Simulta neously B) Almost C) absolutely D) Basically8. Sulphur has occasi on ally bee n found in the earth in an almostpure state.A) regularly B) accide ntally C) sometimes D) successfully9. When doves are about two weeks old, they are covered with greyfeathers and are read

5、y to try their wi ngs.A) grow B) wrap C) hide D) test10. I rarely wear a rain coat because I spe nd most of my time in acar.A) n ormally B) seldom C) continu ously D) usually11. Whe n she was in vited to the party, she readilyaccepted.A) willi ngly B) sudde nly C) firmly D) quickly12. The den tist has decided to extract her bad tooth.A) take out B) repair C) pull D) dig13. You must shi ne your shoes.3A) lighten B) clea n C) wash D) polish14. The majority of people around here are dece nt people.A) hon est B) rich C) good-look ing D) high-ra nking15. A deadly disease has affected t


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