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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A brief teaching designA taste Of English humor(新人教版高中英语必修4)甘南州合作一中 杨浦林 一、教材分析(教材的地位及作用):该课选自新人教版高中英语必修4第3单元阅读部分。该部分以“无声的幽默”为题,介绍了世界著名的电影演员、喜剧大师查理卓别林以及他在无声电影时代的精湛表演。他运用滑稽、夸张的动作表情,让观众在捧腹大笑之余,体会在琐屑、卑微之中隐藏的深刻本质。因此,教授该单元时要让学生认识到这一点。同时鼓励学生保持乐观的人生态度,培养幽默感,陶冶情操。还要通过阅读这篇课文,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写的综合素质能力

2、。以此达到英语课程标准中提出的“让学生通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式感受成功。形成积极的学习态度,促进语言交际应用能力的提高。二、学情分析高一学生,虽然经过了初中三年的学习,但所掌握的单词量少,口语表达能力弱,又缺乏良好的英语语言环境,学生学习英语的兴趣低。这些原因导致了课堂上师生的配合不够融洽。但学生对课堂中设置的学习活动参与性较好,在同组同学的配合及教师的帮助下可以取得良好的效果。因此,将知识直观呈现,从易入手,使学生感觉到容易理解容易掌握,调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性成为教师要攻克的主要难关。借助多媒体,让学生感受真实情境,通过对本的学习提升学习英语的兴趣。三 、确立教学目标,重难

3、点根据课程标准的要求,及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,结合学生的实际学情,确立教学目标及重点与难点:(一)教学目标1.知识目标: 通过对阅读的学习,进行全面、整体理解,引发思考,达到强化学生语言意识、积累语言经验的目的。从而提高英语的口头与书面表达能力。2.过程与方法目标:通过Reading简单了解无声幽默大师-卓别林。3.情感、态度与价值观目标 1)通过对阅读的学习,鼓励同学保持乐观的人形成积极向上的生活态度生态度,培养幽默感,2)通过积极参加课堂上各种英语实践活动,培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感,并提高实际交际能力和与他人合作的能力。4.学习策略目标:让学

4、生学会创设情境,在情境中提高英语交际能力,突显语言交际功能。让学生善于分组活动,在小组中积极与他人合作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。(二)教学重点和难点重点:阅读技巧和阅读能力的培养。难点:1通过文章的阅读 ,了解文章细节内容 从而了解幽默大师卓别林。    2训练学生快速阅读,提高整体阅读能力(三)教学手段:1 使用实用教具和应用现代化教学手段多媒体辅助教学,丰富了课堂教学的内容,增强了教学的直观性、趣味性,提高了课堂教学效果。2 课时安排。本课为阅读的第一课时,着重于对文章的理解,弱化词汇语法等方面。四、教法设计:为了更好地突出重点,突破难点,本课主要采用了:

5、1直观教学法:根据学生认知特点,运用多媒体教学手段,直观形象,便于学生看图了解幽默的各种形式。以直观视频展示引入主题,激发学生的注意力。相关信息直接进入学生大脑,提高了教学效率,而且培养了学生用英语思考的意识。2任务型教学法:遵循新课标倡导的“玩中学,学中玩”的理念。例如,课前让学生进行采访活动。课堂上与同组同学分组讨论。为学生提供较大的实践空间,发挥学生的主动性和主体性。五、学法指导: 1.理解感悟,积累运用利用教材提供的内容,倡导“感知体验实践参与”的教学途径,抓住一切机会激发学生的学习热情,让他们通过观察,得出结论;理解文章后,感悟人物的幽默乐观精神,学习在日常生活中,面对困境也能笑对人

6、生。2.积极参于,善于合作例如,本课设计了几个任务,操作简单,学生一定很感兴趣并且积极地参与其中,发挥个人才能相互帮助,从而合作完成任务,培养了团队精神。六、教学过程及主要环节说明教学过程(主要环节)分析说明幻灯展示导入新课(播放卓别林先生幽默视频)提问:Is it interesting?Can you describe it by using one word? 引出主题 humorWho did you see in the video? Did you hear any voice?多媒体直观教学,一目了然,印象深刻,提升学生兴趣。Do you know how many k

7、inds of humor?目的是让学生了解幽默的种类,增加有关幽默的知识。Skimming:1提问 Whats the main idea of this passage? (段意连线题)训练学生快速阅读,提高整体阅读能力,对文章的整体大意有了了解后,教师设置段意连线题,加深学生对文章构造的理解。Careful reading读第一段,找到文中有关“laughter”的句子,然后讨论“do you know any Chinese sayings about laughter?” 课堂小结,知识梳理(讨论。设置问题:If you dont feel content with you

8、r life, what should we do? 通过对中外一些有关笑的谚语的了解,让学生懂得:无论我们遇到什么样的困难,都要笑对生活。巩固本课知识,加深现有知识的印象。加深学生对幽默作用的认识,培养学生乐观的生活态度。Read paragraph2 and paragraph5,and make an interview通过此活动,让学生了解卓别林的生活经历,同时也提高学生的口语交际能力。HomeworkRead paragraph 3 and 4, finish the following exercises .1. In paragraph 3 , find the sen

9、tences describing Chaplins character .then describe zhaobenshans character.2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it3.上有关网站查阅卓别林的其他信息,加深对他及无声幽默的了解。 1.通过

10、模仿卓别林描写赵本山来提高学生的写作水平2.通过填空来练习一些英语动词的使用。3查阅更多资料,对幽默大师卓别林有更深的了解。2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top

11、 of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the

12、 shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .

13、He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Char

14、lie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then

15、he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows wit

16、h the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the bl

17、anks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow .He tries cutting and _ the bottom of shoe. Then he _ the lace of the shoe and _ it2. Fill the blanks(paragraph4)Charlie _the leather top of shoe and _ the shows with the other fellow


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