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1、1Un it 4 Shari ngi.单句语法填空1.She soon adjusted(adjust) herself to his way of life.2.All donated(donate)blood is tested for HIV and other infections.3. In the good care of the nurses , the boy is gradually recovering from his heartoperation( operate)4.The distribution(distribute) of the rescuing goods

2、is under discussion.5 .Encouragedby the teacher , theparticipants(participate)activelyparticipated in the En glish speech con test.n.单句改错1. After supper , he usually stood near the window, from which he could see the tower , thetallest building in this city.【答案】 whichTwhere2.I do know what had happe

3、ned last time I saw you.【答案】 doidid3.Not you but Tom are to blame for this.【答案】 areTis4.Today my mother bought several shirts, one of them is for me.【答案】 themiwhich 或 one 前加 and5.The doctors operated to him last night.【答案】 toTon川.完成句子1.我的姐姐去了遥远的乡村参加志愿者活动。(participate)My sister went to a remote villa

4、ge to participate in the voluntary activity.2.妈妈担心她是否能够独自适应山村的生活。(ad apt)Mother was worried about whether she could adapt to living in the mountainous village alone.23.当地人排队为这位勇敢的女孩献血。(don ate)Local people lined up to donateblood_for_the brave girl._34.你能安排十个人的晚餐聚会吗?(arra ngeme nt)Could you make_arr

5、a ngeme nts_for a dinner party of ten pers ons?5.这些商店距离他们住的地方很远。(from where)The shops were at a dista nee from_where_they_li_IV 阅读理解(2016 云南师大附中高考适应性月考)Volunteeringabroad is great.Notonly do youtravel to an exotic country, you also meet like-minded people, and at the end ofit , you have something to

6、 put in your CV( 简历)to impress employers with.But haveyou ever stopped to think about how great it is for the people at the receivingend?In this con text , Dani ela Papi has a pointvolun teer in a country they have n ever heard of are un likely to make a differe nee creat ing such an enviro nment is

7、 positi oning every one as equals .In order for thatto happe n, volun teers n eed compete nt leaders who create an environment of equality.A few years ago , when I joined a group of international volunteers to help asmall farming community in the Swiss Alps , we were all quite ignorant about the loc

8、al conditions.Butthanks to our group leader, it was both a helpful project for thelocals , and a fun as well as eye-opening experienee for us.Before we even traveled(at our expense)to the mountain top village, our groupleader had spent time with the villagers preparing the project to make sure it wo

9、uld be of ben efit tothem.She arra nged for us to help in differe ntareas , en suri ng thatwe always worked alon gside the locals rather tha n for the m.It was n ever“ us”and “ them”,but always “ we”,like a big family.As a result , con versati ons flowed and we learned a great deal just by casually

10、talk ing to the locals as we worked.In the end , we left with a deep appreciation for the labor of love that wentinto producing the food we ate every day an appreciation wecould treasure ourselves and share withour peers.Volun teeri ng isnt about savi ng some on es life , or about cha nging it.I tsa

11、bouttouching a different world and reminding ourselves that there is much, much moreforeig ners rush ing heroically tobutdiscouragi ngpeople fromvolun teeri ngaltogetherrisksthrowi ng_the_baby_out_with_the_bath_water.Theirsimply turning volunteering campsinto classrooms makes volun teeri ng lose its

12、 way.Of course , learningshould be a naturalpart of the experienee , and the key to4to life than the daily routines we take for granted.With that knowledge, maybe,just maybe , we can go on to really change the world.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述自己到国外做志愿工作的经历, 表达了自己对志愿工作的一种全新的认识。1 What is the main idea of

13、 Paragraph 1?A Advantages of volunteering.B Disadvantages of volunteering.C Privileges of volunteering.D Limits of volunteering.【解析】 段落大意题。 通读第一段可知,到国外做志愿者不仅能去异国旅游、结识志 趣相投的人,还能为以后的应聘加分。这些都是参加志愿工作的好处。故选 A 项。【答案】 A2The underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably means “_ ”A keeping the wanted as getting r

14、id of the unwantedB losing the wanted as getting rid of the unwantedC keeping the unwanted as getting rid of thewantedD losing the unwanted as getting rid of the wanted【解析】 句意理解题。根据画线部分前的“ foreigners rushing heroically tovolunteer in a country they have never heard of are unlikely to make a differen

15、ce but discouragingpeople from volunteering altogether risks.”可知,到一个自己一无所知的地方去做志愿者不仅不会有什么效果, 还很可能会打消志愿者的积极性, 故可推知, 画线部分意为“不分好坏一起扔掉”。故选 B 项。【答案】 B3 From the passage we can know the volunteersA knew the local conditions very wellB developed a good relationship with the localsC did volunteering work wi

16、th some financial aidD overestimated their part in volunteering work【解析】 细节理解题。根据第五段最后两句“ It was never us and them, but always we,like a big family.As a result , conversations flowed and we learned a great deal just by casuallytalking to the locals as we worked.”可知,志愿者5和当地人如一家人一样相处, 他们在工作时经常和当地人交流,

17、同当地人建立了良好的关系。 故选 B项。6答案】 B4 What could be the title for the passage?A Volunteering Is Our DutyB Volunteering Makes a DifferenceC Equality Matters in VolunteeringD Volunteering Changes Our World【解析】 标题概括题。根据第三段“ .the key to creating such an environmentis positioning everyone as equals.In order for th

18、at to happen, volunteers.anenvironment of equality. ”并结合第五段所举例子中志愿者和当地人亲如一家的描写可 知。文章强调的重点是在志愿者工作中, 志愿者们与当地人相互尊重, 处于平等的地位,这 是非常重要的,故 C项最适合作为本文的标题。【答案】 CB(2016 济南高 三模拟)Unemployment in Europe has recentlyhit recordhighs.Although Denmark has been protected from economic problems thanks to its low public

19、 debt,qualified professionals are still finding it tough to get a job.Danish marketing firm ReputationCopenhagen has come up with a way of helping academics get noticedputting them on displayin storefront windows.Many highly trained professionals, ranging from former CEOsto lawyers and tax experts,

20、arecurrently finding it increasingly difficult to find proper employment on the Danish job market.Some ofthem have been trying for years, leaving their resumes( 简历 ) with dozens of companies, without everhearing back from them, and are now at a point where they are willing to try anything, even putt

21、ingthemselves in display windows like goods, hoping to get noticed.Alexander Peitersen, managing director of Reputation Copenhagen came up with the idea ofusing his companys office as a storefront for the campaign ( there are manybusinesses nearby that might be interested display.So he set up a smal

22、l desk,put up the sign “An availablehere” and asked the unemployed to just sit in the windows like goods.It apretty desperate measure, but at least it works.According to the agencyswebsite, three of the job seekers in their window display got a job in a day or two.Peitersen says he came up with the

23、idea after realizing humanresource managers get hundredsof job applications every day, which look more or less the same, and that creative thinking is required inorder to increase the chances of finding employment.Apart from companies interested in qualified jobseekers, the campaign has also attract

24、ed the attention of both local and international media.【答案速查】5 8 BCDA【语篇解读】 在失业率不断上升的欧洲,将求职者展示在商店的橱窗里以被人关注, 可以帮助他活动), asin the talents onacademic is sittingseems like7们找到合适的工作。5 Which of the following words can be used to describe Peitersen?A Independent.B Creative.C Sensitive.D Cautious.【解析】 推理判断题。

25、从第三段可知, Peitersen 将求职者展示在公司的橱窗里,这 让有些人找到了工作,这种方式是很有创意的,因此选 B 项。最后一段的“ creative thinking ”也是线索提示。【答案】 B6 Some job seekers are willing to put themselves in the windows to display in that.A they think it is fashionableB their parents ask them toC its increasingly difficult to get hiredD they find its i

26、nteresting【解析】 细节理解题。 第二段说, 有些受过高级培训的专业人员多年来一直找不到工作,如今他们什么都愿意尝试,哪怕是像商品一样被摆放在商店的橱窗里,因此选 C 项,他们愿意这样做是因为他们很难找到工作。【答案】 C7 It can be inferred that _ .A no companies show interest in the qualified job seekers in the windowsB both local and international media dont agree with the campaignC human resource m

27、anagers have to reply to hundreds of applicantsD to some degree the window displays help people find jobs【解析】 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“ but at least it works ”和“ three of the job seekers intheir window display got a job in a day or two.”可知,选 D 项。【答案】 D8 What is the text mainly about?A Job seekers are displayed

28、 in the windows hoping to get hired.B The rate of unemployment in Europe has recently become higher.C It is hard for qualified professionals to get a job.8D Denmark has avoided economic problems due to its low public debt. 【解析】 主旨大意题。全文主要介绍了在丹麦有人为求职者想出的新招:进商店橱窗以求得关注并找到工作。因此选A。【答案】 AV.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处

29、填入适当的内容 (1 个单词 ) 或括号内单词的正确形式。There once was a man who stood on the top of a high hill.Three travelers1._(pass)by in the distance noticed him and started discussing about him.Onesaid ,“ I bet he has lost his dog. ”Another said ,“ No, he is probably looking2._ his friend. ”The third said ,“I think he

30、is just up there enjoying thefresh air. ”The three travelers couldnt reach an 3._ (agree) ,so they kept arguing.Atlast ,one suggested asking the man to know 4._ he was doing there.Theyagreed.It took them an hour to reach the man.Then one of them asked,“Sir ,may Ihelp you ?Have you lost your dog ?”Th

31、e man shook his head.Then another asked , “ Are youtrying to find your friend ? ” The man shook his head again.5. (eventual)the third traveler asked ,“ Are you breathing the freshair here ?”The man said “No” “ But . . . ,what are you doing here ?”the three travelers askedat the same time.The man on the hill 6._(reply) ,“Im juststan


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