1、索引词表AAlternative D iBCrecognition andconflicto n f l i c中文索引ADR解决方法巴托鲁斯本地法说本国法比拟损害方法并入或采纳跛脚婚姻BOT投资方式局部裁决布鲁歇不歧视待遇常设仲裁机构场所支配行为成认与执行外国法院判决程序标准重叠适用的冲突标准冲 突 法 the冲 突 规 范 c船舶抵押权船舶留置权船舶碰撞英文索引s p u t e R e s o l u t i onBartolusLocal Law Theory lex partriae comparative-impairment approach adoption limping m
2、arriageBuild-Operate-Transfer partial awardBrocher non-discriminate treatmentpermanent arbitration agency locus regit actum enforcement offoreign judgments procedure rulesdouble conflict rules o f laws trulesship mortgage possessors lien on vessel collision船舶所有权船舶优先权垂直的法律冲突D达让特莱代理戴赛单边冲突标准单式运输分合同单一反致
3、单一破产制当事人合意选择的法律当事人意思自治德帕涅地理标准地域效力定期租船合同定性东道国 法律 law o f动态连结点杜摩兰独任仲裁员对人诉讼管辖权对物诉讼管辖权多式运输经营人E二级识别ownership of ship maritime lien vertical conflict of lawsD' Argentre agencyDicey unilateral conflict rules sub-contracts single renvoi unitary bankruptcy lex voluntatis autonomy of will Despagnet geogra
4、phic criterion terr ito ria lity time charter qualification host country variable point of contactDumoulin sole arbitrator in personam jurisdiction in rem jurisdiction combined transport operator secondary characterization法定继承法定住所法定管辖法官知法法律关系本座说法律躲避法律适用标准法律选择标准法人法人的国籍法人的住所法域法院地法法那么区别说反致非当地化非国内化非内国裁决
5、标准非政府组织非自执行条约废除豁免论分割方法分类分析法学与比拟法说the Theory of AnalyticalJurisprudence and Comparative Lawsuccessionstatutory domicile statutory jurisdiction jura novit curiaDoctrine of the Seat of Particular Legal Relationships ev a s i on o f law rules o f application o f l a w choi ce-of-l awruleslegal person na
6、tionality o f legalpersondomicile o f legalpersonlaw district lex foriStatutist Theory renvoi de-localization de-national i se non-domestic award test nongovernmental organization non-self-executing treatyThe D o c t r i ne o f Abolishing I m m u n i t y choosing and picking, depecage classification
7、附带问题复合破产制夫妻关系伏特i n c i dental q u e s t i onpluralism bankruptcymatrimonial relationshipVoet个案识别说qualification case by casereservation of public order public policygeneral average jurisdiction-selecting rulesbareboat charter conflict o f nationality negative conflict of nationalityinternational fact
8、oringinternational loan agreement international conflict of lawsinternational shares公共秩序保存公共政策共同海损管辖权选择方法光船租船合同国籍的积极冲突positive国籍的消极冲突国际保理国际贷款协议国际法律冲突国际股票n t e r n a t i onalU sages国际交往互利Mutual Benefit in International Communication国际礼让说Comity Theory国际贸易术语解释通那么Incoterms国际民商法International Civiland com
9、mercial Law国际民商事关系InternationalCivilandcom merci allegal rel ations国际民事案件管辖权internationalcivil jurisdiction国际民事诉讼程序internationalcivil litigation国际民事诉讼法naCivil Procedure Law国际破产international bankruptcy国际商会仲裁院Court of Arbitration , ICC国际商事仲裁international commercial arbitration国际私法vatonal Law国际私法标准esof
10、iv国际司法协助internationaljudicial assistance国际条约 InalConventions国际统一程序法条约conventi ons oni nternat i onal pr oced u re law国际仲裁国际组织国家豁免国家及其财产豁免国民待遇国有化海难救助海事赔偿责任限制?海牙规那么?海牙一维斯比规那么?汉堡规那么?航次租船合同合理的方法合同合同缔结地法合同自体法理论横向冲突胡伯互惠说汇票混合法那么婚姻举行地法国际统一冲突法条约 conventions o n conflict o f laws国际统一实体法条约conventions on intern
11、ational uniform substantive law国际债券international debentures国际证券international securitiesinternational arbitrationinternational organizationstate immunityimmunities o f states and their property National Treatment nationalizationHsalvage at sea limitation of liability for maritime claimsHague RulesHag
12、ue-Visby RulesHamburg Rules voyage charter rati o n a l sol u t i on contract lex loci contractus the proper law of the Contract horizontal conflictHuber reciprocal bill of exchangemixtalex loci celebrationisJ5 / 13继承succession既得权说监护间接代理间接反致间接管辖权间接送达the Theory of Vested or Acquired Rightscustodyi nd
13、 i r e c t agencyindirect remissionindirect international jurisdictionindirect service abroad简易陪审团审判Summary Jury Trial交互式 ODR模式Interactive ODR Venues结果选择方法result-selecting rules结婚Marriage解决投资争端国际中央International Centerfor the Settlement of InvestmentDisputes, ICSID? I_borrow istatute静态连结点rd绝对豁免论TheD
14、o c t r i ne o f A卡弗斯康恩Kahn客观标志原那么the ObjectiveContacts Doctrine客观连结点theobjective pointof co禁治产制度constant point of contactsid柯里肯塔基方法KentuckyMethod空间法律冲突inter-spatial conflictof laws库克CookKuhnLCurrie拉 贝 尔离婚离线仲裁调解机构 N a t i o n a l里斯立遗嘱水平连 结 点p o连结对象连结因素临时仲裁、特别仲裁领事裁判权领事代理领事途径领域标准R a b e l DivorceArbit
15、ration and M e d i a t i on Reese capacityi n t o f contact object of connection connecting factor ad hoc arbitration agencyconsular jurisdiction consular agency consular mechanismterritorial testM美国仲裁协会 AAAAmerican A r b i t r a t i o n A ssociation孟西尼Mancini民法施行法EGBGB内国裁决domestic awardODROnline D
16、i s p u t eR e s o l u t i o n票据聘请法官平等豁免论平面的法律冲突Pnegotiable instrumentsRent-a-JudgeThe Doctrine of Equal Immunityhorizontal conflict of laws破产普遍的效力普遍优惠待遇bankruptcyuniversalityTreatment of Generalized System of Preference旗国法起作用的事实戚希尔侵权行为侵权行为地法侵权行为地法亲子关系区别制区际私法区际法律冲突人的法那么人际法律冲突 Inter-pers任意性惯例任意管辖权瑞 典
17、 斯 德 哥 尔The Arbitration I n st i t u te ofQl a w o f t h e flag operative factsCheshiretortlaw of the place of wrong lex loci delictiparent-children relationship separate systemprivate inter-regional law inter-regional conflict of lawsRstatuta personaliao n al c o n f l i c t o f laws non-exclusive
18、usages non-exclusive jurisdiction摩 商 会 仲 裁 院Stockholm Chamber o f C om m er ce涉外私法涉外因素S a v i g n y trade mark Foreign Private Law foreign elements识别characterization时际法律冲突 Inter-temporalconflict o f laws实际国籍实体标准世界知识产权组织仲裁中央时效问题 Limitation o f实质性连结因素标准首席仲裁员收养属地管辖权属人法属人管辖权属人理由的豁免属物理由的豁免双边冲突标准双重反致双重可诉原
19、那么司法标准司法管辖豁免斯托雷诉讼代理诉讼费用担保natiactions,materialc h ionalite effective substantive rules WIPO Arbitration Center statute o f limitation connecting factors criterione f a r b i t r a t o r ad o pt i o n territorial jurisdiction lex personalis personal jurisdiction immunity ratione personae immunity rati
20、one matrriae bilateral conflict rules double renvoi rule of double actionability juridical criterion immunity from jurisdictionSt o ry litigation agency security for cost特殊管辖权特征性履行方法提单调解挑选法院同一制推定存活Tspecific jurisdictionCharacteristic PerformanceBill of Lading, L/B mediation or conciliation fo rum sh
21、opp ing unitar y syste mpresumption of life瓦赫特尔外国裁决外国法的适用 a p p l i c a t i外国法内容的查明外国法院说外交途径魏斯问题的分类物的法那么物权物之所在地法foreign awardo n o f Foreign Laws ascertainment of foreign law foreign court theory diplomatic mechanismWeiss classification of issues statuta realia Real Rights lex rei sitae; lex situs狭义
22、的反致rem i ssi o n先决问题preliminary question限制豁免论The Doctrine of Relative or Restrictive Immunity香港仲裁中央Hong Kong International Arbitration Center,HKIAC协议管辖jurisdiction by agreement小型审判Mini Trial协商negotiation信托trusts行为地法lex loci actus虚假冲突false conflicts宣告死亡decl arati on o f absence选择适用的冲突标准alternative co
23、nflict rules选择住所d o m i c i l e o f choiceWaechter般管辖权一般趋势依功能分析方法依规那么选择方法一级识别意思自治原那么遗嘱遗嘱方式有效性遗嘱撤销隐存的法律冲突英国伦敦国际仲裁院友好仲裁优惠待遇有利益关系的州有效限制域外送达域外调查取证general jurisdictiongeneral trendsfunctional analysis approach Rule-selection Techniques p r i m a r y characterizationParty Autonomywillsformal validity revo
24、cation potential conflict of lawsLondon Court of International Arbitrationamiable compositionPreferential Treatmenti n t e r e s t e d state effective control service abroadextraterritorial discovery and taking evidence abroad原 始 住 所 domicileo f originthe internationalnature of dispute test真实冲突争议的国际
25、性质标准政府利益分析说政府间组织直接管辖权直接送达直接调整方法殖民地间的法律冲突支票true ConflictsGovernmental Interests Analysisinter-governmental organizationdirect international jurisdictiondirect servicedirect approachintercolonial conflict of lawscheque知识产权治外法权说执行豁免仲裁仲裁裁决仲裁程序仲裁地的主张仲裁地仲裁条款仲裁员异议仲裁协议仲裁协议书中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会中国海事仲裁委员会中间裁决中央机关途径重力中央说重力中央地纵向冲突主观连结点住所住所地法著作权专禾I权专属管辖权转化转致准据法intellectual propertyexterritoriality immunity from executionarbi trati onarbitral awardarbitration procedurelex loci severplace o f arbitration arbitration clause challenge to arbitrator arbitrat
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