



1、常用表达的多样性掌握同义词或同义词组以及同一句意表达方式的多样式,能使表达活泼新颖,为写作打下基础。现结合例句,将常用表达多样性整理如下:例1据说8892公里长的边界线是世界上没有军队保卫的最长的边界线。It is said that the 8892-km-l ong border is the Ion gest border in the world not defe nded by the army.It is said that the 8892-km-long border is the Iongest border in the world without any army def

2、e nding it.The 8892-km-long border is said to be the Iongest border in the world not defended by the army.解析 主语从句 It is said/reported/known/believed that sb./sth.转换成简单句形式: Sb./Sth. is/are said/reported/known/believed to be(to have been ) There are said to be some isla nds.注意主谓一致,如:There are known to

3、 be some isla nds off the coast.例2我觉得有必要提醒你注意礼貌。I feel it n ecessary to remind you of your mann ers.I feel it is n ecessary to tell you that you should mind your mann ers.I feel bound to tell you that you should mind your mann ers.解析 注意 necessary 禾口 bound 用法不一样。通常用 :It is necessary for sb. to do sth

4、.; Sb. is bound to do sth.。例3所有的运动员都值得表扬。All the athletes are worth prais ing.All the athletes are worthy of praise.All the athletes are worthy of being praised.All the athletes are worthy to be praised.It is worthwhile to praise all the athletes.It is worthwhile prais ing all the athletes.All the a

5、thletes deserve praise/to be praised/prais ing.解析 sb. be worth doi ng,动词只用主动形式;sb. be worthy of doin g/to be done动词用被动形式表示被动意义,或用be worthy of +n.; sb. deserves doing =sb. deservesto be done.例4罗马字母是希腊人的发明,马拉松比赛也一样。Roma n alphabet is a Greek inven ti on, as is the marath on.Roma n alphabet is a Greek

6、inven ti on, so is the marath on.注意:(1)用这一结构时,前后两句必须是肯定句,两句的时态及谓语动词必须一致。( 2) 如果前句是否定,则后一句用 neither/nor + be/have/ 情态动词 / 助动词 + 主语。 例5 我很幸运在那儿逗留了两周。It s fortunate of me to stay there for a fortnight.I was fortunate enough to stay there for a fortnight.I was so fortunate that I stayed there for a fort

7、night .解析 It is +adj. +for sb./of sb. to do sth. 可转换成句型: Sb./Sth. is + adj. to do.例6 时间许可的话,修复工作能做得更好。Time permitting, the restoration work could be done better.If time permits, the restoration work could be done better.Given more time, we could do the restoration work better.解析 状语从句中,前后主语一致,有时可改为分词

8、作状语;前后主语不一致,可改为 独立主格结构,作状语。例7 国旗上有 50个星,每颗星代表一个州。There are fifty stars on the flag, one for each state.There are fifty stars on the flag, one standing for each state.There are fifty stars on the flag, each of which stands for a state.There are fifty stars on the flag, each of them for a state. 解析 独立

9、主格结构和定语从句都可以对先行词作补充说明。 例8 另一种说法是颜色与食物有关。Another suggestion is that the colors have a link with food.Another suggestion is that the colors have something to do with food.Another suggestion is that the colors relate to food.Another suggestion is that the colors are linked to/associated with/connected

10、to/related to food.注意 不同的动词词组有不同的语态使用形式。 例9 论音乐我无法与玛丽相比。Im not equal to Mary in music.Im not the equal to Mary in music.I don t feel equal to Mary in music.I don t equal Mary in music.I can t match Mary in music.解析 表示水平相当可用 equal 的名词、动词或形容词形式,也可以用 match 表示“比 得上,匹配” 。例 10 割草要趁太阳好。这句谚语很古老。它很早以前就出现了,在那

11、时,人们全都干 农活。Make hay while the sun shines. The proverb is very old. It comes from the old days. In those old days, people all worked on farms.The proverb “ Make hay while the sun shines. ” is very old, and it comes from the old days when people all worked on farms.解析 第一种翻译是简单句形式,第二种翻译是复合句形式。简单句显得简洁,活

12、泼; 复合句显得紧凑,连贯。例 11 圣诞老人是快乐的,胖胖的,有长长的头发和胡子,穿红色衣服。Father Christmas is a happy and fat man, with long hair and a long white beard, dressed in a red suit.Father Christmas is a happy and fat man, having long hair and a long white beard, wearing a red suit.解析 分词和介词词组都可以作定语。例 12 为了缅怀他,很多欧洲人会在庆祝每年 12 月 6 日的

13、圣尼古拉节日里送礼物给孩 子们。To honor him, many Europeans give gifts to their children on St Nicholas Day, which is celebrated on 6 December every year.In honor of him/In memory of him, many Europeans give gifts to their children on St Nicholas Day, which is celebrated on 6 December every year.To honor him, many Europeans give gifts to their children on St Nicholas Day, which is observed on 6 Decembe


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